I FINISHED!! (ish)

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  • #74364
      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
      • Total Posts: 194

      I finished my final(ish) draft of my WIP!! *throws confetti* *throws spaghetti*

      I’m not fully satisfied with it, but I think that is at least partially because I am sick of working on it over and over. In August, I’ll brush it up and enter it into a contest. This is the first time I have ever finished the edits of something. Yay!

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2307

        CONGRATS, @princessfoo!!! *high five*

        What is your WIP about? I don’t think I know much about it.

        You can pronounce it however you want.

          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
          • Total Posts: 194

          Thank you! Here is a synopsis I wrote a while ago.

          Aliyah Locke has never liked the stories where the main character is suddenly thrust into another universe. Seriously, those characters act like they’ve never read a book before. But when a gift a friend gave her leads her to a strange new world, Aliyah is the first to admit she is not equipped for an adventure. She just wants to go home without dooming the inhabitants of the nation to destruction.

          But when an unexpected betrayal leaves Aliyah stunned, and the only one who can save the kingdom, she has to decide just how much she is willing to fight, and how much she will sacrifice, for a world and a people that is not her own. Because the Short One wants what she has, and he is willing to do anything to get it.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3365


            Awesome work! I wish you the best of luck with editing πŸ™‚

            *showers confetti and paper cranes*

            INFP Queen of the Kingdom commander of an army of origami cranes and a sabre from Babylon.

              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
              • Total Posts: 117


              *throws confetti and cake* *high five*

              Congrats, me amigo! You are now officially 100/100 steps ahead of moi. πŸ˜‰ Best of luck and have some hot chocolate.

              *hands hot chocolate melted by smaug’s own fire*

              *vader vibes*

              Grace H.
                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                • Total Posts: 199

                @princessfoo Congratulations! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ I also appreciate your breaking-of-cliches in your WIP. Good luck with the contest!

                It's g-h, 2-4-6-8 twice, three 9's

                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                  • Total Posts: 194

                  @seekjustice Thank you! Ooo, paper cranes are cool

                  *high fives* *dodges thrown cake* Thank you! How did you manage to get hot chocolate from Smaug without dying? That’s impressive.

                  Thank you. I was a bit concerned actually because if I had to describe my book in once sentence it would go something like “girl gets transported to strange world before joining resistance against evil dictator” and that is pretty cliche. Hard to avoid stuff like that I guess.

                  Jenna Terese
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2522

                    @princessfoo Congrats! πŸ‘That’s exciting news! πŸ˜‰

                    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Jenna Terese.

                    I'm a Kapeefer 'TIL WE'RE OLD AND GREY!

                    NC Stokes
                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1156

                      @princessfoo I found the thread. Looky there. πŸ˜‰

                      Now for the screaming… *ahem*

                      *CONFETTI AND WHITE CHOCOLATE AND ALL THE OTHER CELEBRATORY THINGS THERE ARE* You did it!!!! This is so exciting!!!!! WOOOHOOO…. *distributes glitter*

                      Blog: https://weridasusual.home.blog/

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