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      @theloonyone. Are you a girl? If not, I AM SOOOO SORRY!!! DX

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 446


        The blurb sounds cool. I would love to see yours!

        I love Audio Adrenaline and DC Talk. We had a lot of Audio Adrenaline songs for worship in church when I was a kid because that was what our youth pastor had listened to when he was a kid. I love that 90s and early 2000s Christian rock! I haven’t heard of The Torchlighters but it sounds really cool. I’ll have to check it out!

        Oh no,Ā  the Chronicles of Narnia is the perfect example of a good allegory book. It doesn’t at all feel like the author is speaking down to you (I didn’t even notice the parallels until someone pointed them out to me šŸ˜„). I love C.S. Lewis. I actually have the entire series. I’ve just read a few that are way too obvious and it didn’t help that it wasn’t written all that well in the first place.

        Historical-Romance? Cool. šŸ˜ Are you like me and constantly go through phases of what you’re interested in at the moment? xD

          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 446


          Haha, don’t worry, I am! šŸ˜†šŸ˜

          Are you?

          It’s honestly not something that I think about when talking to someone online.

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 446


            Oh, I just remembered you said you were! So, yea…


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156


              The blurb sounds cool. I would love to see yours!

              They’re certainly helpful to figure out where you kinda want your book to go, lol. xD Here it is:

              50 yearsā€¦thatā€™s how much time has passed

              since nuclear war and a corrupt government

              destroyed Kandia



              LukisĀ has known nothing but life under Acheros, Sworn Protector of Kandia. Living in the wastelands beside his outsider crew thatā€™s almost like a family, heā€™s actually satisfied. Except for one thing. Seven years agoā€¦his older brother disappeared suddenly. He hasnā€™t seen him since. And thenā€¦a strange man comes to the wastelands, claiming heā€™s from a city known as Jerusalem, bringing a message. A belief. A story. And a religion banned from Kandia for decades. And if Lukis dares to stand for itā€¦it could cost him his life.


              RaineĀ is an Assassin, forcibly employed by Acheros, the ruler of Kandia. Heā€™s good at his job and paid well. Life is fineā€¦until the past comes knocking again, returning in the form of a nineteen-year-old boy who was twelve the last time Raine saw him. Everything inside of him aches to return home but knowing the things heā€™s doneā€¦he canā€™t. But when the boy begins standing up for a belief in a Godā€¦a Saviorā€¦that has been banned for decades, and thus targeted for being thrown into a Re-Think Camp, Raine knows he has to rescue him. But will it be too late?


              Both pulled together again, the past is finally brought to light, the evil corruption of Kandiaā€™s government is revealed, and they find the truth.


              But in Kandiaā€¦the truth can come at a cost.

              Will they be caught?

              And if soā€¦

              Will they stand or will they buckle?

              And if they refuse to back downā€¦

              Will they survive?

              I love Audio Adrenaline and DC Talk. We had a lot of Audio Adrenaline songs for worship in church when I was a kid because that was what our youth pastor had listened to when he was a kid. I love that 90s and early 2000s Christian rock! I havenā€™t heard ofĀ The TorchlightersĀ but it sounds really cool. Iā€™ll have to check it out!

              That’s really cool! šŸ˜€ And yes, I HIGHLY recommend it!!!! šŸ˜‰

              OhĀ no, the ChroniclesĀ of NarniaĀ is the perfect example of a good allegory book. It doesnā€™t at all feel like the author is speaking down to you (I didnā€™t even notice the parallels until someone pointed them out to me šŸ˜„). I love C.S. Lewis. I actually have the entire series. Iā€™ve just read a few that are way too obvious and it didnā€™t help that it wasnā€™t written all that well in the first place.

              I agree! šŸ˜€ I love C.S. Lewis too! ā¤ļø

              Historical-Romance? Cool. šŸ˜ Are you like me and constantly go through phases of what youā€™re interested in at the moment? xD

              Yep! xD Though Historical Fiction is always my favorite tho…XDXDXD But recently I’ve beenĀ wantingĀ to read more fantasy…but also not knowing where to look. Because I won’t read Fantasy with magic, unless it’s either allegorical or only shown in a bad light (I think I mentioned that already…whoops. xD) due to my own personal beliefs/preferences. šŸ™‚

              Haha, donā€™t worry, I am! šŸ˜†šŸ˜

              *lets out a deep breath* Thank goodness. xD

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 446


                šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜± That was so good! It sounds like such an interesting story and the characters seem really complex just from that little snippet. Wow, I loved that!

                I haven’t read a lot of historical fiction, but I like it. My sister, on the other hand, loves historical fiction. Ooh fantasy. I just looked over at my bookshelf to see if there are any without magic xD. There aren’t many. 100 Cupboards does have magic, but it’s by a Christian author and I love it. He has a lot of other good books too, I’m not sure which ones do and do not have magic. Maybe ask @loopylin because I think she has read more of them than I have.Ā Lord of the Rings also has magic, but it’s allegorical. I don’t know all the parallels, but they’re there. It also has the distinction between good and evil pretty clear. I’ll see if I can think of any more.

                Do you like sci-fi/dystopian? I’m assuming you do a little because of your blurb, which again, was so so good!

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156


                  šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜± That was so good! It sounds like such an interesting story and the characters seem really complex just from that little snippet. Wow, I loved that!

                  OH MY GOODNESSS!!!! TYSM!!!! šŸ˜­ā¤ļø

                  I havenā€™t read a lot of historical fiction, but I like it. My sister, on the other hand, loves historical fiction. Ooh fantasy. I just looked over at my bookshelf to see if there are any without magic xD. There arenā€™t many.

                  It’s my absolute FAVORITE genre, but then again…I’m a History Nerd and Buff…so…xD

                  There really aren’t many! My friend recommended one series that didn’t have magic, but as of right now I can’t remember the name of it, lol. XD I’ll need to ask her again. xD

                  I also have a fantasy/allegorical idea too…but I don’t really have a blurb for that yet, lol. XD

                  Let’s just say it has 4 MC’s.

                  A prince, a village girl, the King’s Retainer (basically bodyguard, lol. xD), and a slave boy.

                  And then…of course…there is Acheron (the two names are basically the same for the two, trust me, I know. XDXDXD) literally a human representation of the enemy, he’s just as evil as you can imagine.

                  That was a rant…whoops. xD

                  Do you like sci-fi/dystopian? Iā€™m assuming you do a little because of your blurb, which again, was so so good!

                  Again, TYSM!!! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø I do, actually! The dystopian, at least, lol. XD But I haven’t read much of it. xD Like, only maybe half-way through 1984, which I cannot and will not recommend here for content reasons. (Let’s just say you need to be VERY mature before reading it. George Orwell put some very…mature things in it) Just a heads-up. I’m not recommending it. šŸ˜‰ But do you know of any good dystopians that you would recommend? šŸ™‚

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1555


                    Well, they’re not exactly bands. Come ti think of it, I’m not sure what they’re called. They were randomly picked from a long list. =)

                    • Indiana Bible College is a church/Bible College choir. They have some spectacular music. I also enjoy several other Bible Colleges, but that’s the one I thought of first.
                    • Sight and Sound is a play theater which, again, has some beautiful pieces. They perform Bible stories on stage. I have most of their soundtracks on Amazon music.
                    • Simon Khorolskiy is a Christian music artist, who writes most of his songs in Russian.

                    Wait. YouĀ watched Prince Caspian? I once saw a really old version of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe which stayed clear to the book, but otherwise they seem to…*sigh* Have you read any of the books?

                    I’ve been working on my own for several years, but hopefully I’ll be getting real lessons soon. What music do you like to play?

                    1. I’ve never had bologna, but it sounds gross. Once I tried to eat pickled kelp. It didn’t go down.
                    2. Ooo, the 1900s would be interesting! Particularly how fast things changed.
                    3. *Applause*
                    4. Jellybeans are one of those candies which are very nostalgic, but I don’t exactly like that much.

                    First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 446


                      You’re Welcome! I loved it, you are really talented!

                      Yeah, there really aren’t a lot of fantasies without magic. I’ll try to think of some for you. Your idea is really cool! A lot of character ideas, already!

                      1984 is on my list for someday. I don’t read a lot of dystopian, though I’ve been reading more and am now writing one, but my favorites are Fahrenheit 451 and The Giver. There are also three other books that take place in what I assume is the same universe asĀ The Giverbut are at least written by the same author. I’ve only read one of them,Ā Gathering Blue, but I’m sure the others are just as good. I also likedĀ The Maze Runner.

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 446


                        Okay, they sound cool! I’ll have to check them out.

                        I have seen half of Prince Caspian, but we were tired and it was long so we didn’t finish. We’ll probably finish it soon. I actually hadn’t read that one and wanted to wait to watch it until after I had, but my sister convinced me. šŸ˜ I’ve only readĀ The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe andĀ The Magician’s Nephew but they’re all on my list. I agree that a lot of the time movie adaptations stray from the book. Disney’sĀ The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, which is the one I watched was pretty good. I especially love the music.

                        1. Yeah, bologna is weird. I wouldn’t recommend it, but it could just be me. Pickled kelp? Wow! Don’t think I would like that.

                        3. Yay!! šŸ˜

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 311



                          Okay I know you weren’t exactly asking me but I love giving book suggestions.

                          *I will try to add disclaimers for anything that might be regarded as mature or at least would give a movie a pg-13 or above rating. I have a really high tolerance when it comes to reading but I know not everyone does so I try to give disclaimery things when I suggest things. I will use * to mark my disclaimers.

                          Historical video things

                          Crash Course:Ā They probably have videos on everything there best series being crash course literature and crash course European History, also Crash course Mythology and History of Gaming Are great as well.

                          *keep in mind that the crash course people are not Christian so there is some stuff that they talk about (big bang theory etc) and most of their stuff is from a scientific or Historian perspective

                          WWI Week by week:Ā One of the guys on my quizbol team recommended this to help me get more history questions. This show is amazing. It covers world war one very well and manages to make it feel like they’re telling you a story. Of all the history stuff I have watched this is the Best.

                          *This is about world war one and it also can be pretty detailed sometimes. Also some of the episodes require you to sign in with a you-tube account that is above a certain age. After asking my friend why this was the case and after his explanation I ended up watching the episodes. In my opinion they are fine. Also due to the fact that they have a recap at the beginning of every episode you would be fine skipping those such episodes. (I am currently on week 9. side note watch the 3 prelude to war videos first).

                          History Books

                          Bomb by Steve Sheinkin: This is a book about making the Atomic bomb.

                          *due to the nature of quoting people from history there are a few cuss words also there is violence

                          The Notorious Benedict Arnold: This book is amazing it is 100 percent factual but it tells the story in such a way that Arnold is almost a Macbeth style Tragic Hero

                          *see above

                          Chasing Lincolns Killer – James L. Swanson: Its about the Lincoln assassination not much more to say.

                          *see above also more violent due to its subject matter



                          The Stormlight Archive – Brandon Sanderson – This book was my favorite book of the ones I read this summer. Due to the fact that I don’t want to spoil anything I can’t really comment on the book other than saying that it is a multinarritive High Fantasy. Also the first one can be slow in part 3 but other than that this series is amazing. In addition Sanderson and GRR Martin (A Song of Ice and Fire (aka game of thrones) are both heralded as the next Tolkien. If you get what I mean.

                          *On the subject matter of magic… (spoilers follow so be wary) While definitely at first it may seem like there is magic in reality there are two worlds in Roshar the Spiritual realm and the physical realm and most of the “magic” basically just has to do with interacting with the Spiritual realm wile in the physical realm and vice versa

                          *Brandon Sanderson is Mormon, there is mild swearing, a character suffers with a drug abuse problem in one of the latter books and there is brief mention of a whore in the first one although there is nothing explicit ever.


                          The Licaneus Trilogy – James Islington: I really liked this series and if you like Brandon Sanderson you will definitely like it.

                          “As destiny calls, a journey begins.

                          It has been twenty years since the godlike Augurs were overthrown and killed. Now, those who once served them — the Gifted — are spared only because they have accepted the rebellion’s Four Tenets, vastly limiting their powers.

                          As a Gifted, Davian suffers the consequences of a war lost before he was even born. He and others like him are despised. But when Davian discovers he wields the forbidden power of the Augurs, he and his friends Wirr and Asha set into motion a chain of events that will change everything.

                          To the west, a young man whose fate is intertwined with Davian’s wakes up in the forest, covered in blood and with no memory of who he is. . .

                          And in the far north, an ancient enemy long thought defeated begins to stir.” -amazon

                          I just used amazons description as it is better than mine could be.


                          *Islington is Christian I think he’s Presbyterian (I’m pretty sure) there is violence but nothing else.


                          Sorry that this was so long I just kind of got carried away.

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 311


                            If you are reading or read 1984 watch the 1984 crash course or do some research before you read it. It will make you enjoy the book a lot more.

                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 311



                              I agree with you about the Giver..

                              About dystopia suggestions

                              The Hunger Games: this is such a quintessential YA dystopia but it is very violent and slightly disturbing still very good though I read it in sxith grade and loved it.

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 446



                                Oh yeah, Hunger Games! I liked that one, it just didn’t quite make it to my favorites list. You’re right, it is definitely a pinnacle of YA dystopian.

                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 446


                                  I can always take book suggestions! Sadly, most of them will have to go to my read someday when I am no longer swamped with school and other time-consuming things list.

                                  Yes! To Crash Course. It has helped me get through many a science or history class. I love that the videos are so straightforward and entertaining.

                                  I definitely should add the WWI week-by-week to my list. I enjoy history when I’m learning about it for my own enjoyment. If it’s for school my brain immediately turns off and says no.

                                  All of those history books look really interesting! EspeciallyĀ Bomb.

                                  A lot of Brandon Sanderson’s books are on my list, but I haven’t started reading any because I know then I’ll want to read the rest of his books. And I know that there are A LOT. I’ll also add theĀ Licaneus Trilogy to my list. It looks really cool.

                                  Thank you for all of the suggestions! I always love getting ideas on what to read or watch next. And it’s no problem, you can rant all you want. šŸ˜„

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