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  • #119776
    Elishavet Elroi
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1056


      Oh, it’s fine, but thank you for redoing it!

      Your WIP premise is so creative! And I totally get the “my book is running away from me” feeling! XD it’s happening to me currently.

      Although, I do have one story that took a very romantic turn like that. Although, I don’t know if it’s exactly a “romance” because although that part is a major part of the plot, it’s only a part of it.

      It does sound like a huge commitment, but a great one too! I’m sure you’ll do great.

      Ugh. I have a lot of half-started stories. XD procrastinating under the official title of “world building”. 😉

      Ah, a character sketches is what my English book called a several paragraph scene that instead if having a plot, expounds on the character. I think it’s also called Flash Fiction, but I’m not sure on that.

      Tons of music variety is fun! (Although, what’s indie? I’ve heard it before but I don’t know)

      Oh! You play the piano and the clarinet? And are learning the sax? That’s wonderful! I’m working on piano, but I’ve lost access to the music lessons we were using, so now I’m back to practicing chords and playing out of a hymnbook. What do you like to play the most?

      Fiction is sooo enticing, especially fantasy. I love how different the settings can be, whether they’re close to real life or far from it.

      Also, if it’s on my shelf and it’s not fiction, it’s probably either Theology or History. Thus is the extent of my non-fiction. XD

      I started drawing when I was very little, since it was a quiet thing to preoccupy me during sermons that were above my little head. Now, it’s changed a lot since then, but that’s probably for the best. XD

      What are your favorite parts of watercolor?

      As for the questions!

      1. Middle Earth is hard to beat, although I think I’d agree with you and go during a peaceful time.
      2. You do?! O.O just kidding. I like a little on it, but not as much as my sisters do.
      3. They’re both awesome! I would have to say though, I like cats better. 😉 Although, my eldest sister’s dog is really sweet.
      4. YES. If you could speak it without having to learn it. French is a lovely choice.
      5. I understand. Her hair sounds pretty! I love curls.

      Of course!

      You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 8156


        Yup, we’re cousins. She told me about Kingdom Pen a week ago and I finally got on. I’m excited!

        Epic!!! That’s so cool! 😀

        I don’t read a lot of historical fiction, but when I do, I love it! It’s also great to see another Marvel Nerd.

        It’s most certainly my favorite genre to write AND read, lol. XD YESSS!!! *high-five for us Marvel nerds* Which movie is your favorite? Mine has to be Captain America: The Winter Soldier. And, maybe more importantly, which character is your favorite? 😉 My favorite is Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier, closely followed by Steve Rogers/Captain America. And…that’s one of the reasons Winter Soldier is my favorite movie. XDXDXD

        Yup, dystopian. I have read a little and have written even less, so… it’s a little scary to be writing an entire novel in the genre. I’m making this up but in my mind, it’s kind of soft dystopian. Yeah, definitely making that up. It’s sci-fi, but there are obvious social problems. So, it’s not quite The Hunger Games or The Giver (two that I have read) level of dystopian, but it’s still dystopian.

        I see! Well, the biggest thing I see in Dystopian is a sad world without any hope. I like the sound of yours! I actually do have a Dystopian idea floating around in my head, but I have not gotten around to writing anything on it, much less brainstorming it! XD

        1. I don’t think I could ever choose a favorite. But if I were to pick a random one that I really enjoy, I’ll go with The Black Keys. I listen to a lot of indie and classic rock.

        Cool! Don’t know who that is…XD But most of the music I listen to is Christian Contemporary, so…XDXDXD And Christian Rock/Metal, which means Skillet, some Ashes Remain, Switchfoot, and even DC Talk. (Was listening to Jesus Freak by them a while ago…XD)

        2. Brownie Sunday. With chocolate drizzled on top (it’s even better if it’s a hard shell), sprinkles, and two maraschino cherries. Maybe three.

        Great choice! It sounds absolutely DELICIOUS! 😛

        3. Tea. I’m drinking a mug of green tea right now.

        EPIC! Never had green tea…XD Being a Southerner, sweet tea is most of what I have, lol.

        4. Aah, this one goes with my favorite music artist, because I could never choose. However, if I had to I would always go to Tolkien.

        Hahaha…funny you mention him…because the thing is…I’ve never read any Tolkien. XD So many here on KP talk about Tolkien/LOTR and I’m just like: “Uhm…okay? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” XD I’ve only recently begun actually reading C.S. Lewis, and currently I’m reading an abridged version of David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. 😉

        5. Well, the climax probably or the very end. But I’m also planning a scene with a major air-hockey battle which I’m looking forward to.

        Air-Hockey BATTLE!? NOW THAT I WANT TO SEEEEEE!!!! XDXDXD But in all seriousness, I love that idea!!!

        6. Dragon. Definitely the dragon.

        Oh yes…Dragons are AMAZING. 😉

        Thank you for the wonderful welcome, and I hope to talk more and see you around!

        You are so welcome! 😀 Same here! 🙂

          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 446


          Thank you!

          Absolutely, procrastinating is just world-building. Sadly, I can’t use that excuse when it comes to school.

          Character sketches sound really cool! I should try sometime.

          Indie stands for independent. Basically, music that is produced independently and isn’t with the mainstream music production companies. There are a lot of different genres under it. Some of my favorite indie bands are The Avett Brothers, Cage the Elephant, Mumford & Sons, and the Shins.

          Keep working on the piano, it is such a fun instrument to play. Out of what I play, the piano is definitely my favorite. I have been playing for more than half my life and have gotten to a point where practice is actually fun.

          Haha, my collection of non-fiction includes some poetry, a book of writing prompts, and a book about succulents. Then I have five other shelves completely devoted to fiction. You could say that I like it.

          I haven’t actually watercolored many times but I like how the paint is really free and you’re just guiding it. That probably doesn’t make sense. I would love to see some of your art!

          1. Yes, Middle Earth is the best

          2. That’s cool, I’m not fanatical about pineapple on pizza. I just like it.

          3. I like dogs because of how happy and energetic they are. Cats are fun, though, because they can be so moody but you still love them

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 446


            Ah, that’s hard. My favorite movie is probably Captain America: Civil War but I haven’t the slightest clue who my favorite character is.

            I totally get never doing anything with an idea. If you don’t do anything now, at least write it down. That way you can do something with it someday!

            I listen to both Skillet and DC Talk. A lot of contemporary and early 2000s Christian rock. I actually just went to a Jeremy Camp concert. Jesus Freak is such a great song. Sometimes I kinda wish I had been alive when it was released and most popular.

            Yes! xD I love brownies and I love ice cream. So put them together!

            I’ve had sweet tea a couple of times before, it’s really good.

            Do you like fantasy? Because if you do, you need to read Lord of the Rings. 😁 I love C.S. Lewis too! Which of his books are you reading?

            Yup, an air hockey battle! It’s going to be fun to write. I just have no idea when it will be, or what will lead up to it, or anything. But, details.


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156


              Ah, that’s hard. My favorite movie is probably Captain America: Civil War but I haven’t the slightest clue who my favorite character is.

              Good choice! 😉 Haha, I understand completely. XD

              I totally get never doing anything with an idea. If you don’t do anything now, at least write it down. That way you can do something with it someday!

              Well…I made a mood board for it and a blurb, but otherwise…nothing, lol. XD

              I listen to both Skillet and DC Talk. A lot of contemporary and early 2000s Christian rock. I actually just went to a Jeremy Camp concert. Jesus Freak is such a great song. Sometimes I kinda wish I had been alive when it was released and most popular.

              EPIC!!! Yes! They’re both AWESOME!!! You did!? Sooo cool!!!! It is a great song! I didn’t know about it until my dad showed me…so…XD

              Yes! xD I love brownies and I love ice cream. So put them together!

              Exactly! Combine the delicious foods! Unless it would be a gross combination…then don’t. Just don’t. xD

              I’ve had sweet tea a couple of times before, it’s really good.

              It is, so long as it’s not TOO sweet, because I’m not a huge sweets kind of girl. 😉

              Do you like fantasy? Because if you do, you need to read Lord of the Rings. 😁 I love C.S. Lewis too! Which of his books are you reading?

              I enjoy non-magical fantasy the most, but I can enjoy Fantasy with magic if it’s, like allegorical, like The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. 😉 My best friend LOVES LOTR, but I just haven’t gotten to it, lol. XD Currently, Prince Caspian, but I often read multiple books at once, so that’s not the only book I’m reading…XDXDXD

              Yup, an air hockey battle! It’s going to be fun to write. I just have no idea when it will be, or what will lead up to it, or anything. But, details.

              Sounds fun!!! 😀 But yes, details. DETAILS!!! Something I struggle with immensely…XD But, to be fair, I struggle with procrastination way more…xD

              Ava Blue
                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                • Total Posts: 222

                @theloonyone HELLO!!! I’ve heard so much about you (all good, no worries) I’m glad ya joined =D

                I’m Ava, professional procrastinator and ward of LoopyLin. I like writing a whole slew of genres, but I’m currently most interested in westerns and survival stories.

                (OOH @LoopyLin Fantasy x Western, cowboys and dragons EEE)

                I got here late so I’ve only got a couple questions, hopefully none of them are repeats lol

                1. Which type of hippogriff would you prefer as a noble steed: zebra-toucan, moose-snowy owl, buffalo-redtailed hawk, or the classic horse-eagle?
                2. oh I can’t think of anything else I used up all my creativity juice in the first question
                3. what is your favorite color I guess? (mine changes every other day but it’s usually army green)

                Have a lovely evening 😁

                O and I just skimmed the comments before this and noticed.. you like Cage the Elephant and Mumford and Sons and The Shins AHHH I adore them =D
                I really love indie/alt rock. My favorite Cage the Elephant song is Closer, my mom and I sing it all the time hehe. And I really like Phantom Limb by The Shins, I’m using it for one of my characters 🙂


                • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Ava Blue. Reason: can't keep tags straight smh

                Monsters creep
                In the silent dark-deep
                In the filling-eye hills
                In the shriveled hand-keep

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 446


                  Did it take me this long to realize the 76 is probably for 1776? Yes. 😐

                  Anyway, I’ve heard of mood boards but never a blurb. What is that? Is it similar?

                  I started listening to DC Talk through a mix of it being recommended because I listen to Audio Adrenaline and because of the book Jesus Freaks from DC Talk and Voice of the Martyrs. But, yeah, I love them. They’re really good.

                  I am definitely a sweets girl! xD I reached my max when my sister made a milkshake out of leftover frosting. I could only get a couple of drinks of it, it was too much. I’m a little addicted to sugar, though.

                  So, I just learned what allegory means. I like it in writing except when it’s really obvious and it feels like the writer is looking down on you. I mostly only see this in kids’ books, so it’s not too bad. And YES, I love the Chronicles of Narnia!

                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 446


                    Hey Ava!

                    So you’ve heard about me, huh? All good things, that’s good. From LoopyLin, I assume? Well, I hope to live up to the stories! xD

                    Westerns and survival stories? I don’t spend a whole lot of time in those genres but I love them! When I see currently am I correct in assuming that you’re like me and go through phases?

                    Questions! Yes! Don’t worry, yours is unique

                    1. Moose-snowy owl. I don’t know why, but I pictured it in my head and it looks cool.

                    2. That’s understandable. It was very creative!

                    3. Yeah… same. My favorite color changes quite often. Right now it is purple, but I’m usually rotating between purple, green, and orange. I’ve actually stayed with purple for a while, so, consistency!

                    Ooh YES, a fellow indie rock lover! I actually haven’t heard Phantom Limb. I’ll have to listen to it.

                    Anyway, thank you for the warm welcome! I can’t wait to talk more!

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 311



                      Im Folith-Feolin

                      It’s nice to see another Tolkien Fan. If you like Tolkien music I would highly recommend checking out some of the stuff by Clamavi De Profundis, and Peter Hollens they both put Tolkien poems to music. I am most interested in fantasies particularly dark fantasies and Grimdarks. My current wip is a large grimdark series. I also like board games and weird trivia also if you’re looking for something historical to watch I’m watching world war 1 week by week on YouTube and so far it is amazing (I’m on week 8)


                      What is your favourite game, either board game or video game?

                      What is a random moment in history you would like to say something about?

                      What were the last 5 books you read? (if you can remember otherwise you can just say your top five)


                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1555


                        Welcome to the Kingdom! I’m Koshka, a writer of non-magical medieval-fantasy and other stuff. Mostly poetry.

                        Oooo, I have no idea what all those music people/bands are, but then I have a rather… unique taste? My favorites include but is definitely not limited to, Indiana Bible College, Sight and Sound theater, and Simon Khorolskiy.

                        I read LotR last year. It was good but, um…*hides behind bookshelf* I prefer C. S. Lewis.

                        You play the piano? I worked with it for a while, but mostly so I could learn sheet music for violin. It’s a beautiful instrument though, and I’d like to learn more.

                        Now for some ask-the-newbe-questions!

                        1. What is the weirdest thing either you or a character of yours has eaten?
                        2. If you could spend a day in any past century, which would it be?
                        3. How many books have you balanced utop your head at one time?
                        4. And lastly, Do you like Jellybeans?

                        Again, welcome to the kingdom!

                        First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 446


                          Hey Folith Feolin!

                          I love Clamavi De Profundus and I’ve heard One of Peter Hollins’ Tolkien songs. I also really love the movie soundtracks.

                          Yes, fantasy is amazing. What is your WIP about?

                          I’ll have to check out the WW1 week by week. It sounds cool!


                          1. I love the card games exploding kittens and dungeon mayhem.

                          2. Ah, I don’t do a lot of history. I remember a wired amount about prohibition during the early 1900s. Stolen alcohol was transported in people’s boots (hence bootleggers) and was often poisoned.

                          3. Gathering Blue, Dune, a book about succulents, The Dutch House, and I am currently reading Ready Player One.

                          Thank you for the kind welcome! I’ll see you around!

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 446

                            @koshka hello!

                            I’ve never heard of any of those bands. Do they fit into any genre or are they randomly picked?

                            C.S. Lewis is awesome too! When my sister and I were watching Prince Caspian I kept interrupting with random Tolkien and C.S. Lewis facts. Like that he put the lamp post in because Tolkien said it can’t be in a fantasy novel.

                            You should learn more on the piano! It is definitely a beautiful instrument. How long have you played the violin? Learning another instrument is a good way to build your skills with the first instrument, too.

                            Newbie Questions!

                            1. Bologna. It may not be that weird, but it’s unnatural. I’m convinced there are parts of unicorns in it.

                            2. That’s really hard. I go through phases of which time period I’m into at the moment. Right now I would probably say just the 1900s. I know the most about it and each decade has a different style and feel.

                            3. *Goes to test how many books I can balance on top of my head* I got six books for six seconds. All of them of varying sizes. 🙂

                            4. For the most part, I like jellybeans. Only unless it is one of the purposefully bad, black licorice, or butter.

                            Thank you for the warm welcome!


                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 311


                              [quote quote=119877] Hey Folith Feolin! I love Clamavi De Profundus and I’ve heard One of Peter Hollins’ Tolkien songs. I also really love the movie soundtracks.[/quote]

                              It’s nice to find another person who likes the same music and isn’t my identical twin. What is your favorite song by Clamavi De Profundis?

                              My favorite is the lament for Borimir and my Brother Favorite is the Song of Durin. If you like movie soundtracks I would recommend checking out 2 Steps From Hell. Also Peter Hollens renditions of Hands of Gold, Jenny of Oldstones, and Timbers and Wind (this is one of my favorites) are amazing. (I think they are from Game of thrones which I have never read or watched but as one of my friends in quizbol said “very expensive tv shows usually have good music regardless of if their good or not”).

                              [quote quote=119877] I love the card games exploding kittens and dungeon mayhem. [/quote]

                              Exploding kittens is amazing. However I have never played dungeon mayhem. If you are open to some suggestions I would suggest Scythe (it is set in a dislepunk interwar Europe) or Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion (JOTL is a dark fantasy game so be forewarned)

                              Also your history fact was very interesting. I love learning about the origin of words.

                              I read dune last year and it was amazing!

                              My WIP follows a couple major plot threads:

                              After failing the entrance exam to join the IKOV guards Tieren is in danger of becoming a houseless. He takes an offer from Markha Xa-Ramis, an old family friend, to govern one of the dreaded poppy farms she is lord over in order to potentially get nominated to join house Ramis.

                              [name work in progress] a young Anim scholar in training who dreams of exploring the world instead of being stuck up in a library. When her troupe leaves her behind she convinces the Anim exile turned mercenary Kithi to help her get home. But [name work in progress] soon learns that the world is a much darker place than she could ever have imagined.

                              Tarquin  Ju-Ramis centralizes power in the Konfederation of Karpenta  but the 4 major factions of Karpenta hang in an uneasy balance while a rebellion is slowly growing in the shadows.

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 446


                                Favorite song? That is so hard! Probably those two and When the Hammar Falls. And of course Far over the Misty Mountains Cold. That one is necessary. We seem to have a lot of the same music tastes because I also love 2 Steps from Hell! I remember the first time my dad saw the band’s name he was a bit concerned. The Peter Hollins song that I know was called a Hobbit Drinking Medley, I think. It’s a fun song. Another nerdy musician I listen to is Erutan, I think you might like it. She has a lot of music that goes along with Alice in Wonderland. It’s similar to how Clamavi De Profundis puts music to poetry or songs from the book.

                                Dungeon Mayhem is a D&D card game. I also have the extension pack called Monster Madness. It’s a lot of fun. I’ll have to try out your suggestions someday (dieselpunk sounds awesome).

                                Yeah, I loved Dune. Kinda wish I had read it before I had seen the movie, though.

                                Your WIP sounds so cool! I love how complex it is and the characters seem really fun. Keep up the good work, I’m sure it will be incredible!

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156


                                  Did it take me this long to realize the 76 is probably for 1776? Yes. 😐

                                  You’re good girl! 😀 And yes, that is what it stands for. 🙂

                                  Anyway, I’ve heard of mood boards but never a blurb. What is that? Is it similar?

                                  A blurb is basically the same thing as a synopsis, but often even longer. It gives the basic premise of the book/book’s. I can share my dystopian blurb if you’d like! 😉

                                  I started listening to DC Talk through a mix of it being recommended because I listen to Audio Adrenaline and because of the book Jesus Freaks from DC Talk and Voice of the Martyrs. But, yeah, I love them. They’re really good.

                                  The only Audio Adrenaline song I’ve listened to is Kings & Queens, but it IS an amazing song tho! DC Talk is pretty epic. 😉 They are really good! Voice of the Martyrs? Yeah, I know what that is! Mostly because of the cartoon The Torchlighters, which is epic, btw. xD My favorite episodes are probably Corrie Ten BoomJohn Newtonand Harriet TubmanOOOH, and JOHN WESLEY! ❤️❤️❤️ Have you heard of it? 😉

                                  I am definitely a sweets girl! xD I reached my max when my sister made a milkshake out of leftover frosting. I could only get a couple of drinks of it, it was too much. I’m a little addicted to sugar, though.

                                  OOF. I wouldn’t be able to handle that. XDXDXD

                                  So, I just learned what allegory means. I like it in writing except when it’s really obvious and it feels like the writer is looking down on you. I mostly only see this in kids’ books, so it’s not too bad. And YES, I love the Chronicles of Narnia!

                                  Totally understand that! You know…some people think the Chronicles of Narnia are “too allegorical”, but hey, you’re free to your opinion on books! All of us writers have our favorites! 😉 Currently, I am in love with the Historical-Romance genre. xD

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