How to make a side character more interesting?

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      *emerges from the shadows*

      Hello all!

      I know I say this practically every time I post something on here . . . but haven’t been around here in a while. *coughs* Well, I am back looking for any good advice you all would like to share. 😀

      So here’s my dilemma in a nutshell: I’m trying to figure out ways to make a side character more interesting. In a story I’m writing, my main character has one best friend who is always there for her. I really like him, but I feel there’s something missing to him. He’s pretty much just there to give good advice to my main character and say wise things, lol. I think what he needs is a life of his own. XD Meaning, I want to give him some kind of conflict, maybe a small storyline of his own (though he won’t have a POV). Something that will enhance the main plot and not lead away from it, but also make this character more interesting so he isn’t just standing around to give advice.

      Any ideas for what I could do to spice up his character? (Gonna tag some people, but please feel free to respond whether or not you’re tagged!)

      @emilysf @koshka @keilah-h @issawriter7 @devastate-lasting @gracie-j @scripter-of-kingdoms @abigail-m @elishavet-pidyon @jodi-maile @annabelle @daisy-torres @trahia-the-minstrel @libby @lydia-s @e-k-seaver @mkfairygirl @seekerofthetruth @kathleenramm @jenwriter17 @nanisnook @elfwing @seekjustice @sparrowhawke @maryg3 @relia @writerlexi1216 @nova21 @hallie-jean @faith-q @ariel-f @anyone-else

        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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        Well, @joy-caroline, your side character is a human too.

        What is something he wants? What is his desire in life? Will he be focusing on a having it while helping out his friend, or will helping his friend be his entire focus for the duration of the story, like Sam in The Lord of the Rings? Why are the two friends? What caused them to become friends? Why are they still friends? Have they ever fought? Gone their separate ways for a time?

        Does the side character have commitments that will draw him away from his friend? What sort of commitments are they and why are they important? What is his family life like? What is important to him, besides his friend? Does he have other friends? Do these friends clash with the MC?

        I don’t know specifics, but I hope these questions are helpful. 🙂

        "[Write] today like there's no tomorrow!"

        Elishavet Elroi
          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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          Ah, good question. I’m far from an expert on this, but I have been in a similar situation with some characters.

          His name was Reúven, my MCs closest friend who in some ways was like a mentor. He was also on the edge of being perfect and flat. He wasn’t really human.

          So I stepped back and looked at his character. After a bit of work, he doesn’t seem flat anymore. This is my theory on why.

          He now has an arc of his own. This arc supports my MC’s, by show casing and influencing it. I found Reúven’s arc by looking at his quirks, values, and situation. What would have prompted a loathing of hard soled boots? What would be the natural response to growing up with a crippled father? What are the things my MC struggles with, and how an I mirror them? And finally, in what ways does Reúven influence my MC, and why?

          I don’t know if any of that made sense or was much help, but that’s the process I went through. I hope your character grows wonderfully!

          You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

          Jodi Maile
            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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            @joy-caroline I think something to consider is what theme you’d like this character to represent, and then working with that. So if your themes are love and faith, maybe finding a way for this character to struggle with one of those things. An estranged family member they have to reconcile with, and demonstrate love? A health crisis they have to learn to have faith through? A promise they made years ago that they’re wondering if they should be true to for the sake of old relationships, even if the promise is beginning to make them go against their morals?

            Another thing is to look at how they became so wise. What problems did they struggle with that made them capable of giving out such good advice? What problems are they struggling with now, and are they the same problems?

            Hope this helps! XD good luck with your characters!

              • Rank: Chosen One
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              @joy-caroline I would say the best advice I could give is to give your side character a past that maybe explains how he became so wise. Or, give the side character a family, giving him a life besides being an advice-giver, and maybe…even a struggle of his own that he maybe hides from the MC. After all, none of us are perfect! 🙂


              Let me give you a little bit of an example of mine. (keep in mind I’m most certainly NOT a perfect writer, and I’m also new to the Kingdom Pen Forum…) So, in my main WWII WIP, one of the main characters encourages the MC in his faith and tells him that he doesn’t need to start hating. They meet in a Concentration Camp(yeah…I’m a Historical-Fiction Writer and I’m going deep with this WIP). But the reason why he knows how my MC feels is because his oldest son was…gotten rid of(we’ll just say that) and he himself struggled with hate and his faith.


              Don’t know if any of that made sense or it will help, but basically, here’s my best advice: Try giving your side character a past that explains how he’s so wise. (like what @jodi-maile said. She most certainly said it better than me! XD)

              Jenna Terese
                • Rank: Chosen One
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                @joy-caroline Something I try to remember when I’m working on side characters is that they are the main character of their own story. Even if they don’t have a POV in the story, they will have their own values, goals, motives, etc. in the story. I love working on their backstory, because it’s usually then that I discover their internal conflict that fuels their goals.

                And sometimes a character just has to be cut. I’ve had to do this before and I know it can be really hard especially if you’ve become attached to them. But I tell myself that if a character isn’t adding anything to the story, if I took him out and nothing falls apart, then maybe the character needs to be cut anyway.

                Hope that helps! 🙂

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                Lydia S.
                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                  Ooo… Good question!

                  One thought I had while reading your post is where did your character get his wisdom from?

                  1. Is he speaking from experience? If so, how have his experiences shaped his personality? Have they scarred him physically or emotionally?
                  2. Is he passing on advice he’s heard elsewhere? If so, has he himself found the advice helpful, or is he doing his best to offer counsel in a situation new to him?
                  3. Is he advising based off what he reads in Scripture? If so, does he practice what he preaches? (Personally, I think this could be interesting to play with… For example, maybe the character constantly reminds your MC to trust God through the hard times, then finds himself struggling to trust God in a trial that confronts him)

                  I guess, to summarize it all, my question is why is the character so wise and how does the reason play into his story arc? Hope that helped. 🙂 Wishing you the best with this!!! <3333

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1379

                    Thanks for all the advice, everyone! It’s been so helpful! I have more than a few ideas now . . . 😀

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @joy-caroline. You’re Very Welcome! Hope I helped! 🙂

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