How do you world build?

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    Keilah H.
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @koshka lolll I have that issue too!

      A kingdom called the Sentryborn in a story I’m currently starting the worldbuilding on has two “gods”, who were actually the twin brothers who founded the kingdom, but I’m always worrying about how I’m gonna write that without it seeming too pagan, cause I REALLY don’t want that, but the mythology I have for them is just so cool. Well that and the monotheistic religion of the main characters is gonna clash with it when my Senturian Ailurid character mentions it lol


      One is the creator brother, Dell, the quiet one, patron of architects, engineers, and artists. The other is Dane, the explorer brother, the boisterous one, patron of innovators/inventors and seafarers.

      "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

      Keilah H.
        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @the_lost-journal sure, I’d love to hear about them!


        btw what’s your favorite out of mine?

        "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

        Potato reporter
          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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          Okay! First off, I have the Fuchs.(Fooks) They are based of foxes. They look like normal humans, except for their legs, tail, and eyes. They are not trusted with other races, for they are more shady, and secretive.

          They hide their legs and tails, and love to fool with others. They are known to waste, time, money, energy and can sometimes steel joy. They find pleasure in messing with people, and unfortunately for some who try to be good citizens, they are usually judged, and outcasted. Normal Fuchs don’t mind being an outcast though. Their main food is either, berries, small mammals/rodents and medium mammals like deers.

          They do enjoy to play games, and will usually try just to have fun, but they don’t care who it takes to have fun. They have been even known to mess with the royal family!

          there is also the Tartaruga (Tar-tar-ooh, guh.) They are like turtles, they live with the Arria. They have shells on their backs, and flippers instead of arms and hands. They eat coral, and are very kind towards others. They are more shy and are not that well known though, only really the Arraias know much about them, but they refuse to reveal the information.

          And finally I have the Uggla (ooh-gluh) They are based off of owls, they have wings on the back of their backs, and they have wide eyes that can see through the dark. They eat mammals and lizards, and are not great friends with the Eidechse. They are also more secretive, and are friends with the Fuchs.

          They love to fool with humans, and steel. When they are spotted during the day, it is mostly because they are up to no good. Many people assume that it is just the Fuchs messing with them, but a large portion of it is also the Uggla. They are not as feared, and others usually have fun being around them.

          BTW, my fav of your creatures is the humans! (JK!!!!!!) the eagle ones! I am so sorry I have forgotten their names!!!! ;( But I also love the shark ones!!!!

          "We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)

          Keilah H.
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 5801

            @the_lost-journal Those are awesome! I have a fox species which is very similar! They’re called Vulpines.

            The Ornithiforms? Yeah those are super cool.

            "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

            Potato reporter
              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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              Thanks! And yeah, what are all of your races.

              "We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)

                • Rank: Chosen One
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                That’s pretty cool! I haven’t read a lot of mythology, or books with fake religions, but having a base for the mythology out of “real” history makes sense. In fact, something like that might help solve a few issues of my own, like why this other country has such a mixed up system of government and religion.

                *Gazes off into the abyss*

                First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                Fork the Gork

                Keilah H.
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 5801

                  @koshka thanks! I always base my myths off something real to the storyline.

                  "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                  Linus Smallprint
                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                    I’m more into creating characters and stories than worldbuilding. Although I have done a bit. I do like fantasy races and did spend a bit of time on those. But typically for my worldbuilding, I only do it when necessary. And I will often get distracted with writing the story itself. When I do world build, I base it on what I know about Canada and technology in the 19th century.

                    I do fully intend to develop the world more eventually and before I publish my trilogy. So I will have to check out what other people suggest. Thank you for creating this topic!

                    Sometimes it is necessary to paint the sky black in order to see the stars.

                    Keilah H.
                      • Rank: Chosen One
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                      I have:

                      -Humans. Scout is technically a human, although he’s a hybrid, cause he doesn’t have any exotic powers.

                      -Changelings. These look almost exactly like humans, except for very subtle stripes on their skin, forked tongues, and eyes that can narrow to slits like cats’ or snakes’. They can change the colors and patterns of their skin to camouflage (their clothes don’t change with them by default, but they have the technology to do that). Spy is a Changeling, and while Huntress is a hybrid, she has the camouflage powers too, although she doesn’t have the cat eyes or tongue (she’s Scout’s twin)

                      -Drachenheul. (Yeah, I know, that is absolutely terrible German, but I got it from google and messed around with it some. I think I took it from the words “dragon howl.”) They have the tails of wolves, wings like a bat, and paws for feet. That’s what Medic is.

                      -Ornithiforms. They have feathers all over their bodies except on their heads, hands, and often their taloned feet, and they have wings and tails like birds. Usually they’re based off birds of prey like hawks and eagles, but they can be other birds too. Soldier is an Ornithiform.

                      -Suileans. They’re named after the Scottish word for “eye” (can you guess which character I made into one of these? Yep, it’s Demoman), and yes, their eyes are quite cool—they have hexagonal pupils! They also have the wings of beetles—both the hard elyta and the membranous wings underneath. Some of them have light-up scales on their bellies and necks like fireflies.

                      -Salamandrion. These creatures have scales and love fire, but other than that we don’t know much about what they look like! Pyro is a Salamandrion.

                      -Arcturans. These have thick fur, fangs and huge claws, like bears, and are usually large and strong. Heavy is an Arcturan.

                      -Argonites. These actually come in two varieties—the kind Sniper is, which has the tail of a crocodile, and the kind Saxton Hale is, which has the tail of a shark. They both have several features which classify them as the same species: their scales begin under their ribs, they have a kind of gills which allow them to stay underwater for a long time, and they have sharp talons for feet.

                      -Ailurids. They’re like your cat people, whose name I’ve sadly forgot—they have paws, fur over much of their bodies (although not their faces), and tails. They’re also a little smaller than the other species, kinda like how the Arcturans are bigger. Engineer is an Ailurid.

                      -Sunekites. They look like humans except for their snakey eyes, their long tails extending from their bodies, and their often venomous fangs. The Administrator, if you remember her, is a Sunekite.

                      -Vulpines. These are basically like Ailurids except instead of cats, they’re foxes. I don’t have any major Vulpine characters in my fanfic, although a couple show up as minor characters.

                      -Ratta. Their name comes from the Spanish for “rat” and have short fur, paws and tails like mice or possums. Funny enough, there are zero Ratta in my fanfic right now, but in other stories I have set in the universe there’s one or two.



                      "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                      Potato reporter
                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 813


                        Wow, you have a lot! I love them all! I love basing creatures and races off of animals!

                        -Salamandrion. These creatures have scales and love fire, but other than that we don’t know much about what they look like! Pyro is a Salamandrion.

                        Do you think pyro is male or female? I have seen a lot of debate online! But I think that would make her/him ten times funnier! IDK WHY! Lol!

                        Ailurids. They’re like your cat people, whose name I’ve sadly forgot

                        The Paradalis? Yeah, I love cats!

                        Also, can you send me the fanfic? I asked my sister about it, and she said that she doesn’t remember ever getting that.

                        "We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)

                        Keilah H.
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 5801


                          ooh yes, the Pardalis.


                          Hmm… I don’t know! I’ve always called Pyro “he” but if he turned out to be a she, I wouldn’t be too surprised.


                          Here’s the fic!




                          "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 3716

                            I don’t worldbuild 🫣









                            I meannn….techincally yes since I’m creating my character’s own personal world, but it’s contemporary so I get to put them in real places 🤪

                            Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                              • Rank: Chosen One
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                              Ooh ty for the tag! I looove world building, and I guess I take a lot of inspiration from different places, then try to connect the general ideas with reasons for them being if that makes sense. Like I might have the idea of a world with 5 different nations, I might want to have a magic system everyone can use, and have all of the nations be separated by geography. Just by asking ‘how and why’ for each of the questions, you can world build a lot. How and why does everyone use the magic system, how and why are there five nations, and how and why did they become separated by geography. And then when you have the answers to those questions, you ask how does this affect the different levels of society. Like how does it affect the poor and how does it affect the wealthy. That’s just how I go about it though, by asking myself why it means there is always a reason for the way things are (I kinda hate books that have things that are just there for the plot, instead of there for logic too). Anyways, that’s just how I go about it.

                              Also I think Pinterest has inspired some of the locations in my book, I love looking at other people’s art and imagining what it would be like to live there.


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