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  • #181578
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 2859


      I haven’t come across anything with Leon, Riker, sand Hans that people died in. am I missing something?

      Leon, Riker, and Hans are Freedom’s characters from her novels. She posts really, really, really sad scenes from her books in the forums (usually The Chat Chat) that make @rae cry…(actually they make a lot of us cry :/)


      We even formed a Riker protection squad because Freedom is too mean to her charries 😒😔

      This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.

      Ellette Giselle
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3481


        Ooo!!! I like Freedom already!!! I love really sad scenes and doing bad things to characters. It’s all for a purpose of course, and it needs to be done. But…… it’s also fun to watch readers cry. lol.

        No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2859


          Yeah…I bet you two will get along just fine XDXDXD

          This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 836

            @rae @savannah_grace2009 I feel attacked😂 jkjk. But seriously, the final Hans scene in Freedom’s Fire does break my heart🫠

            Yessss, we shall get along perfectly😂💖💖

            Ellette Giselle
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3481


              I can’t wait. We could write a book together and make everyone else hate us because we leave them in tears all the time. lol.

              No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

              SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2859


                I feel attacked😂

                As you should.

                Jk lol

                This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.

                Cloaked Mystery
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2876


                  (Few days late, but anyway…)

                  Hello! Welcome to KP!

                  I’m Jonas, a recently graduated homeschooled Christian writer. I write fantasy, specifically what I would call “hard fantasy.” I have only completed one story (not including short stories), which is an 8 chapter novella, but I have plans for many others, all if which take place in a large universe that I share with my sister @HighScribe.

                  Outside of writing, I have been a pianist for 10ish years, and enjoy writing my own music and playing for church. I am also an amateur video game designer (which will be my area of study in college, alongside computer science) and a 1st-degree blackbelt in karate.

                  See you around!

                  🏰 Fantasy Writer
                  ✨ Magic System Creator
                  🎭 Character RPer
                  📚 Appreciator of Books

                  Elishavet Elroi
                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1341


                    Welcome to the Kingdom of Pen!

                    I know this is an exceptionally late ambush, but when you asked what we did on here other than ambush newbies, I realized this is one thing I haven’t done in a while. And as you love Peter Pevensie (from the BOOKS), and Smalden, draw beautifully, and like skirts, I feel an unavoidable obligation to join the welcoming team. So I shall have to make the most of it.


                    *Hurriedly resumes a position of dignity and curtseys*

                    I’m called Elishavet around here, and if you have read my posts in your previous espionage, then you might know all this already. But if not, that’s ok because I like to talk. 😉

                    I write about as broad a range as I read, but most of my stories are the rustic fantasy type. A fascination with historical culture has probably caused more havoc to my world building than it has helped it, but I like to think it helps me express a more accurate reality. Hopefully it is a minor influence when compared with that of the Greatest Author.

                    My favorite pastimes include reading, drawing, learning piano, singing soprano, experimental archeology (with sewing), and having long conversations about books and shoes. And I love writing, of course.

                    Unfortunately, I am not often able to be on here as regularly as I’d like, but I am never far in the shadows.

                    A few questions if you get around to this.

                    1. If you could have one of your characters as a family member, who would it be?
                    2. Do raspberries belong in ice cream?
                    3. Is there a creature from Wingfeather that you would like as a pet? Why or why not?
                    4. If you were lost in an enemy’s castle, what would you do?

                    See you around!

                    You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                    Ellette Giselle
                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3481


                      Was competently blindsided. *picks self up out of dirt and dusts off* “I feel like Calvin”

                      And as you love Peter Pevensie (from the BOOKS), and Smalden, draw beautifully, and like skirts, I feel an unavoidable obligation to join the welcoming team. So I shall have to make the most of it.

                      Aw, thank you! I’m so glad you like my drawings, and that you don’t think the dress and skirt thing is stupid. Sometimes it gets a little lonely.


                      I love singing soprano too!!!! That’s amazing! And shoes……. oh yes! The shoe makes the girl! I love my ww2 leather replicas best, or maybe my cowboy boots, or maybe my old-fashion low heal dancing-style slippers. I like anything old-fashion really. (Except corsets!)

                      One character!!! Whyyyyyyy? I want them all! *begins sobbing wildly. hurriedly tells characters that no matter who is chosen they are all loved and are all family.*

                      Maybe……… Aaron? Or Julian and Leon. One of them. and they would be my OLDER brothers.


                      No. raspberries are poison. (actually, quite literally for me. I’m allergic to them)


                      NO! no creature from Wingfeather as a pet. Because if it is cute it will maim, eat, or poison you!


                      Hmm, depends on the castle, if anyone was with me, and who the enemy was. Hide, snoop about, and watch a lot. Do a little exploring, hopefully obtain some clothing from the castle so as to move about more freely. (hopefully servant’s clothing. Nobles pride themselves in not ever seeing servants. it’s below them.) watch the servants, (They know the place like the back of their hand) Get to the ground floor. Find the kitchens. (They always have a back entrance.)  Find a ground floor window, etc. Something like that. But again, depends on the situation.

                      No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

                      Elishavet Elroi
                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1341


                        You felt like Calvin? I didn’t know my pouncing abilities were so good. I feel profoundly complemented. XD

                        Aw, thank you! I’m so glad you like my drawings, and that you don’t think the dress and skirt thing is stupid. Sometimes it gets a little lonely.

                        SKIRTS ARE THE BEST. XD I don’t know your personal reasons behind them, but I can easily rant on this. Not only do they look the nicest and are wonderfully comfortable, but they’re the Biblical plan for women’s clothing – after all, God’s daughters should look like princesses. (Note: the “modest apparel”  in 1 Timothy 2:9 is katastolē, or “long dress”)

                        Oh, does it bug you when a character can’t fight/run/ride a horse in a skirt? Especially when it’s a long, flowing one that shouldn’t hinder movement anyway?!

                        I love my ww2 leather replicas best, or maybe my cowboy boots, or maybe my old-fashion low heal dancing-style slippers.

                        O.O I am in awe of your shoes. Seriously. They sound glorious. (Where’d you get the replicas?)

                        My favorite shoes are probably a pair of black leather+velvet ruffled heels my mother gave me. I outgrew my cowboy boots years ago, and haven’t been able to replace them yet. 😔

                        I like anything old-fashion really. (Except corsets!)

                        Hehehe. I love most old-fashioned things too, obviously. Although I appreciate not using arsenic and kerosene in daily medicine. (If you mean the sway backed/tight laced forms of the early 1900s, then I completely agree. But a well fit pair for a more working to middle class impression is actually quite comfortable. After all, the garment would not have lasted so long if it was a real problem. Just keep me out of the court fashion. XD)

                        Hmmm. These older brother characters sound interesting. I like their names. (I honestly don’t know who I would choose either…. Maybe Reúven because he would be fantastic, and my (real) brother would probably have a blast. Or Winfrith. We have similar backstories.)

                        Oh no! Then the old (slightly before me) reward of a handful of raspberries is not a KP tradition you’d appreciate. Would chocolate chip cookies work instead?

                        Very astute. *Takes note for future pet gathering expedition*

                        That is a very detailed plan. If I get trapped in My enemy’s castle, I know who I’d want with me. 😉

                        You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3076


                          Hi Ellette!
                          Well, I’m really late to the party. I love what you’re doing, I also find a lack of fulfilling fiction out there, and it’s one of the main reasons I write too : ) Congrats on your publishing and the eventual release on your second book! That’s super cool.

                          I’m Min around here, and I write/draw dystopian ya comics, and occasionally pop into the roleplays. I also like to talk about character development, if you feel like ranting about your favorite show. I will rant in return, beware.


                          Now I must ask you the question I always ask the newbies.

                          Are snakes cool?


                          XD ok all joking aside, welcome to kp! I hope you like it here.


                          Ellette Giselle
                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 3481



                            SKIRTS ARE THE BEST. XD I don’t know your personal reasons behind them, but I can easily rant on this. Not only do they look the nicest and are wonderfully comfortable, but they’re the Biblical plan for women’s clothing – after all, God’s daughters should look like princesses. (Note: the “modest apparel” in 1 Timothy 2:9 is katastolē, or “long dress”)

                            Oh, does it bug you when a character can’t fight/run/ride a horse in a skirt? Especially when it’s a long, flowing one that shouldn’t hinder movement anyway?!

                            YES!!!! I feel like I found my twin! KP is awesome. I discovered a German cousin. (We must be cousins because that’s the way books go) and Now I have found my twin! UGH! IT”S HORRID! People can do things in skirts! Guess who rides horseback, does martial arts, learns sword-fighting, climbs trees, hikes mountains, runs races, plays airsoft wars with her brothers, goes exploring, etc. ALL WITH A SKIRT ON! You can do things in skirts. You really can.


                            (Where’d you get the replicas?)

                            uh….. wanna know? Ok, so there’s this thrift store near us that soldiers and the people taking away the belongs of friends or family who have died, just donate all their stuff to. I mean, it is INCREDIBLE what you can find! aaaand, the owner of the thrift store want to get rid of the stuff as fast as they possibly can! So I found those shoes in a huge bin of other shoes, and the lady sold them to me for 10¢! Yes, that ¢ was the fight one! she said, “give me a dime for them, they’ve been laying around for a week.”

                            After we got them home we looked up the brand and they are REAL leather! They are actually the most comfortable shoes I own!

                            My favorite shoes are probably a pair of black leather+velvet ruffled heels my mother gave me.

                            Ooo, those sound gorgeous!!

                            Would chocolate chip cookies work instead?

                            lol, yeah they would, or the raspberries since they aren’t actually real. I could pretend and it would be the thought that counted. lol.


                            That is a very detailed plan. If I get trapped in My enemy’s castle, I know who I’d want with me. 😉

                            Haha, well I’ve done my research because I love to write ACCURATE things! I think it would be simply thrilling to get lost in an enemy castle. Preferably with a friend who wouldn’t lose his/her nerves.




                            HI! Nice to meet you!


                            I love what you’re doing, I also find a lack of fulfilling fiction out there, and it’s one of the main reasons I write too : )

                            Thank you! I have been so blessed to find a group of like-minded people on here!


                            Congrats on your publishing and the eventual release on your second book! That’s super cool.

                            Thank you so much! It’s been amazing!


                            and I write/draw dystopian ya comics,

                            Oooo, you’re an artist too! That’s great!


                            Are snakes cool?

                            Are snakes cool? Hmmm, well it depends on where they are in proximity to me. I think they are an amazing creation of God and there is some beautiful detail in them! They can also do things that the Army has been trying to replicate for years and can’t do perfectly! (Their vision, their thermal sensing, etc.) I wouldn’t like to be super close to them just because…. well because I wouldn’t. I just don’t like that idea. But i enjoy watching them, learning about them, and seeing them up close when someone who knows what they’re doing is in control. So yes, snakes are cool……. from a safe distance.

                            XD ok all joking aside, welcome to kp! I hope you like it here.

                            Thank you! I love it!

                            No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1657


                              Hey there and welcome to KP, Ellete!! I know I’m super late to the welcome party, but I saw some of your posts  and you sounded amazing and I wanted to come meet you!! (Btw I absolutely adore your name, its beautiful ❤)

                              I’m Lightoverdarkness, or just Light, (although my real name is Natalie and sometimes I’m known as Nat, but honestly you can call me whatever😂) a homeschooled 15 year old girl who loves reading, writing, listening to a variety of different genres of music, drawing, playing piano, spending hours daydreaming and plotting stories while washing the dishes, ballroom dancing, and spending time with family and friends. <3 I also enjoy riding horses when I can!!

                              Here’s a few get to know you questions 🙂

                              1. What is your favorite song?

                              2. Which of your characters do you most relate to?

                              3. What’s your favorite quote?

                              4. How many siblings do you have?

                              5. How do you usually come up with your book ideas?


                              I LOVE your books girl 🤩🤩 They sound amazing and I love your characters already!! How long have you been writing?


                              And oh my gosh girl, I LOVE that you wear long skirts!!! I really wish I could wear them more often. They’re so graceful and ladylike! Where I live it’s soooo hot though, I sweat so much whenever I wear one lol 😭 But in the winter it’s so perfect 🥰

                              Well one thing God has been teaching me lately is the importance of contentment. I long to be married and raise a whole houseful of children!! (All boys if I had my way). With all of my closest friends married and starting their own families, it’s hard to be the only one not doing that. All my peers are causal dating, but my parents and I have decided to do biblical courtship and wait for the young man God brings me as my husband. It’s hard when the friends I admire are married, and my peers are all pared up, leaving me the only single in the bunch. However, God has been teaching me that if I can’t find joy now, I will never find joy in being married and raising a family

                              Girl, I already love you and can tell that we’re gonna get along really well!!! <3 I’m not old enough to start dating and courting but my parents and I have decided that same thing. I want to wait on the man that God is preparing for me and continue to grow in my relationship with God so that I’ll be the best wife that I can be for my future husband ❤ Contentment is hard!! But it’ll be so worth it!! You’re making the right choice and I know God is so proud of you!

                              So nice to meet you and again, welcome!! 🥰


                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1657



                                post scenes and break hearts. That’s what I do. And I do it very well, if I do say so myself😝

                                Oh my gosh girll 😂😂


                                but I do think I break a lot of hearts on here



                                You do🫠 Yes, you do it quite well😂😭 I don’t think my heart is fit to be called a heart anymore after reading Dietrich’s fate…and Finn’s…and Jezyk’s…💔😭


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