Help with a title?

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  • #172929
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 1999


      Okay, got it. So it harvests energy from the sun (maybe because it’s slightly close to the sun than the earth is?).

      'Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.'

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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        Yes, exactly! (It all makes sense right? I was pretty worried 🙂 )

        "Would you kindly...?"

          • Rank: Chosen One
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          Yep! I don’t think it’s unrealistic that scientists would try to launch something into space to collect energy, although I don’t really know how sunlight and energy works out there. @thearcaneaxiom might have some better suggestions. (Sorry if you’ve already been on this topic, I don’t remember.)

          'Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.'

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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            Great, thank you! 😊

            "Would you kindly...?"

              • Rank: Chosen One
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              Sure! Also, is there a connection between CHIME and the whole moon situation, or no? Because you might not want to name the book something related to the moon if it doesn’t really come up in the book. Does that make sense? Basically, if the power shortage thing is just the setting of the story and doesn’t really have anything to do with the plot, it might be better to think of something in the plot more than the setting. But that’s just an idea, honestly, whatever’s unique, fits the story, and sounds good works! 😊

              'Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.'

              SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨
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                Ummmmm……that’s like one of my nightmares…like my biggest fear is evil scientists experimenting on me!!!! (I know, I read too much lol)

                Maybe you could tie into the machine factor with your title? Idk. I’m also pretty bad at coming up with names XD

                This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                  Ummmmm……that’s like one of my nightmares…like my biggest fear is evil scientists experimenting on me!!!! (I know, I read too much lol)

                  I both read and play to many video games…. One of my biggest fear (From video games and reading is…. Puppets XD *shudders*

                  Thanks for the suggestion, Ill add that idea to the list!

                  "Would you kindly...?"

                  Keilah H.
                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    @acancello Hmmm…..

                    If you liked the idea of calling it “Uprising,” even though it’s taken, you could call it something like “The Lunar Uprising”

                    Or perhaps “The Fall of Chime”

                    Something like that

                    "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                      Thanks! Those are great, I’ll add them to my list 🙂

                      "Would you kindly...?"

                      Keilah H.
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 5702

                        @acancello you’re welcome!

                        "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1318

                          @acancello @hybridlore

                          Ok, so here’s the thing. This looks like a combination of a Dyson sphere and a space elevator. The issue you deal with is that a “moon” would be a very impractical shape for collecting energy, unless it isn’t actually spherical, or it wasn’t connected by some cable to the earth. So is it spherical, or is it more of something else?

                          The idea of a Dyson sphere is that you would essentially enclose the whole sun with a solar panel on the inside, essentially getting a what might as well be an infinite supply of energy for eons. This isn’t very realistic for us right now, and a much more likely candidate for the future of humanity is the Dyson swarm. A whole bunch of satellites orbiting the sun instead, ultimately getting the same effect, but we can still have a sun, with far less resources, and far less physics restraints.

                          This has been established as the energy innovation people will look if we’re going to space for energy. Two Dyson sphere technologies that could be local to earth instead of the sun that you may find relevant however, would be the Dyson ring, and the space elevator.

                          The Dyson ring would essentially be exactly what it sounds like. Imagine a ring around the earth. Because it’s free floating, it would essentially spin independently from the earth allowing us to use it as an energy source. The space elevator doesn’t really have much to do with energy, but it’s similar to what you have going on with the moon, simply a mass cabled to the earth.

                          There is actually another kind of Dyson sphere technology that has been talked about that is quite similar to what you have. China some years ago talked about putting an artificial moon in the sky, but to essentially reflect the sun’s light back down to earth, making it as bright as day while at night. Perhaps you could do something similar, creating a solar mirror that hovers over panels below, instead of one large solar panel. It wouldn’t need any cables, and thus a spherical shape might make more sense, so that it can make use of the full surface area and different times periods. And you don’t have a single localized station where all the energy needs to go through.

                          There’s still some ways you could rationalize the image you have though. Do you have much of an idea of why they designed it the way the did? Also, am I misinterpreting any of the design?

                          He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 842


                            Do you have much of an idea of why they designed it the way the did? Also, am I misinterpreting any of the design?

                            Well, my main idea was to have it look as ‘natural’ as possible so that the citizens would be more open to the idea and allow it to happen while not realize the dangers that it has the potential of causing.

                            The issue you deal with is that a “moon” would be a very impractical shape for collecting energy, unless it isn’t actually spherical, or it wasn’t connected by some cable to the earth. So is it spherical, or is it more of something else?

                            Hmmm, your right. Now I see that fault… Maybe if I changed it to more of a solar disk, since that still has the circular shape? I have researched the Dyson sphere before which is partly how I got the idea of bringing power to the earth, but this time in the future (Around 2050-2060) we still dont have the technology to do that.

                            China some years ago talked about putting an artificial moon in the sky, but to essentially reflect the sun’s light back down to earth, making it as bright as day while at night. Perhaps you could do something similar, creating a solar mirror that hovers over panels below, instead of one large solar panel. It wouldn’t need any cables, and thus a spherical shape might make more sense, so that it can make use of the full surface area and different times periods

                            I did consider that at one time, but for my story, like Jonas and I were talking about, the cables are necessary so they can overload the stations are cause the power to go out which is what starts my book, though the idea is cool. 🙂

                            Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! I really appreciate it!😊

                            "Would you kindly...?"

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1318


                              Well, my main idea was to have it look as ‘natural’ as possible so that the citizens would be more open to the idea and allow it to happen while not realize the dangers that it has the potential of causing.

                              I feel like they would need to do a little more convincing to make the populace complacent. There will always be resistance, and that can’t be avoided, but to get a general backing, you need to convince them that it’s safe & beneficial, not just convince them that a new moon is ok because it natural. Looking natural could be part of the argument, but there would need to be a little more propaganda to make it appealing.

                              Hmmm, your right. Now I see that fault… Maybe if I changed it to more of a solar disk, since that still has the circular shape? I have researched the Dyson sphere before which is partly how I got the idea of bringing power to the earth, but this time in the future (Around 2050-2060) we still dont have the technology to do that.

                              Right, and that’s why the Dyson swarm would be the most advocated option, as it’s the most advocated option even today as far as space energy collection. A solar disc would still be plausible though.

                              I did consider that at one time, but for my story, like Jonas and I were talking about, the cables are necessary so they can overload the stations are cause the power to go out which is what starts my book, though the idea is cool. 🙂

                              That’s fair. But I think it would be good to have more justification for that then. Having a centralized point on the planet kind of defeats the purpose of making something so massive to power the earth. Perhaps it could be multiple stations across the globe, and it orbits with a mass cable keeping it tidally locked, and a rod or something bridges the cabled mass and the station when it comes by. This could still allow for an error, because when it comes to a station, it could give a pulse too powerful for whatever reason.

                              If it needs to be a single station, then is that station the soul power source of the planet, so they send cables all across the globe, or is it really just one region?

                              Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! I really appreciate it!😊

                              Of course! Sorry if I’m coming down a little hard on your story😅

                              Oh, here’s some name ideas btw:

                              New Moon

                              New Moon Rises

                              A New Sky


                              Lunar Loss

                              Over the Moon

                              He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 842


                                I feel like they would need to do a little more convincing to make the populace complacent. There will always be resistance, and that can’t be avoided, but to get a general backing, you need to convince them that it’s safe & beneficial, not just convince them that a new moon is ok because it natural. Looking natural could be part of the argument, but there would need to be a little more propaganda to make it appealing.

                                Yes, exactly. You cant make 100% of the people happy 100% of the time. The moon was launched around 20 years before the book takes place so the riots and mobs of angry protesters have calmed down. Also, before electricity prices were skyrocketing due to the amount they were using with all of the new technology (Most everything switched to electric.) Now with the new moon, most of the population are OK with it so they can afford to drive to work and things like that. There was plenty of propaganda before it though, and Id say about 5/6th s of the population are happy.

                                That’s fair. But I think it would be good to have more justification for that then. Having a centralized point on the planet kind of defeats the purpose of making something so massive to power the earth. Perhaps it could be multiple stations across the globe, and it orbits with a mass cable keeping it tidally locked, and a rod or something bridges the cabled mass and the station when it comes by. This could still allow for an error, because when it comes to a station, it could give a pulse too powerful for whatever reason.

                                Now that you mention it multiple stations around, connected together would make a lot more sense.😅  I guess I didn’t think that far ahead.

                                Of course! Sorry if I’m coming down a little hard on your story😅

                                Your not, dont worry! Thank you for asking all these questions, every one helps a ton! And thanks for the titles!

                                "Would you kindly...?"

                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1318


                                  Yes, exactly. You cant make 100% of the people happy 100% of the time. The moon was launched around 20 years before the book takes place so the riots and mobs of angry protesters have calmed down. Also, before electricity prices were skyrocketing due to the amount they were using with all of the new technology (Most everything switched to electric.) Now with the new moon, most of the population are OK with it so they can afford to drive to work and things like that. There was plenty of propaganda before it though, and Id say about 5/6th s of the population are happy.

                                  Alright, that works!

                                  Now that you mention it multiple stations around, connected together would make a lot more sense.😅  I guess I didn’t think that far ahead.

                                  Hey, that’s alright, there’s still lots of ways you can make it work. The power of rationalization is great, and ultimately, what is most important is that what you say goes.

                                  Your not, dont worry! Thank you for asking all these questions, every one helps a ton! And thanks for the titles!

                                  Glad I could help!


                                  He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

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