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  • #56165
      • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
      • Total Posts: 3

      Hi! I decided to join the Kingdom Pen forum after hearing people talk about it on the YWW Community…so shoutout to any Y-dubbers reading this πŸ™‚ I’m a non-fiction writer, but I love reading fiction and discussions about fiction and I will probably end up writing it someday πŸ™‚

      Random stuff about me: I’m a 20 year old homeschool graduate and I live and work on my family’s ranch, helping herd cattle and brothers.Β  I love coffee, music, cooking, reading, animals, and being outside.Β  (Also writing and Jesus, but that should be obvious because…I’m here.)

      I have a blog at thekingandhiskingdom.com where I write about theology, following Jesus, and book reviews.Β  I’m excited to join this community and get connected with more young Christian writers!

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2306

        Hi, @marliscarb!! Welcome to the bestistest place on the internet! (Or as I like to call it: The Bestest Place in Cyberspace) πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

        What are your favorite books? Movies?

        • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Joy.

        You can pronounce it however you want.

        Audrey Caylin
          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 323

          @marliscarb hello! And welcome to the besistest place on the Internet! πŸ˜€

          *salutes fellow Y-dubber* It’s wonderful how many of us are also over here at KP.

          I’m also a homeschooler (still working away at it, though πŸ˜› ), and outside is my happy place, next to being in imaginary lands.

          What are some of your favorite authors and books?

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1253

            @marliscarb, Howdy! Welcome to the bestiest place in the world…er…Internet.

            what genres of books do you read?

            • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Alia.

            WIP - Decisions
            Kapeefer til we're old and grey

            Sam Kowal
              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 635

              @marliscarb πŸ˜€ Hello, and welcome to the awesomeestist place on the internet

              I’m homeschooled too! But I haven’t graduated. Yet. Maybe I’ll just get stuck in a time loop and go around, and around, and around…

              πŸ™‚ Nice blog, by the way

              I love music and animals, too! What kinds of music do you like? I like all kinds, classical, epic soundtrack, modern Christian, etc… also, do you play any instruments?

              *Giarstanornarak tries to melt chair*
              Also, Daeus has 22 turtles in his signature.

              NC Stokes
                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1156

                @marliscarb *shakes your hand crazily* ‘Ello there and welcome! We need more coffee lovers around here, you know, just in case the debate over whether or not coffee is actually edible escalates into war someday. πŸ˜‰ Do you have a favorite animal?

                Blog: https://weridasusual.home.blog/

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 4238

                  Hi,Β @marliscarb. Welcome to the bestistest place on the internet!

                  I’m a Y-dubber too, though I don’t really appear on the community ever.

                  What’s your dream as a writer? What types of books do you want to write and how do you want to affect people? Are you looking to write as a career?

                  I’m just in a serious mood at the moment. πŸ˜‰

                  Oh, and do you happen to know your MBTI type?

                  Welcome again. πŸ˜€ *salutes*


                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 830

                    @marliscarbΒ  Hello, hello!Β  So I’m curious: how many brothers do you herd??Β  πŸ˜‰

                    A dreamer who believes in the impossible...and dragons. (INFJ-T)

                    Josiah DeGraaf
                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 717

                      Hey @marliscarb! Welcome to the forum as one of our few non-fiction writers. πŸ™‚ What book would you say has been most influential for you in your Christian walk (excepting the Bible)?

                      Editor-in-Chief Emeritus. Guiding authors at Story Embers.

                      Silverclaw Bonnetfolly
                        • Rank: Wise Jester
                        • Total Posts: 69

                        There are a lot of homeschoolers here, I myself am one.

                        Do you like orange juice?

                        Coffee is made out of beans, beans are in salad, therefore coffee is salad.

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 859

                          @marliscarb, Welcome! You live on a ranch? That’s so awesome! I’ve always wanted to do that…

                          Do you play any instruments? What are your favorite books?

                          NC Stokes
                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1156

                            @silverclaw-bonnetfollyΒ  Ah-ha! Then it’s healthy!

                            Blog: https://weridasusual.home.blog/

                              • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
                              • Total Posts: 3

                              @dekreel,Β @audrey-caylin,Β @alia,Β @shannon : My all time favorite book series is Chronicles of Narnia.Β  Other than that there are just too many good books to choose from πŸ™‚ As far as genres, I like fantasy, historical fiction, and mysteries, but I’ll read any genre if it’s a good book.Β  I can’t say that I have a favorite movie either, but my favorite TV shows are Doctor Who and Once Upon A Time.

                              I like all sorts of different music, too!Β  I can kind of play guitar and piano, but not very well πŸ™‚

                              my favorite animal is either dogs or horses!

                              I would love to write as a career someday!Β  Right now I barely have enough time to keep up with posting on my blog weekly, so my dream right now is just to have more time for writing πŸ™‚ My goal is to lead people into a deeper relationship with Jesus, and I’m not sure yet exactly what kind of writing that will lead to in the future.Β  I’ve taken the MBTI test before, but I don’t remember what I got…IN something something πŸ™‚

                              two brothers, one is 12 and one is 4 so it can get pretty crazy!

                              ProbablyΒ Do Hard Things by Brett and Alex Harris orΒ Crazy Love by Francis Chan…I’m sure I’ll think of more later πŸ™‚

                              I drink orange juice sometimes but I’m not in love with it.Β  And of course coffee is healthy.Β  Chocolate is also made of beans, which means it’s also healthy.Β  πŸ™‚

                              Now I have a question: How do you get the signature thingy underneath your posts?

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 830

                                @marliscarbΒ  I have a brother and just one is a handful…I mean, a joy. He is such a joy.Β  πŸ˜‰

                                To write a signature for yourself, go to your profile and click PROFILE.Β  Then click EDIT and under EDIT there is a box that says Signature.Β  Type it in there, and save your changes.

                                A dreamer who believes in the impossible...and dragons. (INFJ-T)

                                  • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                                  • Total Posts: 38

                                  @marliscarb *Salutes you* Hello, fellow YDubber! Nice to see you on here! πŸ™‚

                                  Beware the forum signatures. There’s so many melted chairs, impossible dreamers, double negatives, dragons…

                                  *jumps in an X-Wing and blows something up*

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