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- This topic has 81 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago by
October 8, 2024 at 10:14 pm #187080
Greetings and welcome to the Kingdom of Pen!
I’m called Elishavet around here, and I write rustic noblebright fantasy, although I have been known to experiment in sci-fi and nonfiction.
You read The Adventures of Tintin? My brother got me into those a while back, but we don’t often meet people who know them. Also, Wingfeather is stupendous! (favorite character is Janner, although it’s very close with like, ten others.)
I love both Psalm 91 and the Song of Songs! I have a story loosely inspired by the story behind Song of Solomon, but it hasn’t happened yet….
Quick questions….
- Would you rather walk on air or breathe under water?
- Would you rather live a year in your favorite book or movie?
- Should squirrels talk in riddles?
Oh, and here’s a cup of welcome raspberries. Kingdom Pen special. 🙂
You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan
October 8, 2024 at 10:58 pm #187082Welcome to the Kingdom of Pen! I’m Koshka, a writer of rustic noble-bright fantasy (of the middle-grade kind), some nonfiction (of the college essay kind), and poetry (of the I stayed up too long after midnight kind). I also like digging around in history, dabbling with random languages, and playing with pencils. Oh, and I like sewing, especially when it includes using random languages to dig around in history so I can scribble pattern ideas. Yeah.
Anyway, here’s a couple ask-the-newbie-questions:
1) Should bullet points use numbers, numerals, or letters?
II) If you could ride a dragon for a week, or own a horse for life, which would you choose?
C) What’s the natural hair color of your favorite author?
*Offers a slice of raspberry cheesecake because Elishavet already gave you regular raspberries*
Again, welcome to the Kingdom!
First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
Fork the GorkOctober 9, 2024 at 7:25 am #187085@the_lost-journal WHAZZAP!!!
Name’s Andrew as you couldn’t tell. I’m so glad to have another new KPer to join in all the fun (the wonderful, murderous fun). I am a very old man (15) who enjoys writing stories and music, though I do poorly at both I plan to get better. I also enjoy jiu-jitsu, church, and Classical Conversations (Homeschooled).
I love fantasy stories of any kind especially a cool world build with magic.
Great, another person to help me with all my failed attempts.
See you around, God Bless.
Bestest Teddy Bear
#AnduthForever (Lord Willing)October 9, 2024 at 8:10 am #187086Hello Elishavet, great to meet you. I know what you mean about the Tintin problem. (I personally think its a problem) and I totally agree with your Janner being your favorite but having many more!
Would you rather walk on air or breathe under water?
Ive never been asked this question but I know my answer, I have dreamed of being under water I have wished for it my whole life, so that would be my answer. How about you?
Would you rather live a year in your favorite book or movie?
Now that’s hard, either live in a world where dinosaur’s are running around (Jurassic Park) or live in a world where there are a million creatures that could kill you (Wingfeather Saga). I think I would rather live in Wingfeather though.
Should squirrels talk in riddles?
Thanks for welcoming me, and thanks for the raspberries! 🙂
"There is never nothing, always something " - ME 😁
October 9, 2024 at 8:17 am #187087That’s a hard question…I think I’ll say Nugget (I’m still really sad about his death😭)
My favorite bible verse is Timothy 4:12
Don't ask me, I don't know either.
October 9, 2024 at 8:18 am #187088October 9, 2024 at 8:33 am #187090Hallo Koska, great to meet you! I love all the kinds of writing you do! I especially relate to the poem one. And I’m for some random reason obsessed with history, I just get so many ideas from it.
1) Should bullet points use numbers, numerals, or letters?
I can just tell your creative based on all the ways you did the bullet points! And I think anything works, but it’s better if you get creative! But at the same time I’m not a huge fan of letters.
II) If you could ride a dragon for a week, or own a horse for life, which would you choose?
Now I really don’t know. I love horses and I have taken care of them before. but dragons are well… Dragons! I think I’ll go with the horse though.
C) What’s the natural hair color of your favorite author?
See it’s funny, my favorite author is not from my favorite book funny enough. My fav author is Mary Pope Osborne. I love her books even if they are for 4th or 5th grades, but I just love the way she blends history with fiction. so the hair color is Blond.
Thanks for introducing yourself, and no thank you to the cheese cake (hot take I know i’m not a huge fan of cheese cake)
"There is never nothing, always something " - ME 😁
October 9, 2024 at 8:36 am #187092Hey Andrew… what do you mean murderous fun? (I do love a good mystery though)
I am a very old man (15) who enjoys writing stories and music, though I do poorly at both I plan to get better. I also enjoy jiu-jitsu, church, and Classical Conversations (Homeschooled).
Why are you like a mirror image (personality wise) to me????
Thanks! God bless!
"There is never nothing, always something " - ME 😁
October 9, 2024 at 8:52 am #187093@everyone
Ok you have all asked me some questions now it’s my turn. please answer these truthfully!
1) Have you ever copied something from another book or movie or something?
II) Have you ever started a story or poem (that had a really good plot or idea) but never finished or started it?
C) What is your favorite book and author
4) Do you prefer to describe your characters then draw them/have someone else draw them OR describe them in your story but don’t draw them?
V) When is the best time for you write/draw/be creative or when is your favorite time?
F) Has an author you like ever did something in there story where you got mad a them? (for example like they make a character die or become evil!)
7) finally the lords number, what’s your religion? (if you have one, which your probably do because your on here)
Hope you enjoy and have fun!
(Do you think Elizabeth should be locked away forever? there is a correct answer.)
This reply was modified 5 months, 3 weeks ago by
Potato reporter.
"There is never nothing, always something " - ME 😁
October 9, 2024 at 9:41 am #187099Hello!
I’m Ellette. I’m the oldest of a home school family in the grasslands of America. I enjoy writing (A LOT) and have two books published. I also love drawing and reading, and scrapbo0oking. And cooking. And I am a complete history nut in the very best of ways. I can’t tell you any dates, but I can tell you amazing stories about heroes many have forgotten about, and I can tell you what they would wear, eat, how they would live, and what they would do in about any given culture. I like writing fiction best because the curse of being a history nut is I can’t write anything historical without getting side-tracked on making it accurate. lol. I also enjoy old weapons, (especially medieval) martial arts, and guns. I am not afraid of guns. I really like them, and am getting my conceal carry this year. (It comes from having a gun dealer and shooting instructor in my home. lol)
(Also, side note, stay away from Andrew because he just committed arsenal in a school and blasted several people with fire. INCLUDING ONE OF THE GOOD GUYS! just because he wanted to fight something.)
Okay, i’m gonna answer your questions and then ask a few of my own.
1) Have you ever copied something from another book or movie or something?
Every writer has. 100%. As the Bible says, “there is nothing new under the sun.” We all get inspired by each other and tell the same stories in a thousand different ways from a thousand different POVs, and all of us are copying the Master Author Himself.
II) Have you ever started a story or poem (that had a really good plot or idea) but never finished or started it?
Nope. I can’t not finish something, even if I hate how it’s turning out. I would die if I left something unfinished and moved on. lol.
C) What is your favorite book and author
That’s like asking a mother which one is her favorite child. lol. I can’t chose one, but top of the list are J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Eric Ludy (not a fiction writer) Christine Cohens, N.D. Wilson, and Douglas Wilson.
(btw, I love the random numbering/lettering scheme)
4) Do you prefer to describe your characters then draw them/have someone else draw them OR describe them in your story but don’t draw them?
Oh, I always draw them! In fact, I normally try to draw them first before describing them so that I can look at the picture and pretend that it’s a person I’m looking at and describing.
V) When is the best time for you write/draw/be creative or when is your favorite time?
I get all my ideas at night when I’m lying still and the room is pitch black. Then I write in the really early morning. (Fivish or so) for as long as I can. If I try in the afternoon/evening I am just to drained.
F) Has an author you like ever did something in there story where you got mad a them? (for example like they make a character die or become evil!)
The thing that makes me mad at authors is actually saving a character when they were unsaveable. Like for instance, you create this unbeatable force, get the hero captured by it, and some how they “weren’t looking” and he escaped. I would much rather the character die, even if I loved them, then for the author to bend and brake the rules he/she has put in place. If the hero is going to escape or get rescued, it has to be because it could actually happen. Not because they woke up and realized they had a secret super power that just popped up out of nowhere at all. Or the bad guys were all asleep. Does that makes sense?
7) finally the lords number, what’s your religion? (if you have one, which your probably do because your on here)
Um, Christianity. Do you mean “what is your denomination”? If so, I’m reformed Baptist.
(Do you think Elizabeth should be locked away forever? there is a correct answer.)
It would help if I knew who Elizabeth was……….
Okay, my questions to you.
Who are some of your heroes from books?
Who are your top ten favorite fiction characters?
Have you ever ridden horses bareback?
How many countries have you been too?
If you were trapped behind enemy lines and trying to escape, who would you like to have with you? (This can be a book character, a person you know, or a person from history)
No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.
October 9, 2024 at 9:53 am #187100Hello, I’m Jonas, more mysteriously known as Cloaked Mystery, whose presence on this forum is as erratic as…well, comparisons fail. But suffice to say that I am prone to randomly appearing and disappearing.
I write fantasy and enjoy hard magic systems and love worldbuilding.
MostAll of mystoriesstories in progress take place on various planets in the same universe, which I share with my sister, @highscribeofaetherium.I’m not going to ask any questions, because you seem to have gotten a lot already, (and also because I’m bad at thinking of good ones.)
In answer to your questions:
1. Probably. (But I plead innocent on account of imitation being the best form of flattery.)
II. I have only finished one story (an eight chapter novella), so technically, yes, I have many stories that I haven’t finished. But I still plan to finish them, so I don’t think that counts. I don’t think there’s anything I’ve completely abandoned.
C. (is this numbering system designed specifically to torment me?) I would be amiss not to state that the Lord of the Rings is the best fantasy novel, and that Tolkien is the best fantasy author (he basically founded the genre after all.) However, if we’re talking personal preference than objective fact, I’ll have to put Brandon Sanderson as my favorite author (although I can’t pick a specific book of his that is my favorite.)
4. I have drawn some of my characters, but I’m not that good at it, so the effort involved never seems worth the final result. I also don’t tend to describe them in the story (although I probably should), but that’s mainly because I don’t have any completely finalized drafts.
V. In the morning when I first get up, especially on a saturday, with some delicious chai tea.
F. Not that I can think of. In any well written instance of a character dying or turning evil it feels narratively satisfying, so I don’t really get angry at the author. That doesn’t stop me from hating a character if they turn evil. Such as in the Stormlight Archive. (If you know, you know.)
7. I go to a PCA church.
🏰 Fantasy Writer
✨ Magic System Creator
🎭 Character RPer
📚 Appreciator of BooksOctober 9, 2024 at 10:06 am #187102V. In the morning when I first get up, especially on a saturday, with some delicious chai tea.
Finally! Someone else who agrees with me! (Though I like a black tea steeped with vanilla better then chai.)
No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.
October 9, 2024 at 10:07 am #187103Have you ever copied something from another book or movie or something?
Have you ever started a story or poem (that had a really good plot or idea) but never finished or started it?
What is your favorite book and author
I’m not sure about my favorite book but for authors, I love Morgan L. Busse and Anna Travis.
Do you prefer to describe your characters then draw them/have someone else draw them OR describe them in your story but don’t draw them?
I like drawing my characters but I don’t like showing my drawings cause they’re terrifyingly terrible sometimes. Though, I usually have a written description of what they look like.
When is the best time for you write/draw/be creative or when is your favorite time?
MIDNIGHT. Or super early in the morning.
Has an author you like ever did something in there story where you got mad a them? (for example like they make a character die or become evil!)
Erm… Idk. I’ve gotten mad at characters even though it’s the authors fault. I just forget to blame the author for what they wrote.
finally the lords number, what’s your religion? (if you have one, which your probably do because your on here)
I’m a Christian. My church is non-denominational.
I say nope to the bonus question!
October 9, 2024 at 10:12 am #187104Hey thanks for the warm welcome
Of course!! 😀😀😊
that’s really cool that your an animator and that’s a lot of characters you must be pretty creative!
😅😅 thanks!!
I love cats, they are one of my favorite animals of all time. I do love dogs as well I have a dog and a cat but I’ve always preferred cats.
Cats are adorable.
Easily any shade of green, mainly lime or sea foam green.
Ah nice. Green is a good color.
Not really I don’t listen to much music, I’m looking for suggestions. What about you?
Hmm i don’t know lol… probably Yet to Come by BTS or something by Evanescence…🙂
you're unique—just like everyone else.
i've got your nose.October 9, 2024 at 10:14 am #187105Oh, and my answers to your questions:
1. No…. 😅 at least I don’t think so lol
C. (why are these numbered like this lol XD XD) My favorite book right now is probably A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. My favorite author… I actually don’t know. Probably Charles Dickens.
4. Describe them then draw them. But actually, I usually draw them and then describe them lol. If they look particularly lovable, then they go in the story (even if they’re irrelevant lol 🤭🤫)
V. Anytime really. I like to write whenever I have the inspiration. Which is random.
F. YES!!!!!!!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
7. I’m Christian… I’m not really in any particular denomination though…?
This reply was modified 5 months, 3 weeks ago by
-GRCR-. Reason: forgot some stuffs
you're unique—just like everyone else.
i've got your nose. -
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