Have you ever written a story with multiple POV?

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      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                                           Have you ever written a story with multiple POV?                                         If so, how did it go? And if not, why?

      I usually write in one POV, because I can really hone in and focus on that character and their thought process, voice, feelings, etc.

      But there is one story that I’m (still) writing with my siblings where we have five POV because it just really worked with the type of story we wanted to tell. It wasn’t really intentional… it just had to happen.

      It wouldn’t work with one POV.

      Mainly because of the plot, but also one of the main themes of the story is how one’s perception of something or someone is often false. We show that through the media in the story and through the five POV.

      The reader knows what each character is thinking, feeling, and wanting. They know when the character is lying or not or is accidently coming off in a wrong way.

      But the other characters don’t know that. And you can see that through what the five characters think and feel about each other. They have a lot of mistrust and false ideas about each other.

      And we have a lot of fun exploring each one of the five character’s unique views of each other.

      Each view has a sliver of truth, but not enough truth for them to make the right decision.

      So yeah, even though it’s not very easy, it’s really fun writing from multiple POV. And I really love developing and exploring our theme through the multiple POV of our story.

      What about you? Do you like writing with multiple POV? Have you ever done it? Why or why not?

      Linyang Zhang
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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        @kathleenramm I usually write in several POVs! I like to give insight in what happens to each person, and since usually they aren’t around each other, also shed light on other things that happen in entwining storylines.

        Lately, it's been on my brain
        Would you mind letting me know
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        Jodi Maile
          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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          @kathleenramm I have written stories with multiple POVs. When I write alone, I usually only have one or two. My first book that will never be read by anyone had two or three, and the books I wrote with my sister had up to five, I think. I read a lot of fantasy with lots of POV shifts back then, so I figured I needed more POVs. Truthfully, I didn’t, but I was under the impression that main/important characters each needed their own POV. But when I was writing with my sister, we each had one or two characters whose POV we wrote from so that our writing voices wouldn’t intermingle oddly in any one POV, if that makes sense.

          Now, I usually only have one POV to force myself to really focus on the growth and development of one character. I love stories with ensemble casts, so it is a challenge narrowing things down, but I’m trying to get better at writing just one so I can be better at writing multiple POVs.

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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            @kathleenramm Ooo I like the sound of your story! Five POV must be so fun to develop each voice, make them seem more real.

            with a rare exception, I can’t bear to do stories in 1 POV. I like the torture of the reader too much hehehe

            with pretty much every one of my stories I have 3 main POV that I go between, and with each book I might change one POV for another character because the focus changes more to that charrie, and of course I have a few glimpses that are kind of the omniscient POV, say the bad guys giving an order that will affect all of humanity, stuff like that.

            With my sci fi, I’m doing first person, single POV of a 16 year old girl who is proving hilarious to write, because outside of the novel, I think out what’s happening without her bias and make the others’ thought trains and then I write all of what’s happening in her eyes only.

            Like driving on old car to get away from military personalle who want them dead, and not really knowing what she’s doing then wondering what’s wrong with her friends and losing control and the car crashing over a hill into a lake, and not knowing where everyone is.

            one of the hardest and most fun parts of this WIP, is that she is totally oblivious that two guys —both of which have taken it upon themselves to guard her and her brother— really like her, and they’re being all annoyed and competitive and she’s wondering what is going on, because she’s really clueless with that kind of stuff, but the reader knows and wonders why on earth she can’t tell. XDD

            wow, that makes me sound mean, “but oh, it is so much fun.”

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              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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              @jodi-maile ooooo the each writing charries so the voices are different! soomeone else who did that!! I am doing that co-writing a book with my bestie!!! She’s taking one, and I’m taking the other, and then we have one we sort of do together. it’s so fun, and works well since all three are very different lives, cultures, and thinking.

              I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                Yeah, I really like how adding multiple POV you can explore different avenues of the story while adding a new flavor to the narrative.

                What the most POV you’ve ever had in one story?


                It’s really cool how you split up POV with your sister like that! My siblings and I might do that in the future, but right now we’ve only written one story with multiple POV. Because there was no need for more than one until the story we are working on now.

                What main character POV are you working on now?


                Woah, you don’t like writing stories that only have one POV? That’s really interesting!

                Is there anything you do while writing the story to differentiate each of the POV?

                Linyang Zhang
                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1700

                  @kathleenramm The most? Probably like 10 or 12 at some point. I don’t count very well, haha.

                  Lately, it's been on my brain
                  Would you mind letting me know
                  If hours don't turn into days

                  Jodi Maile
                    • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                    • Total Posts: 138

                    @kathleenramm I’m working on a short story by myself right now. I’m thinking it might just be one POV, but it might require me to write two. I’ve been practicing one POV for a while now so I hope I’ll be able to accomplish it effectively XD

                    Oh cool! That’s so interesting that you do that too! It does work really well when you need characters’ voices to sound different, and when they each have very different backgrounds and cultures.

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                      Yes, actually I have written a story with multiple POVs. I did it for my fantasy novel, Behind the Blade, Without the Wings. I switched POVs between the male and female lead. After doing that, I realized that I really like writing multiple POVs, so when I came back to my spy novel, I decided to have multiple POVs in it as well.

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                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                        @kathleenramm well most of my characters are based off real people that I either know really well or have observed, and I recognize people by their voices and I guess I note how they talk. I’m weird hahaha

                        Also, after that, I write how I think, so it seems to work well.

                        Idk if that made sense haha, but that’s the best I can explain it.

                        yeah it’s fun! 🙂

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                        Keilah H.
                          • Rank: Chosen One
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                          @kathleenramm There was a point of view change in one of my stories–most of the story was about one character, but somewhere in the middle I had to temporarily switch it to her sister’s POV because she was the only one who witnessed an important plot point.

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                          Trahia the Minstrel
                            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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                            @kathleenramm @elfwing @devastate-lasting @jodi-maile @keilah-h @anyoneiforgotinthisthread

                            I am consistently writing a fantasy series that has two main POVs, who are are equal main characters. Occasionally I will have one off chapters or scenes in another of the main characters’ section POVs, but only when it’s absolutely necessary.

                            I love having the two POVs, because in my story, they’re on opposite sides, and yet still both the good guy. So you get to see how neither side is truly purely evil — there are always good people in both groups in a war.

                            The end of a story, a beautiful picture; a feeling of longing yet hope~
                            That’s my wish to create.

                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                              @Trahia-the-minstrel oooo cool!!! That sounds amazing with a lot of potential! All the best! 🙂

                              I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title

                              Trahia the Minstrel
                                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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                                😊😁 #loveswritingmultiplePOV

                                The end of a story, a beautiful picture; a feeling of longing yet hope~
                                That’s my wish to create.

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