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    Alexa Autorski
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1011


      Aw, thank you so much!! 🙂 I personally enjoy high fantasy, where I can build my own world and lightly include elements of magic and such. It’s quite fun, actually! 🙂

      Some of my favorite fantasy books are the Chronicles of Narnia, Keeper of the Lost Cities, and Lord of the Rings (though I haven’t finished the book yet). And I heard you say you enjoyed Anne of Green Gables? That’s another story that I love! <3 I’ve been wanting to read C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity for some time. Would you recommend it?

      And that’s very neat you enjoy your work so much!! It sounds very interesting!! 😀 Do you write very much fiction?

        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1379


        Sounds like an interesting book! That’s what I do, too – the Bible obviously doesn’t include transcribed conversations – so I just use the Bible and my imagination. My goal is just to help other people, particularly teens, see Paul as an actual flesh-and-blood being instead of someone ancient and otherworldly.

        I’ve finished the first draft of The Apostle’s Sister – it was around 120k words when I finished. I’m working on the second draft now. Since The Anointed is more of an experiment, I work on it when I have free time or need to brainstorm for TAS. As such, I’m not very far into The Anointed (only about 30k words written in the first draft).

          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1242


          Your correct, I’ve read several books about leadership, plus some story/fiction/nonfiction books as well. My favorite fictional, of course, is Dark Horse. This is basically a relatively short allegory told through the POV of a horse and is themed centrally on leadership and calling.

          Leadership is also a staple in almost everything that I write novel-wise or even in my short stories.

          I think there are many works by Lewis that should be more appreciated, but I suppose that the Narnia chronicles are a hard mountain to put to shame. But in any case, I like his essays a lot, especially his essay  On Three Ways of Writing for Children. The Shoddy Lands was interesting too because it made me think about what the inside of the minds of my own characters looks like.

          And I’m always open to sharing poetry! In fact, I’ve published one here at Kingdom Pen called The Cardinal In My Tree. It is in the poetry category if you’re interested in reading it. It is one of the first poems that I wrote with that particular two-line repetitive structure.

          • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Abigail.M..
            • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
            • Total Posts: 46

            @Linyang Zhan – Ooo, do you have it up somewhere public to read?

            Hmm, that’s a hard question to answer I haven’t really thought of before. The thing that really stands out in a book is more of the thing that doesn’t stand out. Meaning a bad book would be one with extremes, like an all-powerful hero that can almost do no wrong, or a hero that has all the hard trials with no upside, then suddenly lands in riches or something. I love books that have pretty low lows, but still, see good in them, then pretty good highs with some slight downsides. Makes it much more real and relatable

              • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
              • Total Posts: 46

              @Wyn Rose Yes! I’m the same way, there’s a lot of science and biological reasons behind it, but what’s most interesting is the internal reasons in the way they think and do things as you said! I’m curious to hear if you have picked up any small things you’ve found interesting about understanding people?

                • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                • Total Posts: 46

                @Lexi M. – That’s awesome!!

                I haven’t read Keeper of the Lost Cities, though it sounds very familiar, what’s it about?

                And yes, Mere Christianity is amazing, one of the best books on apologetics in my opinion, and goes through the faith in a very clear and straightforward way! It’s made a lot of complicated terms and ideas much easier to understand and opened my mind up to other questions I hadn’t even considered before! I highly highly recommend it!

                I, unfortunately, don’t write very much fiction, mostly parables about different life and physiology principles. You could kind of call it fiction, as it’s made up stories, but not in the normal format 🙂

                  • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                  • Total Posts: 46

                  @Joy Caroline – Woah, 130k words, that’s quite impressive! Do you plan on publishing the book?

                  And yes, a Tale of Three Kings is amazing and I think you’d really enjoy it! It’s got a lot of deeper meanings behind the story and acts as both an interesting story and answers some complicated questions related to how we are to act as Christians in difficult situations!

                    • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                    • Total Posts: 46

                    @Abigail. M. That’s awesome! I haven’t heard of Dark Horse, sounds intriguing, I’m adding it to my reading list!

                    Haha, that’s true, such a wonderful series, super hard to top. One fascinating thing I learned was that CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien actually collaborated on LOTR & Narnia and helped each other write them! It really threw me for a loop when I heard that not only did they know each other but also worked together and both created super well-known books!

                    Oh yes! I will check out the poetry section! Thank you for referring me to it 😀

                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1242


                      Yes! definitely add Dark Horse to your reading list, (it’s the one by John Fischer and I recommend it to everyone).
                      Same here, it was quite a surprise/shock/most awesome thing ever, when I found out that Lewis and Tolkien collaborated. They actually belonged to an informal writing group called the Inklings and would meet and discuss their writing in a local cafe/inn:)
                      And no problem, the poetry section is awesome, there are so many talented poets here at KP!

                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1379


                        I do plan on pursuing publication. I’d like to go the traditional publishing route. Honestly though, I’ve been thinking quite a lot about my future and I think The Apostle’s Sister may take up to five years more before it’s ready. Maybe longer. I may still be working on it when I go through seminary school. So yes, publication is not really in the near future but I am pushing towards the goal for it to happen!

                        Linyang Zhang
                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                          @buildsbygideon Not yet, but I do have a short story (or two) and a novella that I wrote last year that you can find online!

                          Oh, that makes sense! Yeah, a good story should have realistic trials for the main characters to experience. The way you phrased it reminds me of how I feel about the movie Parasite, how not one aspect of the movie stood out to me because every aspect of it was flawless.

                          Do you enjoy watching any movies?

                          Lately, it's been on my brain
                          Would you mind letting me know
                          If hours don't turn into days

                          Alexa Autorski
                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1011


                            I really enjoy Keeper of the Lost Cities because it has a lot of fantasy elements. The main character has telepathy, and she learns that, in short, she’s an elf and that she’s sort of an experiment for a secret organization. I enjoyed the first book.

                            Wow, it sounds very interesting! Though, if I’m being honest, I think I’ll enjoy anything written by C.S. Lewis. Thank you for recommending it! I’ll check it out 😉 I’m always looking for good book recommendations, and sometimes it’s nice to get a break from fiction.

                            Your writing sounds very intriguing! I would love to read some, if you ever would like to share! 🙂 I think it’s really neat that you’re writing parables and principles. I wish you the best of luck with your writing! <33

                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 635


                              Yes! Mere Christianity despite the hype exceeded my expectations. My family and I talk about it quite a lot.

                              I just started reading Anne of Green Gables yesterday! And although I’m only three chapters in, I’m really enjoying it so far. Anne is a really fun character, and I’m looking forward to what is to come in the story.  Out of all eight books, which one is your favorite and least favorite?

                              It’s so cool that your parents started a whole business off of that! What’s the business called? I’d love to check it out.

                              Thank you! How I got started with Photography/filming? Hhmm… well, my Mom sells hair clips and her customers were wanting hair tutorial showing how to use them. So, starting when I was ten my Mom would do hair tutorials on me for her customers on YouTube. Then I slowly started taking over more and more of the tutorials to when I was Fifteen I was doing everything. From styling to filming and editing. The videos weren’t ummm… very good, especially at the beginning, but it taught me how to handle a camera and use editing softwares.

                                • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                                • Total Posts: 46

                                @Abigail M. – The inklings! I didn’t know that, such a cool name! And I have yet to check out the Poetry section due to tight schedules, but I definitely will this weekend 😀



                                  • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                                  • Total Posts: 46

                                  @Joy Caroline – Ah gotcha! That’s awesome that you’re planning on going to seminary! What made you decide to go that route?

                                  Also, I picked up To Kill a Mockingbird earlier this week and am about halfway through, it’s amazing!! I can’t believe I haven’t read it before! It’s got such a deep note to it and so well written! I’m really interested to see how the outcome of the trial of Tom Robinson goes, no spoilers 🙂

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