Greetings from Lysandria, everyone on Kingdom Pen!

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  • #82112
    Samuel P. Robbins
      • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
      • Total Posts: 7

      Hello everyone! My name is Samuel P. Robbins, and I am an aspiring 14-year-old author.

      I have already finished a 30,000 word fantasy novella, The Last Quest: A Tale of Friendship, Adventure, Bravery, and Sacrifice, and have almost finished a fantasy short story, The Fall of Llethanyl. Right now I am juggling the tasks of writing a 75,000 word fantasy novel called Fire and Ice and an 80,000 word epic sci-fi novel called The Wishing Star. I don’t quite know how I got myself into that mess, and I’m trying to get myself out.

      I am a member of the critically acclaimed Young Writers Workshop (YWW or Ydubs), which was started by Brett Harris, the coauthor of Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations. I enjoy writing (obviously!), music (both listening to and composing it!) and the outdoors (unfortunately we live in a subdivision!)

      I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you!

      —Samuel P. Robbins

      Reagan Ramm
        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
        • Total Posts: 110

        Hi Samuel! It’s great to have you here!

        Congrats on already having a novella finished! And Fantasy and Sci-fi are right up my alley! My first novel, and the one I’m currently rewriting, is actually called “Frozen Fire”, which sounds pretty similar to “Fire and Ice”. haha!

        And hey, another music composer! I compose as well (as well as record and produce)! Do you have any recorded music I can listen to?

        Once again, glad to have you here Samuel!

        – Reagan

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Reagan Ramm.

        My Music:

        Learn Music Production:

        Samuel P. Robbins
          • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
          • Total Posts: 7

          Hey Reagan!

          That’s cool that you write sci-fi and fantasy too! I have some allies in this! Also, I checked out your music on your website Andromeda Coast, and it looks really cool and interesting! I will be sure to explore it more! A link to some of my music is here:

          Erin G
            • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
            • Total Posts: 24

            Hi Samuel! Welcome to the Forum!

            Your novellas, novels, and stories sound fascinating! Fantasy is definitely one of my favorite things to read and write.

            What are some of your favorite books? Any fantasy books you recommend? I am kind of in a reading slump right now and having troubling finding good fantasy books. 🙂

            So glad to have you here!

            • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Erin G.
            Alien and Sojourner in a Foreign Land
              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 634

              @samuel-p-robbins Hello, Mr Robbins! Welcome to Kingdom Pen! I write fantasy, as well; that title for your short story sounds great! Are you into languages or poetry?

              Do you like coffee? Do you play any instruments? Have you read anything from J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, or N.D. Wilson? OH. And most importantly: Have you ever tried strawberries in whipped cream?

              Linyang Zhang
                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1700

                @samuel-p-robbins Hello and welcome! What kind of music do you like?

                Lately, it's been on my brain
                Would you mind letting me know
                If hours don't turn into days

                Reagan Ramm
                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                  • Total Posts: 110

                  Really cool songs @Samuel-p-robbins! Definitely sound like they could be soundtracks to a novel.

                  My Music:

                  Learn Music Production:

                  Samuel P. Robbins
                    • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
                    • Total Posts: 7

                    Wow. I have come quite a long way from this 14yo version of myself.

                    Linyang Zhang
                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1700

                      @samuel-p-robbins I was so confused seeing my message on here lol.

                      Lately, it's been on my brain
                      Would you mind letting me know
                      If hours don't turn into days

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