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      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
      • Total Posts: 152

      I want to write a devotional for the Reb about what God taught me while waiting for my graduation. I didn’t/ don’t know what I wanted to do when I grow up and I want to help future seniors like me.

      What are y’all’s thoughts on graduation. Post- and pre-. 🙂

      Ava Murbarger (Solfyre)
        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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        First, before I answer your questions, the Reb is awesome! I have one or two articles on there myself, and have been meaning to get back into it.

        As for graduation, I’m not quite there yet, but I know a lot of people who are/have been.

        This might seem kind of broad, but I know prayer is a big part of it. While God might not just tell you exactly what He wants you to be, it will feel better knowing that you have asked, and are willing to say no if it’s not part of His will. Close to any real job can be used for His glory, so think of your talents. If you’re good at writing, write something that points to God, etc. And, as a given, don’t choose a job/class that will make you sacrifice your Christian values.

        I know a guy that took classes on coding, and now helps our church run the website and soundboard. Just goes to show that anything can be used for God’s glory. I’m no scholar, but I hope this helped!

        Published Author | Havok Editor | Interning for Nova McBee

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          I’m a senior, so I’m right on the line right now. I agree with what @kyronthearcanin said. What brings you joy? How can you use that gift He’s given you to serve Him? Personally, I’m a pure math nerd, which makes things difficult, because I’m basically boycotting applying my knowledge to reality in any way like physics or engineering. That being said, this is something I care about deeply, and feel like is something God has given me, so that I can contemplate the world he’s given me at the most fundamental levels. So in whatever way that takes me, I just know that I’m dedicating this to Him, and pray for guidance for how to move forward, even if that means giving it up for something else.

          He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3716


            I’ve never heard of the Reb before. What is it?

            Ok, now to actually answer your question. 😁

            What are y’all’s thoughts on graduation. Post- and pre-. 🙂

            I’m still a few years down the road from graduation, but I do know that in any big decision, we need to seek God’s guidance. While He doesn’t audibly speak to us, He uses situations and people to direct us to what He wants us to do. And prayer is a big part of that. When we purposefully seek out His will, God will show it to us.

            I read a book series by Robin Jones Gunn called Katie Weldon. (She also wrote the Christy Miller series which is amazing!! Both series are contemporary Christian fiction for teen girls and they’re great! Anyway…) Katie was in her going into her senior year of college (I know you’re talking about high school, but the concept still applies) and she still didn’t know what she was going to do when she graduated. A woman a few years older gave her an example that I really love.

            If someone is far away from you, when they say something, you won’t hear it. But if you follow them, you’ll hear what they’re saying. Same with the Lord. You have to follow Him to know what He wants for you. If you are distant, you won’t hear Him speak. Does that make sense?

            It’s a great analogy that can be applied to any big decision in life, really. I speak from witnessing this in peoples’ lives. For example, our family had to make some important decision concerning our church and the next steps we had to take as a family. We simply kept following the Lord, asking for His guidance, and waiting on Him. Through the influence of other Christians, God made His will known to us, and my parents were able to make a decision and have peace about it.

            I hope that was the kind of answer you were looking for. Lol

            That was just my two cents. 😊 (Well, more like five cents considering that was a rant. 😂)

            Good luck on writing the devotional!! 🙂

            Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 365

              So, from an old homeschool fogey such as myself, graduation was awesome! (The part that what my shrivel elderly gray matter can remember of two years ago.) Friends, families, cards with money, food. . . and the dreaded speech. Oh, how horrible that speech was! After taking college speech, I look back upon it and, well. . . 🤐

              IT. WAS. BAD.

              Also, remember to write them thankyou notes, and deliver them! 😶‍🌫️ (Ya, some of those went into the trash recently.)

              Anyhoo, if you have want to interrogate someone about graduation, I’ll happily be your victim. (Schooling doesn’t always end with high school, and lets just say SPRING BREAK!!!)

              • This reply was modified 1 year, 12 months ago by Power.

              You will love what you spend time with.

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 692


                I’m going through post-graduation stuff. Having graduated last year, I still don’t know exactly what’s next. I’m not quite an adult yet and I’m still learning what I’ll need to know in the next year or two. But, I have an idea of what I want to do. Anyway, definitely lots of prayer is involved and advice from older people. Especially ones that know you well. They might just be able to help you to know what you’re good at. For example, my mom said she really likes my writing and thinks (with some practice) that I could be a really great writer someday. I also work well with kids and people with special needs. So, this summer I’ll be volunteering at a camp for people with special needs and their families and also be getting a job (after I turn 18) taking care of people with special needs (mostly my siblings, cousins and uncle).

                That’s my two-cents to borrow the colloquialism..

                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                  • Total Posts: 152

                  Wow, thank you all so much!

                  Yes, amen! Actually taking our requests to God and listening for His answers. I have seen time and time again how He’s faithful to answer. That’s how I’m at the job I am right now and that’s how I’m going to be at my future job. What gives me encouragement, especially whenever I can’t hear Him, is that none of the people in history that He has called were allowed to miss it. Moses had a bush that grabbed his attention, Gideon had signs that were undeniable, people heard God’s voice, Saul was blinded by a light. His plans, like It says in Job, are unthwartable. Maybe it’s just the writer/word-lover in me, but “unthwartable” is such a cool word!

                  Happy almost-graduation! I’m so thrilled that you’re going into it with a heart to do whatever God calls you to do, math (which it sounds like something you’d love) or not (which you’re also willing to love). And it’s a testimony, too, of how you are His. When people ask you (which you’ve probably heard a lot already) what you’re going to do after graduation, letting them know you’re planning on God’s plan is a different answer than they expect. That’s Lordship. And that’s awesome!

                  Wow, thank you so much! I love that quote!

                  “If someone is far away from you, when they say something, you won’t hear it. But if you follow them, you’ll hear what they’re saying. Same with the Lord. You have to follow Him to know what He wants for you. If you are distant, you won’t hear Him speak.”

                  Mmm, deep. I want to think on that a lot more. God says if we seek Him and search for Him with all of our heart, we will find Him. Amen, ONWARD!

                  Also, the Reb is The Rebelution, a website and blog for teens by teens (and young adults) who rebel against low expectations and do hard things for the glory of God. One of my poems is there and my hope is to share more of what God has taught me. Graduation is a big one.

                  Haha, I gave a speech at my homeschool graduation too. My graduation was during a pandemic, though, so everything was prerecorded (to send out to my family and friends). I wrote out what I wanted to say, set up my laptop “teleprompter” under my camera tripod, and focused on talking clearly, loudly, and slowly with a smile. Not a speech-giver, I would be more described as the youngest of a long line, quietest, shyest, and least experienced in most things. But afterwards my dad came up to me and said he was surprised at how good I was at it and he was excited to see how God could use that. I’d never had the opportunity to give speeches before and haven’t really since, except sharing my testimony at my college group. I’m excited to see what God can use me for too. He’s famous for using the weakest, shyest, and youngest for His masterplans. (Also, happy Spring Break!)

                  @sarafini That’s super cool! I hope the camp and job go awesome for you! Yeah, definitely wisdom, advice, counsel, and even just stories from people farther down the road is extremely valuable. When I told my mom about my vague dream of being a women’s conference speaker, she advised me to hone my craft of writing and developing thoughts because often, speakers start as writers. When I first graduated, my one and only skill I saw in myself (and part of it was comparison with the 10 talented siblings who’ve gone before me) was crochet. And that’s not a…uh, career, livelihood. Like you, I had no idea what God would want me to do. Sometimes still don’t. I didn’t see any overarching skill towards a career or passion towards a mission, so I waited on God. And actually it was a really sweet time with my folks, being the “muscles” for packing up our old house to move and unpacking in the new house, and really sweet long times with God (which I miss), I got to learn how to drive and took up more leadership in service. When I followed God to my current job, I experienced His blessing from obedience and such joy. It was just the right timing. And just the right job too; I didn’t know how much I’d love it. Just like how the Lord planned out Esther’s life and timeline, the Author is writing me. I look forward to the plot that is unfolding in His next chapters.

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3716


                    Mmm, deep. I want to think on that a lot more. God says if we seek Him and search for Him with all of our heart, we will find Him. Amen, ONWARD!

                    It was definitely an eye-opener for me. Like, I knew that to know God’s will, I had to just keep following Him, but when I read that, it just clicked, if you know what I mean. 😉

                    Also, the Reb is The Rebelution, a website and blog for teens by teens (and young adults) who rebel against low expectations and do hard things for the glory of God. One of my poems is there and my hope is to share more of what God has taught me. Graduation is a big one.

                    I’ll have to look into that! it sounds really cool!


                    Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

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