Forum For Pictures of our Charries!!

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      And yes, I included pics of when they’re older in Wolfgang and Reuben’s…I couldn’t help myself. XD

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        @freedomwriter76 AHHHHHHH MY HEEEAAAARRRTTTT 😍😍😍😍😍


        Elishavet Elroi
          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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          Ok, so, I still haven’t found any pics for Reúven haven’t even been looking but I went to draw another portrait of Viktor, and this happened instead. I’m pretty satisfied with the accuracy, so I decided to share it in lieu of a regular photo.

          Oh, and did I ever mention Reúven’s freckles? Definitely his mother coming out in him.

          You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

            • Rank: Chosen One
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            @elishavet-pidyon u did not!!! Is this Reúven?! So cute!!!


              • Rank: Chosen One
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              Oh also imo @freedomwriter76



              Reuben is the most handsome so far XD XD but I haven’t seen Jakob and Joshua’s boards yet….


                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                awww! Paxton!!! He is adorable <33 And yes, Grimm and Arthur are just…wow XD.  SO GOOD LOOKING! And that picture of November is exactly how I imagined him!!


                Oh my goodness!! That’s Victor? He’s so cute!!  <3 Wow, that’s a really good drawing!


                O.M.Gosh. RIKER!!! LEO!!! RUEBEN!!!!! Those are precious!!!!!! I love it so much. <3<3


                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                  @elishavet-pidyon. Reúven!!!!!!!!! AGHHHHHHH!!!!!!! <3333333

                  . Lol, I’m glad you think Reuben is handsome! XD

                  . Aww, thank you!!!! I love their collages too! <3

                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                    I love that picture! I’ve always wished I could draw realistic pictures of my characters. How long did it take you to draw it?

                    He must increase, but I must decrease.

                      • Rank: Chosen One
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                      I love Ara’s board the best!! I really like the art pics of her. Did you find those on Pinterest or somewhere else?

                      Grimm is just awesome!!

                      The pics of November as a kid… So cute!!


                      Your charries look awesome!!

                      It’s so cool that you have multiple pics of them. For me, I find one that I’m like “YES!” to and I stick with it. XD Cuz I feel like Ami’s look and Corie’s look is so unique that I have to have just the right one. Now with Ev and Ty… I could find multiple pics for them easily enough. XD

                      Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 3725


                        That looks awesome!! The shading is perfect!

                        Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                        Elishavet Elroi
                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1311

                          @godlyfantasy12 @lightoverdarkness6 @freedomwriter76 @felicity @esther-c

                          Awww, thanks y’all. I’m glad you like it. ❤️ *Is full of warm fuzzy feelings*

                          (Reúven is totally not my favorite. Totally. 😉 )

                          Also, Felicity, it took me several days to complete because I kept putting it back down, but at least five hours combined. (probably more. I lose track of time when I draw. XD)

                          You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6702

                            HEYA!!! So I’ve made some pics of my charries on a website called Artbreeder.

                            It’s a bit difficult to make them, so Grimm isn’t done yet. but here’s the ones I have done.




                              • Rank: Chosen One
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                              NOVEMBER UGH HE’S SO SWEET


                                • Rank: Chosen One
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                                (I can’t Make Nyx sadly because its nearly impossible to make actual animals on Artbreeder. U can make furries but real animals are a bit difficult)


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