Forum For Pictures of our Charries!!

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  • #125240
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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      Asher and Iris are so cute too! Maybe I just missed it, but are they friends or siblings?

      Oh, they are siblings. Thank you!! I’ve been wondering if I should change their names tho, bc Freedom-writer has an Iris and Esther-c Has an Asher, and I don’t want them to think I copied them… Btw, I love the pictures for Durwin and the twins! They’re twins, right? Oh, and yes, I think they look like twins. Not like super alike, but they look like they’re siblings. 😉

      @freedomwriter76 @anyone-else-who-cares Do you think I should change their names? I didn’t mean to copy you guys, I just looked up a bunch of boy names, and some girl names, and I narrowed it down to like 5 each, and somehow Asher and Iris sounded the best to me. 😂😅🤷‍♀️


      OMG, that picture of November!!! So cute and sweet!!! And PAXTON!!! That’s exactly how I pictured him!! Oh, and Arthur is so good looking!! And Corvina is so beautiful. And Ara and Jocelyn and Nyx and Grimm…Okay, all your charries are just da best🤣🤣.


      Oh my goodness, I LOVE that picture for Alwin!! Let’s see. Is Alwin the one who lives with his cousins or something? And he lost his little sister? Or is that Reuven? (I’m sorry, I know I butchered his name 😅😂) And Victor!!! Omg, I love him.


      Wow, how exciting!

      Yeah!!! I’ll post it when I’m finished with more than one chapters. Maybe when I’ve got two chapters written 😅.


      Oh, I love those pictures of your characters!! They all look so cute!!


        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1657


        Ugh, I messed up your tag again! 😅


          • Rank: Chosen One
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          It’s totally fine, girl!! I don’t think you’re copying, bc there are only so many good names out there! Lol. Their names go really well together!

          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
            • Total Posts: 193


            Btw, I love the pictures for Durwin and the twins! They’re twins, right? Oh, and yes, I think they look like twins. Not like super alike, but they look like they’re siblings. 😉

            Okay, great! Thank you!

            And I think you’re fine with Asher and Iris . . . unless @esther-c and @freedomwriter76 disagree, of course!

            Be brave. Be strong. Be bold.
            -Christopher Blakewell

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1657


              It’s totally fine, girl!! I don’t think you’re copying, bc there are only so many good names out there! Lol. Their names go really well together!

              Okay, good. Thank you!!! I’ll ask Freedom when she gets back too, and if she says okay, and you said okay, then I’ll keep them 😊!


              Okay, great! Thank you!

              You’re welcome!!

              And I think you’re fine with Asher and Iris . . . unless @esther-c and @freedomwrter76 disagree, of course!

              Okay!! Yeah, I’ll make sure I ask both of them.


                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                • Total Posts: 193

                Durwin, when he first shows up in the woods and scares the wits out of Aedan and Elinor:


                But later he looks a little less frightening and stern:

                Be brave. Be strong. Be bold.
                -Christopher Blakewell

                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                  • Total Posts: 173


                  Introducing my three WIP characters!! (Please bear with me…my charrie pictures are not historically accurate to the medieval time period. I may even change the time period to better include everything that I want to write about.)

                  Funny story how I came about the names for these characters….I used to work at a greenhouse and one day my coworkers and I were potting up peonies. There were three kinds that struck our fancy….Duchess de Nemours, Paula Fay, and Karl Rosenfield. I decided right then and there to write a romance with these three characters. 🙂 XD

                  1). Duchess de Nemours ( Her dad is Italian, her mom is English. She married a French guy, but he died in battle and she is in England living/staying with her mother’s family. Dresses in dark green and black. Quite pale in complexion but has a grace that comes with the title of Duchess and is quite attractive to a certain individual. It isn’t really appropriate to mention her age but for the sake of the story, she is 30)

                  Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo

                    • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                    • Total Posts: 173

                    2) Paula Fay (a sweet young lady of about 20 years of age has dark hair and brown eyes. Simple country girl with a big heart and generous spirit. Loves to work hard but always finds time to read and spend time with the children in the village.)


                    Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo

                      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                      • Total Posts: 173

                      3) Karl Rosenfield (Mom is Scottish, Dad is of African decent. Has green eyes, lighter brown skin, dark hair . 25 years of age. Grew up in Paula’s village, is now an accomplished gentleman with an estate.)

                      Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6702

                        @esther-c @arien @lightoverdarkness6@felicity @starofthenorth @mineralizedwritings @loopylin @freedomwriter76 @arien @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @sarafini


                        Some of y’all have already seen these but wanted to share them for those who haven’t! These are boards of my charries with pics I’ve collected overtime for them all!!





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                            And yes it includes baby/toddler pictures. ISN’T NOVEMBER SO CUTE?!


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