“Fixing” the Star Wars sequel trilogy???

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    Keilah H.
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 5801

      While plotting my [lengthy] Star Wars/Wings of Fire fanfiction, I realized that while I enjoyed the sequel trilogy’s story, most people didn’t. The reason being it was basically a poorly written reboot. I still prefer it to the overtly drawn-out EU stories, but it has a lot of flaws.

      So I decided I’d “fix” it in my own story!

      Here’s some things I changed about the story itself:

      • Instead of three movies, the arc has five books; one happens shortly before the trilogy would’ve started, one book each deals with the events of each movie but with a modified plot, and one deals with some of what happens after.
      • Each book would be from a MC’s perspective rather than jumping from one to another. This means I can focus more on their thoughts and emotions on the subject; this also means I can develop their backstories better in each book.

      Any other ideas? I’ll share more (about the characters and such) when I have time.


      You’re the only one I know who has opinions on this…..If you can remember anyone else to tag please tell me!

      "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        This sounds really cool. I’ve “fixed” movies or shows before in my head, but never written them down. The new trilogy was okay but not the best to me. I wasn’t really that into the star wars fandom that much when I watched it, though. I’ve gotten more into it since then (mostly Loony’s doing) and started watching clone wars. So I would love to read this if you wrote it. It’d be really interesting. : )

        Official KP archivist ✨

        Keilah H.
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 5801

          @loopylin Cool! Yes, Clone Wars is great!! (I liked Rebels and The Bad Batch–the other two shows–better, but the Clone Wars characters are awesome.) And thanks!

          Would you like me to go more into what I have planned?

          "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

            • Rank: Chosen One
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            Yeah! Tell me stuff

            Official KP archivist ✨

            Keilah H.
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 5801

              @loopylin Ok cool.

              So the first book, Talons of Time, actually doesn’t involve anyone you’ll see in the movies…but he might be one you’ll recognize from Clone Wars if you’re far enough into the story.

              According to an official Star Wars book series, clone trooper CT-6116, known as “Kix,” was captured by the Separatists late in the war. He was put into cryosleep (frozen basically) and shipped to a Separatist-controlled planet; however, the war ended before they could do anything with him. Decades later, in the sequel trilogy era, a band of pirates scouring for Clone Wars-era treasures found him still trapped in the crashed starship and woke him up. I don’t have all the details for this idea, but it’s an interesting one.


              Now for my storyline!

              Kix is a white and blue ice dragon–a CloneWing or Ice Wraith. The dragon tribe has changed and adapted in the decades since the war, and is barely recognizable to him now–not to mention all of his brothers are either dead or far older than him. (I modified the clones’ aging so that they survive longer than they do in the movies, because 1. dragon-people would likely have longer lifespans than humans, and 2. I didn’t want to restrict my favorite characters to forty-fifty or so years of life.) He is completely lost, until an Ice Wraith historian named Raine is captured by the same group he was “rescued” by. She’s completely fascinated by him, having wanted an eyewitness account of the Clone Wars ever since she started her career.  He decides to come with her when she starts investigating what might be stalking the unknown regions.



              Rather than slamming Palpatine’s survival or the true might of the First Order all at once, this foreshadows it, which I think works a bit better than the movies.

              "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

              Keilah H.
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 5801

                The next book will either be The Shifting Sands or Heart of Rebellion, Finn’s and Poe’s books. The titles and main characters are kinda interchangeable right now, but they depict the story of The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi.

                These characters will have more fleshed-out backstories than provided in the movies; whichever one I work on first, I’ll likely write at least one chapter or prologue depicting his childhood (dragonethood?) and then go into his early life before we meet him in the movies, either through flashbacks or through natural story progression.

                Also a word on Rose and Zorii, Finn’s and Poe’s respective possible-love-interests: They’ll share much more of the spotlight with the male dragons than they did in the original stories they appeared in. Of course, because the situation is different for either of them and where they appear in the story, I’ll have to put the whole explanation in a different post, but for now I’ll leave it at that.




                (I have to get off now, so I can’t tell you about the last two until later.)

                "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                  Welllll I only have one thing to say.



                  and that is if u ever bring in Rey (who was not my favorite at all, honestly didn’t care for her but tbh the girl characters are never my favorites XD)


                  Or Kylo (MA BOIIIIIII Finn was also ma boi. XD)


                  then. RYLO PLZ. That was legit my only reason for Rey’s existence 🤣












                  and then he DIED.







                  and so did I.


                  Otherworldly Historian
                    • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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                    Honestly, if you remake the star wars sequels I would keep Finn because the idea of him was cool. I think the whole idea of exploring the idea of a stormtrooper defect was good. Ultimately, they failed to deliver his arc in favor of Rey +Kylo Rin. I also would not bring back Palpatine. Just don’t. Please.

                    Through darkness,
                    light shines brightest

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 446


                      Ah yes… rewrite it. 😁

                      And uh, yeah, I didn’t like them. The characters we already had were ruined and any new characters just… weren’t that good. I saw them before I read any EU novels, and while they do kind of go on forever (because they really do 😂), I like that people can choose how much of it they want to pay attention to and it still makes sense. I’ve seen one other sequel trilogy rewrite with the same characters, but they had different arcs and actually had motives. 👍 Can’t wait to see what you have planned!

                      You’re the only one I know who has opinions on this

                      Yeah… I have opinions 😏🤣


                      I’ve gotten more into it since then (mostly Loony’s doing) and started watching clone wars.

                      I’m glad that all my hard work paid off 😁😂


                      Yeah, the stormtroopers… I liked the fact it acknowledged that many of them probably didn’t know better or were forced to fight. The thing with Finn and the camp of stormtrooper deserters could’ve been so cool, but then at the end, they blow up a ship full of stormtroopers, celebrate, and completely ignore it all 😐

                      I also would not bring back Palpatine. Just don’t. Please.

                      YES! Palpatine does not need to come back. At all.

                      Poe’s line… “Somehow, Palpatine returned.” 🤣😂 I can’t.

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 311


                        if you remake it I would prefer to see things go in a more Andor direction because… well for me Andor was the last spectacular thing in the Star Wars universe since rouge one. I feel like Star Wars could benefit from a little less lightsaber and a little more character and plot development. Also I like how it explored the dark side of the rebellion.

                        Keilah H.
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 5801

                          @godlyfantasy12 Don’t worry, that ship is VERY intact (He survives!). But I’ll get to that in a couple seconds if my computer doesn’t wig out again…..

                          ANDOR YESSSS. Not sure if this’ll interest you, but these five books I’m currently talking about are the final third of a 15-book fanfic (told you it was lengthy), which spans from the end of the Clone Wars up till after the end of Rise of Skywalker. Book nine happens during the Rebellion time period and has Cassian Andor as the protagonist. I’m kinda excited for that, tbh.

                          I’ll try my best not to ruin the characters I’ve got.

                          His book should take care of the missing arc information if I write it right. Also, sadly, bringing Palpatine back will be a thing (it happened in both canon and expanded universe so I’m keeping it). But I am changing the mechanics and such of the story and his death will be a little more satisfying.

                          "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                          Keilah H.
                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 5801

                            OK! So!

                            Back to my book explaining:

                            Book four in this arc (book fourteen overall) is known as Ray of Hope, at least for now. From the title it’s kinda obvious who the protagonist is. This story covers part of The Last Jedi and all of Rise of Skywalker.

                            Having Rey be a descendant of Palpatine is kinda going to be part of this, despite the fact that everyone was mad about that.


                            I will remove the infamous and slightly misleading “Your parents were nobody” quotes and rework them so it was more like he was avoiding the question rather than telling her what he knew.

                            Also, as a JediWing/SithWing hybrid, she’s a really cool but not necessarily overpowered dragon. The battle scene at the end will be reworked a bit so it’s less her power and more the power of her combined with all of the Jedi dragons (dragon spirits? That sounds a lot darker than I intend it) who have her back.

                            "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

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