Find my characters Want/Goal

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      Hey y’all so I’m having some difficulty with my character November. I’m trying to answer some questions about my characters, and I’m currently stuck on this one. What is his goal/want in the beginning of the novel (novel one mind you, so project garden).

      what I’ve read says it needs to be tangible, where the reader knows for sure when they might have reached that goal (which makes sense). My issue is, I cannot think of one that fits with the story and…with them.

      So his big problems and flaws are he can be clumsy and awkward which leads to making mistakes, but everyone does that. With him, however, he’s grown up with a bit of a narcissistic father who has verbally abused him and made him feel like a disappointment and inferior his entire life. Now November’s this sweet, endearing guy who’s just so encouraging but he’s full of negative self-talk and is entirely insecure. Arabella is his best friend (and he has a major crush on her that she is oblivious to) and he would literally do anything for her. So I wa slime, well his goal is to help her with her goal, but idk if that is tangible enough…

      I know that he THINKS proving himself to his father/not making so many mistakes would make his life better, so would proving himself to everyone be his goal? It’s just like…that’s his goal but at the same time it doesn’t sound like him.. IT MAKES NO SENSE I KNOW 🤣 but like writing down “His goal is to prove himself” just sounds so…Non November-ish if that makes sense but at the same time that’s his goal….


      🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m being so weird and probably overtly picky but my characters are ma babies and November especially so yea lol #writertroubles


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          Well, one option could be that his goal is to confess to his crush or find a way for his crush to confess to him. Depending on what kind of guy he is.

          Another option would be that his goal is to get away from his father. Whether that be earning enough money to buy a place away from his home, or to run away.

          He could have both goals as well. He could want to get away from his father and want to be in a relationship with his crush, and maybe these two goals clash during certain parts of the story which would add some nice conflict.

          But if neither of those options fit your story, what are your character’s interests? Maybe his goal could be pursuing one of those. Also, is there anything wrong with the current life your character is living? Maybe his goal could be trying to solve that problem.

          Those are just some ideas from me. I hope I was able to help a bit!



            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
            • Total Posts: 115


            What if his goal, instead of proving himself, was to not disappoint anyone (especially Ara)? It runs along the same lines, but instead of a go-getter-take-initiative element, it’s more based in fear and doubt. Especially if he’s been put down his whole life, he might expect failure and be terrified of it in this scenario.

            And trust me, you are TOTALLY not being over picky. That’s something that I personally have been learning, if something doesn’t feel right in your characters, plot, etc., then don’t settle for it. Problem solving is always worth it!

            Good luck and have fun with your story! 😄

            ~In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found~

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6699

              @kathleenramm thx for the ideas!!


              ooh yes!!! That wording does fit much better for him!! Thanks so much!!


                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                • Total Posts: 115


                Glad to be of service!! 😊

                Keep us posted on how your story goes! 😉

                ~In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found~

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 365

                  @godlyfantasy12 I have very similar problems with figuring out what my characters want? It is so important to the story and yet it can be so hard to find. With that being said, I would guess that your guy might have several goals.


                  Possible goal 1) He wants to live a ‘normal’ life, and doesn’t want anyone to know about his scars.

                  As a guy, I can understand this. We tend to dislike and sometimes fear revealing our emotions. Even if we know that something needs to be addressed, it can be very hard because, well, we’re guys. Things don’t hurt us, and if they do, we just tough our way through. We fear what others might think if they knew about our weaknesses.

                  For your character to talk about the things he went through as a child may be one of the hardest things he will do in his life. Actually talking to someone about abuse, addiction, or trauma is usually very hard for guys (and people in general).


                  Possible goal 2) He wants to be loved.

                  And a romantic relationship doesn’t have to be the answer (though it could be, or it might just be a temporary fix that is tried). What is really needed is someone to truly care, regardless of scars and mistakes. (He may try to be perfect in his attempts to find this, but there is always the question, “Would they still care if they knew?”)

                  Possible goal 3) He wants to prove to himself that he is not trash.

                  Abusive language does a lot more psychological damage than might be thought. The words that are spoken infect the brain and continue to pop up. “You are worthless” “You are bad” ect. It may be decades after the trauma, and on the outside the individual may look like a Navy Seal, but those words can still stab. (And when God comes into these cases and heals it is amazing!!!)

                  Side goal/plot thing) Can he forgive his father?

                  God vs. Christian Counseling, rant

                  God is the answer to a lot of these goals, but sometimes He doesn’t decide to instantly heal, and psychological help is needed. They are not in conflict. If you break an arm you may pray over it, but if God doesn’t heal, you still go to the hospital.

                  So, that was kinda long. . . Why is it so easy to come up with motives for a character when it’s not my own! 🤪

                  You will love what you spend time with.

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6699

                    I know I never responded lol!’ But I did end up figuring it out and a HUGE thank you to all of y’all!!!


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