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  • #188756
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 4033

      @jonas Are your characters nearer to the forest?


        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1367


        Ah ok. I’m so late 😭😭

        No matter.

        Btw… please give me some character-evolving grace… Marcellus is actually a fairly new character of mine, and I don’t fully know him as well as I’d like… so… yeah.


        Marcellus — Near Ederstrand

        A city in the distance. Maybe he could get information about WHERE in the world he was. Yeah, yeah. That would be good.

        He glanced side to side, tightened his grasp on his backpack straps, and then began walking.

        The closer he got to the city, the more he realized how dark everything was. Was anyone still awake? He stood off to the side of the town entrance.

        His eyes widened as he heard someone cry for help—somewhere, definitely in the city. Marcellus gulped and then sighed, “You know what they say—it’s not the absence of fear that is courage, but the mastery over it.”

        He stepped into the city crept along the edges of town—silent as a… a fish, maybe? They not make much noise. Yeah, not at all.


        🤍 Ira | Jara | Evelyn | Flaz | Blaine 🤍

        Ruee Hamster Huey
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 4049


          Baron—Elderstrand edge

          Propelled by a sudden rise in his powers, Baron left his place, and in a flash of silver gleam, halted with his fist meer centimeters from the man read

          STOP!!!!!!! Have you eaten Breakfast???
          #AnduthForever (hopefully 💕)

          Ruee Hamster Huey
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 4049



            STOP!!!!!!! Have you eaten Breakfast???
            #AnduthForever (hopefully 💕)

            Ruee Hamster Huey
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 4049


              Baron—Elderstrand edge continued

              Meer centimeters from the face of the man ready to draw his sword just as the words “Good evening! We’re travelers here. Mind pointing us to the nearest inn?” spoken by the other reached his ears.

              Baron dropped his fist, the strong wind disappearing. He composed himself, pulling on the hemmed edge of his gloves. “I am sorry. I believed you were someone else. No, I am a stranger here.”

              STOP!!!!!!! Have you eaten Breakfast???
              #AnduthForever (hopefully 💕)

              Ellette Giselle
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2815


                The post above was a little confusing……. but from what I gather you almost knocked Julian’s lights out?


                ACK! YOU RPed before I could.

                Give me a sec. I need top rewrite this


                Man is born for the fight, to be forged and molded into a sharper, finer, stronger image of God

                Ruee Hamster Huey
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 4049


                  Yeah, sorry, the submit button was pushed early.

                  Doesn’t help I have a kitten trying to eat my hand XD

                  STOP!!!!!!! Have you eaten Breakfast???
                  #AnduthForever (hopefully 💕)

                  Ellette Giselle
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2815


                    Okay, hang on, here we go.


                    Leon and Julian

                    Leon took a slow step back, eyes narrowed. “Be more careful when throwing blows before asking questions. Where I come from, that can get a man killed.”

                    Julian raised an eyebrow. “You two look like a couple cats about to get into a spat.” He turned back to the stranger. “If you’re also not from around here, then perhaps you would like to join us. There is strength in numbers,” he added before Leon could protest.


                    Man is born for the fight, to be forged and molded into a sharper, finer, stronger image of God

                    Ruee Hamster Huey
                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 4049


                      Baron—with Leon and Julian, Everstrand edge

                      “Having people near me is also a vulnerability.” Baron turned away, holding his scarf over his nose and mouth again. “Why should I trust you?”

                      STOP!!!!!!! Have you eaten Breakfast???
                      #AnduthForever (hopefully 💕)

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2650

                        This is gonna be like the Character Party, isn’t it? I’ll wake up in the morning to find ten new pages added to the RP.

                        Klethen – Elderstrand

                        The portal opened, and Klethen dropped through. He landed lithely on his feet and looked up. He stared for a moment in confusion.

                        He was not in the place he had intended to come out. He was alone in a wide street lined with houses. The place had a gray, dead look around it. It was unlike any place he had seen before, and Klethen did not like it.

                        I must have made a mistake, He decided. He traced another circle on the ground. The ground dropped away and Klethen let himself fall through.

                        This time the landing was not graceful. The portal had opened on a wide, flat roof, and he had just enough momentum to clear the sharp edges of the portal before gravity kicked and he flopped in a ruffled heap on the roof. He rolled over onto his back, sulky at his humiliating display of agility. The sky was dark, and clouds crawled across its surface. Klethen gazed at them for a moment. Clouds rarely got above the islands.

                        After a minute, he stood up and peered over down into the street below. He realized that it was the same street he had been standing in minutes before. Wherever this place was, it didn’t seem to want him to leave.

                        If I had ever learnt, I should have been a great proficient.

                        Ellette Giselle
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2815



                          Leon and Julian—with Baron, Everstrand edge

                          Leon let go of his sword with his right hand, but continued to rest his left hand on the hilt. “I don’t know. Why should we trust you?” He turned. “Come on Julian, let’s go.”

                          Julian raised an eyebrow. “And leave him to follow us and stab us in the back? No thanks.”

                          Leon glared at him. “You really are going to get us killed in the end,” he remarked.

                          Julian turned back to the stranger. “As far as I see it, we’re allies until we discover we’re enemies.”

                          Leon blinked. That didn’t sound right at all. That sounded like disaster.

                          Man is born for the fight, to be forged and molded into a sharper, finer, stronger image of God

                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1914

                            @jonas @everyone

                            Changed my mind! Swapping characters before I start (so I’m not using Noa.) I know I could use them both but I would rather just stick with one WIP. (I might add Sara’s twin brother in later.)

                            Here is my character…


                            Sara Bauer

                            Sara is seventeenish. She has dark hair, olive skin, and wears contacts (occasionally glasses.)

                            She has synesthesia, which in her case means she sees some words, names, sounds, and emotions as having different traits (like color, shape, texture, etc.)

                            She has a twin brother, Cole, who may or may not be added to this RP sometime. And her “world” is dystopian Denver, in the 2090s. She will probably be pretty out of place here with all your fantasy characters. 😅

                            'Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.'

                            Ruee Hamster Huey
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 4049


                              Baron—With Leon and Julian, Everstrand edge

                              “As far as I see it, we’re allies until we discover we’re enemies.”

                              Baron turned around, still holding the scarf over the lower half of his face. “Interesting view. I was raised with the opposite view…but then again my upbringing never did me any good…” He let go of his scarf, and it fell back down under his chin. “Who are you?”

                              STOP!!!!!!! Have you eaten Breakfast???
                              #AnduthForever (hopefully 💕)

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 4033


                                Yaayy, if you want, you could meet Marcel out by the edge of the woods! He’s just standing there. Alone. And wondering about what’s going on.


                                Ellette Giselle
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2815



                                  Leon and Julian—with Baron, Everstrand edge

                                  Leon raised an eyebrow. “Listen here, I think you should be the first to–”

                                  Julian cut him off. “I’m Julian Damoss,” he said, offering his hand. “That’s Leon. Don’t mind him, he’s normally not this snappish.”

                                  Man is born for the fight, to be forged and molded into a sharper, finer, stronger image of God

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