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      @hybridlore @loopylin @jonas

      Marcel — Edge of Deepwild

      Marcel turned to face them, and the grass hovered motionlessly in a circle around him. “I’m… Marcel. I’m almost sure of that.”

      • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by whaley. Reason: Thought I got a tag wrong, actually didn't haha my bad whoopsie bye

      "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

      Cloaked Mystery
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2874


        Ilahna —— Elderstrand, on a roof

        This stranger was decidedly odd. His look of non-comprehension, Ilahn gathered that he didn’t know what “4th Voice” meant. That meant she must be somewhere far from home, with an entirely different cultural hierarchy. But then, Klethen claimed not to know this place either. How did two strangers meet in a strange location that neither of them had never seen before.

        She happened to glance at the sky and frowned. A moon had just appeared from behind a cloud, full and bright. Ilahna was no astronomer, but she thought it looked rather too big for either Thala or Nona. She shrugged it off and turned back to Klethen.

        “Very well then, Ano Klethen,” she said. “Since we are both lost, shall we try to find out where we are?”

        @whalekeeper @loopylin

        Ellis —— Edge of Elderstrand (wait, weren’t we near the Edge of the Deepwild?)

        Ellis couldn’t help but think that this was a very strange meeting. The other three all looked to be younger than him, though the girl with strange white hair–Felicity–was taller than he was. What was even more odd was that none of them seemed to have a clue where they were, and their accents and styles of clothing were wholly unfamiliar to Ellis.

        “Well, then,” he said. “Should we try the city? I have a feeling that’s where we’ll best find answers.”


        Rina —— Elderstrand

        “Oh, yeah, the sky,” Rina said, peering up at it. “It’s kind of dark. I thought the surface was supposed to be bright, but this is less light than we have down there.”

        🏰 Fantasy Writer
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          • Rank: Chosen One
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          Klethen — Elderstrand, on a roof

          Ilahna suggested they find out where they were. Klethen agreed immediately.

          “It is odd, that neither of us know where we are.” He said, “How did you get here?” He glanced over the edge of the roof. “And how did you get up here?” The roof was relatively low, but there was no stair or ladder. And by the look she had given him when he used a portal, she definitely had not used one to get up there.


          It took so long because when I was writing it I KEPT TAPPING OTHER LINKS (on accident, obviously) THAT TOOK ME AWAY AND DELETED WHAT I WROTE 😤😠

          If I had ever learnt, I should have been a great proficient.


          Cloaked Mystery
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2874


            It took so long because when I was writing it I KEPT TAPPING OTHER LINKS (on accident, obviously) THAT TOOK ME AWAY AND DELETED WHAT I WROTE 😤😠

            A common lament.

            Ilahna —— Elderstrand, building roof

            Ilahna frowned. “I…used my Strings.”

            Levitating with Strings wasn’t necessarily easy, but it was fairly common for someone of the 3rd Voice or above.




            This is actually pretty funny. I’ve never had a character who completely fails to realize that other people can’t use the same magic. ‘Cause everyone on Anody can do this.

            🏰 Fantasy Writer
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              • Rank: Chosen One
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              @jonas I think we’re between the city and forest, so either one lol. @whalekeeper @loopylin

              Sara —> Edge of Elderstrand

              “Well, then,” the man said. “Should we try the city? I have a feeling that’s where we’ll best find answers.”

              Sara looked toward the deserted, ominous-looking city and bit her lip. “I guess so.”

              As the four of them left the forest and reached the gravelly pavement of the road, she asked, “So… who are all of you? Where do you live?”

              The KP WITNESS PROTECTION has been initiated to protect characters from their authors. Beware.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2681


                Klethen — Elderstrand, on a roof

                Klethen looked at Ilahna in confusion. She must be from someplace very far away, he thought.

                “What… never mind, can you get down again?”

                If I had ever learnt, I should have been a great proficient.


                Potato reporter
                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 868


                  oops, I sent something but it got deleted…

                  "'Cause lemonade is bitter 'til you sweeten up the bowl"

                  Potato reporter
                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 868


                    Jirah – (Elderstrand)

                    Jirah looked down and fixed his eyes on Rina. “You are talking like you have never seen the sky before.” He said. This is so strange… why are we wasting are time talking about the sky? He thought to himself. “Well, we should probably go and find my sister. Who knows what trouble she got in.” He sighed. It sounded as if you was trying to make a joke, but his glum expression and broad tone ruined it.

                    They were walking for a quit the time when Jirahs eye caught something. He quickly went over and picked it up. “It’s Rosemarys book! With a few pages ripped out!” H turned to Rina. “She never goes anywhere without it!” He began to panic. “ROSEMARY?! WHERE ARE YOU!?” He ran up to Rina, “You have to help me find her!”

                    "'Cause lemonade is bitter 'til you sweeten up the bowl"

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 586


                      Hey, after thinking about it, I don’t think I’ll participate in this RP because I know I won’t be able to keep up with it. Thanks for the invite, and I hope everyone has fun on here.

                      “Our house is full of ducks!!!!”

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2807

                        @whalekeeper *lore dump activated* There’s a rumor in Fel’s world that her race/ethnicity are actually related to giants. They’re not, they’re just plain humans, but I wanted them to be close enough that the stories seem to have some truth to them. Felicity is on the shorter/average side.


                        Felicity— Edge of Elderstrand

                        Felicity strolled ahead of the group, looping back around occasionally so she wouldn’t leave the others behind. She took off her cap as she walked, tossing it into the air several times and catching it.

                        “I’m from Linmaus,” she answered, “‘Least, that’s where I live now.” She paused, noting the others’ blank looks. “You know, the city with the biggest ink mine in the known world?”

                        Official KP archivist ✨

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 4243


                          Yayy rare lore dump, I figured you decided on her height for a reason.

                          @loopylin @jonas

                          Marcel — Edge of Deepwild

                          They stopped at a road junction, the city just up ahead.

                          “Never heard of an ink mine.” Marcel walked up to a sign ahead, which would direct them into the main street.

                          The girl dropped her cape and gave him an odd look.

                          “Well…” He realized something was strapped to his back, and he unsheathed it, discovering it to be an old quarterstaff. He tapped it in the dirt, and a circle of dust blew up like a shifting fractal. “I’m a traveler. No home. But I always survive each place I go to. Maybe I’m a lucky charm or something. That’s everything to know about me.”

                          • This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by whaley.

                          "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                          Potato reporter
                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 868


                            Hey @jonas, you there?

                            "'Cause lemonade is bitter 'til you sweeten up the bowl"

                            Cloaked Mystery
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 2874




                              Rina ——— Elderstrand

                              ”Okay, then,” Rina said. “You don’t think there are more of these guards around, do you? You search on the ground. I’ll follow on the roofs.”

                              Rina dropped through a portal and onto the roof of one of the buildings. She scanned the nearby streets, but didn’t see anything. The city spread out ahead of her in an endless maze of streets.

                              Hmmm… this might take a while.


                              Btw, in general, I probably won’t be super active during the middle of the day on Weekends.


                              Ilahna ——— Elderstrand (w/ Klethen)

                              ”Yes,” Ilahna said. This was very confusing, but it didn’t seem like the right time to figure out why they didn’t understand each other, so she left it that.

                              She stepped to the edge of the roof, and, humming a tune, slipped over the edge.

                              The String slowed her descent so that she touched down lightly. She released the rhythm and turned to see how Klethen would make his way down.


                              🏰 Fantasy Writer
                              ✨ Magic System Creator
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                              📚 Appreciator of Books

                              Potato reporter
                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 868


                                Jirah (Elderstand w/Rina)

                                Jirah watched Rina hop through the portal and appear on the roof, as she ran along the roof he ran with her on ground level. “Oh no no no!” he whispered. “If only I didn’t have to argue with her! Why do younger sisters have to do this?” He thought to himself aloud. He ran through the allies, hearing Rina’s footsteps above. It was very silent, until an angry voice was heard. “I have done no crime!” Rosemary exclaimed. “It is past the curfew, you should full well know the punishment. And besides, you injured Jude, we found him unconscious!” One of the guards furiously told Rosemary.

                                “That was not me!” She said bitterly. “Besides, if it was me, I would have left no evidence.” She said with a smirk. Jirah froze, What did she say… I have never seen this side of Rosemary, What does she mean she would’ve left no evidence?! He thought to himself. “Rina” He whispered, “We need to make a plan to save her! With out her book she’s helpless!” Jirah looked at Rosemary again Would’ve left no evidence!? Is she okay? 

                                "'Cause lemonade is bitter 'til you sweeten up the bowl"

                                Cloaked Mystery
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2874

                                  Rina —— Elserstrand (w/ Jirah & Rosemary)

                                  Rina dropped to the ground and peeked around the corner. “Hmm… that’s—what? Five, six, seven, eight of them? Eh, I think we can take ‘em. What do you say?”

                                  🏰 Fantasy Writer
                                  ✨ Magic System Creator
                                  🎭 Character RPer
                                  📚 Appreciator of Books

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