Drawing Your Sweet, Apparently Traumatized Little Charries ❤

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  • #130902
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      Here’s my first try at Paxton! I’m real sorry about the picture quality… Ik it’s blurry, but I can’t bother my dad to scan them rn

      "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 4296

        I figured this is what joy looks like from a child’s point of view 😉

        "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 4296

          Nyx! I had fun with him yesterday. A doodle of his face

          "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 4296

            "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

              • Rank: Chosen One
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              Ugh. I will get them scanned… For my sanity’s sake…

              "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6725

                @whalekeeper AHHHHH THAT SECOND ONE OF PAXTON!!!! AND THE NYX PICTURES!!!! I LOVE THEM!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                  you really captured Nyx’s snarkiness in that second one and I love how he looks like magical! I may have to add that into my books!



                  so cuuute!!!!


                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    So my little charrie is name Brody. He’s six years old and one of the sweetest things on the planet! <3

                    He’s (obviously) short. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He’s wearing a slightly tattered tunic and he has no shoes on. As for the hair and face shape, reference the pic below. (Sorry that it’s in the middle of a moodboard. I never downloaded the single pic of him.) I want him standing and maybe either looking shy and smiling upwards at the “camera”.

                    Thanks so much!! 😀



                    Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 4296

                      Hey guys! I need to let you know that I’m taking a shortish break from Kingdom Pen. I’ve had a bit of a creative burn out lately, and just need some time to figure out school and hands-on life stuff. I’m doing some things to try and earn a digital drawing tablet, so it’s not like I’m leaving drawing behind – but I need to take a break from things.

                      So @ava-blue and @esther-c

                      I’m sorry to leave you two hanging. I have a couple ideas for your charries – I just need to implement them when I get the hamster wheel of my brain spinning again. Thanks in advance for understanding!

                      "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 3754


                        Alright. 🙂 We’ll miss you!! 😊

                        Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3754

                          I want him standing and maybe either looking shy and smiling upwards at the “camera”.

                          This was supposed to be: …looking shy or smiling upwards…

                          Jsyk. 🙂

                          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                          Ava Blue
                            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                            • Total Posts: 222

                            @Whalekeeper no worries! I gotcha 🙂 You don’t have to do mine, I know what it’s like to have too much art to do and not enough time or energy XD

                            I hope your break is restful and fruitful!

                            Monsters creep
                            In the silent dark-deep
                            In the filling-eye hills
                            In the shriveled hand-keep

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 2818


                              I know this topic is a bit old, but I wanted to say those drawings are awesome! Your art style is so cute and magical I love it. ❤️

                              Official KP archivist ✨

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 4296


                                Oh my goodness I was just thinking about this thread (which may be finished when I figure out digital art) XD It feels so long ago, and I can confidently say my art’s better now, if only by a little.

                                Thank you ❤❤

                                "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

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