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  • #117459
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 612

      @freedomwriter76 Yeah well, Nyx can either let himself be kidnapped or face separation from Jocelyn. XDXD


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @queen_of_alvastia

        Everyone is now extremely tense. I fold my hands once more and sigh.

        Well…we have now made it near the end of our story…well…backstory anyway.

        And now…we can return to Cirque’s history. Where everything fell apart…


        Once upon a night…there were two brothers.

        They led their newly founded land side by side. One in the forefront, one from behind.

        One embittered and jealous. One kind and jovial.

        And then…everything changed.

        But why?

        Well…it’s simple really.

        And also foolish.

        But it’s often the straws that breaks the proverbial camels back, and in this case, it definitely did so.

        What is this so called great thing that occurred you ask?







        Cliche, perhaps, but some things never change, and jealousy and hatred will drive men to do…crazy things.

        And such is the case with our youngest brother.

        For one day, two girls came to Cirque.

        Fraternal twins, they were. Sisters. One with hair blond as gold, and one white as starlight.

        They were runaways, come to find solace in a new land.

        Like night and day, the sisters were. The white-haired one outspoken, and the golden-haired one endearing and soft.

        Much to the dismay of the younger brother, the golden-haired sister soon found herself drawn to the eldest, and he to her.

        This upset the younger furiously, as he too loved the golden-haired girl.

        The other twin, however, loved him dearly, but he rejected her pining, refusing to have anything less then what his brother had.

        It quickly became less about love and more about being better then his brother, and eventually, bitterness become seething hate, until he held no more love for his brother.

        And when his eldest brother married?

        It was the final straw.

        Though he made sure not to show it, his heart was filled with darkness.

        After his marriage, his eldest brother drifted more into the background, deciding to focus more on a passion in the show then trying to lead, leaving that to his brother.

        His brother accepted with mock humility, in truth hoping it would help him move into a larger position of power. And it did.

        As years passed, things changed as they usually did.

        The younger brother hid his hatred fairly well for the most part, though his wife (for he had eventually married the other twin) knew of it all too well. In fact, she was often on the receiving end of it, and she knew he had only married her in spite and perhaps to keep his lineage alive.

        As the years went by, he was able to convince the Cirquians to name the role of “leader” RingMaster, and like most conniving dictators, slowly leaked his way into command.

        Eventually, He moved in a race of people as his own personal soldiers, a race that obeyed his every command. It changed everything for Cirque. His first real move that showed the people that he was not the fun, bright, showman he’d always seemed to be.

        It sent a shudder through Cirque as a whole, but by then, he’d already laid his stakes in, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop him. Not even his brother.

        He had a daughter with his wife, a baby girl, the spitting image of her mother, but he didn’t pay her much mind. She would be of great use when she was older, carrying on his legacy, but as of now, he had more important things to attend to.

        His brother was still alive.

        And everyday he had to see him.

        him and his wife.

        the wife that should’ve been his…

        It killed him.

        And he had to do something about it.



        And he did.

        But it was a mistake.


        Using his brother’s own animals; for his brother was zookeeper for the circus, he let them loose upon the city.

        Though they’d always been friendly till then…the creatures, both large and small, normal and mythical, turned….monstrous.

        It was a blood bath.

        But there was a flaw in the youngest brother’s plan.

        The beasts did not kill his brother.

        But his wife instead.

        Along with countless others, though none of those matter to the younger brother.

        grieved, in a twisted way, the youngest brother was torn on what to do next. He realized what he’d done and blamed his brother for it, claiming it was his fault the animals had lost control.


        Of course…everyone knew the truth….

        But with an army of soldiers behind him now…and his new…uncanny ability to turn these creatures into…monsters, what could they do?


        And the eldest brother…

        So grief-stricken and heartbroken, he could not utter a word in his defense. Heart and mind broken, he could barely function.

        However, while the Cirquians could not refute their RingMaster’s claim of it being his brother’s fault, they did Refuse to have the elder brother executed, and RingMaster, decided to give into that wish, for fear of losing what bit of control he might have.

        Instead, he labeled his brother eccentric.

        No one labeled him a traitor. Or blamed him.

        they all knew the real truth. But what could they do? They were now under their RingMaster’s control.

        Though some Fled from Cirque in the coming years (including the younger brother’s own wife, though she was forced, and left her daughter in the care of others), and others tried to rebel, it didn’t do much.

        And eventually, Cirque was silence into oblivion, it’s dark history fading away. But not for lack of knowing.

        For everyone who was there for that fateful event…


        Is still alive.


        For this event only happened 13 years before book 2’s events take place….




        Well….you see.


        Once upon a night.

        A woman with golden blonde hair, before her untimely death, saved one of the most precious things in her life.


        A baby girl.

        A girl with bright, golden blonde hair, and large green eyes.

        A girl with a giggle that lit up the room.

        And her name, was Jocelyn.


        A girl whose father was declared mad….

        Who was forever sentenced to be nothing more then a Zookeeper….

        A girl who was taken and raised by her uncle…a man who, in a twisted, sadistic way loved her.

        A man who forced her to only see goodness…

        and forced everyone around her to keep their mouths snapped shut, never to say anything to her, about anything that happened….


        And she would never know who her father was.

        Or that he was alive.

        Or that she had a cousin.

        Or that both of them were right in front of the entire time.

        Or what her uncle had done….


        Until she did know.



        And that’s Lyn’s story.





          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645




          Both Ridley AND Zlatan (her uncle) AND Corvina have black hair…..












          So yes. Ridley is the “murderer.” But so far how I have it, is that in the end it turned to be self defense. It was not pre meditated at all, and while Ridley does go a bit power mad later, in the end he regrets it and apologizes and is truly sorry (so he gets a sorta small redemption at the end but it’s not just overly huge). Lyn forgives him but she obviously leaves Cirque (and their small relationship)


          however in the future I do ship him and Cecily XD





          so u can see Nyx’s umm…distrust of dark-haired ppl.


          and distrust of ppl in general.


          he babey (but don’t tel him that) and he’s just over-protective of his Jocelyn (and a bit possessive lol)


            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 612

            @godlyfantasy12 *falls to the floor sobbing* THAT IS SOO TRAGIC I JUST CAN’T EVEN *on the verge of a breakdown* 😭😭😭😭 Oh my word she’s so HAPPY and her past is JUST *wails* 😥😪😭😣😫😯😑🙄😓🙁 *uses every sad emoji out there*




              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 612

              Me dramatic? Never


                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 612

                @godlyfantasy12 Love how you tied in the hair color on all those people!! COOL!!!


                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1558


                  Uh whoa, that’s…amazingly awful. (What is her uncle’s name?)

                  First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    @koshka OH MY GOSH…..





                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      I….never even….


                      OH….OH MY….



                      OH MY GOSH…..


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        I AM….I AM LITERALLY FREAKING OUT RN….


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          Ok…give me one second to make sure that’s his name and somehow my subconscious wasn’t like…spelling it wrong….














                          OKAY OKAY WAIT….okay I was about to say…Ik I could not have missed something that big. Okie sorry sorry….it’s ZOLTEN….but bruh…..I still did not notice how close that issss


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            U just have to swap the L, and change the o AND eto an A…..that’s….


                            yikes….XD welp this is gonna be fun for Nyxie and Zlatan in the RP


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              Sorry for the mix up, the names are very similar….lol

                              i freaked out for a hot minute there 😂 still freaky tho….this is gonna be crazy to go back and RP whenever Zlatan and Nyx finally have an actually conversation


                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1558


                                XD I was starting to freak out too, especially as I was like How in the world has Nyx and even Lynn missed that!?!

                                Oohhh dear…

                                First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                                Elishavet Elroi
                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1057


                                  Wow. That’s such a good plot twisty thingy! Now I’ve got sooo many questions.

                                  Does she ever learn who her father is? What happened to her cousin? How do Ara and November work into everything? Is she blamed for the murder at any time? I seem to remember you mentioning that something like that happens. Ahhhhhh!

                                  Regains composure and folds hand in lap.

                                  You don’t have to answer any of my questions if they’d spoil anything/you don’t want to.

                                  You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

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