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  • #117429
    Elishavet Elroi
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1057


      Thanks, and that’s okay. At least one can be perfectly graceful in imagination.. 😉 XD

      You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 612

        @freedomwriter76 Okay here’s the plan: As soon as we find out about Lyn we kidnap her, get Grimm, kidnap him and make our escape! TO THE CASTLE!!



          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156

          BUCKY&STEVE (Gonna swap POV’s. XD) 

          People strolled across the street, careful to keep their gazes to the ground. No sound was heard except for shoes clicking against the sidewalk and road.

          Soldiers stationed at different points all across the road and sidewalks watched as people strolled past.

          Bucky avoided them. He really wasn’t in the mood to fight with anyone.

          His phone dinged.

          Alex’s address. From Tony.

          He smirked.

          Tony decided to not be stubborn for once. Bucky memorized the address, then slipped his phone back into his pocket, just as he heard a loud crash.

          He ran towards the sound. He didn’t want to fight, but if someone needed him…he’d help them in a heartbeat.

          A man flung into the side of a building. Groaned and hit the sidewalk.

          The soldier that stood above the man, muscled and with a grim set in his jaw, grabbed the man again.

          Slammed him into the wall.

          The man groaned but slowly stood back up.

          One of the other soldiers scoffed. “Out of the way.”

          The man chuckled. “As if.”

          The muscled soldier grabbed the man again. Threw him against the building.

          The other soldiers laughed and began to walk away.

          Bucky gripped the soldier’s arm, right before it raised to hit the man again. “Stop. What did he ever do?”

          The soldier slowly turned to face Bucky.

          Blue eyes met blue eyes.

          Bucky let go.

          Stepped back.

          Fifteen years…a battle…water…collapse…Bucky had heard the story…had been to the funeral…time stopped.

          His head throbbed.

          “…Steve?” he whispered, afraid that if he said it any louder, his best friend would disappear again.

          Steve turned around to completely face him.

          Raised an eyebrow and set his lips in a tight line. “…Who’s Steve? Who are you talking about?”

          “It…it’s me…Bucky.”

          “I don’t know who you are.”

          “Steve…I know you’re there. Come on…it’s me, Bucky…your best friend. You’re Steve Rogers, the little Brooklyn kid that was too dumb to run from a fight, remember?” Bucky whispered, beginning to step closer.

          Steve was alive. He wasn’t dead.

          But he didn’t even know Bucky.

          Steve scoffed. “I have no idea who you’re talking about.”

          “You’re Steve Rogers. Captain America.”

          Steve raised a confused eyebrow.

          “I don’t even know who that is. Get out of the way.”

          “Steve…you’re Captain America…and my…my friend.”

          “I am Captain Hydra. I have never seen you a day in my life.” Steve snarled in reply.

          “…What?” Bucky asked.




          Not Steve.

          Please, not Steve.

          “Get out of the way.”

          “Steve…you’re in there…you…you have to be…” Bucky whispered, as his head began to ache even more, sending sharp pierces of pain through his head.

          A pit had opened beneath him.

          And Bucky was falling in.

          “Steve…it’s me…”

          “I don’t know who you are.” Steve turned back to the man. “Stay out of the way next time and no one will get hurt.” He glanced back at Bucky, his blue eyes, with that hint of green, shooting daggers.

          “And don’t get in my way.”

          He shouldered past Bucky.


          But he had disappeared into the crowds.

          Bucky’s entire body went numb, just like his heart.

          His best friend was alive…and Steve didn’t even recognize him.


          His black tactical boots clicked against the hard, cold linoleum floor.

          He’d carried out his mission.

          Successfully, of course.

          And he would have the original, spontaneous one, if that brown-haired man hadn’t gotten in the way.

          Captain continued to pace across the floor. Why did that man, who had called himself “Bucky”, keep calling Captain “Steve”? And “Captain America”? He was Captain Hydra.

          Captain was his name.

          He was a soldier. A soldier for the protection of and restoration of a New World.

          It already had started.

          Pierce was the leader of America.

          And Captain was his personal soldier.

          Footsteps sounded. “Pierce wants to speak with you, Captain.” Alice ordered, stepping into the room.

          He nodded.

          No wasn’t an answer.

          Alice scrunched her nose.

          Glanced at Captain’s boots. “You couldn’t have wiped the blood off first, Captain? I thought you were supposed to.”

          He glanced down at his boots.

          He’d never forgotten to clean them before.

          But he had…he had been…thinking about the brown-haired man with a metal arm.

          “I know you’re supposed to.” Alice scoffed. “Skimping on your duties now, are you? Well then, isn’t someone disobedient?” She turned on her heel. Waved at him. “Follow me.”

          “Sometimes…I think you like getting punched.”

          “I had him on the ropes.”

          The brunette grinned. “I know you did.”


          He jumped at the sound of Alice yelling his name.

          Captain followed her.

          Alice scoffed. “Well…isn’t someone distracted today? Follow me. And next time…” Alice slapped him, hard. Captain knew not to make a sound. But by morning, he knew there would be a bruise. “wipe off your boots.”

          She began to walk again, and Captain followed her.

          Steve…Captain America…no…he was…he was Captain Hydra. He didn’t know a Steve or a Bucky.

          Captain’s head began to throb.

          He shook his head.


          He needed to be in top shape.

          Pierce might need him for something.

          He didn’t want to have to go to the chair again.

          A shiver spread up Captain’s spine.

          “Bucky, I thought I lost you…”

          The brunette smiled. “You’re my best friend Steve…I’d never leave you.” 

          Those memories weren’t his.

          Captain wasn’t “Steve”. And Bucky…he only just now met him.

          The Avengers? What in the world was that, anyhow?

          Captain shook his head.


          He was right where he was supposed to be.

          He was Captain Hydra.

          That’s all he had ever been.

          All he ever would be.

          . @queen_of_alvastia. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. Well y’all, here it is! 😉🤧😭

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @queen_of_alvastia. Sounds like a plan. 👉😎👉

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyob @queen_of_alvastia

              You have made it this far!! But be warned…there is more treachery to come!!

              But now, I must tell you…things will get a bit bumpy…

              I’m afraid I MUST interrupt this history lesson…and before I can tell you what takes place next, I must jump into the future, to Lyn and what takes place in the present (or at least the present that is the second book in the series.)


              Apologies for the time shift and leaving you in suspense…but it IS all necessary…

              I assure you.


              WARNING- DOES CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR SECOND BOOK BUT UH YEA 😂 it also might make sense of some of Lyn’s RPs tho (and Nyx’s) 


              Book 2 takes place after the events of Cirque’s history that I am currently retelling. It takes Place after the founding of Cirque, and Lyn is about 14 at the time of the second book’s beginning. Now that we’ve settled that, let us begin.


              Jocelyn was a special young girl.

              Is a special girl.

              She is the niece of the RingMaster; Current Leader/Ruler of Cirque.

              She is the only remaining family of the RingMaster, and thus will take over after him. She has been raised by her uncle since birth, as her parents were killed in a tragic event that also took the lives of many others…

              An event that changed Cirque forever….

              But Lyn doesn’t remember it. And they don’t speak of it.

              Lyn is a bright, bubbly girl. She’s dreamed of being RingMaster and, while she can’t dream of a time where her uncle wouldn’t be RingMaster (they’re very close) it’s been her childhood fantasy since she could remember.


              And Cirque? Her home?

              Nowhere better!

              Why, Cirque is the best place in the world. No place could be as bright and captivating, and no one could convince her otherwise.

              Sure, there weren’t many Cirquians anymore…Hadn’t been really…not since she was very small, but let them leave!

              She never would.

              She and Nyx perform their hearts out every show, loving it each time they see the tourists light up.


              They love the people who do remain in Cirque, no matter how eccentric (after all, Lyn’s one of them! And she’s a bit crazy herself)

              Like Lander, the mad animal keeper. He’s always so kind to her, and he even gave her Nyx when she was young!

              and The Trapeze twins-er-triplets? Umm…eh…siblings…yea. They’re nice!

              Some of them could be a bit..depressing. And moody.

              And Cecily….

              But whatever.

              She always had Ridley! Her best friend! (Other then Nyx, of course.)




              The point was, Lyn adored Cirque, and nothing could change her mind.














              UGH MY SWEET BABY GIRL 😭


                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 612

                @freedomwriter76 *totally* Umm guessing if we kidnap Lyn we will have to take Nyx too?

                I LOVE IT!! I LOVE LYN!! *super hugs Lyn* And why am I starting to get a bad feeling now…

                Wait what happened to Ridley? *gulp*


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  So the sigh was cuz I  book 2 Ridley’s like her boyfriend-not-boyfriend 😂 like their together but not if that makes sense 😂 like they both mutually like each other


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @godlyfantasy12. LOVE IT!!! But…uhm…I’m scared. *peeks out just a tiny bit from where I’m hiding behind Steve* Hey…uhm…girl…do I need to go grab a box of tissues? 😂 WHAT HAPPENS TO RIDLEY!?!?

                    . We will…I don’t think Nyx will like that very much tho, lol. 😂😂😂

                    Elishavet Elroi
                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1057


                      Ohhhhh, I smell treason…

                      Squirms in chair before remembering my dignity and clasping my hands.

                      Is Ridley black haired?

                      You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1558



                        Slides closer to the wall, hand now gripping knife hilt.

                        I’m not sure about this…

                        First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 612

                          @elishavet-pidyon thank you! *bows gracefully in my imagination* Don’t even ask how that looked irl XD

                          @freedomwriter76 BUCKY BOI!! NOOOO!! *sobs brokenheartedly*

                          Yeah that makes sense BUT WHAT HAPPENS TO HIM!? *glare* you didn’t answer the question girl!!!


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            PART 2 of LYN’s PART!

                            @freedomwriter76 @queen_of_alvastia @koshka @elishavet-pidyon Ik I’m splitting it into a lot of parts but bear with me. Gotta keep the suspense and intrigue up and I told ya, her stories kinda intense. Specially cuz she doesn’t find out bout it….until Um…stuff happens 😂





                            SPOILER ALERT FOR BOOK 2. This is actually pretty much what happens in book 2 but WHATEVA 

                            WEEEWOOO WEEEWOOO


                            Young Jocelyn and Nyx’s life is changed forever on the night of a cosmic storm like no other.

                            The night two teens enter her life.

                            Arabella and November.

                            Little did the she and her fox friend know the two teens would become the only ones they could trust in their once seemingly perfect world.


                            Ara and November, outsiders looking in, are quickly able to see that…this perfect place Jocelyn describes…

                            Is anything but.

                            Cirque is dark.


                            A neon city of shadows, not even a 100 years old in being founded….yet already shrouded in deception.

                            Something is desperately wrong.

                            And Jocelyn?

                            Can’t see it.

                            Or won’t.

                            Her eyes are blinded by a naivety brought on through dark manipulation.

                            Something sinister is at work.

                            And Lyn seems to be right in the middle of it.

                            And November and Ara?

                            They’re just trying to find their way through this new land. They’ve never been outside of their own. The two are just as lost as she is (and she doesn’t even know she is lost.)


                            And then….disaster strikes (or is it really?)

                            It is…but…it’s complicated…




                            Lyn’s uncle is murdered.


                            And Jocelyn and Nyx discover the body.

                            In a moment, the perfect world that has been created for Lyn is shattered and she’s left to deal with a bout of brand new feelings, as well of flurry of questions.

                            Worse still, whoever killed her uncle is still running around.

                            And when Lyn decides she’s going to find out who it is…with the help of Ara and November….she quickly discovers that everything around her is much darker then she ever could’ve imagine.

                            And her uncle’s killer?


                            Could literally be anyone…


                            Something is severely wrong in Cirque. Something that dates back to her birth.

                            Before she was even born in fact, and no one seems willing to give a straight answer.

                            Until someone does….

                            And everything becomes horribly clear, and Cirque’s dreadful, bloody history comes to life.


                            Along with the horrible truth, of Jocelyn’s Uncle….


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @godlyfantasy12*puts on sunglasses and steps out from behind Steve* Am I going to need to go take a villain out? 😎 BECAUSE IF ANYONE DARES TO EVEN LAY A SINGLE FINGER ON LYN…OHHHHHHHH…LOOK OUT, CAUSE I’M COMING FOR YOU!!!! *clears throat* Ahem…excuse me. I take my job very seriously. 😎

                              . AGHHHHHH….I KNOWWWWWWW!!!!! 😭😭😭 AND STEVE!!!! 💔💔💔

                              Elishavet Elroi
                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1057



                                I am on the edge of my seat…

                                The different parts are all right, but we need the rest!!!

                                Ach, Lynnie…

                                You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 612

                                  @godlyfantasy12 AHH!! THE CLIFFHANGERS!!! WHY MUST YOU KEEP DOING THIS TO ME!! All right that’s it. Lyn is IN! As in “in the #ProtectionSquad and November is already there…

                                  @freedomwriter76  STEEEEVVVEE!!! *wails* THAT’S NOT WHO YOU AREEEEEEE!!!!

                                  #MissionTAKE DOWN HYDRA!! And smash them into little pieces and throw them all into slimy dungeons and put rats and snakes in the dungeon. *glares at any Hydra member I can find*

                                  And oh yes, #SteveProtectionSquad. *nods gravely*

                                  Umm do we have too many Squads?



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