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  • #117322
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @queen_of_alvastia. NOPE! XD Other than snippets of Of Plimoth Plantation. Oh my gosh, girl, it’s still in the old English writing style!!!!! IT’S SOOOO CONFUSING!!!! XD XD XD

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @freedomwriter76 @queen_of_alvastia AH! Thank y’all!


        so I’m glad u brought the brother thing up because…he is actually not….but I am sooo glad he SEEMS like he is!!!


        so in this same scene I’m hoping to establish that he Isn’t Ara’s brother so there’s no confusion, but that he’s like her brother.



        so it’s gonna come out maybe in this scene, maybe later as more is revealed, but just go ahead and let y’all know-


        Ara is actually a bit of a “miracle child” in that her mother and father were told after being wed they would be unable to have children.

        Obviously the Lord had other plans and they were thrilled with the birth of their little Princess, Arabella.

        Sadly, though they wanted more (especially her mother, who would’ve loved to have a son) they cannot have anymore children, and it is not in God’s plan for them to bare anymore.

        But Ara has always wanted a sibling and her parents another child.



        thus Ganesh is kinda like an older brother to her, but he can’t be exactly like a sibling because he’s actually more of the messenger for God and is often away more then he’s there. (He’s actually a type and shadow of the angel Gabriel.)




        HOWEVER as u all know…God works in mysterious ways and Ara does get the little brother she’s always wanted, and her parents get the baby boy they’ve always wanted, through Paxton!!


        my heart….🥹🥹



          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 612

          @freedomwriter76 Haven’t read that one yet! Key word: YET XD

          OOOHHH!! LOVE LOVE LOVE WHERE YOU’RE TAKING THIS!! *happy squeal* *confetti cannon* (Yes that’s a thing.)


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156


            The scrub brush scrapped against the hard floor.

            The few torches flickered, but still, Jared had to squint to be able to see.

            The floor needed to be polished.


            No matter what.

            If not…well…his back knew full well the punishment.

            He sucked in a deep breath full of air.

            His back still ached, stung, and bled from the last one.

            Footsteps clicked against the floor.



            Too familiar.

            Painfully familiar.

            “Jared. Stand.”

            His body instinctively obeyed at the sound of Acheron’s voice.

            The lock on the collar jingled as he stood. Acheron smiled slowly at the sound. “Ah, so you can obey.”

            Jared’s gaze fell. Of course he knew how to obey. He just…he’d…failed. 

            “You know you were supposed to kill the Heir, not the current King.”


            Acheron’s backhanded blow came without warning. Jared didn’t fall.

            He knew not to.

            “Only speak when told to, Jared. I thought our recent…lesson…would remind you of your place. Do you need another?”

            Jared bit down on his tongue, hard.

            It bled.

            Acheron smiled. Ran his hand through Jared’s black hair. “Good. Now…what did you learn? You may speak.”

            Jared looked up.

            Jared’s red eyes and Acheron’s coal met. “I…I failed you. I killed the King, not Prince Michael. I didn’t…I didn’t look before shooting the arrow and ran before I learned who I had killed.”

            Acheron put up a hand. “That is enough.”

            Jared’s gaze fell again. He saw the man with the scar over his left eye standing over him, sword in hand, as Jared thought he was going to die. “I’m not going to kill you. I was once in your place before. But The Light freed me. You can be free too. You’re worth a lot in The Light’s eyes, even if you don’t know that…” 

            “Jared!” Another blow sent Jared to the floor. His hand scrapped against the hard cobblestone floor. They ripped open and oozed blood.

            Acheron stood over him. “…Why did you ignore me? Speak.”

            “I…I didn’t…I didn’t hear…”

            “Oh, you didn’t now?” Acheron raised an eyebrow. “Then what had you so distracted?”

            Jared looked down at the floor. “And The Light has a plan for you that you don’t know yet.”

            “A man…a man said something to me.”

            Acheron raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”

            “He…he said he wouldn’t kill me. He…he said he was…was once like…like me…and someone…he called him The Light free…freed him. He said I’m worth something…and that I can…can be free too.”

            Acheron’s hard slap came without warning.

            The sound resonated off the stone walls.

            “You will not leave here. You will not be freed. I have a plan, you are a part of it, and no one, nothing, not even The Light will stop me. You are worthless, Jared, and no one on Earth or above or below cares one whit whether you live or die. Understand!?”

            Acheron slapped him again.

            Against Jared’s own will, a whimper escaped. Weakling, the voices in his head snickered.

            “Answer. Me.”

            ‘Haha, look now, Jared. You have earned yourself more pain.’ 

            Jared couldn’t forget how the voices had screamed as the man stood above him. Couldn’t forget how…bright…alive…the man with the scar’s face had been. Even his eyes…were bright. Alive.

            “Understand!?” Acheron yelled, giving Jared three hard slaps.


            Acheron gripped Jared’s collar, tightening it. Jared gasped as he felt it almost choke him. “Good. Now, you will live with a tightened collar. Maybe that will remind you to behave. If not, well…” Acheron smiled, “we might just have to get the whip back out.”

            He let go and stepped away, disappearing into the darkness.

            Jared sucked in a huge breath of air. The voices in his head snickered, laughed, mocked, and taunted.

            With trembling hands, he grabbed the brush.

            Freedom….Worth…Such foolish dreams. 

            . @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. Well….so what do Y’all think!? 😀 629 words…not bad. 😉

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @godlyfantasy12. You’re Welcome!!!! AND AWWWW, GIRL, I LOVE THATTTTTT!!!!!

              . I didn’t even read all of it. XD It’s too confusing. XD XD XD

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 612

                @freedomwriter76 MY STINKIN’ NOTIFS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY!! How dare they not let me know you posted this!!!

                Oh I love it girl! Well, it made me cry but that’s nothing new now is it? JARED!! You poor thing! *bless his heart* He’s officially part of the #ProtectionSquad now! I’m going on a MISSION TO KIDNAP HIM!! *bye* *rented castle here I come*


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @freedomwriter76 it’s really awesome! UGH POOR JAREEEED!!! HE IS IN THE #PROTECTIONSQUAD!!!!!! *guards with arms crossed.*

                  Jared, meet November and Paxton and all the others in the squad.


                  I just realized I’m pretty sure it’s all guys….


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    Y’all are probs gonna add Grimm into it too when I put in his backstory Lol


                    all my charries have backstories (even Lyn tho she doesn’t really realize it…MWAHAHAHA XD)


                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 612

                      @godlyfantasy12 Hmm yeah *goes over the Protection Squad roster* YOU’RE RIGHT! Guess the girls can take care of themselves lol

                      (Grimm can come!! Wait – do we need to add Lyn too?)


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @queen_of_alvastia. @godlyfantasy12. AHHH!!!! THANK Y’ALL!!!! 🥰🥰🥰 Ah yes, Jared, my poor baby. 😭😭😭 (well…other than Riker, lol. XD)


                        I better go grab him then, before Y’all kidnap him. 👋 Or, if y’all do, I’ll just ask for him back in a little while. 😜

                        OH MY GOSH, YESSSS!!!! GRIMM IS MOST DEFINETELY A PART OF THE #ProtectionSquad!!!! 😭😭😭🤧🤧🤧 (@queen_of_alvastia, I know his story already, so…yes, he needs to be a part of the #ProtectionSquad)

                        And…do we want to know Lyn’s story? 👀

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 612

                          @freedomwriter76 ❤❤ YESS!! RIKER…JARED!! AAAHHH! Hey wait you forgot someone!! (His name is with a J too hint hint)

                          YES I WILL KIDNAP HIM!! MWAHAHAHA!!!

                          I wanna know his story now too!! @godlyfantasy12 *puppy eyes* please?

                          Umm YES?? Second thought, maybe not….



                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @queen_of_alvastia. YESSSS!!!! 😍😍😍 (Yep, and Jayden. And Leon too…since I’m gonna kill him. 😅)

                            NOOOOO!!!! I WILL GET HIMMMM!!!!!! I’M COMING JARED!!!! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

                            Yeah…uhm…I don’t know if we do…😂

                            Elishavet Elroi
                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1057

                              Ok, first off,this is a wonderful idea, and I will be joining in. Literally, this is fantastic!


                              That scene is sooo interesting. I like Ara, Ganesh, and her parents. (And sympathize with her. Oh, life is so awkward at times…)

                              She calls her father אבא? I love it! 


                              I really enjoyed your scene too! Alwin and Jared should totally be in a RP together. They’d have some interesting conversations for sure!

                              You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645



                                I AM LITERALLY SO MAD


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  I am not retyping all of that…sigh…ur gonna have to get the condensed version….tho it’s not near as dramatic or heart wrenching…


                                  Long story short-

                                  Grimm loses his baby sister Mirella. She’s killed in a field of flowers as a child, because she was mute and deaf (thus the new Alpha Queen who had set up a horrid, twisted system, deems her an Omega, and she’s been sentenced to death) she’s actually killed by her own pack, who have become an army now for their new Alpha Queen (another person Grimm grew up with) which only makes things worse.

                                  Grimm was able to save another child, named Conan a boy who is blind and mute, his sister’s best friend, and while he would never trade Conan’s life, he feels guilty for not being able to rescue Miri.

                                  He lives with this for…a long time.

                                  He actually Carries her locket in his belt loop to remember her (and his inability to save her 😭)


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