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  • #122289
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 8156

      Oh, but also, this one, because I can’t just give y’all a sad scene and not give you a happier one today! XD

      “You’re here! I’m so glad you could come! Oh, and Wolfgang came with you? Glad you could join Joshua, Wolfgang.” Esther said with a warm, welcoming smile.

      Wolfgang smiled. “Thank you. He wanted someone to come, and I decided I’d come along.”

      Esther nodded. “Welcome, both of you. I’m sure you’ll both love it here. Oh, and this is my Ima Elizabeth, and my Abba Elisha.”

      “Good morning, Joshua, Wolfgang, welcome.” Elizabeth greeted with a smile.

      “Yes, good morning and welcome to church.” Elisha greeted with a smile just as warm and welcoming as his wife and daughter’s.

      Wolfgang smiled and shook his hand. Joshua did the same, and in a moment, church started.

      Wolfgang sung along, as Joshua shared the hymnal with him. Songs were sung in German, which Wolfgang was able to sing well, but even Yiddish and Hebrew, which he didn’t know well, but loved the sound of.

      The singing stopped, and Ezekiel stepped up to the pulpit. Prayer occurred, Wolfgang took his seat with everyone else, and Ezekiel…began to preach.

      He talked animatedly, enthusiastically, passionately. The story he told…the gospel…it sounded so…different than normal. Alive. Real.

      Wolfgang was sitting on the edge of his seat.

      Ezekiel talked about it with so much hope.

      So much enthusiasm and passion.

      And he told the story like it was a story of love. Not judgement and condemnation.

      Wolfgang remained on the edge of his seat through the preaching.

      Ezekiel and the people in his church, they seemed so…happy. Alive. Hopeful.

      The preaching finally commenced, Ezekiel closed with prayer and one more hymn, and everyone was dismissed.

      Joshua was saying his goodbyes to Esther and her parents, but Wolfgang still didn’t move. Not yet.

      “Wolfgang, hey, we gotta go.”

      “Joshua…is this what you felt?”

      Joshua raised an eyebrow and sat back down beside him. “What, Wolfgang?”

      “This…this…feeling. Deep inside. Ezekiel seems so happy…enthusiastic… passionate…not like the pastor at our family’s church. And…I…I need to talk to him.”

      Joshua’s eyes widened, but slowly, they returned to normal, and he smiled. “I’m sure he’d love to talk to you.” Joshua stood and offered his hand to him. “Come on, let’s go talk to him.”

      Wolfgang took his brother’s hand and followed him to the pulpit, where Ezekiel was talking to a few different church members. But he finished, saw them both, and waved. “Joshua! Wolfgang! What a lovely surprise! I saw you both come in but didn’t have time to say anything. Do you two need anything?”

      Joshua glanced at Wolfgang, and he stepped forward. “Pastor Ezekiel, I’ve never heard the Gospel talked about like that.”

      “Like the actual Gospel?”

      “Like a Gospel of love…and I’ve never seen anyone talk about it so…so…happily. With so much enthusiasm and passion. I-I’ve never seen that before. Not even from other pastors.”

      Ezekiel slowly nodded. “Sadly, that is true of many.”

      Wolfgang nodded. There was a feeling…something…pushing him. He wanted to be just as happy. “Pastor, h-how do I get the happiness you have?”

      Ezekiel smiled, and Wolfgang felt Joshua’s hands rest on his shoulders. He looked up at his brother to see tears in his eyes.

      Ezekiel slowly and softly took Wolfgang’s hands. “Well, Wolfgang, there’s just a few things you need to understand first…”

      Oh, and the other half of this scene, hehe…


      Reuben set his notebook and pencil aside. Another poem was coming together nicely.

      He rubbed his eyes.

      He was done writing. At least for now.

      But Joshua and Wolfgang still weren’t home from church, which was…concerning, to say the least.

      Reuben bit his lip and turned to face Jakob, who was sitting on the floor beside the bed Reuben was sitting on. “Hey, Jakob, do you think Joshua and Wolfgang are okay? They still aren’t back yet.”

      Jakob smiled. “I’m sure they’re alright, Reuben. They know how to stay safe.”

      Reuben nodded. “Y-yeah…you’re right. I’m sure they’re fine.”

      Suddenly, the doorknob turned, and the door opened. Reuben got off the bed and stood. “Joshua! Wolfgang! You’re back!”

      Joshua smiled. “We sure are.” He closed the door right after Wolfgang stepped in.

      Wolfgang had a big, bright smile.

      “How was church…?” Jakob asked quietly, also standing.

      Wolfgang turned to him, eyes sparkling. “Amazing! You all have to come next Sunday! All of us can go!”

      “You sound…excited…” Reuben whispered, raising an eyebrow.

      He didn’t know if he’d ever seen Wolfgang happier.

      Wolfgang turned to face him again. “I am! And happy! And ready for whatever God has for me! I’m one of his now, and my life is now devoted for him!”

      Reuben raised an eyebrow and turned to look at Joshua.

      His second oldest brother’s eyes were bright with tears. “Wolfgang has come to God,” Joshua whispered softly, wiping away tears, “and now he’s saved and redeemed.”

      Reuben turned to look at Wolfgang again, and Wolfgang nodded fast. “I am. That’s why I’m happy and excited. And all of you can be too! Jesus died for all of us, which includes all of you, just like it includes me!”

      Reuben glanced at Jakob, who smiled at Wolfgang. “Glad to hear that you’re happy, Wolfgang.”

      “All of you can be too!”

      A scoff sounded from across the room. “It’s not that simple, Wolfgang.” Leo whispered, standing from where he had been reading a book in a chair beside the window in the bedroom all five of them had shared since childhood.

      “But it is! Ezekiel explained everything…all you have to do is believe in Jesus, repent, and invite him into your heart.” Wolfgang replied enthusiastically, turning to their oldest brother with a big, bright grin.

      Leo crossed his arms and leaned back against one of the bunk bed frames. “But God…after everything that’s happened…does he really even care?”

      Wolfgang bit his lip, before smiling again. “Why don’t all of you come to church with me and Joshua, then!? The only way to get answers is to start looking for them, right?”

      “He’s right. Come on, Jakob, Reuben, Leo, start coming to Church with us.” Joshua urged with a warm smile.

      Reuben bit his lip and turned to Jakob.

      He was willing to try…but what about his two other brothers?

      “I’m willing to try…” Jakob whispered softly.

      Reuben nodded in agreement. “Me too…”

      And suddenly, all of them turned to face Leo.

      “Leo, if you never search for the answers, you’ll never get them.” Wolfgang pointed out.

      “Leo, we all want you to be happy…maybe you’ll figure out what it is that me and Wolfgang have found…and you’ll be changed and happy again.” Joshua whispered.

      Leo shook his head.

      “Leo, please…? At least once…?” Wolfgang asked, stepping closer to Leo. “Just…please…try it…at least once…?”

      Slowly, Leo’s eyes softened, and he finally nodded. “Okay…I-I’ll try it. But only once. Only one Sunday. Only one service. Do I make myself clear?”

      Joshua smiled. “Right as rain.”

      Reuben smiled faintly. They were all going to Ezekiel’s church next Sunday.

      And Reuben silently hoped that maybe he could find what had made Wolfgang so happy for himself.

        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1558


        LEEEEEOOOOOOOO!!!! *wails*

        Felix, you have no idea what treasure you’re slapping around. *Grinds teeth*

        First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 812


          Makes me angry that Felix and Frida are so…uncaring and rude!!! All the inner struggles and pain…I can actually feel it.

          He must increase, but I must decrease.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645





            *impatiently waits for what happens next*


              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1558


              Thank you for the happy chapters though! I’d like to see more like that please.

              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156


                LEEEEEOOOOOOOO!!!! *wails*

                Felix, you have no idea what treasure you’re slapping around. *Grinds teeth*

                Felix and Frida better be glad they ain’t real. XD

                Thank you for the happy chapters though! I’d like to see more like that please.

                You are so welcome!!! 😀 And yeah…I need to write some happier scenes for y’all. XD


                Makes me angry that Felix and Frida are so…uncaring and rude!!! All the inner struggles and pain…I can actually feel it.

                UGHH!!! ME TOO!!!!

                I’m glad you can feel it! That’s what I try to go for…I have to have everyone feel the emotions, after all! XD



                Sorry! It just had to happen! XD

                *impatiently waits for what happens next*

                You should see it soon enough…hopefully…XD

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @princesachronicle22 this is the forum I talked about! When I start writing again I’ll probably make a new one


                  this includes writings from others as well!


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    Did u ever write that aftermath @freedomwriter76? The poor Boys….🥺😭


                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 692


                      Can anyone post their 1st drafts here or did you just make it so you can share your stuff with us? I didn’t look through comments just saw it and was intrigued. 😉

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @sarafini anyone can!


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          I made it for all of us to use while we were drafting or to share stuff we had already drafted


                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 692


                            Ohh! Nice. Cool beans! I’m currently drafting a second book in my series. I’ll share stuff after I get critiques for the 1st book.

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