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      @joy-caroline. I KNOWWWWW!!! *sobs* She is soooo sweet!!! 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️


        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @freedomwriter76 AHHHH POOR BABIES!!! AND LEEEEOOO THE BOYS!!! What’s gonna happen to them?!?! Once Himmler leaves their in the hands of their terrible parents and brothers AND AUNT AND UNCLE 😭


          • Rank: Chosen One
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          @godlyfantasy12. IKR!? THE SWEET LITTLE GIRLS!!! 😭❤️

          AND YES, THE BOYS!!!! 😭😭😭😭 Not sure exactly what happens yet…we’ll see…but I have an idea…hehe…

            • Rank: Chosen One
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            @godlyfantasy12. @joy-caroline. And, finally, Part 3!!! Well, final part other than possibly doing from the bois’ POV of the aftermath, which would be in a different book, but whatever! XD

            Himmler’s heart felt wrenched out of his chest, torn into shreds. His own tears began to fall. “Edy…Edy…I’m not going anywhere…”

            “Mama did…” Edy whispered with a sniff.

            “I promise…I’m not going anywhere…I promise you…” Himmler whispered, beginning to reach for his daughter. Finally, she let go of Leo’s leg and went to him.

            Himmler pulled his younger daughter into his embrace, holding her close. “I’m not going anywhere Edy…when you come back from Oma and Opa’s, I’ll be right here…I promise…”

            Edy nodded, but she still sniffed. “What about Leo and Joshua and Jakob and Reuben and Wolfgang…?” She asked softly, pulling away to face Himmler, tears still rolling down her cheeks.

            Himmler wiped away her tears. “Of course, sweetheart…of course they’ll be here…”

            “…Are you sure…?”

            Suddenly, Leo pulled away from his father’s grip and lifted Edy into his arms.

            Himmler slowly stood, as Leo held Edy close.

            “Edy…we’re not going anywhere…none of us. You go have fun at your Oma and Opa’s and when you come back, we’ll be here.” Leo kissed Edy’s cheek, “And that’s a promise. We’ll be waiting for you.”

            Edy smiled and wrapped her arms around Leo’s neck. “I love you Leo…” She whispered, and Leo gave her a hug.

            “I love you too.” He replied, holding her for another minute before setting her down.

            Himmler wiped away his own tears and smiled at his nephew. He wrapped his arms around Leo, and Leo hugged him back. “Love you, Uncle Himmler.”

            “I love you too, Leo, stay safe…alright…?” Himmler whispered.

            Leo nodded, finally pulling away from the hug with a smile. “I will…thank you…”

            Himmler smiled. “Of course.”

            He went over to his other nephews, saying his goodbyes as Edy and Camille did the same.

            Finally, he was finished and turned to his brothers and his sisters-in-law, grabbing his daughter’s hands in his own.

            “I’ll see you all soon.”

            He turned and walked away and out of the house, holding his daughters’ hands.

            Y’ALL…I love them all…but Leo has taken a special place in my heart. XD

              • Rank: Chosen One
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              @freedomwriter76 AWWW! I NEED THAT AFTERMATH SCENE THO!!!


                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                I love Himmler and Edy’s relationship. 🥺🥰

                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                  @godlyfantasy12. @joy-caroline. AHHH!!! THANK Y’ALL!!!! And yes, Joy, I love Himmler’s relationship with his daughter’s too! He’s such a good dad!!! ❤️❤️❤️

                  And I AM working on the “Aftermath” scene, but for now…I have this one that I wrote…hehe….XD

                  Jakob leaned against the wall.

                  He loved her. Every day, it was harder to ignore. But his father…Frida…neither of them supported the two of them dating. Much less marriage.

                  And Angelina had said her father would never approve. But she’d admitted that she loved Jakob but had also reminded him that it would never work because neither of their families would approve.

                  All because he was half-Jewish.

                  Jakob ran a hand through his hair.

                  He couldn’t let her go…he’d never love another woman the way he loved her.

                  She actually…understood him.

                  She actually loved him for who he was, imperfections and all.

                  But her father…his parents…none of them would approve.

                  And her mother had recently died, so that wasn’t an option either.

                  Jakob groaned, when something clicked.

                  Her father wasn’t the only man in her life that protected her.

                  A new spark of hope lit in his chest.

                  Not like his family, other than his brothers, ever had to know that he was married.

                  Jakob got off the wall and began to walk over to where the others were gathered, laughing and talking, calming down after a recent mission that saved two large Jewish families.

                  “Riker, can I talk to you…in private?” Jakob asked.

                  The brown-haired man looked up and nodded, his dark blue eyes filling with concern. He stood from where he had been sitting. “Of course. Is…is something wrong?”

                  Jakob shook his head. Motioned to Ezekiel’s office. “We can use that…if Ezekiel doesn’t mind.”

                  “I don’t mind at all.”

                  Jakob gave Ezekiel a thankful smile. “Thank you.” He walked away, Riker following close behind.

                  He closed the door.

                  “Alright Jakob…what is this about?”

                  “Me and your sister have been secretly dating.”

                  Riker raised an eyebrow. “Secretly? It’s not been a secret to me.”

                  “I know. But her father…my parents…stepbrothers…sisters…they don’t know. Riker, I love your sister more than words can ever express. Angelina is sweet…caring…brave…creative…smart…and she lights up my world every time I get to see her,” Jakob smiled, thinking about her, “and she understands me more than anyone else ever has…”

                  Riker slowly nodded. “And you’re telling me this…why, exactly?”

                  Jakob turned on him. “Neither of our families would approve, but…I want to marry her. She said she wants the same…but also knows it would be impossible. Her father would never approve…and we’d have to hide it from my family too.”

                  Riker smiled, ever-so faintly. Nodded. “Go on.”

                  “So, I had to come to you. You’re the only man other than her father that I can ask, and her father would never approve, but me and Angelina love each other. So…Riker…do I have your permission to ask your sister for her hand in marriage?” Jakob asked, hoping like he hadn’t hoped in years.

                  Riker glanced around the room for a minute before his gaze fixated back on Jakob.

                  Jakob’s breath caught, and he hoped…one last time.

                  Riker smiled.

                  “You have my full permission.”

                  “Thank you! You have no idea how happy this makes me…” Jakob whispered.

                  Riker smiled again. “I hope you will both be happy. When are you planning to propose?”

                  “As soon as possible.”

                  Riker laughed and nodded. “As I expected.”

                  “Thank you…again.” Jakob whispered, and began to reach for the door, but Riker stopped him.

                  “One last thing.”

                  Jakob turned to face him. “Yes?”

                  Riker’s smile faded, he leaned close, and his eyes were piercing, threatening. “My sister is worth way more than a diamond. She’s a treasure. Treat her like one, or Jakob, I will kill you and they’ll never find your body.”

                  Jakob slowly nodded and saluted “Understood.”

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    Yep, that’s protective older brother for you. XD

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @freedomwriter76 OH MY GOSH I LOOOOOVE IT SCREEEEE!! SHIP SHIP SHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND RIKEEEEEEERRR!!!! I LOVED THAT PART!!!


                        • Rank: Chosen One
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                        @godlyfantasy12. AHHHH!!! Thank you!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @freedomwriter76 hey! Did u ever finish that scene with the Boys? 🥺😣 what happens to them?!


                          Elishavet Elroi
                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1057


                            I’m just going through the forum, and what should meet my eyes?

                            THAT SCENE WAS AWESOME! And hilarious, and sooo sweet! I love the way Riker swaps from understanding friend to protective brother. It’s perfect!

                            You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @godlyfantasy12. AHH!!! No, I haven’t! I totally forgot! XD Well, I didn’t entirely forget, but I got distracted and forgot about it for a bit…I really need to write it tho! xD Thanks for the reminder! 😉

                              . Aww, thank you!!! 😀 <333

                              And YES!!! That’s my favorite part about it! XD I just love how he changes, lol. xD

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                @freedomwriter76 AGGGGHHHH THE SUSPENSSSEEEEEE 😫😫😫😫


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @joy-caroline. @godlyfantasy12. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. So…I’m gonna leave y’all in suspense again, lol, XD. Sorry, y’all, but this scene just popped into my head, and I HAD to write it, so…I guess y’all will just have two scenes left at a cliffhanger until I finish them! XD

                                  Here it is!!!

                                  Leo’s fists clenched and unclenched in his lap. His knees bounced.

                                  All of his brothers were going to Ezekiel’s church. Jakob and Reuben were both curious.

                                  But Leo didn’t understand.

                                  He couldn’t.

                                  Ezekiel, Joshua, Wolfgang, how could they trust God after all the death…all the destruction?

                                  Leo couldn’t trust God. Wouldn’t. Not after God let him and his brothers be abused.

                                  His fists clenched again.

                                  Adolphus shot him a glare, and he slowly released his fists as the pastor continued to preach about “rules” this, “condemnation” that, and how they needed to obey their leaders, meaning Hitler. And how they had enemies in their midst, meaning Leo.

                                  If God was so good, then why hadn’t he stopped the abuse?

                                  Why hadn’t he stopped the war?

                                  Why hadn’t he stopped the bloodshed?

                                  Why hadn’t he stopped the death?

                                  Why hadn’t he just done…something?

                                  Leo felt his eyes begin to water, and he angrily pushed the tears back in where they belonged.

                                  On his other side, Annalise raised an eyebrow.

                                  God had done nothing for Leo and his brothers.

                                  So why should Leo believe in him?

                                  But Joshua…Wolfgang…they seemed so…so…happy.

                                  And that was the biggest thing Leo couldn’t understand.

                                  How could they be so happy…after everything?

                                  God had done nothing for them…yet they…they trusted him.

                                  But Leo didn’t, couldn’t, and wouldn’t. Not after everything that had happened.

                                  Things that a good, loving, powerful God should have stopped, not let continue.

                                  Leo’s fists clenched again, and Annalise narrowed her eyes at him.

                                  He wanted nothing to do with God…not after God did nothing to stop all of the abuse and pain.

                                  The pastor continued to drone on, and Leo’s fists only clenched tighter.

                                  He had always understood Jakob’s anger. He was angry at Frida, Adolphus, Dietrich, and Felix too. But his hatred had never been as fierce as Jakob’s.

                                  But now, it was.

                                  But God was the one it was directed at.

                                  And if that sent Leo to Hell, so be it.

                                  ‘But I died so you don’t have to…’ A quiet, soft voice whispered.

                                  Leo clenched his fists.


                                  God didn’t care.

                                  God didn’t give a dime about Leo and his brothers.

                                  If he did…wouldn’t he have stopped all the pain? Wouldn’t he have stopped all the abuse?

                                  Leo’s knuckles turned white with the pressure.

                                  “Unclench your fists…everyone is watching…” Adolphus hissed into his ear.

                                  “I. Don’t. Care.” Leo retorted, each word coming out more bitterly than the one before it.

                                  “…Excuse me?” Adolphus hissed, grabbing his wrist.

                                  The pastor continued on, but Leo did see many people glance their way.

                                  Frida and Felix both turned to face them, shooting daggers.

                                  “You heard me.” Leo snarled, pulling away from his stepbrother’s grip.

                                  God wanted nothing to do with Leo…so Leo wanted nothing to do with God.

                                  “Shut it. Everyone is watching.”

                                  “You’re the one who needs to shut it.”

                                  Adolphus’ eyebrows raised.

                                  Leo turned away, instead facing the pulpit again.

                                  “God loves us, even when we can’t see him…even when it seems like he doesn’t care…he loves us.”

                                  “But Mama…what if he doesn’t care?”

                                  Adinah smiled softly and pulled Leo into her lap. “He does, my sweet darling,” she hugged him, tight, “even when it seems like God doesn’t give a dime about us, we have to remember that he does…and that he’s only one word away.”

                                  Leo stood as tears began to course down his cheeks.

                                  His entire family looked up at him, likely the whole church did, considering even the pastor silenced, and he ran out before anyone could see his tears.

                                  The front doors of the church slammed closed behind him, and he ran until he sank down beside an old oak tree, tears rolling down his cheeks in droves.

                                  It wasn’t true.

                                  It couldn’t be.

                                  God had let their mother leave.

                                  God had let their father marry Frida.

                                  God had let Frida abuse him and his brothers.

                                  God didn’t care.

                                  “But God showed how much he cared, my sweet darling, by sending his son to die, in our place, so we could be forgiven and free and know that we’re loved.”

                                  Tears continued to course down his cheeks, and Leo sat there, silent, for he didn’t even know how long, thinking thought after thought.

                                  Finally, footsteps sounded, and before he could even move, a hard, brutal slap to his cheek made him almost completely topple over.

                                  Blood spurted from his lip and his cheek burned as if he’d been stung by a wasp.

                                  “How dare you make us look bad like that! You stupid, insolent boy!” Frida snarled, delivering another slap. Leo groaned.

                                  He tried to return back to his regular sitting position, when his father smacked the side of his head hard, causing Leo to see stars and topple again, before grabbing the collar of Leo’s shirt and forcing him to his feet. “You will never make a scene and make us look that bad ever again, do you understand me!?”

                                  Leo opened his mouth, to say that yes, he understood, but Felix smacked him in the mouth, hard, causing Leo’s lips to split and bleed and causing him to silence before he even said a word.

                                  “Nod if you understand. Don’t you dare say a word right now.”

                                  Leo nodded, but his father’s eyes continued to blaze.

                                  “We’re going home. Your Aunt has already gone on ahead to tell the servants to prepare lunch. We’re going home. Right now.”

                                  Leo nodded again, and Felix let go of his collar.

                                  His throat was dry, and his heartbeat increased.


                                  Not again.


                                  Adolphus and Dietrich had disappeared, and Annalise and Steffi merely watched, unfazed.

                                  Frida smiled. “And before we eat, if the meal isn’t ready, we’ll take care of Leo’s…ill behavior, hmm, won’t we, Felix, darling?”

                                  Felix grabbed Leo’s arm and gripped it, hard.



                                  So…uh…yeah….that one got out of control…heh…Leo will be alright in the long run…but maybe not for a little bit…heh…heh…yea….

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