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  • #120640
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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      Leon and his wife are so beautiful together! 😍😍

      And do I always have a stupid big grin on my face whenever I read a scene with Riker in it? Yes, yes I do.

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 8156

        @joy-caroline. Ahh, thank you!!!! Leon and Aadelheide are most certainly one of my favorite couples, (if not my favorite, lol. xD) so I’m SOOO GLAD you love them!!! ❤️❤️❤️

        Ahh…well…you see…I smile every time I write him. XD Unless it’s a sad scene…then I’m crying, lol. XDXDXDXD But hey! So glad everyone loves him, tbh! A while ago, I was afraid no one would, bc he was in the SS and all…but he actually seems to be the fan favorite! XD

          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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          Ahhh!!! I didn’t see any of those three scenes. The brothers’ scene is just…

          And then Leon and his family! And Riker!

          I already despised Hans, so I can’t say much more about him. Ugh.

          First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

            • Rank: Chosen One
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            @koshka. Aww, thank you!!!! 😀

            Ah, yes, I believe we all despise Hans, tbh. XD But…that’s kinda the point, I suppose…no one is supposed to like him.

              • Rank: Chosen One
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              @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @godlyfantasy12. @joy-caroline. Alright…so…I wrote another scene. Not sure if this one will have a place in the book or not yet, but it was still interesting to try out yet another villain, heh. Alright, so, prob needs some editing, but here’s the scene!

              Erich smirked and looked up as he shuffled the cards. “Whoever loses this next game buys the next round of drinks.”

              Hilda smiled. “Sounds fun.” She mused, letting out a puff of smoke.

              Riker leaned back in his chair. They were all getting close to being…well…drunk. And they’d already talked about many plans while sober.

              Riker took his cards and a sip of his water.

              The game of poker started, with everyone putting down cards and picking up more to replace them.

              “I call.” Adolphus said, leaning back in his chair.

              Everyone’s decks were laid on the table.

              “Adolphus won, and…Riker lost. Riker, you heard the bet. Get us another round of drinks, will you?” Hans said with a smirk.

              Riker pushed back his chair, stood, and took the empty glasses. “My price for losing sir.”

              Hans laughed. “That it is.”

              Riker carried the glasses to the bar. “Another round of drinks, please sir.”

              The man nodded and took the glasses away, moving quickly to refill them. Riker set down a few marks for the drinks.

              Then, he slipped the notepad out of his coat pocket, then grabbed the pen he’d put with it.

              Leaning on the counter, he quickly wrote down everything he’d heard that was of any importance.

              He quietly ripped the piece of paper off and slid the pad and pen back into his coat as the bartender turned back around. “Thank you.” Riker thanked, just as someone collided into his side.

              “Watch where you’re going.” He growled, shoving the man…Leonard…aside.

              He slipped the note into Leonard’s hand.

              “Sorry sir…” Leonard apologized and rushed off.

              Just in time.

              He grabbed the glasses. “Thank you again, sir.” He replied gruffly, still keeping the act.

              He headed back to the table, glasses in hand. Now Leonard had the notes, and he would bring them to Ezekiel or Leo for safe keeping and decision making.

              It was working smoothly.

              Riker got close to the table.

              Hans smirked and motioned towards him. “And Riker is back with the next round!”

              Riker nodded and moved to set the glasses down, just as a foot came out and he collapsed to the floor.

              The glasses hit the table and fell over, spilling drinks.

              “No!” Hilda screamed. Jumped to her feet. “Now my uniform is ruined because of you!” She yelled.

              “Riker is a clumsy oaf way too often…” Hans mused, giving him a glare.

              Riker stood, straightening his uniform. He tried to ignore his heart’s vicious beating, as Adolphus tried to help Hilda wipe off her uniform.

              “You better be glad all you got that on was my uniform.” Hilda snarled.

              Erich merely chuckled. “It was an accident, Hilda…I’m sure Riker didn’t mean it…did you, Riker?”

              “No. I didn’t. I apologize.”

              Hilda sighed quietly. “Fine…”

              “We still need another round of drinks.” One of the other officers replied, lighting his cigar.

              “I…I can get more…” Riker offered.

              “I will help. After that…we wouldn’t expect Riker to be able to do it alone now, would we? We should always offer to help in any way we can.” Adolphus said with a smile.

              Hans smiled. “And that’s why I’m glad you were transferred over to me, Adolphus, my nephew.”

              “Oh, it’s nothing, Uncle Hans.” Adolphus replied with a smile. “Just kindness.”

              Riker grabbed the glasses again.

              “But we may be just a moment…if you all can wait.”

              “Of course, Adolphus…we will wait for as long as you need.” Hilda promised with a smile.

              Adolphus grinned. “I can always count on you, my love.”

              Riker walked away to the bar, Adolphus following.

              The man at the bar gave him a confused look. “We accidentally dropped the drinks. Here, I’ll pay for this round.” Adolphus informed, handing the man more marks.

              Riker set down the empty glasses.

              Adolphus gave the man a warm smile. “We’ll be back for the drinks in just one moment.” Adolphus promised, just as he turned to Riker.

              He gripped Riker’s wrist, and his smile faded. “Come. With. Me.” He snarled into his ear.

              He led Riker outside, letting the door slam closed behind them.

              “You tripped me.”

              Adolphus laughed. “At least you’re smart enough to figure that out. Yes, I tripped you. But if you were a good soldier, you would have been more observant. What’s wrong with you? Anytime you have just a little bit of free time, you disappear.”

              “Doesn’t everyone?”

              “Not like you. And when we ask where you’ve been…you never answer.” Adolphus replied with a glare.

              “It’s not your business.”

              “It’s suspicious, Riker…very suspicious.”

              Riker pulled away from his grip. “I haven’t done anything wrong.”

              “You’ve been spending time with my brothers.”

              Riker blinked. “W…what?”

              Adolphus smirked. “Surprised I knew? Well, I do. You’ve been spending time with my brothers…and Riker…you’re not supposed to fraternize with filthy Jews.”

              “What are they to you!? Animals!?”

              Adolphus’ harsh slap came without warning, and Riker hit the wall. “As a matter of fact, they’re worse than animals, Riker. Hans said you were transferred to the camp to toughen you up…but it softened you, working under Fin. And Fin ended up being…” Adolphus trailed off, and he smirked. “Wait a minute…are you doing what Fin did?”

              “No, I’m not. My only loyalty is to our Führer Adolf Hitler.”

              Adolphus laughed. “A likely story. So, if your loyalty truly is to our great leader…where are my brothers? I haven’t seen them in weeks now…so…where are they?”

              Riker shrugged, pretending to be ignorant. “I don’t know.”

              “Yes. You. Do.” Adolphus insisted.

              “I don’t know where your brothers are…I haven’t seen them either.”

              Without a word, Adolphus grabbed Riker’s arm, twisted it, and forced it behind Riker’s back.

              Riker groaned, just as Adolphus pushed him up against the wall. “Yes, you have. Now, you better answer me…or…well…I’ll just have to make a very difficult decision.”

              “I’ll never tell you where they are.”

              Adolphus sighed. “Oh Riker…you are such a fool…such a child…”

              “Don’t call me a child.” Riker snarled.

              Adolphus shook his head and sighed again. “Well then…I suppose I have to make this very difficult decision then…I’ll hurt myself.”

              Riker blinked.

              That was…odd. “…What?”

              Adolphus laughed. “Oh Riker…always one or more steps behind. You see…I can hurt myself if you don’t tell me where my brothers are. Not too badly…but enough for someone to notice…and I can blame you.”

              Riker struggled against Adolphus’ grip. “You wouldn’t have any way to prove it.”

              Adolphus laughed again. “And do you think they’d take your word over mine? When they find out, they’ll believe me. Face it, Riker, all of them see you as a helpless weakling. A fool and a child. A baby, to put it simply. And…a mistake, to put it the simplest. And after they see me injured, I will be able to punish you however I see fit…no matter how painful it is.” Adolphus replied with a sadistic smirk, finally letting go of Riker’s stinging arm.

              Riker hit the ground with a thud. He completely backed away into the wall as Adolphus stood over him.

              “Stop. Crying.” Franz snarled, delivering a harsh slap. “I didn’t ask for a baby as a son.”

              “So…where are my brothers? Last chance.”

              Riker looked up at him.

              He’d done nothing to stop the murder…for such a long time.

              “Riker…? I’m waiting…” Adolphus snarled, tapping his foot.

              Riker’s eyes met his, and Riker shook his head, determined to do what was right. “I’ll never tell you.”

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @godlyfantasy12. @joy-caroline. And…more! Listen, I have a lot today I’d love to share. xD So, there’s two scenes here, then a third scene that occurs later, but all in my current draft of Freedom’s Fire. So, the first two happened before the one with Aadelheide and the other scene, so I probably should have shared these first, but oh well! XDXDXD

                Boots thudded against cobblestone.

                A fist reconnected with his head.

                Leon hit the brick wall of the flower shop. Hard. He groaned.

                The blonde man smirked. “Is that all you can take, Jew?” he sneered, rolling up his brown sleeves.

                Leon leaned against the wall.

                He wouldn’t give up so easily.

                Leon pushed to his feet. “I’m never done.”

                The brownshirt’s fist knocked Leon’s head again. Aching pain travelled from his skull. His head throbbed.

                Sticky crimson blood trailed down the side of his face.

                Leon leaned against the wall, his scrapped palms aching. But he wasn’t a quitter.

                “Give up already, Jew.”

                Leon’s fists clenched.


                He couldn’t fight back. Nor would he.

                Leon released his fists.

                “Silence, huh? What? Do you need me to dumb it down for you, pig?” he taunted.

                Leon stepped away from the wall.

                He set his jaw. Squared his shoulders. “I’m not going to fight you.”

                The man took a step towards him.

                Leon didn’t budge.

                “Why not?”

                “I’m not going to fight you because-“

                The fist connected with Leon’s face. He collapsed.

                And the world faded into darkness.


                The pen tip scrapped against the paper. A scream sounded.

                The pen went still as a chill spread up Riker’s spine. Maybe he should have been used to it by now. Everyone else seemed to be.

                Jackboots clicked against the floor. “Kurt does an excellent job, doesn’t he?”

                “Yessir.” Riker replied. Looked up.

                Hans raised an eyebrow. “Are you almost done with that paperwork?”

                “Yessir.” He began writing again.

                Hans bent over to look over the papers. “Wonderful to know we have gathered useful information from our prisoners, Riker, isn’t it?”

                Riker slowly nodded.

                At least he hadn’t been asked to aid in the torture in months.

                “Now if only we can get actual, useful information out of that blasted American pilot.”

                Another scream.

                Riker flinched. Kurt was working on that now.

                Hans smirked. “We’ll have information out of him soon enough.”

                Another pair of boots sounded.

                A blonde-haired officer saluted Hans.

                Hans returned the salute, then smiled. “Erich…how are you?”

                “Very well, sir.”

                “And your wife?”

                “Well. Very tired, but healthy.” Erich replied with a smile. He turned to face Riker. “Will you be finished with those papers by tonight?”

                “I’m not sure. Why, Erich?”

                Erich laughed. “You already forgot? Hilda is right…you are scatterbrained. We are going out for food and drinks tonight.”

                “To celebrate the Führer’s birthday, as you well know is today.” Hans added.

                Riker nodded. How could anyone forget when they were reminded every day of their life of the importance of their Führer?

                “I’ll try to get it done by tonight.”

                “No, Riker,” Hans set his palms on the desk. “You will get those papers done by tonight.”

                Riker looked up.

                Hans’ hard coal-colored eyes made Riker’s heart skip a beat. “Yessir.”

                And then…this one that happens later! 😀 (occurs after all of the scenes I’ve shared from my draft so far)

                The prison was unsettlingly quiet. It was almost…almost as terrifying as the screams. Riker pushed the paperwork aside.

                He wasn’t going to get anything done until his head stopped throbbing anyhow. Riker rubbed his forehead and grabbed the food and supplies he’s bought on his short break.

                The food wasn’t much…there wasn’t much due to shortages.

                Riker took in a deep breath and fingered his wedding ring. He hoped his wife and kids were safe.

                Riker walked into and down the hall.

                No one stopped him, not daring to try and stop an officer. Riker unlocked one of the cells and stepped inside.

                He softly closed the door behind him.

                From a lump of brown uniform laying on the hanging, stained cot, a groan sounded. “Here to interrogate me again? I’m not telling you anything about our plans and planes.”

                “I’m not here to interrogate you.” Riker replied quietly.

                The man moved. Slowly sat up. “I find that hard to believe,” he muttered, his dark brown eyes piercing.

                “…I brought food.” Riker offered. Held out the food he’d bought.

                The man laughed. “Y’all taking the nice way now, ain’t you? After you’ve already beat me an inch of my life!?”

                “I’m not going to hurt you.” Riker replied. He removed his luger pistol and dagger, dropping both to the floor. He kicked the dagger away.

                “I’m not here to interrogate you, and I promise I won’t hurt you.”

                The man bit his lip, hesitant.

                “I promise.” Riker vowed. Held the food out further.

                Slowly, the man took it. “Thank you. I’m…Ezra. First Lieutenant Ezra Roberts of the United States Army Air Force.”

                “The stubborn pilot…” Riker smiled. “I’ve heard of you. I’m Riker.”

                Ezra nodded. Shook Riker’s hand, and then took a bite of the bread. “Thank you. I haven’t had…real food in a while.”

                “You’re welcome.” Riker replied. He flinched at the sight of dried blood, injuries, and bruises that covered Ezra’s body.

                “…What?” Ezra asked quietly, his brows furrowing together.

                He shook his head. Smiled. “Let me take care of those injuries for you.” Riker offered. He grabbed the supplies.

                “You don’t have to.”

                Riker smiled faintly. “I don’t “have” to do anything.

                Ezra raised an eyebrow, but, slowly, he nodded. He sat down on the floor.

                Riker got down onto one knee beside him. He ripped off a scrap of bandage.

                Ezra finished the bread. Riker smiled. “You can eat the rest too.”

                Ezra glanced at the food, then slowly nodded. “I know. You…you caught me off guard.”

                Riker raised an eyebrow. “How so?” He asked quietly, wiping the blood away from Ezra’s forehead.

                Ezra chuckled. “You weren’t coming to torture me, for one.”

                Riker sighed. “Sorry about that…what they’ve been doing.”

                Ezra raised an eyebrow. “Do you not agree with it…ever?”

                “I believe there are better ways to get information from people, so yes.” Riker replied, applying medicine to and wrapping Ezra’s head wound.

                Ezra bit his lip. “You know…I never expected this from any of y’all in Germany…”

                “What, food and care?”

                Ezra shook his head. Smiled.


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @freedomwriter76 love them all!! BUT AGH EXRA AND LEON AND RIKER UUUUGGGGHHH


                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                      @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @godlyfantasy12 @freedomwriter76

                      I just wrote the sweetest most precious scene between Eliza and her childhood best friend, Kimbel (who is also her future husband 😍). I just love the double speak in this scene and I was smiling so hard while writing it. I simply must share. Enjoy!

                      “I’d much rather spend time with you than with any of the others. That’s why I’ve looked for you ever since that first day.” He extends his pinky to me. “Want to make a promise?”

                      “That what?” A smile pushes to break out onto my face, and I have trouble restraining it. “That we’ll always look for each other?”

                      He laughs, and that makes the smile burst free. “That’s one way to put it. A promise that we’ll be each other’s best friend from now on.”

                      “My papa is my best friend,” I inform him.

                      He laughs again, his beautiful eyes shining. “Do you give me the honor of being your second best friend, little Liza?”

                      I pretend to think about it before locking my pinky with his. “I do.”

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @godlyfantasy12. AHHH!!!! THANK YOUUUU!!!!! 😀 Haha, I knew you’d like the bois’ scene…for reasons we both know. xD

                        @joy-caroline. AHHH!!! I LOVE THAT!!!! And they become husband and wife!? SOOO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

                          • Rank: Chosen One
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                          @joy-caroline. @godlyfantasy12. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. So…another scene! From my possible Vietnam WIP, Only One Answer. Not sure if all of y’all saw the board, tho I know Joy did! Anywho, y’all, here’s the first scene I’ve written for it!


                          She kept her hands wrapped around his arm, leading him away from the store, as the owner continued to scream a string of obscenities.

                          “Don’t listen to him, Jack…he’s very…bitter. God help him…” Grace whispered, before looking up at him with a smile. “My father may need help setting up the church…if you’d like to…”

                          Jack offered her a small, wobbly smile. He needed something to distract him anyways. “I’d love to help.”

                          Grace smiled. “Thank you…he always loves to have some extra help.”

                          Jack slowly nodded. Her father was always so kind…besides…he’d stay away from home as long as humanly possible.

                          They walked, side by side, to the small, white church in the middle of town. A little girl, with curly brown hair, was sitting on the steps, playing with a doll.

                          Jack knew her.

                          The little girl looked up, jumped up, and ran at him. “Jack!” Addi cried, rushing towards him.

                          “Hey Addi!” He called, lifting the 5-year-old into his arms. Daniel’s youngest sister.

                          “Hello Grace!”

                          “Hello Addi…what are you doing here?”

                          “Mama and Daddy are helping Pastor Caleb set up! Jack, piggyback ride?”

                          Jack smiled and nodded. “Of course, Addi.” He put her on his back. “Ready?”

                          Addi giggled and nodded. “Yeah!”

                          Grace let go of his arm and smiled. “She loves you…doesn’t she?”

                          Jack laughed. “I think she loves anyone that will give her piggyback rides.”

                          Grace laughed and nodded, grabbing his arm again. “Well then…I suppose we better go help set up too.”

                          Jack nodded. “I guess so.”

                          They stepped inside the church, and Caleb looked up from where he was setting up a table. He smiled, his eyes crinkling. “Grace, my daughter, and Jack, welcome!”

                          Grace smiled, let go of Jack’s arm, and walked over to her father to give him a hug and kiss on the cheek. “Good morning, Daddy. What do you need help setting up?”

                          Jack set Addi down, and she clutched his hand.

                          Baby killer….

                          Jack shook his head, trying to chase away the words.

                          “Jack, can you come help me set up this table?” Grace called. Jack let go of Addi’s hand.

                          “Of course!” He replied, running over.

                          Maybe helping her could distract him…make the words…the guilt…go away.

                          Maybe…just maybe.

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @godlyfantasy12. @joy-caroline. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. So…I finally got around to writing a scene I’ve had in my head for a long time. XD Don’t hate on Erich too much y’all…he’s a POV character in this book. xD


                            “God’s word is always the same. It never fades. It never changes from century to century, decade to decade, year to year, month to month, week to week, or even day to day.”

                            Esther nodded from the pew she sat in beside her parents, her Bible open in her lap.

                            She saw why her parents loved this church.

                            She turned her attention back to the front as Ezekiel continued to preach.

                            “And man cannot touch the word of God. The word of God is complete and perfect.”

                            Esther cried an ‘Amen’ along with many others inside the church.

                            Ezekiel picked up a small book. “This is the new and updated Bible that the government has ordered Pastors to use…it has been changed from the true word of God to comply with their false beliefs.” Ezekiel shook the Hitler Bible. “This is not the word of God. This is man’s attempt to change what God said so they can do whatever they want. Every pastor is ordered to use this Bible…” Ezekiel studied the Hitler Bible for a moment.

                            A thud suddenly sounded as it hit the wall.

                            Ezekiel picked up his Bible. “This is the Bible I will preach from.”

                            A loud chorus of ‘Amen!’ echoed through the church.

                            “In the book of James it says; “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.” How long are we going to remain silent!? How much longer are we going to stand by and let the evil around us flourish!? How much longer, church!?” Ezekiel asked, setting his palms on the pulpit and leaning forward. “Church…when will we finally stand?”

                            A door opened.

                            Esther turned in the pew and stopped.

                            Erich strolled inside in full uniform, two more men behind him.

                            Oh Lord Jesus…don’t let this end horribly…’ She silently prayed.

                            “No matter what happens, God will be with us. But are we brave enough to stand up and do something? Because church, if we don’t stand up, who will? If we don’t stand up to evil…then no one will. The world won’t stand up to evil, church, only we can.”

                            Erich’s eyebrows raised and his lips formed a tight line.

                            He was highly annoyed.

                            Esther turned back around, praying with a fierceness.

                            “And Church…we have to stand. And if the church won’t stand with me, then I’ll stand alone.”

                            “Brave words, reverend…but can you stand by them?” Erich suddenly asked, close to the pulpit.

                            Ezekiel looked at him. “Welcome, sir. Care to take a seat in a pew?” Ezekiel offered with a warm smile, before turning his attention back to his Bible. “Turn your Bibles to Romans 12.”

                            Esther did so.

                            Erich wouldn’t do anything with so many people around…or was that the point…to use someone as an example?

                            Erich removed his hat and brushed back his bright blonde hair.

                            “In verse 21, it says; “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Though the world is evil…it is not our job to judge. It is our job to stand, but it is not our jobs to condemn. Correct, yes, but not judge and condemn. We must forgive, not hate.”

                            Erich cleared his throat.

                            Esther glanced at him.

                            Oh…he was getting angrier and angrier by the minute.

                            Ezekiel looked up again, but not at Erich. Instead, he was looking at the church. “So…church…what is your choice? Follow God…or follow the world?”

                            “I’d be careful about what you say, Reverend…” Erich whispered, stepping up to the pulpit. “After all, you’re already a traitor to Germany.”

                            “A traitor, Lieutenant? What have I done to be a traitor to Germany?”

                            “Well, reverend, this…for one…” Erich whispered, picking up the Hitler Bible.

                            He walked back over to Ezekiel. “Every pastor is supposed to use this…not…that filth.” Erich muttered, motioning to Ezekiel’s Bible.

                            “Filth, Lieutenant? That is the word of GOD.”

                            Erich laughed. “Oh, Reverend…I have no ties to any of that. God doesn’t exist, and even if he did, I’d want nothing to do with him. Use the ordered book…nothing else. Not that filth book.”

                            “I’d be careful calling that book ‘filth’, Lieutenant.” Ezekiel cautioned.

                            The sound of a hard and harsh slap echoed through the church.

                            “Daddy!” Lila yelled, but her mother grabbed her before she could run away.

                            The two other soldiers grabbed Ezekiel’s arms.

                            “We’re bringing you in for questioning, Reverend.” Erich informed. “Right this minute.”

                            “Can I at least say goodbye to my wife and kids…?” Ezekiel asked softly, as the two soldiers put handcuffs on his wrists.

                            Erich nodded. “Only for a few minutes.”

                            Esther stood. She couldn’t just let this slip by.

                            “Erich!” She called, walking up to her old friend.


                            “What is it, Esther? Can’t you see I’m busy?” Erich asked, lighting a cigar.

                            He put the cigarette to his lips.

                            “Ezekiel is an innocent man, Erich…he’s done nothing except preach from the word of God. He has a wife and three young kids…you can’t take him.”

                            Erich scoffed. Pulled the cigar away and let out a puff of smoke. “I can do whatever I want, Esther. Besides, he’s breaking the rules.”

                            “By not using a man’s rewriting of the word of God?” Esther asked, crossing her arms.

                            Erich glanced at his old friend. “You don’t understand. Germany isn’t the same one it was when you left…alright? We’re better…stronger…braver. Things have changed. This isn’t America.”

                            “I know that…I know that very well…but Germany is not better…it is worse. Much…much worse.”

                            Erich rolled his eyes and took another puff. “Alright…whatever you think Esther…”

                            “You’re going to arrest an innocent man?”

                            “We’ll decide if he’s innocent or not, Esther. If he hasn’t done anything wrong, then he’ll go back to his family…if he has, well,” Erich let out more smoke, “then he’ll face the punishment for his crimes.”

                            Esther stared at him, eyes brightening with tears.

                            Erich looked at her again. Raised an eyebrow. “What’s that look for?”

                            “…What has happened to you? Where’s the Erich I once knew…?”

                            “That Erich was nothing more than a stupid, naïve, ignorant child. I’ve grown.”

                            “For good? Or worse?” Esther asked, concern and…disappointment in her dark brown eyes.

                            “Much better.” Erich replied gruffly.

                            “The Erich I once knew would never arrest an innocent man…”

                            Erich’s fist hit the wall. “That Erich is gone! Forever, do you understand!?” Erich yelled.

                            “He no longer holds onto our beliefs…his new beliefs are dangerous…Erich can’t stay here, nor will we let him.”

                            The Rabbi’s words.

                            He had thought his community cared about him…saw him as one of their own…he’d been there since he was eight, after all.

                            But he had been wrong…so…so wrong.

                            He truly was nothing more than an outcast. A stupid, filthy, German orphan boy.

                            Even his family had let them kick him out.

                            But they would pay…every last one of them.

                            Tears coursed down Esther’s cheeks. “I’m sorry about what they did to you, Erich…but vengeance isn’t the answer.”

                            Erich pulled his fist away from the wall. Put out his cigar.

                            Whistled to his men, who grabbed Ezekiel, and turned back to Esther. “They made me feel unwanted…it’s time they feel it too.”

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1379


                              Thank you!! I love their childhood-best-friends-to-lovers romance story. That’s one of my favorite tropes ever 😀

                              AHHHH I LOVE YOUR VIETNAM STORY!!! You absolutely must share more of it. I love Jack so much. Poor guy! 🥺

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @joy-caroline. You’re So Welcome! 😀 It is a great trope! 😉

                                AWW, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! 🤩🤩🤩 I will, I’m sure, but as of right now, I don’t have anything else written for it, lol. 😂 Aww, thank you! I love him too! 😍 IKR!? 😭

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @joy-caroline. @godlyfantasy12. I’m pretty sure Elishavet and Koshka read this whole scene, bc I shared it a while ago, but I was reading through some older scenes and came across it and wanted to share a part of it…some dialogue.

                                  And honestly, as far as villains go, does Hans honestly make a good villain? Like, the MAIN villain…he is most certainly not an antagonist.

                                  That’s Erich. xD

                                  Riker finally pulled away from his grip. Hit Hans’ hand away when he tried to grab him again. “Don’t call me a child.”

                                  Hans smiled, unfazed. “You can certainly act like one. The Fatherland is not the same one you once knew. It’s better now. Stronger. And once the Third Reich gets back its glory, we will improve the rest of the world as well.”

                                  “By murdering the people that don’t agree with your view?”

                                  Hans sighed. “Oh Riker…you poor, foolish, stupid child. How is what I want to do any different that what you did?”


                                  “Jezyk died because you pulled him into your mission. ‘Save Jews to make a better world’, correct? Though your beliefs are skewed, I will say I do admire you for being able to build an army so quickly.”

                                  “That’s not what I…”

                                  “And now Jezyk is dead. All because…of you.”

                                  Riker’s body trembled.

                                  No…he didn’t…he didn’t mean to.

                                  “You pulled him into saving Jews. Something Fin started…but you took it even further. You did well for a time. But taking it so far…why? Why did you risk everything for people you didn’t even know?” Hans’ fingers wrapped in Riker’s hair. Pulled Riker’s hair, to make their eyes meet once again. “Why did you take it so far?”

                                  “It…it was the right thing to do.” Riker whispered, stumbling over his words.

                                  Jezyk was dead too. And all because of…because of…

                                  Hans smiled. Let go of Riker’s hair, instead grabbing his jaw. “Why did you risk everything for people you didn’t know, I’ve asked myself, over and over again. I believe I have finally come to a conclusion.”

                                  Riker stared Hans down. “You don’t even know what’s up and down, so how would you know?”

                                  Hans smiled.


                                  “You were trying to buy forgiveness.”

                                  Riker almost opened his mouth, to protest, to say no, he was doing it because it was right. And he was. But…Fin’s words came back. “…Are you trying to earn atonement?”

                                  No…he wasn’t. He was trying to do what was right…“But that doesn’t mean you weren’t doing both…”

                                  Hans let go of Riker’s jaw.

                                  Riker’s gaze fell.

                                  He stared at the floor as it spun.

                                  No…he…he couldn’t earn atonement.

                                  “You thought you could somehow earn forgiveness? You thought you could buy your way into being accepted? You believe in all the religious stupidity, so…you thought you could bribe your way into Heaven?” Hans boot’s encircled him, each step sending a throb through Riker’s head.

                                  “No…I didn’t…I didn’t…”

                                  “You seriously thought you, a traitor, a low life, a murderer, a mistake, could ever be forgiven? You thought by being a so-called “good man” you could bribe your God into stopping the suffering you’re destined for?”

                                  “That’s not what…not what I…m…meant. I didn’t…I didn’t…believe that.”

                                  Hans chuckled. “Oh, but on the contrary, I know you did. And it was a foolish…stupid…childlike idea. You are a foolish child for ever thinking you could even ever be forgiven. And you pulled others in, trying to buy your way to Heaven. Jezyk trusted you, Riker…” Hans got down onto one knee in front of Riker. Riker looked up, met his eyes. “…and you killed him.”

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