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      Wow! It’s even more good now that I know what’s going on! XD So Corvina can shape-shift? She’s a great villain *shivers*

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @joy-caroline so she’s actually what I call an Antagonist cuz she’s not really the “villain” 😏 her master Eder is.

        my darling Corvina is merely his puppet who does his bidding till he’s done with her and she can die. Yea. That’s what she plans on doing when he’s done with her.


        sad right?




        but yes! She is what’s called a Shifter (can *shift* lol into animals. Only a specific animal tho. Usually anyway.) Corvina is a Raven Shifter, as her mother was.


          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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          Ooh! Antagonists are even more interesting than villains in my opinion. And that IS really sad but… maybe I sense a redemption arc? One can hope…

          That’s so cool! I love unique abilities like that in characters

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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            Ah, that scene is beautiful! I just love those two. *Sniff*

            The dark-night-of-the-soul is one of my absolute favorite beats! You’re doing such a good job at it too…ohhhh, I want to read your book. Like now.

            Its not written yet?

            I suppose that’s okay. Neither is mine. 😉

            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

              • Rank: Chosen One
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              @koshka ah thank u!! Sadly no it’s not…but I’m working on it lol!’ Very slowly heh 😂


              also u should totally check out Ava’s AU on WIPs idea and then the forum I made about it called WIP AUs! I’m about to post some pics on there


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                @godlyfantasy12. NOVEMBER!!!!! ARA!!!!! 😭 HOW DID I NOT SEE THIS PURE BEAUTY BEFORE!? 🤦🏻‍♀️

                BRAVISSIMO!!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😍😍😍

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                  @freedomwriter76 AHH THANK YOU!!! 😊


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                    @godlyfantasy12. YOU’RE SO WELCOMEEEEE!!!! 😀 😀 😀

                    . @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @joy-caroline. And y’all, this is a scene I’ve had in my head for a while now…finally got around to writing it, because I needed to. XD

                    “…I love you. I love all of you…very, very much.”

                    “You’re never here! You’re always away!” Jonathan yelled, tears beginning to course down his cheeks.

                    “I know…I’m sorry.” Riker whispered, beginning to approach his son, slowly.

                    “Sorry!? How can you be sorry!? Do you even care!?”

                    “I do care…Jonathan…I love you.”

                    “No, you don’t!” Jonathan screamed; fists clenched. His eyes sparked, and his eyebrows furrowed together.

                    “Well…some child needs some discipline.” Hans mused from where he was sitting on a couch beside Franz.

                    “Tell me about it.” Franz mumbled in reply.

                    Riker watched Jonathan. His son. His firstborn. Tears continued to course down Jonathan’s cheeks. “Jonathan…I love you…I love all of you.”

                    “Prove it!”

                    “…I do. I wish I didn’t have to work…but I do…to keep you safe. But I love you.”

                    “If you love us, prove it!”

                    Riker began to approach his son more. He loved him. He loved his family…would die for them if he had to. “…Jonathan…”

                    “No! Go away!”

                    “Jonathan, I-”

                    “I hate you!”

                    “Jonathan!” Jennie and Iris both cried, horrified.

                    Riker stopped. Time stopped.

                    Jonathan stared at him, fists clenched, tears coursing down his cheeks. And Riker felt something inside of him break.

                    Jonathan felt…left. Abandoned. Unloved.

                    “I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!” Jonathan screamed.

                    If Riker had ever dared to say those words…his father and even grandfather wouldn’t have even hesitated to give him bruises to remind him of his place.

                    Riker knew full well the pain of disobedience and disrespect.

                    He knew all too well what beatings felt like.

                    But he wasn’t continuing that tradition.

                    Riker got to Jonathan.

                    But he never raised his hand to hit him.

                    His arms wrapped around Jonathan’s back and stomach. And Riker lifted him into his arms.

                    “No! Let me go! Let me go! I hate you!” Jonathan screamed, kicking and punching.

                    Riker’s bruises complained about the pain. But Jonathan didn’t stop, nor did Riker make him.

                    Eventually, he tired of flailing and wrapped his arms around Riker’s neck, burying his wet face into Riker’s shoulder.

                    He sobbed, and Riker rubbed his back.

                    Jonathan was a ten-year-old boy caught in war.

                    And Riker remembered being that young.

                    Being a child, only aching for his father’s love, which he never had.

                    Jonathan’s arms wrapped tighter around Riker’s neck. “You promised…” Jonathan wept.

                    Riker held him tighter; his own tears beginning to escape and fall.

                    “You…you promised you’d never leave us.”

                    “I know…Jonathan…I know…I’m so sorry…”

                    “You said you’d…you’d always be here…”

                    Riker nodded, his tears beginning to fall in droves. “…I know.”

                    “You…you said you’d be here…any…any time we needed you…”

                    “I’m sorry…”

                    “You promised Daddy…”

                    “I know…I’m so sorry…I should have been here.”

                    Jonathan sniffed. His arms wrapped even tighter around Riker’s neck and his face burrowed deeper into Riker’s shoulder. “…I needed you…and you weren’t here…”

                    “I know…Jonathan…I’m so sorry…I should have been here…like I promised. But I…I…” Riker couldn’t even speak coherently through his tears, “…I wasn’t. And I’m sorry. I promised you. I promised Mama. And Naja. And Eli. But I broke my promises…I’m so sorry Jonathan…” Riker whispered, holding his son closer.

                    Jonathan cried into his shoulder, and Riker didn’t even think about letting him go, even though his bruises almost begged him to.

                    When Jonathan’s sobs finally subsided, Riker kissed his son’s brown, curly hair. “I love you…Jonathan. Always.”

                    “…I love you too Daddy.” Jonathan whispered, yawned, and fell fast asleep.

                    Riker glanced around the room. At Iris, who stood with her hand covering her mouth. At Jennie, who had raised eyebrows.

                    At Hans, who merely stared.

                    And finally…his gaze fell on Franz, his father, who stared with a dumbfounded look on his face.

                    Riker held Jonathan closer. “If you will all excuse me, I’m going to go put Jonathan in bed.”

                    Uhm…so…I almost became a mess of tears with this one. XD

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645



                      AND HANS AND FRANZ NEED A WHOOPING!’


                      bruh when they said that about the discipline (and yes I am the kinda who agrees with disciplining children but OBVIOUSLY NOT THE WAY THEY DO IT!!!!) I was like “MMM U BETTER NOT EVEN TOUCH HIM!!!”

                      bruuuuuuuhhhhh, my heart that was amazing, but I still feel bad for poor Riker, he just goes thru so much!

                      but I also love little Jonathan too….


                        • Rank: Chosen One
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                        @godlyfantasy12. AHHHHH!!!! THANK U SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!

                        THEY NEED TO BE TAKEN DOWNNNNN!!!!

                        AGHHHH ME TOOOO!!!! IF THEY DARE EVEN TRY TO TOUCH JONATHAN OR NAJA OR ELI…I’M TAKING THEM OUT!!!! (and yes, I agree. And Riker does, but in that moment…he knew that Jonathan was hurt and aching for love, and what Hans and Franz do is nothing less than abuse.)

                        THANK YOU!!!! Agh!!!! I KNOWWW!!!! He’s my poor, traumatized, precious baby.

                        And YESSSS!!! ALL OF RIKER’S KIDS ARE PRECIOUS!!! (bc both of their parents are amazing people, that’s why. XD)

                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1558


                          Ooohhhh…Jonathan. Beautiful scene, just brokenly beautiful. I love the way Riker is raising his kids, even while he’s torn away from them most of the time.

                          And besides the point, Jonathan is one of my favorite male names, which is actually why I don’t have a character name that.

                          First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1379


                            OH MY GOSHHHHH ARE YOU TRYING TO BREAK MY HEART??????

                            That . . . was . . . *flails for words*



                            *attempts to calm down* That was really beautiful. *sobs*

                            Also also there’s this song that reminds me of Riker and his kids! It’s on my Russell + Eliza playlist because it sooooo perfectly describes the godly father Russell is – I just wish there were a version of it that said “daughter” instead of “son” lol – and I think it would describe Riker too. Here ’tis:

                              • Rank: Chosen One
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                              @koshka. Aww, girl THANK YOU!!!! 😀 Thank you! I love it too. 😉

                              @joy-caroline. Hehe…maybe I am. 😉 JK. XD But THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!

                              YESSS!!!! FEEL THE GUILT!!!

                              Thank you!!!

                              Ooh, I’m gonna listen to that song! 😀

                                • Rank: Chosen One
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                                @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @joy-caroline @queen_of_alvastia (whenever u come back 🙂

                                HEY YALL! I HAVE WRITTEN MOOORE!

                                So this scene actually…turned out really long XD way longer than expected!!!

                                I’ve written this as part of Ara’s Dark Night Of The Soul, taking place after she’s knocked out during the catacombs collapsing, and during this time she has a complete flashback of something from her past. This kinda gives readers insight into a moment of her life that impacts her entire character and story, and I think just fits really well for this beat. so yea. This scene is not even complete, this is just the flashback part (the flashback is complete in this draft XD) but yea it turned out WAAY LONGER XD


                                POV: Arabella

                                Beat: Dark Night of the Soul



                                Ara giggled, her small hand reaching to touch the sky. Her hair flew forward as her body swung back, her legs kicking out with the momentum. Her laughter echoed through the garden courtyard below, causing a few birds to scatter in the treetops.

                                She gripped the ropes of the swing harder as it flew once again into the sky. She grinned, sun shining on her face. The swings gentle motion made her relax, calming her every jitter her childish body felt, yet exciting her all at the same time.

                                It made her feel as though she were floating; gliding through the air. As though she could fly. Fly far, far away. To a place where she could have as many adventures as she wished, with no consequences. 

                                She sighed. 

                                If only.

                                Her brows furrowed and she puffed out her lips, agitation gnawing at her chest. Her feet dangled as the swing came to a slow stop, and she lay her head against one of the ropes, thinking on moments past.

                                Her chest heaved with an annoyed huff as the words of her father echoed in her mind, “Ara, you must be more careful! Have you any idea the trouble you could have gotten yourself, or November into?”


                                “Your father’s right, my little blossom,” her grandfather had joined in. 

                                Traitor, Ara scowled.

                                She’d looked away, anger and annoyance filling her features. Her grandfather sighed, kneeling down beside her and giving her a sly smirk; one he knew she couldn’t refuse.

                                The audacity, really.

                                “Come now, Blossom. Don’t be like that,” he’d nudged. “You know we only want the best for you.”

                                “I wasn’t in any danger!” She’d insisted. But, of course, none of the adults had listened.


                                Dumb old adults.

                                Ara crossed her arms, keeping careful balance on the swing. They didn’t let her have any adventures!

                                All she wanted was to go on one quest…one adventure like her grandparents. But no! She could play pretend, and have her games, but as soon as she tried anything her parents deemed too “extreme” it was all downhill from their.

                                It wasn’t fair…

                                “I just want to be like you! And Pappa! And no one lets me!” Ara frowned, picking at the hem of her dress as her grandmother’s gentle fingers ran through her hair. The older woman had laughed, her own brown hair swaying as she did so. 

                                “Ah, my dear,” She’d started, pulling Ara’s hair into a pink bow, “I know it’s hard, but trust me,” Ara’s Amma had leaned down, close enough for Ara to smell the familiar perfume she always wore, “One day, you’ll have wonderful adventures. Even better then ours!” Amma had gently gripped the little girl’s shoulders, turning her to face the oval mirror of her dresser.

                                “But…how do you know?”

                                Amma smiled. “Because, my little one, you are destined for great things. The Light One has special plans for you. I know it.” 

                                Ara looked up at the sky once more, letting the warmth of the sun sink in. 

                                How could the Light One possibly have plans for her if she was never able to do anything?

                                It didn’t make any sense!

                                “I just don’t get it…” She whispered.

                                A rustling to her right made her grip the ropes of the swing. She gasped, eyes wide as two luminescent eyes appeared from the bush next to her. Her breath hitched and she inched away, reeling into herself.

                                Her hands clenched against the ropes and she narrowed her eyes, swallowing down her anxiety. She wasn’t about to let some stranger scare her away from her own swing! Or the garden! She was the princess, after all!

                                “Wh-Who’s there? Show yourself!” 

                                The bush rustled again and she jumped as a creature slithered out. Ara’s eyes quirked in surprise at this strange creature that seemed to have no legs. It spiraled on the ground until it was able to rise and meet Ara’s own eyes. 

                                The creature, whatever it was, was unlike any Ara had ever seen; Long and thick, with smooth yet…slippery looking skin. It sparkled in the sunlight, a gorgeous, deep teal and black, and it’s eyes shown like gems. Two small, crystal-like horns twisted from it’s narrow head, and a thin tongue that split at the ends struck out as it hissed.

                                Ara swallowed, blinking in awe. 

                                This creature.

                                This animal was…


                                It’s head moved from side to side in a motion that held her captivated. She knew she should’ve been more wary of this new creature, but…something about it told her to stay where she was.

                                Told her that she could feel safe with it.

                                “Wh-What are you…?” She whispered.

                                The creature’s tongue whipped out again with a small hiss and it slithered closer. “A…friend…” The creature spoke, it’s voice soft and smooth, like a whisper carried by the wind.

                                Ara’s eyes widened. “You…You can talk?”

                                “Why…of course…my child.” It blinked; large gems glistening. “And what, pray tell…is your…name?”

                                Ara folded her hands into her lap, staring into the creature’s eyes. “I’m Arabella. Arabella Fabel.”

                                “Ara…Bella…” It hissed. The child nodded. “Why are you…upset…Ara…Bella?” The creature made it’s way closer, slithering on the ground near Ara’s dangling feet. 

                                The girl sucked in a breath, frowning. She looked away, a pout evident on her face. “It’s my family. They won’t let me do anything.”


                                Ara shook her head, gripping her dress in her fists. “I keep trying to convince them that…that I’m old enough to go on adventures like they once did. That I can do more. But..but they just treat me like a kid!”

                                “My…” The animal cooed, rising to be face to face with the girl. “Must be…annoying.”

                                “It is!” Ara raised her eyes to the treetops that held her swing. “And my Amma, she keeps saying that…that I have this, “destiny.” That I’m supposed to do “great things.” But…I don’t get it. How am I supposed to do great things when I can’t do anything?” 

                                “I understand…my child…” The beast’s tongue ticked out, gently tickling Ara’s ear as it moved to her side. “In fact…I believe I might have…a solution.”

                                Ara faced the animal, brows raised. “Really?”  


                                The little girl smiled, turning her body toward the animal excitedly. “What is it?”

                                “Perhaps…we could make a deal…”

                                Ara tilted her head, the side of her lips twirling. Something squeezed in her stomach as she stared into this creature’s eyes, which seemed to be glowing more vividly now. She glanced backward, her eyes catching sight of her castle in the distance.

                                “What…kind of deal?” She asked.

                                “I know…how to give you adventure…” The creature hissed.

                                Ara swallowed, biting the inside of her cheek. What this thing was saying was, intriguing to say the least. But…Ara couldn’t shake the uneasiness that was now rising into her stomach. The sickening feeling that something…wasn’t quite right.

                                “I…I don’t know,” she whispered, tucking her hair behind her ear.

                                The creature swayed, staring deeply into Ara’s eyes. It’s skin shone as the sun bounced off of it; sparkling in a new way that almost captivated the little girl. It hissed once more, eyes now a vivid, ruby red.

                                “Child…I can give you…your destiny. All I need…is your hand…”

                                Ara’s heart pounded in her ears.

                                That…that was what her grandmother wanted for her, right?

                                What…what the Light One wanted…

                                Ara looked back once more at her home in the distance, that queasy feeling growing once more, gnawing into her throat. She frowned, grimacing as it fought it’s way through her body.

                                If…If this creature could give her her destiny…


                                Would there really be any harm in trying?

                                It wasn’t like she was getting anywhere right now…

                                If the Light One really had a destiny for her, then He’d do something about it, right? But He wasn’t. 

                                And this creature said he could.

                                And so, turning back to the now glowing creature, Ara sucked in a breath. Wordlessly, she extended her right hand to him, awaiting whatever was to come.


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                                  ALSO! This scene was fun because I was writing a child Ara, so she’s entirely different from Current Arabella, also writing a child pouting I was able to explore the child dynamics, and I hope It’s okay and not too rushed. I figured it was good because with children, they’re usually more apt to speak quicker then adults/teens would be, plus Ara was a lot different as a child then she is now (which also ties into the theme of book 1)


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