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  • #117512
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @queen_of_alvastia. Girl…I LOVE THAT!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Also…love the new tag. 😉 (I can totally still kidnap charries. XD) 

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        I’m still writing about them so….*sticks out tongue*



        AWWW PATE!!! lol Verity she’s just like my cousin with her puns….


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          Also the #ProtectionSquad is still totally a thing sorry queenie!! Didn’t mean no harm!! Lol just wanted ma babes back


            • Rank: Chosen One
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            @godlyfantasy12. *sticks tongue out back* XD XD XD DOESN’T MEAN I CAN’T KIDNAP THEM!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh, and me and Queenie have a dungeon too for the villains. XD It currently has Hans, Red Skull, Zola, Pierce, many Hydra people, Count Rugen, and Prince Humperdinck in it. 😉

              • Rank: Chosen One
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              @freedomwriter76 OOH NICE! YEET LILITH AND RIVEN IN THERE FOR ME! OOH OOH! AND KAINDA! AND ZOLTEN!! (Even tho he’s dead XD…


              Kainda might be too actually…XD.





              Corvina does not go in there tho….



              neither does Ridley lol


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                Add Corvina to the protection squad too btw…


                she’s uhh…probs the most…umm…traumatic of all my children….

                If her mood board don’t say that…idk what does…


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  And her music playlist has quite a few NF songs….so…


                  yea…poor girl….


                  She’s definitely the top tier and got the crown for most traumatic of my characters


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    In a list of most traumatic to least (btw dont judge this rank or my charries cuz they ALL HAVE TRAUMA and ALL STRUGGLE) but IF they were ranked it would probably be like this (and this is based on how they handle it really, maybe not so much on the events.)


                    1. Corvina- Queen of Trauma

                    2. November which makes sense cuz he’s her brother-KING OF TRAUMA heh I keep putting him thru it. My bestie is always like “BRUH WHY U DOING NOVEMBER LIKE THIS?!”

                    3. Paxton-just a baby. A sweet little baby. sob.

                    4. Grimmy boy….his grief affects him for a long time. Honestly he and Paxton are tied reaction wise just because their trauma affects them both for a long time, but in Paxton’s case he does “outrank” Grimm in the fact that Pax was an abused child, and just endured so much (and was almost killed. Pretty much murdered/sacrificed by his own people….yeaaaa)

                    5. Jocelyn and Nyx-I’m counting these 2 together, because it’s hard to separate them. Sometimes it’s hard to see Nyx as having trauma like Lyn, because it all happened to Lyn, not to Nyx. But it did happen to Nyx, because it happened to Lyn.

                    It hurt her, so it hurt him. And he’s more distrusting then her now. It’s actually something she’s worried he’ll never be able to get over now, especially because he is younger then she is, so it’s affected him too. It’s affected them both.


                    So the reason Lyn is so far down on the list is again, not because her trauma is any Less, but because of “reaction” to it. As a lot of these are based. She’s able to overcome it and keep persevere but it is a battle.

                    6. Arabella. She’s low on the list, but this is not to say she has had the least amount of trauma in her life. While, yes, her life has been better then most of her friends, she was dealt some hard blows, and even while travelling with her friends, and throughout the series faces even more hardships and endured more traumas as she becomes a leader.


                    7. Luna. So some of the reason Luna is at the bottom is…well….


                    She’s not entirely fleshed out to be quite honest…so it’s a bit hard for me to place her. She’s the last character to enter the group, and she, like Lyn, keeps her spirit and her personality despite all she’s been through, and so, she’s ranked at the bottom. But again, this doesn’t mean any else’s trauma outweighs her own. (Her entire race was wiped out when she was a toddler)







                    WELP….there’s that XD


                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 612

                      @freedomwriter76 THANK YOU!! <3 Ha ha I couldn’t resist!! XD ME TOO!! 😂😂😂


                      Yeah I’ve had some of those puns for awhile….it just took Verity for be to be able to actually use them! lol


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @queen_of_alvastia. You’re Welcome! 😀 Hehe, of course! 😂😂😂

                        . Consider it done. *throws said charries into the dungeon. Dusts off hands* Problems solved. 😎😎😎

                        Girl…😭😭😭 (I should rank my charries based on Trauma, hehe…😅😂 Y’all wanna hear that or naw?) Consider all your charries now protected by the #ProtectionSquad. 😎😎😎

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 612

                          @freedomwriter76 I WANNA HEAR IT!!


                            • Rank: Chosen One
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                            @queen_of_alvastia. @godlyfantasy12. Alright…I have my top 8. (There’s uhm…a lot more…hehe…) But I have my top 8. (also…keep in mind these are ONLY MC’s. Hehe…my characters all go through a lot…)

                            Trauma (Only MC’s)

                            1.     Jayden! (this one is VERY close between him and Riker, but I officially decided Jayden is my most traumatized character. Because his mother was abusive and, unlike Riker, he didn’t have anyone else to lean on, since his father also left.)

                            2.     Riker (abused, verbally, mentally, and physically by his father. Told he was nothing more than a mistake. Community wanted nothing to do with him. Only his mother and sister really ever even cared about him)

                            3.     Nehemiah (pressed into the British Royal Navy. Whipped for desertion, and then sold as a slave. Treated horribly. My baby…*sobs*)

                            4.      Alan (also abused by his father. Wow. Why are all my characters abused? *sobs*)

                            5.     Nathan (pressed into the British Royal Army at the age of 12 years old. Taken away from his family in Ireland. *sniffs*)

                            6.     Jared (Uhm…belonging to Acheron? TOTAL TRAUMA!)

                            7.     Leon (the Concentration Camp…yeah…that’s some trauma right there)

                            8.     Tyler (from all his experiences in Afghanistan, and…uhm…his girlfriend died in the 9/11 attacks…heh…)

                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 612

                              @freedomwriter76 *realizes I have NO traumatic charries* *none*

                              And you know who this post is gonna be about right? 😉🥰

                              OH MY WORD JAYDEN IS AT THE VERY TOP!!!! *cries forever* *runs to hug Jayden* GIRL!!! AAAAGGHH!! If you don’t cut him some slack near the end and give him a HAPPY ENDING I will come after you and kidnap him and hide him in Glipwood forest (first place I could think of since you know about the castle XD We’re kinda co-renters so that wouldn’t work) POOR JAYDEN!!! 😭😭😭😭

                              Okay fine, poor all the others too. But Jayden tops THEM ALL! 😥😥


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @queen_of_alvastiaThat’s fine! Not every character needs to be traumatized…XD

                                Oh, I most certainly do. 🤣🤣🤣

                                Yep…I knew it. 😜

                                I KNOWWWW!!!!! 😭😭😭😭 Listen…girl…listen…I can’t leave my MC’s with sad endings…any of them. 😂 I love them too much to do that. 🥰🥰🥰 (also, I’m working on a Character playlist for Jayden, *wink wink*) JAYDEN WILL GET A HAPPY ENDING!!!! DON’T WORRY!!!!!! 🤩😇

                                They’re all my babies, so POOR ALL OF THEM!!!! 😭🥺😩🤧😢😪💔 (tho I do love Riker the mostestest. 💖💖💖)

                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 612

                                  @freedomwriter76 If #ProtectionSquad could be implemented for real none of them would be XD MAddock’s gonna have some trauma anyway…..

                                  LOL 🥰🥰🥰

                                  You guessed right!! (Yeah my Jayden rant…..that was kinda fun XD)

                                  *sniffs* *still hugging Jayden as I listen* EXCUSE ME? YOU KILLED LEON! Okay well, he goes to Heaven so I guess he has a happy ending too!! (Speaking of….I’m gonna need help dealing with Maddock after Kerwin dies…I know there’s some time in between Adelaide’s death and Leon’s so I figure I would ask you how you handled him in that in between space) (YOU ARE!? Well, please tag me when it comes out so I can listen to it and cry my heart out, ‘kay?) YAY! YAY! YAY!! 🥳🥳

                                  Group hug for all the traumatized charries!! 💖💖💔😊😥 (and I love Jayden the mostest lol)


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