Does anyone here write poetry or haiku’s ?

Home Page Forums Other Art Forms Poetry Does anyone here write poetry or haiku’s ?

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      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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      @esther-c @mineralizedwritings @euodia-vision @janellebelovedpig @kyronthearcanin @lightoverdarkness6

      I was just wondering if anyone on KP still write poetry and/or haiku’s? I was wondering if you wanted to talk about them, share them and critique them for each other! Just let me know!


      • This topic was modified 1 year, 12 months ago by Allison.

      "Would you kindly...?"

        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
        • Total Posts: 153


        I write poetry! And songs, which are basically poems with a melody.

        Actually, the next part in Little One’s Journey will involve one of my poems, sort of like how J.R.R.Tolkien puts songs and things in the Hobbit and LOTR and also how Hannah Hurnard puts songs and poems in Hind’s Feet on High Places.

          • Rank: Chosen One
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          I write poems occasionally! 😀 My more recent poems are better than some of the ones I wrote like two years ago. XD

          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
            • Total Posts: 153


            Sometimes I write prayers as poems/songs:

            Thank You Lord that I’m no longer

            lost as to my future

            or hopeless as to my past.

            the pain, terrors, fears and failures I thought would last

            instead have melted away

            in the light of the rays

            of Your wondrous grace

            and mercies new with the dawn.

            Or little devotional thoughts:

            When in the dark, lost and still void,

            I lived for my flesh, but was annoyed

            That other people didn’t live for God

            And lived in unrighteous fog.

            No moral compass to guide their way.

            How could they be so bad… but, wait.

            Who was (and am) I to judge ’em?

            I wasn’t, either, listening to holy nudging.

            But glory be to the God who has saved me

            And day by day is working to rearrange me.

            He’s given me a heart transplant, transformed my mind and my soul,

            taken a useless broken vessel and fixed me to be full.

            The thing with heart transplants, or ones of any kind,

            Is your natural cells don’t wholly accept ’em; they fight.

            Lord, be strong in my life, don’t let my flesh win out.

            Bring the victory over fear, sluggishness, and doubt

            Glorify Thy name and raise my life anew

            Bless me in the valleys, by Your strength I’ll make it through.

            Kill my flesh, put it to death; Lord, please make it die.

            I can’t murder it on my own, no matter how I try.

            Grant me wholly a heart holy like Thine

            And in Your grace continue Your work to refine.

            And when I look at others’ lives and the sin they have to face,

            Let me be as You to me, patient with love and grace.

            I need to work on not mixing my metaphors so much and also my freestyle rhythm and assonance are sometimes a little janky. But the Lord has placed in me a love for words and it’s so fun to string them together!


            What poems have you written?

              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 842


              Those poems you wrote are amazing!! I would share some of mine, but I have them all saved to my moms computer which we packed away. I like to write about nature, people and basically everything! My most recent poem was for my neighbors, when they moved I gave it to them and they cried. It was all about how much of an impact they made on our neighborhood and how much they will be missed. Ill share that one when I can find it. 🙂

              There is one poem that is taking a huge place in my book, I did not write it but found it online. I dont know who wrote it though…

              When I need a reminder that God has truly blessed me,

              I look at my friends and family

              And know at once that they are a blessing indeed, and proof that

              While I may not have been given all I want

              I have all I really need.


              "Would you kindly...?"

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 812


                I do write poetry occasionally. Usually ideas come to me at the most random times. The most recent one I wrote was about lost friendship. I can share it if you want!

                He must increase, but I must decrease.

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 842


                  Yes, please share it! I would love to read it!

                  "Would you kindly...?"

                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 812


                    Ok! Here it is! Feel free to critique it as needed. This was written very hurriedly because I was supposed to be making lunch…but I knew if I didn’t write it down I’d loose it. 🙂

                    To the Friend I Once Knew

                    Years have passed since we’ve been in touch

                    The friendship we shared has faded,

                    Drifting into memories I envy so much,

                    Our exchanges are now belated.


                    Once we were friends and letters flew,

                    Passing each other through post

                    Our eagerness to hear something new,

                    Sailed from vale to coast.


                    Those special years of in between

                    Childhood and growing up

                    Were filled with fun and kindness keen,

                    Innocence like buttercups.


                    And then one day I wrote my last

                    Pages of words to you,

                    Unaware of the upcoming fast

                    The season of absence new.


                    No envelope came winging near,

                    Empty the mail box stayed.

                    I understood and waited here

                    Until my patience frayed.


                    Unknown is now our paths again

                    Just like when we first met.

                    Maybe someday, our roads will mend

                    Until then, I can’t forget.


                    Something about your eyes, your smile

                    Is seared on my memory.

                    If we can’t meet in life’s long mile

                    I hope in eternity.

                    He must increase, but I must decrease.

                      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                      • Total Posts: 153


                      Wow! That was really good!

                        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                        • Total Posts: 174

                        @acancello I do!! Poetry is such a fun genre to explore, not to mention it’s satisfying to write something short you can actually finish… unlike my novel WIP… 😂 Here’s one poem I wrote semi-recently from a prompt.


                        For My Sake

                        Because you never did teach me how to French braid

                        Because I’m counting on you to be my maid of honor someday

                        Because you still haven’t tried sushi

                        Because who else will I get to sing karaoke at the top of her lungs with me?

                        Because of the hundreds of thousands of stars we haven’t counted

                        Because I will always have secrets to tell you

                        Because you will always be on my mind

                        Because I haven’t told you enough how much you mean to me

                        Because I don’t want to imagine life without you


                        Fight to live


                        WOW that was so good!! I’ve had friendships like this and I feel like you captured that scenario so well. If that’s what you write in a hurry, the results of when you take time to write must be spectacular 😉

                        • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Starshiness.
                        • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Starshiness.
                        • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Starshiness.

                        I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.

                          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                          • Total Posts: 186

                          @felicity I loved that!! (Ahh why do all the best poems come to mind while you’re in the very midst of doing something?!)

                          I love yours tooo!! 💕



                          This is my most recent one to complete (I’ve started and not finished 5 in the last two weeks due to poet writer’s block🤦🏻‍♀️)

                          My Impossible

                          March 21st, 2023
                          I was caught up thinking of Gods wonders and the story of Balam and his donkey who speaks when he’s to curse Israel and God makes it into blessings and the enemies don’t clue in that when Israel is blessed the first time perhaps they still won’t be cursed the seconds and third time too…

                          My God is one of impossibles

                          He’s the one of living miracles.

                          He turns curses to blessings

                          And through hardships joy He brings.

                          The filthy grimy life He washes clean

                          The rusty bits He sands until they sheen.

                          He repairs the broken soul

                          And He makes it fully whole.


                          He turns scarrs into beauty

                          He turns bitterness to joy.

                          Curses become blessings

                          And the mourning one sings.

                          He causes the lame and cripple to stand

                          And He takes His lost children by their hand.

                          By Him the forsaken are adopted

                          And hungry souls are forever fed.

                          He takes outcasts and makes from them kings

                          And to the wicked, judgment He brings.

                          He crumbles the highest of walls

                          And at His voice time itself stills.

                          He wins battles with pots and trumpets

                          And His servants tear up city gates.

                          He gives children to the barren womb

                          And He raises dead men out of their tomb.

                          He makes a valley of bones into an army

                          And from the chains of bondage He sets people free.

                          "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - Gandalf

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 842

                            @felicity @starshiness @elanor

                            Those are all amazing! They each are so beautiful and they paint a picture and are meaningful! If you have any more, please share! 🙂


                            • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Allison.

                            "Would you kindly...?"

                              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                              • Total Posts: 153


                              Awh, your poem is so good! I can picture all the friendship and love. You said it was from a prompt. Is it inspired by one of your friends?



                              I love your poem! I too love thinking about God’s blessings and His ways of coming on the scene and bringing transformations.


                                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                • Total Posts: 153

                                This is based off of Deuteronomy 8:2-3


                                Journey on and don’t forget

                                the One by Whom you’ve been led,

                                the One by Whom you’ve been fed

                                Wand’ring in the wilderness.

                                Remember the road marked with tears

                                Yet held year to year

                                by your Guide Who loves you dear

                                Journey on and don’t forget.


                                Up and through and by and with

                                In dark storms or peaceful bliss

                                Down and out and up and in

                                He’s trustworthy; don’t forget.

                                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                  • Total Posts: 174

                                  @elanor Thank you!! Your poem is beautiful as well; what a joy to be inspired by the attributes of our God and create poetry from it in our meditations!

                                  Thanks! 😊 Well kinda! I’ve never had to lose someone close to me or have a friend who had to “fight to live” in that sense, but the prompt this grew from was “give someone a reason to live.” This scenario came to mind and I did base some of it on my personal relationship with my closest friend who happens to be my younger sister! She does still have to teach me how to braid, she’s def going to be my maid of honor, and she is the only person I’ve ever felt comfortable belting songs with, etc. 🙂

                                  Aw tysm!! Sure, why not, here’s a simple free verse that was inspired by one of my fav classics, Anne of Green Gables 🙂


                                  You’re invited

                                  to take a stroll

                                  with me down

                                  Memory Lane

                                  Let’s off on one

                                  of our old-time rambles

                                  Through the forgotten passages

                                  of years gone by and

                                  Let’s stop for a moment and

                                  Remember the bliss

                                  of a day and a time that seems

                                  not so very long ago.

                                  I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.

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