Describe your writing process in 3 words. What are they and why?

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      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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      Describe your writing process in 3 words. What are they and why?

      Here is my writing process summed up in 3 words:

      1. Calculated

      If there was a time where my over-thinking mind goes into hyperdrive it would be while writing, or thinking about writing.                                                                                                                                              Me more often than not:

      “Should I rewrite this outline for the tenth time?”

      Probably not

      “Am I going to do it anyway?”


      2. Chaotic

      Either I don’t have any writing system, or my writing system changes every 5 minutes. Not one story of mine as been written in the same way, place or time.

      3. Fun

      Whether by myself or with my siblings. Crafting character, worlds, and stories is such a blast. (Most of the time). There isn’t anything like completing a whole book, brimming with breathing characters, a fascinating world, and a meaningful story. I would chose writing over video and board games any day.

      So how would you describe your writing process in just 3 words?

      • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Kathleen.
      Linyang Zhang
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1700


        1. Overboard.

        That’s too many ideas. No, no, stop. Why did you…stop getting new ideas. No. Stop. Why…why are you….why do you plan such extravagant things….

        2. Scheduled.

        Everything is carefully scheduled from the first day of the year to the last. Every project’s words are calculated, everything is plan…for one project. None of the others.

        3. Impatient.

        No I don’t want to edit! I want to do it now! – My five year old brain.

        Lately, it's been on my brain
        Would you mind letting me know
        If hours don't turn into days

        Scoutillus Finch
          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 413
          1. Messy

          I usually have a thousand thousand ideas all over the place scribbled on scraps of paper, index cards, and sticky notes. I have been trying to organize things, but it is going a little slow, but i hope i’ve got it under control

          1. unexpected

          I get too excited about one after doing a vague outlining and i just jump into the story, which eventually just seems to write itself with a lot of twists and turns I hadn’t envisioned happening, it’s as if my characters start doing what they want after I plunk them in the situation and somehow they arrive at an ending similar to what I wanted (when I have written out how i want it to end like with my WIP — my first really complete story).

          1. enjoyable

          I love writing about interesting characters and worlds. I love to create for my creator and it helps my daydreaming to go down. I also have a lot of fun in the editing process.

          We crazy people are the normal ones.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6699

            1. Idea

            As in, sometimes I like the idea of writing more then I like actually starting.

            2. Procrastinating

            I think that speaks for itself….😂

            3. Obsessed

            Idk if this fits but I really am obsessed with writing and being a writer, despite the other two. I love when my writing actually seems good, and it seems to have gotten a lot better so ya.

            Those 3 may have been totally weird but 🤷🏻‍♀️


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3365


              Absolutely barking mad.

              I think that pretty much sums it up??

              Lol, but seriously. I think I would say Passionate, Obsessive, and Distractible. I am very passionate and I often use writing as my tool for bringing awareness to things that upset me, or things that make me really happy. I would like to think both my process and my product display my (often rather intense) emotions.

              Unfortunately I can be obsessive about it too, I can forget about everything else (which is not good. 10/10 would not recommend lol) when I’m writing and when I get really into a book its hard to care about anything else. Definitely trying to change this, but it’s also definitely part of my writing process.

              And Distractible! I’m so easily distracted! I start books and abandon them! I come up with brilliant new ideas when I should be working on one novel. I get researching and end up down rabbit holes! So much fun!

              INFP Queen of the Kingdom commander of an army of origami cranes and a sabre from Babylon.

                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1789

                @kathleenramm Hmm… This is a tough one.

                • Wild. I try to write a little everyday and stay focused on one project at a time, but I’m not as organized as I seem. 😉 My writing schedule has flip-flopped between, well, a schedule and just wild bursts of inspiration. Also, I’d definitely call my writing style wild–although that’s not to say I let most of that wildness get into the finished product.


                • Inspired. It takes a lot to get me to sit my butt down and put more than a couple hundred words on the page, so you could probably see where I was inspired to write–sometimes by an outside force (something I read or watched), oftentimes by God, and pretty often by just plain loving the scene I’m in.


                • Loud. 😆 I do my best writing at night (when everyone’s asleep), so I don’t have music playing then, but I get really excited when I’m writing something I truly love. I’ll laugh, yell at my characters, make stupid jokes about the scene I’m writing, jabber on and on about what I wrote even twelve hours after I’ve finished it.

                One other word I’d throw in there is that my writing process is very under-wraps (technically, it’s one word, right?) I don’t usually talk to other people about when/what/how I’m writing, and if I do, I don’t make very much sense. 😉 I’m more of a reclusive writer–in more ways than one.

                Judging by everyone else’s answers, I’d say pretty much all writers have the same characteristics–they’re (almost) all procrastinators, all easily distracted, all very passionate about what they do.

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 635

                  @gracie-j @devastate-lasting @scoutfinch180 @seekjustice @godlyfantasy12

                  It’s really fun to see how each of us likes to describe our writing process. And although we each have our own unique spin on the three words, there’re also a lot of interesting similarities. As Gracie pointed out, we all tend to procrastinate, get distracted easily, be very passionate, and also be just a bit crazy. XD

                  Not sure why, but sometimes it can easily feel like your the only writer that procrastinates to the point of spending more time picking out the perfect music playlist than actual writing. XD And all the other common writing problems that sometimes feel like you only struggle with. This is a nice reminder that we’re not alone with these issues.


                  Annika C.
                    • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                    • Total Posts: 19

                    1. Fast

                    I usually write during NaNoWriMo, but outside of November I tend to write a book within four months. I outline for months, and then I write everything. And then…

                    2. Changes.

                    So many changes. Whether removing characters, replacing entire chapters, adding a new concept, or deepening a character arc, whenever I look back at my first drafts I just can’t stop laughing at how horrible they started out as.

                    3. Consistent

                    I write or edit every day, no matter what. It’s a big part of my writing journey to be able to press on and just keep moving forward with my stories.

                    consistency and passion are key

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