Denomination Q and A

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  • #196296
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      😂😂 Accurate. I wondered if this topic was going to come up. The best part is, I’m a Protestant but I’m totally clocking out of this conversation. 🤣

      "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

      Stepheroni and Cheese
        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 309


        lol I know XD XD

        Pray, thou shalt simply add ketchup unto the mac'n'cheese.

          • Rank: Chosen One
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          See y’all, Stephie gets me

          "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

          Stepheroni and Cheese
            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 309


            How big is your church? (if you go to church.)

            My parish has about 100 people, give or take ten, coming to each mass. More on the last Sunday of each month, because they’ll come visiting since we’ve got the kids singing and lunch after and stuff.

            What is one thing you disagree/don’t understand with a different denomination?

            Oh dear.

            Well there isn’t much to disagree about, seeing as we all worship God and believe in Christ who has come to save us from sin. However, I would say that I definitely disagree with some denominations that have gotten more relaxed regarding gay marriage and other sexual sins. Of course Jesus loves everyone; that is why He would not like us to encourage people to hurt themselves and others through sin.

            What is your opinion on Mary?

            Ah, this one.  I think that it is good to ask Mary to pray for us, like we would ask one another to pray in times of hardship. Mary will always point us towards her Son. In the “Hail Mary,” we ask her to “pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.” While we pray the rosary, we meditate on events in Jesus’s life and ministry. However, some Catholics take Marian doctrines to the extreme, and I don’t think that is healthy. If Mary does not point us towards Jesus…it’s not really Mary.

            What is one thing you don’t understand about your own denomination?

            I have done a lot of research about Catholicism; I don’t take my own conversion lightly. I understand a lot of it. However, one thing that has always confused me was the topic of purgatory. My understanding, though, is getting better as I research.

            Do you have (or did you ever have)  a friend that has (or had) a negative impact on your faith?

            I’ve already said a lot about her, but there was one friend who really didn’t like the concept of religion. She had a very negative impact, and I eventually was forced to stop hanging out with her because she refused to associate with the practising believer I have become.

            Where do you usually go for a place to pray to God? (It could be your favorite place, either inside or outside your own home.)

            I usually pray in my room. However, I find it to be really calming to stop for only a moment wherever I am and say a little something to God, and remind myself that whatever I’m doing, I’m doing it for His glory. (Unless I’m not…*guilty grimace*) And I love praying at Church or in a chapel. Adoration is especially beautiful.

            If your friend ever has a question about God, how do you answer?

            It depends on the type of question. If it’s a question regarding something specific, I’ll usually provide a brief explanation, or speculation, or something, and then ask them to wait until tomorrow so I can read the bible and find them some good verses. But if it’s about something more broad, I’ll go into it right away.

            I also like using speculative questions to explain more difficult concepts. That way, the person thinks for themselves.

            Do you believe that God created everything, or that evolution had a hand.

            *looks up Genesis 1:1*

            “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

            Can’t be much clearer, can it?

            What are your plains to grow in the faith?

            I definitely want to read the bible more.

            But Stephie, you had hours and hours to yourself all afternoon and all you did was look up Genesis 1:1 to answer a question on a forum. 

            Shut up, conscience, I didn’t ask you anything. XD

            And finally, how do you feel on calling Christianity, a faith? (… I totally didn’t get this last one based on a friendly argument some people had… *cough cough)

            Do you mean a “religion?”


            “26 Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless. 27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:26-27

            James seems to refer to Christianity as a religion, even if this “religion” is only to look after orphans and widows.

            I don’t think the word we use is important as long as we “look after orphans and widows in their distress and…keep (ourselves) from being polluted by the world.”

            If that means “religion,” wonderful. I love this religion.

            Pray, thou shalt simply add ketchup unto the mac'n'cheese.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3718


              How big is your church? (if you go to church.)

              Maybe a little over a hundred? I think? Our old church was smaller though, closer to about 50 or 60 members.

              What is one thing you disagree/don’t understand with a different denomination?

              I think I could go on and on about this since there are little nuances in different denominations that I don’t agree with, but I don’t want to rant right now. XD

              What is your opinion on Mary?

              She was simply the mother of Jesus. I think I can agree with most of what everyone else has said. I don’t believe she is to be worshiped or prayed to (or that she necessarily would hear our prayers, but I haven’t done any research on that…). She was a normal girl used in extraordinary ways for God’s purposes. I admire her courage and willing obedience to the Lord, as I do a lot of the people in the Bible, but I never would view her as someone to pray to or put my faith in.

              What is one thing you don’t understand about your own denomination?

              Uhhh…nothing? Idk, I can’t really think of anything off the top of my head. 🤷🏻‍♀️

              Do you have (or did you ever have)  a friend that has (or had) a negative impact on your faith?

              Not that I can remember…I’ve had friends who have maybe distracted me from my relationship with God, but they weren’t inherently bad people or purposely doing that. It was partially my own doing.

              Where do you usually go for a place to pray to God? (It could be your favorite place, either inside or outside your own home.)

              Literally anywhere! Praying is a spiritual discipline that I need to work on, but I tend to talk to God in little spurts throughout the day about whatever is on my mind. Whenever I set aside a dedicated time to talk to Him though, that normally happens in the morning in my room when I’m reading my Bible.

              If your friend ever has a question about God, how do you answer?

              It depends on the question, I guess. Most of my good friends are strong Christians who are also pursuing the Lord as closely as I am, so typically if they’re asking a question, it’s more of a discussion rather than a straight out answer from me, if that makes sense.

              Do you believe that God created everything, or that evolution had a hand.

              I believe God created the world is six literal days and that evolution is false theory that is biblically and scientifically inaccurate.

              What are your plains to grow in the faith?

              To continue studying God’s Word and spending time in communion with the Lord; to surround myself with friends who will encourage me in my walk with the Lord and not draw me away from Him; to learn from the adults and older teenagers around me who want to help me grow in the Lord.

              And finally, how do you feel on calling Christianity, a faith religion? (… I totally didn’t get this last one based on a friendly argument some people had… *cough cough)

              I have no problem with it. As long as it doesn’t skew your understanding of the fact that Christianity should be a relationship with God, then I find no issue in calling it a religion. Because by definition it is.

              Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

              Stepheroni and Cheese
                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 309


                I believe God created the world is six literal days and that evolution is false theory that is biblically and scientifically inaccurate.



                Not only is evolution biblically inaccurate…it’s not a very good scientific theory either.

                Where are all of the fossilised bones of animals in the transitional stages of evolution? Lizards with partially formed wings? etc.

                How could the complex and functional organisms of today have resulted from mutations? How could they have been composed completely randomly and gradually out of disorganised atoms? How could even a simple, single cell organism have formed in that way?

                It doesn’t make sense at all.

                Pray, thou shalt simply add ketchup unto the mac'n'cheese.

                SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2851


                  If that means “religion,” wonderful. I love this religion.

                  YESSSS I AGREE!!!!!

                  This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.

                  Potato reporter
                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 831


                      where in the Bible does it talk about praying to Mary or any other saint? And by Bible I mean the original 66 books, not the extra ones in the Catholic faith, since putting my personal faith aside, those books are controversial.


                    First off, there is originally 73 books… and second off, you don’t have to go off just the Bible alone… third off, here is a verse from the Bible: Acts 9:36-41: Peter prays to Tabitha, a disciple who had died. Hm, why would he pray to a dead man? Oh, maybe this is one reason!

                    Revelation 5:8; 8:3-4: Saints and angels present prayers to God in heaven. They present the prayers TO God and prayer for us.

                    Just a question I asked Savannah… Why do you ask others to pray for you? I mean like, why don’t you use your argument and simply just pray for yourself..?

                    Just a thought…

                    You are right, I will just drop it.


                     I pray wherever I am. I’m pretty good at adapting. XD

                    Does anyone have a quit place they go to?!


                     There are several things I don’t agree with, but I wish people would just READ THE BIBLE and go off ONLY what it says without adding ANYTHING to it AT ALL. Like God gave us the Bible for a reason and I wish we would all just read it and not make so many “versions” of Christianity. Just believe in the Bible *cries*

                    😬 I disagree with this a little. You cannot go off JUST the Bible, you need prayer too. And plus others can teach you a lot about God. So no, I do not “just” believe in the Bible.

                    I know you’ve said that Catholics ask Mary to pray for them, but I don’t really understand that. Why not pray for yourself, or talk to God directly instead of praying “through” other saints? It just doesn’t make sense to me, and I disagree with that. I don’t think God listens to people in Heaven any more than he listens to me, since God doesn’t pick favorites. We’re citizens of heaven too, just not there yet, so I don’t think Mary is worth “more” than anyone else, she just followed the will of God.

                    … I never said anyone was worth more… did I? Marry simply just guides us. And why do you ask others to pray for you or someone else? Couldn’t you just prayer to him your self? Not ask others for you? Just a thought… 😏

                    I’ve learned to never change who I am to fit in someone else’s box. If they don’t like my crazy weird self, then they don’t need to be the people I hang out with the most.

                    That’s great to hear :]


                    LOL! That is a little inaccurate though… I would say that it would be Rae with the flame thrower… she has been a little harsher with her answers…



                    … (Okay maybe with my current responses I haven’t been the nicest.)





                    "We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)

                    Potato reporter
                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 831


                      Bye! <3 (I understand…)


                      Well there isn’t much to disagree about, seeing as we all worship God and believe in Christ who has come to save us from sin.

                      Yikes, I believe that too… but I haven’t really been acting like that… or much of a christian for that matter… @Rae.. I am sorry.

                      Ah, this one.  I think that it is good to ask Mary to pray for us, like we would ask one another to pray in times of hardship.

                      THAT IS LITERALLY WHAT I SAY! sorry…

                      purgatory. My understanding, though, is getting better as I research.

                      Ooh! I love talking about this topic! If you would like (because I believe I am a bit more experienced as a catholic than you.. I think?) I could answer your questions!

                      Adoration is especially beautiful.

                      Couldn’t agree more!


                      don’t believe she is to be worshiped

                      I fully believe there isn’t a single human being on this earth who worships Mary.


                      "We love the sinner, but hate the sin."-The other mother (Coraline)

                      Stepheroni and Cheese
                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 309


                        I fully believe there isn’t a single human being on this earth who worships Mary.

                        Eeek I hate it when people say that, because it’s like denying that anyone goes too far with the Marian doctrines. I think that there is a fine line that some people have indeed crossed. However, I do uphold the fact that never in the Catholic catechism or anywhere else in official Catholic doctrine does it say that we should worship Mary or that such an act would ever be acceptable. That would be idolatry and is not to be tolerated. Anyone who excessively honours the Virgin Mary to the point of giving her the glory due to God would not be a good example of the Catholic faith or of the Christian faith at all. However, God is so glorified that simply asking Mary to pray for us and giving her the honour that is due to her as mother of our Lord (the title which Elizabeth gave her) does not constitute anything along the lines of “worship.”



                        And that was my opinionated rant about Mary.


                        I now step out of further discussion on this front XD

                        Pray, thou shalt simply add ketchup unto the mac'n'cheese.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 4228


                          Oh I’m not leaving!

                          I think I might be able to rephrase what the others are saying. To us, it’s strange to pray to Mary because it is never mentioned in the Bible. It always says we should pray to God, it never says to pray to anyone else.

                          Acts 9:36-41: Peter prays to Tabitha, a disciple who had died. Hm, why would he pray to a dead man? Oh, maybe this is one reason!

                          If you read that passage, it says Tabitha died. Peter started praying in the same room, then turned to Tabitha and tells her to get up. It seems a lot like Peter prayed to God, asking Him to raise Tabitha from her deathbed.

                          Revelation 5:8; 8:3-4: Saints and angels present prayers to God in heaven. They present the prayers TO God and prayer for us.

                          These passages say nothing about living saints praying to dead saints. It says the saints are praying to God. ‘Saints’ refers to believers.

                          Do you have any other passages to share? I bet there are more passages since this is such an old part of Catholic tradition.

                          😬 I disagree with this a little. You cannot go off JUST the Bible, you need prayer too. And plus others can teach you a lot about God. So no, I do not “just” believe in the Bible.

                          This is probably where the discussion will have to end, because we’ve now found the basis for our difference. I believe in one source of authority – God’s Holy Word. (Prayer is a part of the Word, we’re talking about how the Word tells us to pray.) You believe in multiple authorities.

                          The concept of authority is a lot harder to debate, because every argument would be circular reasoning, so this is as far as we can go . 😅 I would love to hear other passages within the Bible which are proofs for your beliefs, though!

                          I would say that it would be Rae with the flame thrower…


                          "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 4228


                            I now step out of further discussion on this front XD

                            Lol I respect that. XD I also see how praying to Mary isn’t worship for a lot of believers.

                            "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                            Stepheroni and Cheese
                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 309


                              I think I might be able to rephrase what the others are saying. To us, it’s strange to pray to Mary because it is never mentioned in the Bible. It always says we should pray to God, it never says to pray to anyone else.

                              EVERYONE, LOOK.


                              SHE ACTUALLY EXPRESSED HER OPINIONS. NICELY.

                              (Unlike me sometimes…*guilty chuckes*)

                              RIGHT HERE.


                              *turns your heads in Whaley’s direction*

                              Pray, thou shalt simply add ketchup unto the mac'n'cheese.

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 4228


                                😳 *Blushes* Errr… Well, it’s the result of too much experience in debates. 😅♥️ I appreciate the compliment, and I don’t think anyone here is acting too meanly. It’s pretty normal to feel triggered when your own beliefs are questioned. I feel that way all the time.

                                "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                                Stepheroni and Cheese
                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 309


                                  I appreciate the compliment, and I don’t think anyone here is acting too meanly. It’s pretty normal to feel triggered when your own beliefs are questioned. I feel that way all the time.

                                  *looks around*

                                  Hi, this is Steph’s Logical Side. Steph’s Emotional Side is too busy being embarrassed to do anything, so I’m typing this for her. According to my logical mind, you’re absolutely right. My calculations also show that your profile pic is in complete harmony with the words you have articulated. If Emotional Side were here, she would probably laugh, but again, she’s too busy being pathetic.

                                  Oh, hey, I’m back. Dunno what that was about. *shrugs*

                                  Pray, thou shalt simply add ketchup unto the mac'n'cheese.

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