dealing with overloads of stress :))

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      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 604

      hi everyone, all y’all’s input would be super helpful right now. <33

      about two weeks ago, i got over covid but i’ve been dealing with aftereffects of exhaustion and headaches and things.  not to mention the boatload of makeup work after two weeks of quarantine.  the end of the trimester is coming up soon, so their packing on the homework.  i’m trying to make time for writing while juggling homework and sports but also taking care of my body and letting myself heal.  right now, i could just use some encouragement for writing, school, life in general :))  i’m trying to get up at 5:45 to write and work out, then i have school for 8 hours, then basketball practice, then i study until bedtime.  with chronic exhaustion, this routine is hard to keep up, so i’m trying to keep the right perspective but it’s just hard. not to mention finding time to be in the Word and pray.

      if y’all have anything that might help me stay positive, be productive, or just anything to encourage, i’d be so appreciative.  <33 thanks for reading, i’m trying not to be negative or complaining lol :))

      what we do in life echoes in eternity
      -gladiator, 2000

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 635


        Life and school can be so overwhelming. Sometimes if feels like there’s an heavy weight on your shoulders at all times and you can never catch a breath. And no, your post didn’t come off as complaining at all! It just isn’t realistic to never talk about things that aren’t so positive. It’s good to talk about what you are struggling with. Although it’s hard to find the right time and people, talking to people about my struggles has really helped me get through tough times in my life.

        Something that helps me when I’m stressed out, is reciting John 14 in my head or out loud. It really comforts me when I’m stressed, anxious, or sad. And also a lot of prayer. If I set some time alone and pray to God to guide me and give me peace, he always answers. Sometimes with a thought that pops into my head, something someone says, a dream, a feeling, a person, an event, a book, movie, or a song. It’s not always immediate, and I might have to pray multiple times, but he still always answers. Putting God, trust, and love in the forefront of my mind leads me to a better place where I don’t think destructive thoughts or make bad decisions.

        And always remember, everything in life moves on. Both the good and the bad, everything goes. And through it all God is right beside us. Helping us, encouraging us, and loving us unconditionally no matter what happens. We just have to see him, and never let go of his hand even when it feels like it’s not even there.

        It’s okay to be sad, or stressed, or lost. Just never lose hope of a better day.

        These are just things that I remind myself of whenever I’m not feeling good. Hopefully they will help encourage you a bit, and I’m here if you ever need someone to talk to. Because life can get pretty lonely at times and it’s hard to feel like you can talk to anyone. My email is just in case you happen to ever want someone to talk to. 🙂

        Again, hope this helped at least just a little! I’ll be praying for you Ella!

        Precious Y
          • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
          • Total Posts: 27



          im sorry that you’re going through so much stress.

          1. It’s definitely okay to be worried and stressed especially after recovering from COVID. Make sure to do things that prioritize your mental and physical  health above all else.

          2. First of all don’t feel bad that you’re not writing right now. You seem to be juggling a lot of stuff. Also be flexible  with what writing means. Instead of 500 words it could be brainstorming for your plot, revising, reading advice articles, reading books- anything that gets your creativity fired up. And it’s okay to let writing be on the back burner for a while. For example till after your basketball season is over. Forcing yourself to write can lead to burn out and hating writing for a long time. Because you have negative associations with it.

          Also don’t try to wake up early to write. You need your rest! Do it during pockets of time here and there like during commute or even in the mornings while eating breakfast. Trust me it helps

          3. As for school don’t be afraid to ask for extensions. They really help. And try to finish all your assignments at school. Working till midnight won’t help you. Brett Harris from the Young Writer had great advice about focusing on your work and stopping distractions like your phone so you can get done faster. You should set a max time of only 90 minutes of homework per day. Also try to make a weekly plan of all your schoolwork and then see if anything goes over your max limit. If it does get an extension. And don’t make any exceptions. (Like oh I can probably finish this essay or project  in 2 hours extra) because it will probably be longer. Also make flash cards so you can study on your phone between games or during the commute. If you take online notes I really reccomend Remnote because it automatically makes flash cards out of your notes. Otherwise just use Quizlet.

          4. Also don’t expect to write as much since you’re doing sports. Sports take up a lot of physical and mental energy. I know what is feels like to put writing to the back burner because I have so many extracurricular activities

          5. Also make sure to prioritize your mental health. Journaling usually helps me to deal with my stress and helps me to be in tune with my feelings. Don’t pressure yourself to write everyday. You just need a little notebook and a pen.


          well that’s all! Hope it helps you. Remember

          6. Finally have a conversation  with your parents abou your stress. I had a conversation with my parents about my stress in school and it really helped. Because we were able to figure out ways to make me less stressed.


          I hope that helps. You can always tag me at precious-y  if  you need anything. Remember that you’re already doing a lot!

          Elishavet Elroi
            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1293

            First, I’m sorry life’s crazy right now. And Covid can be hard to recover from, I know from experience. I don’t have amazing words of wisdom, but I’ll give what I can.

            Make sure to take time for studying His Word and prayer. I know it can be hard, but everything usually goes better after time alone with God.

            Get enough rest. I know, I know, that’s like saying to follow common sense, but it can be hard.

            Anyway, I hope that was some help, and all the advice the others gave is really good. I might be using some of it myself. I’ll be keeping you in my prayers.

            God bless!

            You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

              • Rank: Chosen One
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              Girl, I really just want to wrap you up in a big hug. I have a pretty good understanding of how you feel and it absolutely sucks. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with it.

              I also have chronic health issues, though not covid related, and with them comes a lot of chronic pain and chronic fatigue, so I get you there. It’s really hard trying to balance everything and unfortunately sometimes we have to make sacrifices.

              This year, I’ve had to give up a few things because I just can’t keep up with studying, working almost fulltime, plus trying to start a business on the side, catching up with friends and family, working with all my animals, and all my hobbies, including writing. It’s not ideal, and it made me super sad, but ultimately, my health and my relationships had to come first. I know it will probably be really hard, but maybe you need have a look at your schedule and see what could possibly be cut out.

              As for some tips:

              1) Don’t leave assignments/schoolwork to last minute! I do this ALL THE TIME and it’s so bad, it makes me far more stressed than if I sit down and do them a couple weeks before they’re due. Also, if you’re struggling with understanding or doing the work, could you try working with a tutor, or even just setting aside some time to work with friends.

              2) Feel free to take a break from writing if it’s just too much at the moment. I took a two year break from writing because it was just way too much at the time. Even now I write far less than I used to, though I do think my writing now is more focussed.

              3) Give yourself some grace. You’ve just gotten over covid, that’s huge. The long term effect of covid is horrible and it’s really quite okay if you’re struggling. Please take the time to look after yourself, both physically and mentally.

              Hugs to you! I hope you’re able to sort something out soon. 🙂

              INFP Queen of the Kingdom commander of an army of origami cranes and a sabre from Babylon.

                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                • Total Posts: 211


                I recently exited a season of stress, and even though I’m a loosely-scheduled homeschooler, I know what that’s like mentally.

                XD I prolly dealt with it in a somewhat wrong way (more time with friends, and more comfort food than usual) but as soon as I let myself rest maybe cry and very much vent emotions I simply leaned on Jesus. That was all I could do.

                Remember, He’s already crying with you, ready to hold and love you as soon as you’re ready.

                “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

                That’s all I can do for you right now, my friend. I’ll be praying for you!! <3

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 604


                  thank you for the kind words, Kathleen!  John 14 is a wonderful idea.  it’s hard to always remember that God is there, but what you said is so true.  now that i think about it, songs are the main things that come on and remind me of the truth.  “water under the bridge” is what my mom likes to say, when life is hard sometimes.  thank you for reminding me. <33  i appreciate the beautiful reminders, thank you for taking the time to respond.  and i’ll definitely take you up on chatting when it’s hard to find someone to talk to. :))  i have a lot of friends but i still get lonely because school relationships are so different than life relationships if you know what i mean haha.  anyways, thank you for the prayers and advice <33


                  yeah, i definitely struggle prioritizing mental health as much as i do physical health.  and that’s so helpful to remember not to make myself write… that’s a big struggle of mine. :))  ughhh, yes, sleep is hard to get!  i have this ideal routine that’s basically impossible to keep doing ahaha.  i actually asked for extensions a couple of days ago and so much stress lifted!  90 minutes sounds good… i don’t want to be obsessed with school, it’s just hard to keep up with it haha. :))  yess, sports are so time consuming!  and talking with parents is so good, i always feel like crying in the middle of it lolll but after it, it feels like the clouds lifted :)) thank you thank you for these words, i feel a lot better already. <33  in my head there’s this mental image of this perfect person that i want to be but hearing practical advice kinda brings me down to earth, so tysm <33


                  yesss, covid really is so hard to deal with!  i had my first game yesterday and i’m dead today ahaha. :))  i really do struggle making time to be in God’s Word with everything else, but like you said, i  feel soooo much better when i do.  thank you.  ah yes, sleep. 😐 hard thing to make happen hahaha.  so many wise words on this thread, and thank you for yours!


                  thank you, i needed that hug! ;))  oh i’m so sorry about that!  it’s crazy how much we need sleep…  sacrifices are so hard to make, but i guess the stronger you are, the more wisdom you have to make it happen.  thank you for reminding me to do that. <33  it really does hurt to cut things i love out of my schedule but i totally get what you’re saying.  it also makes sense about your writing… i should try that too. :))  and that’s really smart about studying way before things are due… i feel like a lot of what i do is cramming now, trying to get up to speed with all my schoolwork.  that’s really smart.  i summoned up the bravery to talk with my teachers (ha!) and figured out some schedule changes to relieve pressure, which is an answer to prayers! anyways, thank you sooo much for taking the time to respond, it’s so appreciated <33


                  hey, homeschooling can be just as stressful, i know ahaha :))  and yes, junk food has definitely helped me hehe!  thank you so much for those words… that verse makes me want to cry :))  come Lord Jesus, come! =)  thank you for the prayers, i appreciate you so much <33



                  THANK YOU EVERYONE!  reading all these hopeful, inspiring words has made me so much happier and brighter already =)  i appreciate it soooo much, love y’all <33

                  what we do in life echoes in eternity
                  -gladiator, 2000

                  Linyang Zhang
                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1700

                    @nova21 Aww, Ella, I’m so sorry to hear that you’re dealing with so much! I can really relate to you right now, I’m also struggling to balance life and emotions and school and writing. It sounds like you have a busy schedule! I guess I can only tell you what I’ve been telling myself: It’s okay to take a break. It’s okay if things don’t get done when you want them to. It’s okay to slow down, resort, reorganise. It’s okay to sleep and not write. And always put the Lord first.

                    I hope this helps! I’m here for you if you need me. <3

                    Lately, it's been on my brain
                    Would you mind letting me know
                    If hours don't turn into days

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 604


                      hey Lin, thanks so much!  it’s so hard to balance, i know!  that’s what i need to hear right now… i might fall asleep on my homework haha :))  slowing down is something i’d love to do, but i just don’t feel like it’s possible right now.  even though it probably is. :))  and i’ll definitely remember to contact you sometime, thank you <33

                      what we do in life echoes in eternity
                      -gladiator, 2000

                      Issabelle Perry
                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 976


                        Awwwww, Ella, I am SO, SO, SO, SO sorry to hear that. 💔 I had covid over a year ago, so I can DEFINITELY relate (except my school was online, so I somehow managed to be sick with covid and keep up with school all at the same time… don’t ask me how). I just wanted to let you know that (1) you’re not alone and (2) I’ll keep you in my prayers. I just wanted to share with you one verse that has helped me out SO much through a lot of trials I’ve been facing in my life these past few weeks:

                        But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

                        ~2 Corinthians 12:9-10

                        You are a rockstar right now for trying to balance all of that!!! It’s amazing and inspiring. And I can promise you, you are doing sooo much better than you’d believe. You’ve got this because the One who holds the stars is holding you!! And I’m (and the rest of KP) are here for you, so if there’s ever ANYTHING I can do, don’t ever hesitate to ask. <333333

                        Stay bold, keep strong, and journey onward. that’s a quote from one of my books that I love, that I thought might work here…

                        God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.

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