Considering a WIP idea… I have way too many. šŸ˜…

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    Ava Murbarger (Solfyre)
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 716

      *Proceeds to look at all tags because i forgot them all šŸ¤£

      @keilah-h @esther-c @landric @mineralizedwritings @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 @gwyndalf-the-wise @otherworldyhistorian @theloonyone @anyone

      Okay, so I’ve had this idea for a while, but I’ve decided to finally share it. It’s kind of a mix of multiple WIPs from the past, so we’ll see how it goes. So far, it’s kind of a list of random world-building notes, not as much specific characters. Any critiques are welcome!

      Dragons, both good and bad, live in secluded corners of the world.
      Crystals, hidden long ago, can give humans special powers. These crystals were created by the dragons to be used for good, but were in some way corrupted in the past.
      Dragons are the main supernatural beings. One dragon, Silvyr, symbolizes Christ, and was born from the deity (symbolizing God), Alinar. Another, Rathal, represents Satan.
      Morality is similar to what it is on Earth. In some cases, linear, in others, cyclical.
      In this world, magic is a mystery. Only dragons can practice magic unless a human holds one of the crystals. The cost of the magic is that some of the crystals have side effects on the wearer.
      There are other planets, but none have been visited, and they havenā€™t been counted. The planets follow a kind of infinity sign orbit around two suns, Nym and Zelphar. Spring and fall make up Ā¾ of the year, summer and winter splitting the other Ā¼.
      Silver is scarce, gold is abundant. Hurricanes and tsunamis are common, so most people live farther inland. Two continents make up Arendryl: Drelor and Losix.
      There are two main races, dragons and humans. There are also blue-gray wolves, put under Silvyrā€™s command, and golden ravens, under Rathalā€™s command. Humans are divided by kingdom/religion.
      Dragons are the main unique animals. In the crimson forest, all plants are red. Plants are usually the same as those on earth, but there are exceptions.
      Society, as a whole, values power, wealth, and religion. The Rovyre, named after Yellen Rovyre, value sacrifice most, the Aerel, named after Goren Aerel, value family most, and the Valcan, named after Durothil Valcan, value wisdom above all else.
      In the beginning, Alinar created Arendryl, the two suns, and the entire universe, which has yet to be explored. Dragons made their homes in quiet, hidden, undisturbed places. Humans separated themself into three main groups: the Rovyre, the Aerel, and the Valcan. Villains like Abarat Genjyre brought war to the kingdoms, and Coryn Luxisys misused the dragonsā€™ crystals. Heroes such as Ayen Zyltris, a bard, brought peace, and Fylson Liafaren helped to hide the sacred crystals.
      Major religions are followers of Silvyr, and followers of Rathal. Others donā€™t believe in deities, or believe only in the creator (Alinar, sometimes called by different names) and not in Silver/Rathal. Followers of Silvyr teach that he is the true son of Alinar. Followers of Rathal believe that he is the most powerful being.
      The Rovyre have kind of the middle ground between the cultures. There is crime, but not an abundance of it. They are ruled by their 12 heroes at a time- those who have sacrificed a great deal for their kingdom.
      The Aerel have an abundance of crime in their area. They are ruled by a royal family, the crown passed down through generations.
      The Valcan have little to no crime in their region. They are ruled by seven leaders, those with the most wisdom and experience
      People all share the same language, but dragons have their own ancient language, though they also speak the human tongue. Common expressions include things like: ā€œBy the holy flames!ā€, ā€œRathalā€™s fire!ā€, ā€œGolden as a ravenā€, ā€œIn all of Arendryl!ā€, ā€œGreat suns!ā€, ā€œCanā€™t judge a wolf by its howlā€(Instead of canā€™t judge a book by its cover, ā€œKill two ravens with one stoneā€(Instead of two birds), and ā€œOut of the crimsonā€ (instead of out of the blue) Some expressions vary depending on who is using them.
      Technology is not very advanced. Wooden wheels are still in use, electricity hasnā€™t been harnessed, and torches/candles are still the main source of light. However, they have found a way to use gears to power certain objects. A special tool called a Beak is used to turn the gear to the left as far as needed. The gear turns slowly back to the right, and when it has turned back to its original position, the light fades.
      Some of the best paying jobs include fishers (fish is a common meal, and storms are particularly dangerous), treasure-hunters (for silver, mainly, but sometimes for the rare crystals), sanctum-wingers (those who run sanctums, large museums/libraries filled with the books of the land as well as special artifacts and statues to the dragons and Alinar), and physicians (doctors are rare, and plagues occasionally make their way through the land, making the job a lot of work but just as much or more pay). The Aerel generally run family businesses, the Valcan control/build most sanctums, and the Rovyre make up most of the fishermen, making for a balance in trade.
      The Aerel usually take time only to learn their familyā€™s trade. The Rovyre place little value on education, but they have some schools for teaching skills like fishing, steering a boat, using the stars to find where you are, etc., their main school being Whale Coast Instructory. The Valcan have put immense value on schools, and it is the highest honor to be accepted into one of the three most prestigious academies: Redhill Academy, Winter Mountain School of Fine Arts, and Garden Grove Institute. Most people can read, but some less fortunate Rovyre never take the time to learn more than what they need to navigate maps.
      Both the Aerel and the Rovyre think as a whole that the more children you have, the better. The Valcan, on the other hand, believe in having one or two children instead so more focus can be put on their individual education.
      Music is a concept valued by all three races. The Aerel play instruments together as a family, the Rovyre play tunes while sailing across the sea, and the Valcan play elegant pieces as a form of art. Sketching is common among the Aerel, painting among the Valcan, and quick scratching of maps among the Rovyre.


      Oh, goodness, that was long! šŸ¤£ If anything doesn’t make sense, let me know. I’ll try to put out more on specific characters once I get the ideas together. šŸ™‚

      Published Author | Havok Editor | Interning for Nova McBee

      Otherworldly Historian
        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
        • Total Posts: 232


        Seems interesting and well thought out. I am intrigued to know more.

        Through darkness,
        light shines brightest

        Ava Murbarger (Solfyre)
          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 716


          Thanks! I’m working on more of it now, so I’ll post it soon.

          Published Author | Havok Editor | Interning for Nova McBee

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1307


            Love it!!! Very intriguing world! You’ve given a direct allegory for the Savior, so is this intended to be a kinda Narnian style allegorical story? What main themes are you going to get into? Do you want to get into the true nature of good and evil maybe? Why a lemniscate (figure eight/infinity symbol) for the orbit? Is that another Allegory concerning eternal nature, or just because you thought it would be fun? Are the golden ravens a symbol for Raval and therefore the Adversary because gold is considered lustrous, and greedy in our world? However you’ve mentioned that gold is plentiful where silver is rare, furthering the idea that gold is really just mundane in nature. Is that a hint on some themes your going to get into? Like is evil is really just all that is mundane and common in this world? I don’t think I have any critiques, it sounds really fun, and I can’t wait to hear more!

            He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

            Ava Murbarger (Solfyre)
              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 716



              Yes, it is going to be sort of Narnia-ish. My main themes are going to be finding the truth and (you guessed it!) good and evil, but there will also be varying themes having to do with the characters’ lives. I chose the figure eight orbit because it would let me explore some unique worldbuilding. During certain points of the year, sunlight will last hours longer, often until midnight, with suns bringing light to both sides of the world. The gold and silver thing was something I was really excited to write about. Sort of a “sin is the easy path, but the narrow path is God’s path” kind of theme.

              Published Author | Havok Editor | Interning for Nova McBee

              Ava Murbarger (Solfyre)
                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 716

                @thearcaneaxiom @otherworldlyhistorian

                Here’s some random worldbuilding and character-building:


                Plants are on average crimson instead of green, reverting to green and yellow in the fall. The color crimson is considered normal, as is the color gold, while silver is increasingly rare.
                Currency has eight levels. The quarter-dollar, half-dollar, and dollar (made of gold); the five dollar, ten dollar, and twenty dollar (made of obsidian); the hundred dollar (made of emerald); and silver, which can be traded in for varying amounts of money.


                Silver- Representing Christ. Followers believe that he is Alinarā€™s son and that Alinar created the universe. Symbolized by silver.
                Rathal- Representing Satan. Followers believe that he is the most powerful being, and that Alinar is secondary, or in some cases, a myth. Symbolized by gold.
                Grevalur- Representing the middle-ground. Followers donā€™t believe in Alinar, but rather believe the world was created by chance and from there by natural processes. Symbolized by black.
                Kailu- Representing fluid morality/deism. Followers believe that Alinar created the universe, but that he abandoned it and went about his own business, leaving them to find their own way. Symbolized by green.

                ā€œSacredā€ Animals

                Dragons themselves: Silvyr, Rathal, Grevalur, Kailu
                Silver wolves
                Golden ravens
                Black tigers
                Green elk




                Jassin Rathian

                Adventurous, hardworking, loyal, reliable, assertive.
                A Rovyre.
                Myers-Briggs personality: Commander. Bold, imaginative, and strong-willed leaders, always finding a way- or making one.
                Usually gets competitive when faced with trials and opposition. But when things get too rough, he gets frustrated, and often wants time to think things out alone.
                He looks up to Zane Saelethil, a famous whale-hunter who saved his town from an attack from another kingdom using only a harpoon.

                Lyori Ciliren

                Sensitive, smart, spirited, nervous, precise.
                A Valcan.
                Myers-Briggs personality: Advocate. Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.
                Usually gets extremely nervous when faced with trials and opposition. She usually manages to push through when it matters most.
                She looks up to her mother, Alasse Ciliren, who is the member of the seven-person-council of Valcan, and seems to have an unreasonable amount of wisdom.

                Valor Venhorn

                Quick-witted, reflective, empathetic, cynical, trustworthy.
                An Aerel.
                Myers-Briggs personality: Protagonist. Charismatic and inspiring leaders, able to mesmerize their listeners.
                A quick thinker when faced with trials and opposition. He immediately worries about everyone else rather than himself.
                He looks up to his father, Sharo Venhorn, who died to help his family stay together.

                Ailre Venhorn

                Optimistic, resourceful, sincere, supportive, analytical.
                An Aerel.
                Myers-Briggs personality: Adventurer. Flexible and charming artists, always ready to explore and experience something new.
                Often gets flustered when faced with trials and opposition. She likes to think everything out first, so when she has to make quick decisions, itā€™s a struggle.
                She looks up to Valor, who almost always seems to make the right decision, even though sheā€™s sometimes annoyed by it.

                Published Author | Havok Editor | Interning for Nova McBee

                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1307



                  So your showing all the different religion types through some main dragon. You’ve also said that your showing idea of the straight and narrow, and sin is the easy way out type idea, so are you going to show Rashal, as a symbol for the adversary, really doesn’t care whether or not people worship him, but instead, simply that they don’t worship Silvyr? So the other dragons may claim themselves as independent, but in reality, Rashal uses them to lead people astray from Silvyr, is that right?

                  I like how your using Myers-Briggs for your characters, I’ve considered it before, but never actually tried it yet.

                  He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                  Ava Murbarger (Solfyre)
                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 716



                    And yeah, you’ve got the idea! Nice to know that someone else was able to unscramble my pile of ideas! šŸ¤£

                    Yeah, that’s actually one of the first times I’ve used Myers-Briggs, so it was really cool to try. While I don’t like fitting characters into strict personalities (because, honestly, often people don’t have just one specific way of acting, it can change with time/circumstance), it can be helpful as a kind of guideline.

                    Published Author | Havok Editor | Interning for Nova McBee

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