Comic Poem Tag Experiment

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    Aislinn Mollisong
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 445

      @supermonkey42 yes, I wrote one, but it’s gone. I’ll try to fix it….

      ENTP, Aether-borg Hero with cape obsession and fascination with swords.

      Grace H.
        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
        • Total Posts: 199

        @rochellaine Yepp 😀 I was actually pretty desperate for ideas at that point, so that served quite nicely.

        It's g-h, 2-4-6-8 twice, three 9's

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2557

          @gh24682468999 Yum… I like it. ;3

          IMMA KAPEEFER! Til we're old and gray!

          Ariella Newheart
            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
            • Total Posts: 141

            @aislinn-mollisong I got the email notification too. If you can’t find the poem (it’s hilarious btw xD) I can post it here for ya. And thank you for the…interesting…poem challenge. *glares darkly* I have a feeling this will be an absolute and utter catastrophe. >->

            INFJ. An extroverted introvert who loves to write and draw.

            *disappears into the shadows*

            Aislinn Mollisong
              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 445

              @ariella-newheart Go ahead, I can’t remember most of it anyway…..

              ENTP, Aether-borg Hero with cape obsession and fascination with swords.

              Ariella Newheart
                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                • Total Posts: 141

                All right! @aislinn-mollisong Here you go.


                “@supermonkey42 Challenge accepted. (Warning: I am no poet. This may be painful.)

                Samwise had seen many wonderful things, like oliphaunts, elves, and magical rings. But after his wand’ring adventures were done, he found something else that was almost as fun.

                One day after work, while he whistled and walked, he found a foot print and he heard a loud squawk. He looked in the bushes to see what was there, and found a strange creature with both scales and hair.

                From the tip of its tail to its shining white teeth, it was fearsome to look at and worse still to see. That doesn’t make sense. Sam thought as he stared. It’s the same thing OH NO ITS TEETH ARE BARED.

                It growled at the hobbit and swung out its tail, and poor Sam knew it would eat him without fail. But the beast only whimpered with tears in its eyes, and showed him a claw that was riddled with spines.

                Sam thought for a moment, then knelt on his knees, then took spines out of claws that were starting to bleed. The dragon made noises too painful to hear, and squealed in a way that injured Sam’s ear.

                But sooner or later the work must be done, and only hours later the spines were all gone. The beast sniffed the hobbit then, cocking his head, said to Samwise “What books have you read?”

                Sam was surprised at this new revelation. “How can you talk?” he said with trepidation. “Oh, I almost forgot,” it said, “My name is Stan. I belong to a writer. His name is Sam.”

                “Well that’s my name too.” Sam puzzled the words. “But I don’t own a dragon, or not that I’ve heard.” “Oh, my Sam is human. He writes about me. And other things, though mostly just me.”

                “Would you like a ride?” Stan suddenly said. “Yes, yes I would.” Sam nodded his head. He climbed on Stan’s back but before he was ready, Stan started running with a pace all unsteady.

                Of course, Sam fell off, and he said with a moan, “Excuse me, sir dragon, I want to go home. You are very nice, and I’m glad that I helped, but I think that my has developed a welt.”

                “Oh, perfectly fine.” The dragon replied. “I’d better get home too. It’s dinnertime!” They shook hands politely, and both parted ways, not knowing the history they made that day.

                TA-DA!!!! Does Stan approve?

                I tag @ariella-newheart to write a Pringle poem. *laughs maliciously*

                And now I shall attempt to write a poem about a quest for Pringles…. hehehe

                INFJ. An extroverted introvert who loves to write and draw.

                *disappears into the shadows*

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3322

                  @aislinn-mollisong You may call yourself “no poet” but I really enjoyed the swinging rhythm and the simple rhyme scheme.  🙂

                  "Sylvester - Sylvester!"

                  Grace H.
                    • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                    • Total Posts: 199

                    @catwing Ahaha thanks 🙂

                    Your profile picture is awesome 😉 Very Ranger-y (if you’ve read Ranger’s Apprentice).

                    It's g-h, 2-4-6-8 twice, three 9's

                    Ariella Newheart
                      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                      • Total Posts: 141

                      All right, here is my poem @aislinn-mollisong. *reads over poem and cringes* I think I could have done better…? eheh….


                      The Quest for the Pringles

                      One day in Aethasia there began
                      A fearsome quest for the fairest of fare
                      How in the world did this quest come about?
                      Why, I don’t know, nor do I really care.

                      This quest was for delectable Pringles,
                      Surely the fairest of all other fare.
                      You really don’t want to argue that point
                      No, seriously. Don’t you even dare.

                      The adventurer who wishes to go
                      On this most fearsome of all quests
                      Should probably bring a hammer or sword,
                      Even a lightsaber; whatever is best.

                      Let me be clear on this one single thing:
                      This quest is unlike any other before.
                      There are dangers, some unknown and untold
                      Bananas and rocks and tin cans, oh dear.

                      What is so bad about those three, you ask?
                      A banana can, like a cog in the wheel,
                      Break a great engine quite thoroughly.
                      Oh, and you can slip on a banana peel.

                      The rocks are a tried and true mystery
                      You skip and they trip you flat on your face
                      Where in the world did these rocks come from?
                      No one knows, but I’d guess outer space.

                      The tin cans are toasters, without any doubt.
                      Just big heaps of metal with boilers and claws
                      Toasters with claws? Whatever could this be?
                      The answer is simple: Automatons.

                      You smash ‘em, you bash ‘em,
                      Like the tin cans they are,
                      And just for good measure
                      Send ‘em up to the stars.

                      The adventurer conquers these dangers
                      After many hours of many days.
                      The fairest of all fare, the Pringles
                      They can finally, at long last, attain.

                      But strangely enough, there is nothing except
                      A yellow peel and a pile of rocks.
                      The adventurer lifts their face to the sky,
                      And laughs, for this was certainly a prank.


                      What do you think, Aethasians (@foreverme @0-0enyali0-0 @silverclaw-bonnetfolly @xonos-darkgrate) and people of the Kingdom of Pen? 😛

                      I tag @lady-iliara to write a poem about…. *racks brain* uhhh…. a steampunk cat! hehehe….


                      INFJ. An extroverted introvert who loves to write and draw.

                      *disappears into the shadows*

                      Ariella Newheart
                        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                        • Total Posts: 141

                        @gh24682468999 Thanks! I’ve actually never read Ranger’s Apprentice.

                        INFJ. An extroverted introvert who loves to write and draw.

                        *disappears into the shadows*

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2306

                          @ariella-newheart <3 <3 <3  It doesn’t help that I already REALLY wanted to play The Aetherlight. But after reading that, I REEEEEEEEAALLLLLLLYYY want to play it!!

                          You can pronounce it however you want.

                          Gloria Oldenpinner
                            • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
                            • Total Posts: 15

                            @ariella-newheart Oh man, so many inside jokes in that poem. XD You did a wondrous job! *claps hands*

                            I'm an ENFP-J, and I love chocolate and books. Among other things.

                            Lady Iliara
                              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                              • Total Posts: 144

                              @ariella-newheart You sneaky-sneak…😛

                              *rubs hands* Rhyming nonsense poems are my specialty, so BEWAREEE MWAHAHA!!!

                              The Steampunk Cat
                              You want to me write a poem, you do?
                              Well beware of the One-Man Writerly Zoo!
                              You honestly think that you gave me a challenge?
                              I’m an expert at this, nay I don’t even cringe!
                              So before I write this epic adventure,
                              And check all my spaces and lines and indentures,
                              I’ll have you know, I’m an expert in rhyme!
                              (And because I’m a writer, an expert in crime!)
                              Well, once on a time, there was a man named Lukas.
                              His inventions ranged from Egg Hats to Aether-Bazookas.
                              You’d think that the time spent on his creations
                              Would show him a man of singular inclinations.
                              But this was not true, he had one fatal quirk,
                              For all sorts of kittens, Lukas went quite beserk!
                              Especially one, his pride and his joy,
                              He bought it new beds, scratching posts, and new toys,
                              And he loved it more than anyone could,
                              For besides being cute, this kitten was good!
                              He fed and he raised it and trained it with care
                              (Even though oft it would sit in his hair)
                              But then came the day that all of us feared:
                              ”Help meh!” Lukas said. “Mah cat’s disappeared!”
                              We panicked, we did, as good friends should do;
                              We whistled and called and we played the kazoo.
                              But alas it was all to no end, no avail:
                              Lukas’s cat had quite fled the pale.
                              Of course, you know, we all kept looking,
                              But after months of cooing and clucking,
                              We began to forget—and there was the danger—
                              What was its size? was it black, white, or ginger?
                              And recruits would ask, as new recruits do,
                              Is the story of Lukas’ lost cat really true?
                              We’d shrug and sigh and shake our heads
                              And forget to remember, and go back to our beds.
                              We’d given it up as a hopeless cause
                              When along came another creature on paws.
                              And Lukas was joyous; he said, “Here at last!
                              “This, my friends, is my beautiful cat!”
                              But soon we found not all was as it seemed.
                              There was a spy in our meetings—who would have dreamed?
                              We began to point fingers—we suspected each other
                              And especially Xonos, who said we were a bother.
                              But then our Mind Simulation tech disappeared
                              And we discovered—by Lukas’ beard!—
                              The cat was the culprit—but surely not she!
                              Lukas’ cat was as faithful as faithful could be!
                              But soon the mystery unveiled its true nature,
                              Someone had planned to duplicate her—
                              And they had succeeded—this cat that we trusted
                              Was a clone of the old, just slightly adjusted!
                              Part automaton, obviously, to act like that.
                              And that’s the story of the steampunk cat.
                              But don’t despair, we have hope for Lukas
                              (And cats, if they’ll stop getting infected by Rukas!)
                              We’re sure that someday he’ll get his cat back
                              And his inventions will stop falling all out of wack.
                              THE END

                              , @destiny, @xonos-darkgrate, @foreverme, @dekreel, @silverclaw-bonnetfolly, @0-0enyali0-0

                              ENFJ-T. Arbitrary. Greet at your own risk. *trips on a rock*

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2306

                                @lady-iliara  BRAVA! 😀

                                Wait… I’m the only one you tagged who isn’t Aethasian… 0.0 (Not that there’s anything wrong with that 😉 )

                                Now, tag someone else and give them a topic 😉

                                You can pronounce it however you want.

                                Ariella Newheart
                                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                  • Total Posts: 141

                                  OH MY GOODNESS…. @lady-iliara That is perfect. *pulls a Vytanni*

                                  I think you should post that on the Aetherlight forums. I’ll put mine on there, too. 😀



                                  INFJ. An extroverted introvert who loves to write and draw.

                                  *disappears into the shadows*

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