Comic Poem Tag Experiment

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  • #69265
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @dekreel @sam-kowal @ingridrd @jenwriter17 @supermonkey42

      I’m reviving this topic because I love writing poems, but I have a hard time coming up with things to write about.  So I’m going to ask you all to give me prompts, and if you want me to tag you back I will, but I’m doing this so that I can write a few more poems. 😀  I might not do all of your prompts, but I’ll probably post some of them here, or on my website. 🙂

      And remember, I’m horrible at writing serious poems, so if you try giving me a serious prompt it’ll probably come out comical anyway…


      "Sylvester - Sylvester!"

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2306

        @rochellaine  yyyyyyYYYYESSSS! I’ve been waiting for this to be revived!!

        Okay, I’m going to tag a few different people

        Rochellaine, do one about Racing Marbles

          Write a comical poem about Eating Oatmeal on a Ferris Wheel

        You can pronounce it however you want.

        Ben Powell
          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
          • Total Posts: 273

          @rochellaine Random prompts:

          • Write a comical poem about writing a comical poem
          • A giraffe in Kansas
          • Sporks
          • The War of the Frogs
          • Flying roses

          A Kapeefer for life!
          Compendium of KP Literature:

          Jenna Terese
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2522

            @rochellaine ooh, yay! here’s some prompts

            Bananas in pajamas (did anyone else watch that show?)

            Flying penguins

            Baby donkey who thinks he’s a dog

            A moose ball (ball as in dance; I had to get you back for the one you gave me 😉 )

            I'm a Kapeefer 'TIL WE'RE OLD AND GREY!

            Sam Kowal
              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 635

              @rochellaine Some prompts…

              A dragon who keeps a garden to calm himself down when he gets angry

              A knight who loves baking

              A doormat who is tired of being walked all over


              *Giarstanornarak tries to melt chair*
              Also, Daeus has 22 turtles in his signature.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3322

                @dekreel @supermonkey42 @jenwriter17 @sam-kowal Thank you all so much!  This is going to be fun.

                My first poem is based on Ben’s prompt

                A Giraffe in Kansas

                That big loping thing
                Looked crazily strange
                I started to sing
                “Hey!” Get off my range!”
                But then all at once
                I realized what
                A total big dunce
                I would be to let
                This creature escape

                “Hey, Giraffe! I think you’re strange
                But you may stay upon my range!”

                I walked up real close
                And looked at it clear
                Oh, what a big dose
                Of a tale they would hear
                When I told my wife
                And my kid of this thing
                They’d cease any strife
                And laughter would ring!
                They’d never believe.

                “Hey, Giraffe! Hear what I say
                You’ll cause a great ruckus today!”

                Giraffes are so quite
                Extremely rare
                To see in the light
                Of my state, Kansas fair
                That I’d be thought mad
                If of it I told
                My wife and my lad
                They’d think me quite bold
                I’d have to have proof

                “Hey, Giraffe! I must have proof
                Will you come to my humble roof?”

                But just then I cried
                Out loud in dismay
                I sure could have died
                When it turned away!
                But as it walked off
                I had just one hope
                I swung up aloft
                My own trusty rope
                And threw it so far

                “Hey, Giraffe! Don’t go away
                I’m capturing you now today!”

                My rope fell around
                The long gangly neck
                Of that great big clown
                Its hopes I would wreck
                For not anymore
                Would it ever range free
                Poor thing! What a bore
                Its life now would be
                From now and on out

                “Hey, Giraffe! I’ve captured you
                You’ll be fenced in your whole life through!”

                But then all at once
                That horrid Giraffe
                He looked straight at me
                And seeming to laugh
                All downhill he went
                His face to the ground
                His legs, they were bent
                His long neck he bowed
                The rope slipped right off

                “Hey, Giraffe! Don’t do that please!
                I beg of you, down on my knees!”

                But it was too late
                He trotted away
                I guess ’twas my fate
                To fail on that day
                For I had no proof
                Of a Kansas Giraffe
                And all that I told
                Would be sure to laugh
                And roll on the ground

                “Hey, Giraffe! You were so real,
                But now you’re gone. Oh, what a steal!”

                Goodbye, Giraffe.


                Okay, that’s the lot of it.  😀  It’s not my best, and the meter is kind of choppy, but it’s fun. 😉

                Thank you all, and I’ll let you know when I do the other prompts you gave me! (Yes, Jen, you certainly got me back fairly. 😛 )

                Oh…should I tag someone?  How about Dekreel, since you’re going away soon for a while, you can write one more poem before you disappear!  Your topic is: The Terrible Temper Tantrum of the Tiny Tyrannosaurus Rex (Forgive me…I love alliteration.  I once wrote a whole story with the rule that every sentence had to have each word in the sentence starting with the same letter.)

                "Sylvester - Sylvester!"

                Jenna Terese
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2522

                  @rochellaine this is awesome! I always love your poems! 😀

                  wait, you’re leaving soon?

                  I'm a Kapeefer 'TIL WE'RE OLD AND GREY!

                  Ben Powell
                    • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                    • Total Posts: 273

                    @rochellaine Poor giraffe! All lost on the Kansas prairie, getting lassoed by farmers! 😀

                    Well done. I kind of liked the meter; it was unique.

                    A Kapeefer for life!
                    Compendium of KP Literature:

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3322

                      @jenwriter17 Thanks!  I’m glad you liked it.

                      Poor Giraffe?  I write the whole poem from the farmer’s perspective and you come up with “Poor giraffe?!” 😛  Thank you!  Oh, you liked the meter?  That’s good. 😉

                      Now I have done one of the prompts from @sam-kowal – A Knight who Loves Baking!

                      There once was a knight who loved baking
                      And though ’twas a great undertaking
                      He always baked bread
                      On the top of his head
                      When his horrid hot head began aching

                      There once was a knight who loved kneading
                      And while cookbook recipes reading
                      He’d knead all his dough
                      With the tip of his toe
                      And believed that was truly good-deeding

                      But that same good knight hated stirring
                      And while the bread mixture was whirring
                      He’d look at the skunk
                      Who was mixing the junk
                      And smile while politely “good sir”-ing

                      And when it came time for the eating
                      With people the knight would be meeting
                      Then he would propose
                      “Let us now sit and doze
                      Until the bread sprouts into wheating!”

                      Okay, that turned out weird! I had to invent some new words… 😀  Hope you like it, Sam!

                      I’ll get to the rest of the prompts soon, I hope.  For now, Ben, would you like to write a poem about Windshield Wipers?

                      "Sylvester - Sylvester!"

                      Jenna Terese
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2522

                        @rochellaine Another great poem! I really like the rhythm of it 🙂

                        I'm a Kapeefer 'TIL WE'RE OLD AND GREY!

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3322

                          @jenwriter17 Thanks!  I can’t lay claim to the rhythm, though.  It’s in the style of the old-fashioned but beloved limerick.  😀  You said you don’t write poems very often, so if you’re looking to practice I’d suggest you try limericks.  They’re possibly the easiest style as to both rhythm and rhyme!

                          "Sylvester - Sylvester!"

                          Jenna Terese
                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2522

                            @rochellaine I’ll keep that in mind, thanks 🙂

                            I'm a Kapeefer 'TIL WE'RE OLD AND GREY!

                            Ben Powell
                              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                              • Total Posts: 273

                              @rochellaine Well, I’ll pity the farmer then, for not being able to catch the giraffe. 😀

                              XD Yes, ‘twould be quite an undertaking to bake bread on your head.

                              Windshield wipers…sure, I can come up with something!

                              *goes to think up ideas*

                              A Kapeefer for life!
                              Compendium of KP Literature:

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2306

                                @jenwriter17  Yeah, I’m going on a hiatus until the end of the school year. Look here 🙂

                                You can pronounce it however you want.

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3322

                                  @jenwriter17 For you, my friend, a poem on Flying Penguins 

                                  Flying penguins are so rare
                                  That sooner would a cow with hair
                                  As purple as your mother’s dress
                                  Be seen than such, I do confess

                                  Flying penguins are so strange
                                  Giraffes on open Kansas range
                                  Would be quite common, normal things
                                  Compared to penguins with real wings

                                  Flying penguins cannot be
                                  They have no choice but not to be
                                  Brave Hamlet’s lot was far above
                                  A penguin flying like a dove

                                  Flying penguins are so weird
                                  The Jabberwocky we could beard
                                  With much more ease than ever find
                                  A penguin flying, to my mind

                                  And flying penguins are so grand
                                  That one is worth more in the hand
                                  Than fifteen million bars of gold
                                  Or one wombat named Leopold

                                  (For a wombat named Leopold would really be
                                  extremely rare since the name Leopold comes
                                  from Germany and wombats come from Australia – but
                                  wait! It actually wouldn’t be too strange since
                                  Australia comes from Britain, and Britain comes from Germany.
                                  Consensus: The Wombat is a German species.)

                                  Tagging @supermonkey42 also since your Giraffe poem was referenced. 😉  Also tagging @dekreel because you said you’d like to still read the stuff here even if you don’t reply. 🙂  Hope you like it, friend Chasm Beast!

                                  And Jen, do you think you could bring yourself to write a poem on A B<b>roken Air Conditioner</b>? 😀 😀

                                  "Sylvester - Sylvester!"

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