Character Personality Tip Swap!

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    Alexa Autorski
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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      OH MY GOODNESS, thank you so very much! You’ve saved my writing life immensely! I agree with 100% of what you said, and I suppose I’ve never thought of character voices that way, but it totally makes sense! That’s a great illustration to have different characters use distinct exclamations, or how they view sunsets, and all the other things you suggested. That’s exactly what I’ve been looking for when it comes to expressing my characters. By the way, you nailed writing about my characters perfectly, so I’m glad I’m not that bad at writing summaries. ((Ahh, I was getting so worried I was the only writer who struggled with putting too much personality, so at least I can have somebody to relate with)) Thank you so much for the detailed and helpful reply!! It’s definitely inspired me and brought to light some adjustments I could make.

      And by the way, your characters sound very intriguing! I’d love to read some of your writing someday! And yes, your reply saved me from more hours of banging my head on my desk trying to find a way out of this mess, so thank you a million! 🙂


      Ahh, THANK YOU for your reply! I totally understand what you mean when you brought out the ‘inner conflict’ and how Newton’s guilt needs to be true to it. And you wrote about him perfectly! I know what you mean when you said that their inner conflict is necessary for transitioning into their better selves, too—you worded it wonderfully.

      I loved it when you pointed out how they compliment each other! That’s exactly what I’m trying to infuse into their relationship, since they’ve both endured hard times and are learning to trust each other. In the beginning, they’re about as similar as night and day, but later, they’ve learned to love, trust, and help one another. You also worded that beautifully. Thank you immensely for your reply, it’s very much appreciated!! 🙂

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @writerlexi1216 You’re so welcome!!


          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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          You are definitely not alone in feeling like your characters seem the same personality-wise. That’s one of my biggest writing problems too.

          I know it’s probably not much help with all the other great advice, but sometimes it helps to take a ‘test drive’ with my characters. It has helped me in the past. That is, putting the characters that are seemingly similar together and put in a bunch of different, sometimes crazy, situations and let them react to it in their own ways and voices. Like if two characters just survived a plane crash, landed in the ocean, and are now stranded on an island, would they panic? Draw up ideas for escape? Walk the island and gather resources? Or if they had to spend a month as alligator keepers? Most of the time, they all have different opinions, actions, and thoughts. After all, it’s human. Test drives are a lot of fun too, I can write something new and the same thing at the same time.

          Your characters sound awesome by the way:)

          Alexa Autorski
            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1011

            @abigail-m Thank you so much! At least I know I’m not the only one who struggles with this problem! And that’s a really good idea, putting my characters in wacky situations and “watching” them respond to it… that’s a wonderful way to help me figure out their personalities! I don’t think I’ve ever thought about doing that, but I’ll try it! Thanks for the compliment, too! 🙂

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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              @writerlexi1216 I’m SO glad I could help!!! (I’m also glad I actually made sense!) You are very, very welcome! And you are never alone, especially when it comes to characters!

              Thank you! I’ve actually published two novels and a smattering of short stories on Amazon. And I can’t wait to read your book one day!


                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                You’re welcome and you are definitely not alone with that struggle.

                Scoutillus Finch
                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 413


                  I never really thought about Jade as a villain, he’s something like an anti-hero. I think that he’d probably be something like Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean except with all his mind present and less of an addiction to alcohol and the Black Pearl.

                  Jade’s childhood definitely affects his affections. He feels a deeper bond in sibling-type relationships than he does with father and mother relationships (BIG mommy and daddy issues) and as for romance… well… he only sort of fell in love with a few of the many girls he had “relationships” with, and while he does develop feelings for Marian, she’s not so keen on him (I don’t really want Jade to get into any relationships, and Marian would be more than happy with this arrangement).

                  So, in short, Jade would develop a deep bond with Tammy because she would fill the hole of the someone he’s supposed to protect (while he’s unaware that Fabian’s alive).

                  Any suggestions for pulling off a successful faked death?


                  I read the first chapter of your book, sounds so cool!



                  We crazy people are the normal ones.

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6656


                    Fake deaths….hmmm. Can’t say I’ve ever written one, but I think I can give some tips.

                    You can kinda do it in multiple ways.


                    1. They faked their own death. For some reason. Maybe it was the only way Fabian could get his message out? Or perhaps he thought it would help protect himself or someone else? If u go this route, when he is revealed to still be alive there will be some definite conflict between him and others who might feel they’ve been betrayed by him because he grieved them so deeply.

                    2. He thinks he’s dead but is somehow brought back to life. Either his injuries weren’t actually enough to kill him, or somehow he was saved after the fact. This route is maybe a bit harder cuz you’d have to think of a way to bring him back/explain what happened in a realistic way.

                    3. It’s an illusion.

                    This one, to me, is by far the most interesting and fun! And by Illusion I don’t mean it has to be an actual illusion or dream state (tho it can be if u want it to). I merely mean that, somehow everyone is convinced Fabian is dead. Maybe he’s been locked away somewhere or is missing, and the villains or whoever supposedly killed him has made everyone believe he’s dead.

                    hopefully this helps and gives u some options! Also, u may can find some tips online somewhere


                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1789

                      @scoutfinch180 Aw, thanks! I’m glad you liked it!

                      Scoutillus Finch
                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 413

                        Thanks @godlyfantasy12!

                        I have heard that faked deaths are a no-go if at all possible, but I really want Jade to assume Fabian is dead by his hand. Thanks for pointing those methods out!

                        We crazy people are the normal ones.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
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                          @scoutfinch180 Just remember (because I’m still learning this myself) u don’t have to follow what everyone says. Make your book the way u want it! It’s yours! Some ppl are against prologues but I felt my book needed one, because the first chapter just wasn’t gonna cut it and I think it works wonderfully!

                          So just try it out! If u find it’s not working, change it. Do u!


                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 765

                            Hey everyone. It seems this topic is a bit… dead at the moment, but I’ll share my tip for character writing. 😀

                            I actually took the Myers-Briggs personality tests from my characters’ perspectives. That way, when I get the results, I can more accurately write about things that might make them happy or make them feel sad. For example, my character Marge is an ISTJ (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging) and so that helps me to more clearly define her character type. I’ll link the personality test here in case any of you want to do it. 😀 Anyways, hope that helped a little bit!

                            Personality Test

                            staring at the fields
                            if nothing's really real
                            i'll make the winter now my home

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1789

                              @scripter-of-kingdoms Awesome! I actually think one of my charries is an ISTJ…I can’t remember. XD Since the quizzes are so long and I have so many characters, I actually just use these type descriptions ( to help me figure their personalities out. I’m not as well-versed in the MBTI personalities, but I do really like having an idea of my characters’ inner workings.

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