Character Castle 2.0

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      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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      Ahh I know!! I wrote one for Matthew and Asher last night and it all got deleted 😭. I’ll try to write one in a little bit. 🙂


        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @lightoverdarkness6 AWWW 😭 I hate when that happens!!


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          @freedomwriter76 u on??


            • Rank: Chosen One
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            @freedomwriter76 @lightoverdarkness6 Ik u two aren’t on rn but I’m thinking of a scene where Bren sneezes and it triggers his fire powers on accident and it’s so cute but also bad at the same time 😅


            but this could work with how light’s villain finds out he has powers?? Just an idea. Even if we don’t go that route this is a cute scene idea đŸ€Ł


              • Rank: Chosen One
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              Btw! Bren’s fire doesn’t hurt him (thank the Lord!) because they weren’t repressed like November’s were 😊 but that doesn’t mean he enjoys using it


                • Rank: Chosen One
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                So I wanted to post this for future notice for everyone on here (I’m gonna post this on the other castle RP as well)


                But Ik sometimes we struggle with writing conflicts in RPs cuz we’re like “how far do we go/can we go” because obviously there Are others involved!

                So I figured I’d try to help maybe? If possible?

                So I looked at another Character Castle, made by the Story Embers website, and what they do is this-



                Basically anything goes AS LONG as it follows the forum guidelines-


                So nothing in appropriate obviously or vulgar, no foul language, or rudeness (to each other I mean our characters are gonna be rude XD XD)


                and adding to that, I mean
no character deaths cuz uhh that’s not really possible here XD XD

                Or Like SERIOUS maiming (so like
.a missing arm or something is uhh kinda impossible too considering these charries have their own books XD)


                but other then that, anything goes.


the story embers castle makes it clear that whatever happens

                There might be consequences

                So Villains/antagonists/anti-heroes or really anyone who hurts another should watch out.


                Because the team of that person, or their friends could lash out.


                And looking at story embers, they really do write it like a book. A story, letting their characters react however they actually would, realistically.


                including literally blowing up at people XD


                not saying we have to totally do this but since things sometimes are getting boring I’m just trying to help us kinda
spice things up a bit here if that makes sense and help us out! (Myself included cuz it’s hard!)


                and if y’all don’t want us to mess with ur charries that is A OKAY!!! We totally understand!!


                as for me?



                my cherries are fair game XD XD XD



                (I’m so evil XD XD)


                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1657


                  OMG that would be the cutest thing!!! So sad too tho. Oh yeah! So my villain will be after Asher and Matthew, so he could hold Bren hostage to influence his siblings to help him find Asher and Matt, and then if he finds out about Bren’s powers, then…that wouldn’t be good.

                  And oh yessss!!! My charries are fair game as well XDXD (especially my villain…(I need someone to give him what he deserves XDXD))

                  And now I’m sooo excited for more conflict, because now…well now it will be a lot more interesting 😁.

                  (We are so mean to our poor charries XDXD)


                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    @lightoverdarkness6 XD ikr!! Hey u wanna make that RP btw?? No problem if not just wondering.


                    also @freedomwriter76 u on and wanna RP?


                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1657



                      We walked together through the long hall, Asher hurrying to keep up with my short but quick strides.

                      “Matthew…Matt…wait up!” He panted exasperatingly.

                      I stopped short. “O-oh…sorry.”

                      I fidgeted with my fingers. “I’-I’m just anxious…ya know?”

                      He gave me a small smile. “I know, Matt. I’ve got a sister too! Not the same age but–,”

                      I interrupted. “S-seven minutes apart, thank you v-very much!” I grinned.

                      He laughed. “Well, I don’t have a sister seven minutes apart, but I do have a sister…and…”

                      His smile faltered slightly. “And I do know what it’s like to…to lose her. To be separated from her. So…”

                      He smiled faintly. “So I know what you mean. Don’t worry. She’ll be okay. And if she’s not here, then, heck, maybe we’ll make some new friends!”

                      I smiled back. “Y-yeah…thanks Asher.”

                      He nodded. “Anytime.”

                      Then, gazing up ahead, he smirked. “To get our minds off of it, why don’t we have a race?”

                      My eyes widened. “W-wait…right now?”

                      He grinned. “When else?”

                      He pointed, “See that door down there? To the right? That’s the finish line.”

                      Then, before I could respond, he shot down the hallway, calling over his shoulder, “C’mon Matthew!”

                      I smiled, thinking of the last time I had a race in a castle. His name was Carter.

                      Then, I sped off after Asher.

                      * * * * * *

                      “I win!” Asher panted, leaning back against the wall, his hands behind his head.

                      “Well, o-of course you did! You h-had a five second head s-start!” I retorted playfully.

                      He grinned. “Oh yeah. I forgot!”

                      I smiled wryly. “You’re crazy.”

                      “Why thank you!” He bowed with a flourish.

                      I shook my head, smiling. Then I froze. Faint voices were speaking inside the room of the door that I was leaning against.

                      My eyes widened. I glanced at Asher. He was leaning towards the door, brows furrowed, trying to catch the words that the voices spoke.

                      “Should we go in?” I whispered. He shrugged. “Sure.”

                      I nodded and held my breath as I turned the knob and pulled open the door. It creaked like nobodies business.

                      I winced, and pulled it open all the way, revealing…two beautiful girls, around mine and Asher’s age.

                      One of them, the taller one, had blue eyes and blonde hair. She gave me and Asher a death glare, and I shrunk back beside Asher.

                      The other, with white, shimmering hair and blue eyes asked, “Who are you? Are you the reason we’re here?”

                      I blinked.

                      Whoa. They’re very feisty. 

                      I shot a look at Asher. He raised his eyebrows and gave me a “you-want-me-to-talk?” looks. I gazed at him pleadingly. He sighed and turned to the two girls.

We don’t even know why we’re here, actually
um, I’m Asher. This is my best friend, Matthew.”

                      The younger girl glanced at the blonde, offering a small smile and nodding. She took a step forward, clasping her hands in front of her.

                      “Nice to meet you both. My name is Lila, and this is my cousin Kiri.” Kiri saluted with two fingers, putting one arm behind her back and winking. “We’re looking for our friends and siblings.

                      I flushed at Kiri’s wink. I glanced over at Asher. His expression was a mixture of disgust and awe.

                      I nearly burst out laughing. He was in awe of Kiri’s beauty, but disgusted at the wink. She smiled at him, and he blushed.

                      “Um…N-nice to meet you too….I’m looking f-for my sister, if s-she’s here.” I smiled bashfully at Lila.


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6691

                        @lightoverdarkness6 XD XD that was THE BEST!!! I luv those two so stinking much lol


                        also this is so funny cuz Lila is Pax’s daughter XD


                        Kiri could barely hide her smirk as the two boys in front of her started to blush. She was rather used to it, but that didn’t make it any less enjoyable.

                        And she had to admit

                        They were rather cute

                        In a
lost puppy kinda way.

                        Lila, of course, didn’t seem to notice. Or was too nice to point it out. She approached the two, practically floating across the room.

                        “I’m afraid we haven’t seen anyone else yet, besides you two that is
I suppose you haven’t seen our friends either, hm?”

                        They shook their heads.

                        Kiri sighed, making her way over with a hand on her hip.

that stinks. But that’s not your faults I suppose,” She shrugged. “You two have any idea what this place is? Or how we got here?”

                        The boys shook their heads again.

                        Kiri raised a brow. Not very chatty were they.

                        “Is move your heads all you do?”

                        “Kiri! Don’t mind her,” Lila said. “Oh! Maybe we can help you find your sister, and you can help us find our friends and siblings.”

                        Matthew blinked, blushing a bit. “O-Oh
that-that w-would be n-nice,” He smiled.

                        Kiri pursed her lips, glancing at the other boy, who was making quite the effort to not make eye contact with her. She almost snickered.

                        Maybe this won’t be too dull after all

                        She strode up beside him, head almost touching his shoulder. “Yea, what do you think?”


                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1657


                          XD XD that was THE BEST!!! I luv those two so stinking much lol

                          XDXD Yess!! I loved writing it. Awww thank you đŸ„° đŸ„°!

                          also this is so funny cuz Lila is Pax’s daughter XD

                          XD Oh yeah! She reminds me a lot of Luna. And there’s some Pax in there as well :).

                          And Kiri…XDXD I can tell she’s Arthur’s daughter! She’s hilarious!


                          I didn’t take my eyes off the tall blonde girl, Kiri. She was so pretty. Just then, she looked away from Lila and her blue eyes bore into mine. I flushed and looked down.

                          She walked across the room, practically floating.

                          “I’m afraid we haven’t seen anyone else yet, besides you two that is
I suppose you haven’t seen our friends either, hm?”

                          I slowly shook my head.

                          Kiri sighed, making her way over with a hand on her hip.

that stinks. But that’s not your faults I suppose,” She shrugged. “You two have any idea what this place is? Or how we got here?”

                          Me and Matt shook our heads in unison.

                          Kiri raised a brow.

                          “Is move your heads all you do?”

                          I flushed and shook my head again. Then, realizing that I had just done it once more, I blushed furiously. “I-I mean, of course I can talk.”

                          “Kiri! Don’t mind her,” Lila said. “Oh! Maybe we can help you find your sister, and you can help us find our friends and siblings.”

                          Matthew blinked, blushing a bit. “O-Oh
that-that w-would be n-nice,” He smiled.

                          Kiri pursed her lips, glancing at the me. I was making quite the effort to not make eye contact with her. She smirked.

                          Suddenly, she strode up beside me, head almost touching his shoulder. “Yea, what do you think?”

                          I blinked. “Uh…U-um…yeah, that would be c-cool,” I stammered, looking up at her.

                          (Ahhhh they’re all so adorable <3<3!!! Btw, how old is Kiri? I keep thinking she’s like 17, but she wouldn’t be flirting as much with them then…idk. Lol)


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6691

                            @lightoverdarkness6 nope she’s 14. So is Lila


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6691

                              @lightoverdarkness6 hey u wanna put ur villain in?


                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1657


                                Oh okay! Lol, so they’re all the same age! 🙂

                                Sure! I haven’t fully decided on his name, but I can put him in. I’m thinking about the name Vance Bone. Does that sound good?


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6691

                                  @lightoverdarkness6 oooh yea, sounds dangerous XD


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