Character Arc-What's That?

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  • #25039
      • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
      • Total Posts: 35

      @dragon-snapper , Can’t get much better then what @kate-flournoy said!

        • Rank: Wise Jester
        • Total Posts: 77

        Ahh, @dragon-snapper thanks for asking, I needed to know too xD
        And while we are on the subject of writing-things-I-probably-should-know-but-don’t, what’s a beta reader? (and other “readers” if there are…)

        wait tagging people umm @daeus @kate-flournoy @gretald @ethryndal @emma-flournoy @I-really-don’t-know-many-people-so-um-everyone-else-yeah

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 4238

          @aysia-serene It’s someone who reads your story after it is written and give you critique on it. Basically, they’re editors, only normally not professional and you normally have them in addition to an editor.


          Kate Flournoy
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3976

            @Aysia-Serene @Daeus I could be wrong, but I think a beta-reader is more specifically a READER, not a writer— not to give you feedback as a writer or editor would, but as a reader would. Which means technically, everyone on KP who exchanges reads for each other, is a critique partner, not a beta-reader. Beta-readers are specifically to sound out your audience. I just learned that recently btw… and now am incredibly embarrassed at all the times I’ve called any of you guys beta-readers. lol

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 4238

              Ok, here’s what Wikipedia says.

              An alpha reader or beta reader, also pre-reader or critiquer, is a non-professional reader who reads a written work, generally fiction, with the intent of looking over the material to find and improve elements such as grammar and spelling, as well as suggestions to improve the story, its characters, or its setting. Beta reading is typically done before the story is released for public consumption. Beta readers are not explicitly proofreaders or editors, but can serve in that context.


                • Rank: Chosen One
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                @kate-flournoy @daeus @aratrea Wowzers! Awesome advice, guys! I used the summary of K. M. Weiland’s three plot structure thingy and that actually deepened my theme. And Kate, I’m copying that down too. Thank you all!

                ☀ ☀ ☀ ENFP ☀ ☀ ☀

                Kate Flournoy
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3976

                  @Daeus ah, okay. Got it. *tries to remember where she got her information**fails*

                  My pleasure, @Dragon-Snapper! Glad it was helpful. 🙂

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1013

                    I’m so glad this thread happened. I’ve always sort-of-kind-of (if you know what I mean 🙂 ) known what a character arc is, but not in a coherent way. My mind has been expanded.

                    INTJ ➸Your friendly neighborhood mastermind. ➸

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3515

                      @ethryndal Excellent. *steeples fingers and chuckles* Soon your training will be complete. (sorry, I just watched Star Wars again) 😛

                      ☀ ☀ ☀ ENFP ☀ ☀ ☀

                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1013

                        ROGUE ONE?!?!? *ahem* Not that I care… 😉 I’m striking down my ignorance so my journey to the Write Side will be complete. (that’s not at all cheesy 😛 *cough* sarcasm *cough*)

                        INTJ ➸Your friendly neighborhood mastermind. ➸

                          • Rank: Chosen One
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                          No! Not Rogue One yet…please, no one say anything, or I will melt them. No, I just saw the Force Awakens for the millionth time. @ethryndal

                          ☀ ☀ ☀ ENFP ☀ ☀ ☀

                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                            *evil chuckle* I’m wearing my fireproof elven cloak, @Dragon-Snapper! But no spoilers. Yet. 😉 Force Awakens has appeased my suspense…for you…or something like that. (that sounded better in my head) I seriously watched that movie four nights in a row.

                            INTJ ➸Your friendly neighborhood mastermind. ➸

                            Emma Flournoy
                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1352

                              @Ethryndal four nights in row! 😮
                              Are you and @Dragon-Snapper both Kylo Ren freaks?

                              Kate Flournoy
                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 3976

                                @Emma-Flournoy FREAKS???!!! D: *eternal weeping*

                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1013

                                  @Emma-Flournoy Total freak, at your service. *bows* My mom thinks I’m crazy. 🙂

                                  INTJ ➸Your friendly neighborhood mastermind. ➸

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