Backstory RP

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  • #130944
    Keilah H.
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 5794


      So! here’s the next part. It doesn’t really follow chronologically–I’m not sure how this one and the previous one fit together. I might’ve made it a bit confusing using Feather’s name in the previous one, but using her number here, when it probably comes after.


      This is the story of how Feather actually got her name. I thought it was a nice interaction between her and Watcher and wanted to share it.


      CF-9694 snuck away from the rest of her squad while they were arguing over whether to take a failed test again tomorrow or wait a few more days. She walked to one of the starship landing pads and stepped outside, the Kamino rain cold yet comforting against her face.

      A pod of aiwhas [whale-like flying animals] flew in the distance—sometimes above the waves, sometimes below them. Their calls resonated across the water. 9694 tried to imitate one by whistling.

      “What are you doing out here?” came a voice. 9694 turned around to find Watcher, fully armored but without his helmet, walking out to greet her.

      “Just…admiring the scenery, sir. Am I in trouble?” she asked.

      “Not at all. I like to come out here myself sometimes.” Watcher stood next to her. “What were you whistling?”

      9694 was surprised he could hear her over the rain. “Just…trying to replicate the aiwhas’ sounds.”

      Watcher nodded. Then he seemed to remember something. He turned to walk away. “I have something for you,” he said.

      9694 followed him to a Republic gunship, where crates were stacked in a pyramid outside. Lying on one was a fairly large, silver-and-blue feather.

      Watcher picked it up. “We were helping the natives of Nyxis fight off the Separatists. There’s a bird on their planet called the moon-flyer, whose feathers are prized. One of the Nyxxian tribe leaders gave me this one after the battle, and I thought you’d like it.”

      “Th…Thank you.” 9694 took it, admiring the intricate fern-like pattern.

      “He said feathers are symbolic to them of protection, beauty, warmth…all qualities I see in you.” said Watcher. “I told him I knew someone who it’d be perfect for. And it’ll be a nice subject for those art projects you’re always doing.”

      9694 smiled at the compliments. She looked down at the feather again and ran it through her fingers. “Feather…”


      What do you all think?

      "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

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