Backstory RP

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    Elishavet Elroi
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1309


      Sounds good!

      You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1657


        Okay!! I’ll do my charries coming in real quick.


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6699

          Here we go!




          At this point most everyone has sat down, and received a note or message from their own authors. November apprehensively leans over, whispering, “This is…a lot of people.”

          Ara nods. Would they really be watching the lives of all of these living souls? Diving into their deepest secrets? Was it…right?

          Suddenly, the large screen before them erupted with color, making most in the room jump. A few who had them, drew their sword anxiously. Some yelped or let out a cry of alarm.

          Others, like Paxton, squeezed tighter into whoever they sat by.

          The screen flickered to life and words appeared on the screen, staying there for a good long moment.


          Please be seated. First Backstory beginning for: Jocelyn Rigby

          “Oh!” Lyn said, half in surprise, half in alarm at seeing her name on a giant screen. Still, her eyes were bright and she even had a faint smile on her lips. Everyone glanced at her, and she merely shrugged, still smiling.

          Grimm’s eyes narrowed, going from the screen to her and back again, as if upset with the choosing. Ara’s heart leapt.

          Why was one of them first? Sure they’d been the first to arrive but…

          She leaned forward, eyes focused on the blonde. “Lyn?” She whispered across the seats. Jocelyn turned to face her. “Are you good?”

          Jocelyn pursed her lips into a smile. “Well sure I am! I don’t mind. It’ll be fine. Fun even! Besides…better me then others, right?” But, as she said this, Ara could see the slightest waver in her expression, and hear the faint tension in her voice.

          Well that’s great for you! But what about me?!” Nyx cried, ears pointed high into the air, face full of fiery indignation. “You do realize that by telling your story we’re telling mine to!”

          Jocelyn turned to him and began whispering, trying to soothe the anxious kit, but he wouldn’t ease.

           “This is the most ridiculous-I can’t believe this…I wanna speak to my author! I refuse to sit through this and let these…” he glared at everyone around him, “People,” he said with such disdain in his voice, Ara was surprised some of those around didn’t leap on him with swords drawn immediately, “Watch my life!”

          Jocelyn picked him up, setting him on her lap, despite his incessant screeching. Finally, she calmed him enough to sit down.

          “Shh…easy, Love. It’s alright….besides….I needed someone with me at the time, didn’t I?”

          This seemed to calm the kit, though only slightly. His ears lowered and he huffed, still grumbling.

          Lyn looked at her friends with a shrug, and then, the screen flicked once again….


            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1657

            @godlyfantasy12 Ooh, Jocelyn’s story! Haha, poor Nyx!


            Suddenly, I poof into a theater-like room, with soft, bouncy, red carpet and red curtains. I look around, hearing other’s voices. Before my eyes, I watch as Lyla appears, looking as surprised as I was, Iris, Dylan, and…Asher all appear. Asher immediately starts bouncing up and down on the soft carpet.

            “Wow, guys! I haven’t been to a theater in…ever!” I laugh at his wonder-filled expression.

            “Um…where are we?” I ask, looking around.

            “I have no clue,” Lyla says.

            I shift from foo to foot and stick my hands in my pockets. I feel something. “Wha..?” I pull out a piece of paper, folded. I open it, looking at Lyla nervously.

            I start to read it.

            “To my characters. Th-this is a r-r-room for you t-to watch yourselves and your friends from the Castle’s backstories. I-if it becomes t-too much for y-you, there is a br-break room. I h-hope you will have fun.
            –Your Author–

            Dylan’s eyes widened and he groaned. “O-oh no. No no no.”

            Iris reached over and put her arm around him, though, at almost 6 feet, she had to reach up a bit.

            “Let’s go sit down,” Asher said.

            We all go and find seats beside eachother. I recognise several people from the castle. I smile and wave at them. They smile back and call hello.

            The screen suddenly starts up, and We all sit down and prepare to watch the story of, “Jocelyn Rigby.”

            • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Light.
            • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Light.


            Elishavet Elroi
              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1309

              Shock tore through Viktor like lightning as a giant window flashed open. His hand flew to his script and sling, but Nadían buried her face in his shoulder, effectively blocking access. He pulled her closer instead, and stared at the window.

              Brilliant light poured from it, illuminating the words:

              Please be seated. First Backstory beginning for: Jocelyn Rigby

              He did not know how it was, or from whence it was, but the fact remained. It was.

              Then the words vanished.

              “What in all the earth?” William burst out. Viktor saw the young man’s long sword was drawn and gleaming in the unnatural light. It almost appeared to be full of white fire.

              Viktor shook the illusion away and glanced down at his sister. Her big black eyes were squeezed shut.

              “Nadí?” He smoothed her hair. “All is well. Are you all right?”

              Her eyes cracked open and she nodded.

              “Is it gone?”

              He looked up. “No. But I don’t think it will hurt us. It’s almost pretty.”

              She sat up and together they watched wide eyed as the window changed again. William put his sword away.

              You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6699

                @elishavet-pidyon @mineralizedwritings @lightoverdarkness6 @koshka @everyone

                Sorry y’all! I got home and fell asleep! I had been out all day after church lol.

                Anyway here’s the first part of Lyn’s childhood. From scratch….

                Ahh here we go. 😅



                The screen flickered once again, the words disappearing as the room was soon enveloped by what was playing out in front of everyone.

                The scene on the screen was of a brilliant neon city, with dark buildings of varying sizes, apartment-like in look and make. Dazzling lights danced through the city, lighting it and the theater.

                Standing erect in the midst of the city stood tall, a Ferris wheel, one the likes of which might never be topped. It reached high into the sky, covered in the same lights, though these sparkled red and white. Purple and pink. It was a sight to behold.

                Near it, Other attractions of various size and brightness littered the grounds, usually inside tents, with signs telling what secrets they held within, but the one most known, besides the Ferris wheel, was the bright carousel, filled with an array of different sculpted creatures.

                And then, in the back, at the very epicenter of it all, behind the grand wheel, stood a tent, large and bold. More like a dome. A palace. Though it only had one spire, centering at the top. Painted with red and white stripes. It rose high, though not quite as high as the grand wheel before it.


                And this, is where the screen travels, through the city. Past it’s darkest parts. It’s alleys and attractions. Through the wheel and the carousel, and the event tents, and into the large domicile.



                Whatever is moving on the screen, guiding the images, stops once it reaches its perceived destination within the largest tent (I’m imagining like a camera with a movie but my charries obviously don’t know what that is XD)

                It travels up through the many curtains that cut off the various rooms, and down a set of stairs, until it reaches a shadowy corner, where a small girl crouches underneath a canvas bag in a box.


                “Jocelyn! Jocelyn, where are you?” A man’s voice echoes through the theater, making the present Jocelyn straighten in her chair. Everyone else also gasps at the sudden loud voice, and begins to look around.

                But, the man is not real. Only a memory. An image on the screen. The present Jocelyn watches with wide eyes the scene that begins to play out, now holding Nyx a bit tighter.


                The girl on the screen laughs, a giggly laugh, that bubbles up from deep inside. She’s no older then two, her blonde hair only curling a little bit at her ears. But her eyes…bright and green, shining in the darkness of where she’s hiding.

                “Jocelyn?!” The voice cries again, closer this time, followed by footsteps.

                Another giggle.

                Boots appear next to the box the girl is in, and a man, middle-aged and looking rather weary, drops down to peer inside, lifting the canvas.

                “Boo!” Little Lyn cries, though it comes out more as “Foo!”

                The man, with gelled dark hair and a rather impeccably neat goatee and mustache, shakes his head, though a smile is evident on his lips.

                “Ah, Lynnie girl…” He whispers, then scoops her up from the box, eliciting more laughs as the girl raises her hands high into the air. He twirls her around, laughing with her before sitting her on his hip, quirking his lips and narrowing his eyes.

                “You gave me a fright! You can’t go wandering off like that.”

                Little Lyn looks up, eyes wide and bright. She nods, but it seems in her face she has no real understanding of what’s being said.

                The man just laughs. He brings his face close to hers, giving her a small nuzzle with his nose. More giggles.

                “Jocelyn, what am I going to do with you!” He let out a small sigh. “Such a spirit…”

                Jocelyn stares up at him, smile big as ever, and then reaches for his mustache, pulling on it with a laugh. She raises her arms above her head, and then with a loud voice begins to shriek over and over: “Uncle! Uncle!”

                Her uncle sighs, carrying her back up the stairs as she continues her endless cries.

                At last, the toddler slowly begins to tire, eliciting a yawn from her small form. She gently slumps against her uncle’s frame, curling into his chest. He smiles, holding her close.

                “My Lyn…” He sighs. “I promise. I won’t ever let you lose that laugh.”



                Grimm looks at the blonde sitting beside him, noticing her shaky eyes and pale expression. She’s glued to the screen, one hand wrapped around Nyx. The kit is looking at her worriedly, wrapping around her, nuzzling his face against her cheek.

                She blinks, seeming to come out of the almost out of body experience of watching her own life. She gives a small smile, embracing Nyx, and then, looks at Grimm a bit sadly.


                He takes her hand, knowing from experience, there’s only more heartache to come.



                BREAK- (feel free to react) also let me know what y’all thought of this little scene!


                The next one won’t have so much scene stuff, sorry about that I had to get the place set in ur minds lol! Cirque is definitely something! And the next scene Lyn is just a bit older and might be a little longer cuz it leads up to her getting Nyx.


                Elishavet Elroi
                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1309


                  That was awesome! I love the camera panning/movie feel. I often imagine scenes like that, so it makes it very satisfying.

                  (Anyone else create “trailers” to their books in their heads?)

                  I’ll do a quick reaction.

                  You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                  Elishavet Elroi
                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1309

                    The window opened again to reveal a scene – no, not a scene, a place. A real live, moving place! William stared in utter shock.

                    It couldn’t be real. It couldn’t.

                    But it was, and as he slowly become comfortable with it, he began to find himself becoming interested in the story. It was like looking into a dream after you had woken up and finding it fresh and clear.

                    He jumped in surprise when a man called out. Then when the tiny lass spoke he finally realized the sound was coming from the story. He shook his head in a daze.

                    And it was over. The dream window closed and William found himself looking about in bleary eyed curiosity. His eyes passed over Viktor and his little sister, seeing that they were fine, and settled on the maid whose the take was.

                    Jocelyn. A vague grief hung about her, as if to say that those days of childlike innocence were gone. Her friends watched her with concern and even her rascally young fox friend was intent on comforting her as much as his little furry self could.

                    It was good to have friends. William smiled softly, sadly, and turned back to the window.

                    You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3059


                      Keiryn leans back in his seat nervously as the screen begins to move.

                      Peoples…stories? On a screen? What will these people see of me?

                      He shivers at the thought.

                      Maybe… I can avoid it somehow.

                      Keiryn watches as the small girl on screen is lifted into the air, by her uncle. He shuffles uneasily, but smiles at the innocent joy of the two.

                      “My Lyn…” He sighs. “I promise. I won’t ever let you lose that laugh.”

                      Keiryn’s face tightens.

                      How long has it been since I’ve laughed?

                      Like, the real kind. Not the kind you do to make other people think you’re having a good time.

                      Keiryn stares at he screen, to enraptured by the moving picture and the emotional story to look away.

                      I feel like I’m not supposed to be watching this.

                      Tauren and Lesli settle into there seats, awaiting the next chapter of the story. Lesli fawns silently over the little girls adorableness. Layson smiles, she reminds him of Maylee. Everly sits on the edge of her seat, enjoying the story. Kaine watches her enjoyment, and tries to not look bored.

                      I really don’t want people seeing a movie of me… I don’t think Everly has much to worry about.

                      He sighs, leaning back in the chair.



                      Btw, I was so in the moment while reading that. Like I could imagine the whole thing! Oddly enough, I was just watching a history show with my family (America in color, the 60’s, it was really good btw) and so I was imagining this whole thing with them looking like real people with like this old fashioned style to the whole thing XD. I image my own charries as comic style people, honestly idk what I’ve done in the past for other people’s charries, this just seemed weird lol.





                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6699

                        @mineralizedwritings @elishavet-pidyon awww thank y’all so much! I’m so glad y’all enjoyed it! I was kinda afraid there was too much scene building but I had to get y’all into the world first…


                        Also! YES I LOVE MAKING PRETEND MOVIE TRAILERS IN MY HEAD! I want to make a real book trailer some day!


                        And I also imagine it all like a movie and such so yea lol!


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6699

                          I’ll probably write the next part tomorrow (January 2nd)


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6699



                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1657


                              That was awesome!!!Aww, young Jocelyn reminds me of my little cousin!! She has blonde hair and a cute little giggle too! <3 <3 Oh, yes!! I totally make trailers for my books XD!! Who doesn’t??


                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1657


                                Aww poor Keiryn!! I’m loving him more and more XD <3 <3


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3059


                                  🤣 glad you like him!! XD


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