Backstory RP

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  • #126745
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 692

      *note: all characters are protagonists unless I say otherwise in the description*

      First off descriptions:

      Paradise Lie Trilogy

      Alec: go find a picture of Eugene Meltsner rn. Just look it up. I promise it will come up. Lol. Don’t let spellcheck mess you up. If you don’t think you’ll spell it right, copy my spelling. That’s what he looks like but taller. I think Eugene is 6 foot so Alec is taller at 6’ 2” and he’s (Alec) 17, blue eyes, skinny, can’t mention job yet

      Kyle: Brown hair, 5’ 3”, no glasses, normal weight for his age, 12 years old, brown eyes, no jobs,

      Jessica: Basically a female version of Alec only her hair is long, she’s 15 and she has brown eyes like Kyle, British accent, normal weight, can’t mention job yet

      Levi: An adult version of Kyle but he’s much taller at 6’4” (he’s Kyle’s dad), 34 years old, can’t mention job yet


      Unnamed CIA book

      Jasmine: 5 ft, dark red (almost maroon) hair, often has a thinking expression, wears glasses (plastic pink), green eyes, wavy long hair usually in a ponytail, white American, lives in the 21st century, usually has a phone in hand and a book in the other, 12 years old, wears casual T-shirt and sweats, normal weight, freckles, 12 years old (I made her older in the school RP because characters have to be in high school), no jobs yet (in case you were wondering, I used the same description I gave @loopylin when she offered to draw characters lol),

      John: Tall, dark and handsome. Lol. Seriously, my characters all look similar so just picture another Eugene Meltsner. Lol His hair is black though and he’s 6’3”. All my guy characters are pretty tall just saying. 30 years old, a CIA agent

      Monica (antagonist and Jasmine’s biological mother) An adult version of Jasmine, 5’8”, hazel eyes, she also has a bobcut btw so her hair’s not long, 28 years old, crimes (stealing is how she makes money)

      Jessica: Long black hair, blue eyes, 5’10”, no glasses, British accent, normal weight, 29 years old, a CIA agent


      Unnamed Sci-fi book inspired by Back to the Future

      Elizabeth: wavy, long, brown hair usually braided, glasses, freckles, 5’5” 14 years old, babysits sometimes

      Abbie (Elizabeth’s older sister): straight, long, blonde hair usually down, growth was stunted so she’s only 4’7”, 17 years old, has ADHD and limes disease, she’s in a wheelchair 85% of the time, works as a cashier

      Josh (Elizabeth’s older brother): same as Alec, 6’6”, very muscular yet skinny, 19 years old, autistic (violent) and is hotheaded, in college for middle school teaching

      David (Elizabeth’s dad): Just like Josh without glasses though, 6’8”, 43 years old, voice actor

      Carol (until I come up with a better name [Elizabeth’s mom]): Looks like Elizabeth without freckles, 5’8”, usually wears her hair in a low ponytail, 40 years old, a writer

      Uncle Rob (yes, he is actually Elizabeth, Josh and Abbie’s uncle, Carol’s brother): balding brown hair, everything else is like Carol, 38 years old, a scientist

      Susan (Carol’s best friend): Basically everything like Carol except she has blonde hair usually down, 40 years old, costume designer for actors, movie and plays




        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2002

        @lightoverdarkness6 @godlyfantasy12 @loopylin

        The room was dark. And big. So maybe big wasn’t a clear enough description; this place was huge. What appeared to be a wooden platform was in the front, with all the floor sloping down towards it. Light came drifting down from softly burning chandeliers. Warm red carpets and dark brown seats created an almost cozy feel. It would almost be peaceful if the door behind them wasn’t locked.

        “Where are we?” Wilkins turned to the taller youth beside him. Daithí shrugged and folded his arms under his cloak.

        Zlatan started walking down towards another group close to the front, and the rest followed him. They made an odd assortment; two Volkovian brother’s, Lasairin boy, and a Taisish boy (Daithí & Wilkins).

        (I don’t think I’ll put any others in.)

        First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
        Fork the Gork

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6699

          @sarafini lot of charries! So u don’t have to but U might want to only put a few in right now and then once their backstories are over u can take them out and put others in, that way it doesn’t too chaotic cuz we’ll have a ton more charries with other authors too 😊 but it’s up to u


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6699

            @koshka hola! Hey ur charries gonna be in animal form or human?


              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 692

              Everyone is sucked into the room by some powerful force only Sci-fi could explain. 😂

              ”Who are you!?” Kyle asks the characters he doesn’t know.

              Jessica (from the CIA book) says, “Who are you?”

              ”I asked you first!”

              Jasmine feels her phone buzz, “it’s annoynmous. What should I do, dad?”

              John takes Jasmine’s phone, “Let me see.”

              Dear characters, this message is for all of you from me, your darling author. You should all see a movie screen in front of you. You and all the other characters around you will be looking at the backgrounds of each other. Please don’t worry. You should be fine. If something is too much there is a break room. Enjoy!

              “Seriously! I’m being dumped here to watch mine and other people’s dumb backgrounds?” Monica practically growled.

              “I guess so, but I wish she had left you back home,” John retorted.

              “I checked the doors. They’re all locked.” Josh swung over and sat on a chair between his uncle and another random character (Alec).

              “Guess that means we have to stay,” Elizabeth wheeled her sister over near the end of an aisle and shuddered.

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 692

                Mine are all human btw. Monica too. She growled a human growl. Lol

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2002


                  Which do you want? =)

                  Will your characters and them be confused if I do them as animal?

                  (Or I could do shifters, but that’s not really a part of their character, if that makes sense)

                  First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                  Fork the Gork

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2002


                    Lol. Human growls are definitely a thing.

                    First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                    Fork the Gork

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3059

                      @koshka @sarafini @lightoverdarkness6 @elishavet-pidyon @godlyfantasy12

                      (Sorry if I missed anyone!)

                      Who I’m adding:

                      Tauren, 16, 6’3″, medium brown curly hair and glasses, large build

                      Lesli, 18, 5’4″, blond hair below the shoulders, in french braids, small build

                      Keiryn 15, 5’6″, black hair, longish bangs that sweep left, somewhat Asian features, small build

                      Kaine 15, 5’5″, curly dark red hair, (Super cute aswell!!)

                      Everly 21, 5, 8″  wavy dark red hair, below shoulder length

                      (I will not necessarily share all backstories, some aren’t very eventful)


                      Tauren steps into the dimly lit room, quickly turning back with surprise at the new location.


                      “Oh hey. Where are we?”

                      “No idea.”

                      They slowly walk forwards into the room, observing the rows of seats and the theater like curtains.

                      “Woah…” Tauren looks around the high ceilings.

                      “Yeah. Big place. Look, there’s other people too.”

                      “hey!” Everly calls from a seat, with Kaine at her side.

                      “Hi!” Lesli moves to sit next to her, and Tauren sits down aswell.

                      “We’re going to see out pasts on that screen!” Somebody shouts from the front row.

                      Kaine furrows his brow at the sound of the conversations going on in front of his chair.

                      My past…?

                      “No one is going to watch my life. No one!” A dark haired girl shouts, kicking at the door.


                      Kaine startles, looking to Everly. “…What’s going on?” He says warily, still eyeing the girl.

                      “…I don’t know.” Everly puts her arm around his shoulder. He watches as the confused characters in the front row try to decipher a note on the table.



                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6699

                        @koshka whichever would be easier for u 😊


                        if it’s easier as animals then do that!


                        u can always have them as humans in the theatre and their backstories is obviously their animal selves because that’s what they actually are. (And the author can have like a written thing play on the screen before ur charries first backstory if u like or something XD)



                        kinda play around with things like how I’m gonna have to poof out charries when it comes to November and Corvina’s backstory


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2002


                          That’ll probably work better. Yes, I think they’ll be humans in the theater, and animals in the backstory.

                          First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                          Fork the Gork

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6699

                            @koshka sounds good!


                            hey does your-


                            I mean… does @elishavet-pidyon wanna join the RP….



                            *whistles nonchalantly*


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 2002


                              I think she would like to?

                              *Whisles back*

                              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                              Fork the Gork

                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1657

                                @godlyfantasy12 @loopylin @koshka @sarafini @mineralizedwritings @elishavet-pidyon

                                I’m gonna put the first rp in Matthew’s pov. I’ve been writing him the most in the Castle anyway. 🙂


                                Suddenly, I poof into a theater-like room, with soft, bouncy, red carpet and red curtains. I look around, hearing other’s voices. Before my eyes, I watch as Lyla appears, looking as surprised as I was, Iris, Dylan, and…Asher all appear. Asher immediately starts bouncing up and down on the soft carpet.

                                “Wow, guys! I haven’t been to a theater in…ever!” I laugh at his wonder-filled expression.

                                “Um…where are we?” I ask, looking around.

                                “I have no clue,” Lyla says.

                                “How about we go talk to those other people, and see if they know anything,” Dylan, the ever practical one, says.

                                “Great idea,” Iris smiles.

                                We walk over to the others, some of which are sitting down in the comfy looking seats, others who were looking at something on a table.

                                “U-um…Hi.” I say, smiling half heartedly. “Do you know where we are?” I ask one of the people who are standing, a tall, pretty, dark haired girl. (Arabella)

                                (Also, will the charries know eachother from the castle? Or will it be like they’re meeting again? I would really like for Matt to get to see Paxton again, and Tauren and Lesli and the others, and recognize them. It would be really sweet. But, either way is good! 🙂



                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6699



                                  I’d like them to recognize each other from the castle and the truth or dare RP cuz that’ll be easier and they’ll already know each other so it’ll make the backstories more hard hitting to watch.


                                  Only ones will be the Modern AU RP that they won’t know any from those since those aren’t technically the “same”‘characters



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