Anyone else here a killer for love poems?

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  • #111704
      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
      • Total Posts: 147

      Shello y’all!! In the past I wasn’t a big fan of romance at all, but recently I will melt from it! I don’t know lol, just want to know if any of you want to share some love poems or short stories you’ve worked on?

      Here’s one of my recent ones for a short story ‘contest I entered for The Sisters Three (if you haven’t looked at their stuff, you should go do that!), though my entry was a poem lol. Hope I make it in to the submissions!

      I’ll tag a few keepers but first off @gracie-j. you girl are the romantic expert! I really want to know what you have to say!

      . @r-m-archer. @joy-caroline.

      You four are my go to for any romance….besides, from what I know, you live for poetry too lol!

      Can’t wait to see what you guys (oh whoops, you all are gals) have to share!

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 8156

        @wilder-w. Can’t say I’ve ever written specific Romance, but I was trying to work on a short story on how my MC Riker met his wife. 😉 Didn’t get far on it. But recently, I’ve done the same thing! I’ve fallen in love with Historical Romance novels, and girl, I think I may be obsessed with them right now! XD (they’re all Christian Historical Romance, so that helps a lot too) But a lot of my books have married couples in them. One of my books may have more romance in it than I was originally planning, lol. XD

        But love poems sound beautiful! (I guess the closest I ever got was a short story flash fiction thing I wrote about a wife that lost her husband due to war. It had to do with a folded flag, all those things) Made me cry, girl! I wasn’t trying to make myself cry, but oh well! XD

          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
          • Total Posts: 147

          Ah, feel ya there girl!

          Here’s the one I’ve been working on recently, its not great but definitely my best piece so far:

          I am the poem
          you were the reader

          You saw the sea of words
          I wrote for you

          You were aching for love
          and I was blind

          I was screaming for you
          but you were deaf

          There was a song inside my heart
          waiting to be heard

          But open my mouth not
          for I could not speak

          I tried to pluck the strings
          of harmony for you

          You turned your back
          as if to refuse

          It is when I hear the keys of melodies that I think of only you
          It is when the bees hum in my ear that I wish I could share it

          It is when the pen
          scratches and ink splatters

          I make sentences from scribbles

          To try and reach you

          Oh, only if you weren’t stuck in a canvas of tranquility
          that I might open my dearest thoughts for you

          And now even now
          as you and I stand face to face
          I see your heart

          Love in the purest form
          does not come from sound alone

          But from true empathy

          You were the reader
          I was the poem

          I brought these words
          just for you

          They say hurt people
          hurt people

          But healed people
          heal people too

          And if you dare
          if you care

          won’t you say,
          “I do”

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @wilder-w. BEAUTIFUL! AHHH! That’s so wonderful! <3 I love it so muchhhhhh!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Lol. Dramatic, I know. XD But it deserves it. 😉

              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
              • Total Posts: 147

              @freedomwriter76. Its okay. Not the best, but hey! Its okay.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                @wilder-w. It’s a wonderful start though! Maybe just tweak it a little if you don’t think it’s the best. That’s why we have editing. 😉

                R.M. Archer
                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                  • Total Posts: 244

                  [quote quote=111704]You four are my go to for any romance….besides, from what I know, you live for poetry too lol![/quote]

                  Really? XD I mean, that’s cool, because I do try to be intentional with my portrayals of romance, but I didn’t realize it was such a prominent characteristic of my writing, lol.

                  Unfortunately, I don’t have any recent (a.k.a. well-written) romantic short stories besides those I’ve published (Lost Girl, namely, though to be honest it’s a little insta-lovey), and all of my poetry is cringe. XD I might have song lyrics that aren’t too bad… I’d have to check. I dabble in songwriting little enough that only a couple of my songs stick in my head, lol.

                  But your poem is really neat! I like the imagery. 🙂

                  Speculative fiction author. Mythology nerd. Singer. Worldbuilding enthusiast.

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1789

                    (NO WAY I STILL HAVE A REPUTATION ON THIS FORUM. I am in shock and awe.)

                    Anyway, yes, hello, @wilder-w! ‘Tis a pleasure to meet you! First of all, your poem is absolutely gorgeous. *heart eyes* Thank you for sharing!!!

                    Second, I’ve written quite a few romance short stories…most of them are flash fiction pieces (you can read my latest one here: and one of them is Daylight, my 9/11 short story (which is actually not a category romance, or much of a romance at all, despite reviews that claim it’s “too romantic” *shakes head*)! You can check out Daylight here:!

                    I just submitted one to Story Ember’s contest (if it doesn’t win, I’ll share it with y’all!) and I’m working on one for Sisters Three’s anthology too!!

                    As for love poems…y’all. I literally have never written a love poem before, and I cannot believe myself. Wow. Like, I’ve written poems…and I’ve written poems about love in general (or God’s love, specifically), but never romantic love. I am ashamed of myself.

                    I must remedy this.

                    Anyway, all that to say, YES! I absolutely LOVE romance and love poems!!! (Although I’ve yet to compose a love poem…that I can remember…)

                      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                      • Total Posts: 147


                      @gracie-j First off, I just want to say thank you sooooo much for responding!! Seriously girl, you are the romance expert in my opinion! And I will ALWAYS and GLADLY and DEFINITELY take ANY of your advice. XD

                      I will most indefinitely read that short story, and I am sure it will be amazing and perfect! And as for Daylight, I have wanted to read that book for so long (in fact, it is currently on my TBR, but you know how TBR’s go lol) and maybe one day, just one day, I will read it and love it and adore it!

                      Oh my gosh!!! I was going to work on one for Story Embers contest as well but with life and all *shrugs*, I’m not so sure I’ll have the time lol.

                      And finally, on the topic of love poems * sighs* I was really hoping you’d have written at least one!! I love, love, love any romantic poem that is clean, and God “approved” (because we all know that God’s redemption story is the best love story out there!) But, I can’t wait to see if you do come up with a poem! A love poem, to be precise.

                      Now, on another note…may I ask another question of you? On the topic of romance anyway?

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 365

                        @wilder-w here’s a “love” poem

                        Dear Fallen Friend

                        my Heart is Torn

                        and Eyes do Burn

                        till the End

                        you were Loyal


                        such Sacrifice

                        Beautiful Blood

                        Mixed in brown Mud

                        Thanks for your Life

                        my Protector


                        you Rose to Fall

                        oh, Selfless Rose

                        how Much we Owe

                        to Guard us all

                        the Mighty Fell


                        Now we Must Fly

                        though my Breath catch

                        I must Detach

                        but Love Won’t Die

                        far well, Brother


                        You will love what you spend time with.

                          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                          • Total Posts: 147

                          @power That is beautiful! My father was in the military, and it reminds me a lot of our fallen hero’s. *pats chest* Thanks to all who served in our country!

                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1789

                            YOU ARE SOOOOOOO WELCOME!!!!! Awwww, thank YOU!!!! Haha, and I will always and gladly and definitely offer any advice you need!! Feel free to hit me up with whatever questions you have! 😀

                            Aww, I do so hope you enjoy it! 😀 (Oof, I do!) AND YOU DO?!?! EEEE!!!! I tell ya what…shoot me an email at, and I’ll send you a PDF copy! (As long as you don’t mind reading off your phone/computer…it’s pretty short!)

                            Ah, same. I missed it last year, so I made sure to plan ahead this go-round! 😉

                            I KNOW I’M SO SORRY I LET YOU DOWN!!! At least now you get to be my inspiration, eh? 😉 You’ll be the first to know when I do!!!

                            ABSOLUTELY!! Bring it on!

                              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                              • Total Posts: 147

                              @gracie-j OH MY GOSH!!! You would seriously send me the book????? Geez, I love you! It has been on my TBR for a LONG time now!!!

                              Okay, to be the inspiration…I’m ecstatic!

                              And yes, here is the question: How would you write a good scene, not too mushy, between a wife and a husband? And advice???

                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1789

                                YES ABSOLUTELY!!!! Aww, love you too! <333

                                Speaking of, I actually tried my hand at a couple lines the other night! I’ll post ’em in a separate post and you can tell me what you think! 😀

                                Ah, good one! In my experience, I try not to think “Oh, these guys are married, so they’re going to act like XYZ.” I mean, these are my charries, my babies, my hardened female pirate and my gentle captain (or whichever characters I’m writing atm XD), and that’s what I focus on. Their personalities and struggles and what they would say to their spouse and what conflict there would be between them and how they’d express their love and fun stuff like that. XD

                                So when it comes down to it, try not to go too far to the left or right – as in, don’t make the scene too argumentative (married couples don’t just argue XD) or too lovey-dovey. Balance it. Get deep. Like, scenes between the couple before they’re married will only go so far – and I mean emotionally, not just physically. With your husband and wife, get down to the nitty-gritty of their relationship, have them ask each other the hard questions, etc. But don’t be afraid to have a moment of just casual companionship. Everything doesn’t have to be climatic in their relationship – it can be just normal. Just a conversation. Just a kiss on the cheek.

                                Again, balance is key.

                                And I don’t think that made ANY sense. *facepalm* I could send you some examples from my own books (minus any spoilers, ofc), if you think that might make things clearer?

                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1789

                                  Now, those poems…

                                  This first one is inspired by my love story between a deaf girl and hearing man…


                                  If I could tell you

                                  I loved you

                                  believe me

                                  I would


                                  if my lips

                                  could form the words

                                  and my broken tongue

                                  could speak


                                  I would tell you all about

                                  the times your smile

                                  made my knees weak

                                  and warmed my heart


                                  if my heart

                                  could sing

                                  my song would be

                                  of pure joy and delight


                                  just to have you

                                  by my side

                                  for you are

                                  my heart’s desire


                                  And this next one is inspired by the title of my romance anthology, Tell Me You Love Me!


                                  Tell me you love me

                                  let me soak in the words

                                  grant me this one lovely gift


                                  tell me you love me

                                  and let that be your heart’s song

                                  and the cry of your soul forevermore


                                  tell me you love me

                                  for I cannot go on

                                  without this sweet knowledge


                                  tell me you love me

                                  and show me the ways

                                  in which you care


                                  tell me you love

                                  even if it’s a lie

                                  because it will yet remain true

                                  that I




                                  They’re not as good as my regular poetry (which I’ll have to share some time…), but I thought I’d try my hand at it! 😀

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