Anybody have a name?

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      I like Landers. Or maybe just Lander. I’ll put it on my list 👍

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        Does anyone else have any ideas for his or his pet’s names? I literally can’t think of anything other than “Gyro” for him, but that’s too much like the guy from Ducktales.

        @lightoverdarkness6 @whalekeeper @felicity @idk

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          For the little pet:










          Pom Pom



          Cotton Candy




          (Hope this helped some! 🙂


            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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            @loopylin  Uhhh…looks like Light had a lot of ideas…. Let me know if you want more.

            He must increase, but I must decrease.

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              Those are cute! I like Taffy, Blush, and Dusty. Thank you!


              I’d love to hear your ideas for the four armed guy if you have any.😊 The ones Light shared were for his pet.

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                What about these:

                Aohito (Japanese for blue)

                Glaukon- (Greek for blueish grey)

                Nilam- (Sanskrit for dark blue)


                Liko- (Hawaiian for green)

                He must increase, but I must decrease.

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                  Oh! I love those! I think I might go with Liko, but I’m not sure yet. Thank you so much!

                  Official KP archivist ✨

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                    Yer welcome!

                    He must increase, but I must decrease.

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                      You’re so welcome!! 😀


                      Oh sorry sister!! I was on a roll XDXD. Ooh I love those names!! 🙂


                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                        @lightoverdarkness6 No problem girl!! 😉

                        He must increase, but I must decrease.

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                          Hey, does anyone have a good boy’s name, preferably one syllable, simple, of English/USA origin (again, preferably, since I don’t want anything exotic)? The character’s name was originally Hugo, and I’ve considered Ben… and not much else

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                            Tate, Jack, Ace, Finn, Colt, Cade, Tripp, Sam, Max, or Jay. I don’t know the meanings behind any of these, but… here ya go.

                            Official KP archivist ✨

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                              @elizabeth-hearten and @everyone

                              Thanks for making this forum! I’m a conlanger, so the origins of most of my names are typically from one of my languages, but it’s always great to hear other’s thoughts. I think I’m a bit of a snob when it comes to things like this though, and worldbuilding in general for that matter, sorry if I ever come off that way. But I think that everyone should also consider when coming up with names, especially in a SSF setting, the linguistical background. Like with an alien for example, their language would likely operate in a completely different way from our own. Even if it didn’t, it would be good to know what sounds are available in the language. If you don’t like the idea of going all out with making languages and stuff, I like what Brandon Sanderson does. He alludes to similarities in names from similar regions of his worlds, and in many different ways, then when you hear another name, you might start getting an idea of where they might be from.

                              This is just one view on writing names, I thought it worth mentioning here though, as I think it worth at least considering when coming up with your names.

                              That being said, me and my sister are both pondering the name of our Universe and the “planets” within it. We’ve been calling the “planets” septrums, and the universe the Septraverse, but we both agree that the Septraverse feels uninspired. I kinda like the idea of the universe being called the Septrum, then the “planets” called something else. But we also got names like the Sither (Seether), the Seeth, the Sithrum, and each of those could be cool for either the universe or the “planets”. We had other ideas as well, but I can’t recall any of them. For context, a recurring theme is the number seven. Also the universe is partially made from manifolds of ether we call Itherum (eetherum), and another big thing is the nature of knots as a fundamental aspect of this universe as well. So we’ve been trying different names that has the right feel, but also bares meaning in one or more of those aspects of this reality.  Any preferences, different name ideas, ect?

                              He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

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                                I am intrigued by your work. I tip my hat off to you.

                                I also agree with what you’re saying about names. They can really give you a feel for something, even when you have no idea what it is. And are you a fan of Sanderson? I’ve been wanting to read Stormlight Archives, but haven’t found the books yet, and I want physical copies. Have you seen his lectures on YouTube about worldbuilding? I highly recommend if not.

                                I agree that Septrum sounds better than Septraverse. The names you’re choosing seem to have Latin-ish endings. Septrum could be second declension nominative, or fourth declension accusative… (I literally jumped out of bed and grabbed my Latin books)… Singular in all of those of course, on account of talking about planets. Sorry, I’m geeking out a little.

                                So basically, if you want it to be Latin structured for ‘of the planets’, (because the universe would be of the planets), you could say Septrorum or Septruum. With two Us on that last bit.

                                As for the nature of knots, (which sounds cool by itself, by the way), I’d check verbs, but I’m really bad at those. I’ll try to think of non-Latin-based words while in the car.

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                                  No please, geeking out is the best! I am a Sanderson fan, and I highly recommend starting Stormlight, I’ve only had the chance to read Way Of Kings so far in the series, but it’s amazing! And yes, I’ve watched his lectures, they’re really good, and I also recommend them to anyone else who may have not watched them. The cool thing about them is that they are an actual class he teaches at BYU Provo! So your getting a legit college course on writing and worldbuilding for free, and from one of the best!

                                  Yeah, the Latin isn’t completely intentional, we just want it to sound ancient and cosmic, and Latin can get that effect for some English speakers. I try not to draw too much influence from any one language though, because it feels biased to me, but those are some good words to think on, thanks for the input!

                                  He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

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