Another SCENE!!!! Any thoughts y’all?

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      @gracie-j. Thank YOU SO MUCH!!!!! <3<3<3


      Ooh, I gave you THE CHILLS!!!??? Honestly, it gives me chills too. XD Adrian’s my brave boy. *sniffs* He’s so GOOD TO EVERYONE!!!! HE LOVES PEOPLE EVEN WHEN THEY DON’T LOVE HIM BACK!!! AND HAH, HE’S NEVER GONNA COMPROMISE ON THE TRUTH!!!! Such a brave, brave man. *sniffs and hugs him tight*

      And yes, MY PRECIOUS BABYYY!!!!!! Riker goes through so MUCH!!!! *joins you in hugging him tight* (Riker’s squished in the middle now. XD XD XD XD)

      (I already love The Air Above Us, but…have to say I still love Wyatt the most. XD Violet is great though. 😀 Adler’s good too…just…Wyatt is so WONDERFUL. XD)

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        YOU ARE SOOO WELCOME! <3333

        IT IS!!!!!

        YES YOU DID!! Dadgum, he’s practically perfect! 😉

        Bless him!!!

        (I KNOW!!! HE’S A DOLL!!)

          • Rank: Chosen One
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          @gracie-j. That age range helped a lot! Thanks! (I didn’t see that before, lol. XD)

          The simple fact is this: I write characters that are quite a bit older than I am. So…probably definitely not middle-grade or anything like that in that way. Because, like, my books…here’s the MC’s ages (for my WWII trilogy):

          1. Leon, 25. Riker, 28.

          2. Abelard, 23. Ezra, 21. Jamie, 19. Phillip, 31.

          3. Erich, 23. Esther, 21.

          Long story short, most of my MC’s are in their twenties. I don’t know why, girl, they just are. XD Many of them are married, and even have kids. And the one’s that aren’t…I have plans for most of them to fall in love over the course of the book they’re in. 😉 (I guess I will be adding a bit of romance. But my focus is more on the history and my MAIN focus is the message. But a little romance never hurt. Not gonna have cheap romance though. No, none of that. Mostly sacrificial love. Now THAT’S the kind of love I absolutely adore. XD)

          But like, I’m only in my early/mid-teens. But for me…writing characters older than I am is so much EASIER! I’ve tried writing characters my age. Doesn’t work out so well. XD I don’t know if anyone can relate, but that’s me. XXD

            • Rank: Chosen One
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            Also, most of my MC’s are guys. But I’m a girl. XD Guys are just easier for me to write. Somehow, someway. XXXD

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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              PFT GIRL YES. I totally get that. I’ve written from the POVs of characters my age (16/17) all the way to men in their 50s. Makes perfect sense. 😉 And it is easier to write characters who are older! For some reason, children and young teens are SO STINKIN’ HARD to write.


                • Rank: Chosen One
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                @gracie-j. Yes, writing KIDS AND YOUNG TEENS IS SO HARD!!!! (I can’t even write teens much either. XD)

                I’ve maybe tried writing characters my age…twice? Maybe? And it’s so difficult! (many people probably think I’m older than I actually am a lot of the time. Some people have even thought I’m older than my older sister at times. XD And then others think we’re twins, so…XD And I guess the way I talk too. I can go on for a long time about History, Marvel, and other things I enjoy.) XD

                (YEAHHH! REALISTIC ROMANCE!!!! Also…I’m starting to love Adler too. His struggle with his past, just like Wyatt, feels so real, raw, and relatable! Still love Wyatt more, but Adler is better than I thought he would be! <3 Ooh, and Violet. I think I like her more than Dorothy. Dorothy was just so clueless for the longest time, lol. XD)

                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                  Plus, the way I write and what I write probably would make people think I’m older too. XD

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                    I KNOW!!! (I couldn’t write, like, a modern teen, that’s for sure. I guess my historical ones are more mature. What am I saying? Of course they’re more mature, they’re all getting married for gosh’s sakes XD)

                    (Haha, wow! Online, most people think I’m in my twenties or thirties, but I look like I’m about twelve in person. XD So naturally everyone assumes my twelve year old brother and fourteen year old sister are older than me. XD)

                    (Aww, yes!!! The drama, am I right? XD *chuckles* Yeah, she kinda was. XD Just you wait until you get to read When Twilight Breaks!!! I ADORE THAT ONE!!! It’s so unique and different, and Evelyn and Peter are just precious. *melts*)

                      • Rank: Chosen One
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                      @gracie-j. Historical Teens will always be more mature than teens now. They had to be!

                      Haha. That’s hilarious. XD Everyone says I look my age or even older, but my sister looks young for her age, so everyone thinks she’s younger. But hey, let’s do a little bit of fun, I guess. Based on the way I talk and the writing I’ve shared…how old would you guess I am? 😉

                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1789


                        Ooh, gosh. Well, I stink at guessing ages, but I’ll give it a go! I’d say maybe about 16 or 17, BUT you said you were in your early/mid teens, so I’m going with more like 14. Possibly 15? Am I close?

                          • Rank: Chosen One
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                          @gracie-j. You got it! 😉 Right on the dot, too. XD

                            • Rank: Chosen One
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                            @gracie-j. @elishavet-pidyon. @starshiness. Okay y’all, I have TWO scenes this time! 😉 Both different Characters, both different books, but a little bit along the same lines. I love them both. <3 They’re both about 7 pages long, and I listened to the same song while writing both. I wrote the first one yesterday and just finished the second one a few minutes ago! The song I was listening to was Why God by Austin French. A great song that fits both of these scenes perfectly!

                            His fists clenched and unclenched.

                            His nails dug into his palms.

                            And Jamie fought back tears.




                            How many more people had to die before God did something?

                            He’d missed his brother for years.

                            But the rest of his family had helped.

                            Justin, his best friend, had helped.

                            But now he was so, so far away from his family.

                            Justin was dead.

                            And he had no one left.

                            No one to lean on.

                            No one to trust.

                            No one to hug.

                            No one to love.

                            No one to hold him.

                            No one to cry on.

                            No one to just…be there.

                            “…How could you let this happen?” Jamie asked.

                            Tears escaped and fell.

                            Tear drops rolled off his nose.

                            “How could you let them take Andreas? How could you let them kill Bruce? How could you let them kill Justin? How could you let them kill innocent men? How could you let them kill innocent women? How could you let them kill innocent children and babies? Why didn’t you do something!?” Jamie begged. He wanted to know.

                            No, he needed to know.

                            “I’ve fought to help people. I’ve watched so many people die! I’ve watched so many innocent people suffer! I’ve been strong! But so many people…so many innocents…why did they have to die?”

                            So many.

                            So, so many.

                            Too many.

                            Families separated.

                            Innocent babies murdered in cold blood.

                            So many people died…and for what?

                            “Why didn’t you rescue them? Why didn’t you save Andreas? Why didn’t you save Bruce? Why didn’t you save Justin? Why didn’t you save all the people who called on you!? They trusted you! They believed in you! They loved you! Why didn’t you save them!?”


                            Nothing but…silence.

                            He’d tried to be strong.

                            He’d tried to be patient.

                            But he needed an answer.

                            He was tired of waiting.

                            Tired of waiting for an answer.

                            Tired of waiting for a whisper.

                            Tired of waiting for a response.

                            He was tired.

                            So, so tired.

                            He wanted a breakthrough.

                            A miracle.


                            “…Why?” he whispered, his voice shaking.

                            Breath coming in gasps, Jamie rummaged through his army pack. Tears blurred his vision. But when he grabbed onto a small leather book, he immediately pulled it out.

                            His army-issued Bible.

                            Jamie tried to read it any chance he got.

                            His mama and daddy always told him it was good to do so.

                            It offered wisdom.




                            But Jamie didn’t know if he could believe in any of those things anymore.

                            “Why did you let people die? Why did you let the Nazi’s get away with all of this? You could have done something…you could have saved everyone…but you didn’t. God…why?”


                            Just like every time.

                            Jamie leapt to his feet. “So many people believe in you! They say you can do anything you want to! But people died! Why did you let that happen!?”

                            Nothing met Jamie except a breeze.

                            Never an answer.

                            Vision blurred by tears; Jamie fingered the Bible in his hands.

                            And he threw it.

                            As far as he could.

                            As hard as he could.

                            “What kind of God are you!?” Jamie screamed at the starry sky above.

                            His legs buckled.

                            And Jamie collapsed to the ground. Pulled his knees up to his chest. Wept.

                            Rocked himself.

                            He couldn’t say anything else.

                            Couldn’t think.

                            Could barely breath.

                            Couldn’t do anything else.

                            Except cry.

                            He was so, so alone.

                            So numb.

                            So hopeless.

                            And so…so broken.

                            He felt so unloved.

                            So empty.



                            “…I don’t understand. How could…how could you let people die?” Jamie whispered, hiccupping, “I…I don’t…I don’t understand! Why!?”

                            He trusted God.

                            But by now, he didn’t know who to trust.

                            He didn’t know what to trust.

                            He didn’t even know how to trust anymore.

                            “Please…just…please. Give me…give me an answer. Please.”

                            Maybe people would tell him to move on.

                            But he wouldn’t.

                            He couldn’t.

                            Footsteps sounded. “…Jamie?”

                            He looked up through tears. Sniffed. Tried to wipe away tears. But more came.

                            He wanted to stand.

                            But his legs numbed.

                            And he couldn’t.

                            But he didn’t end up needing to.

                            Phillip got onto one knee in front of him. “…You lied to me when you said you were okay…”

                            Jamie sniffed. “Sorry…sorry, Chap…Chaplain.”

                            Phillip smiled faintly.

                            Shook his head. “Don’t apologize.”

                            Jamie nodded slowly. But he couldn’t keep it all cooped in forever. “How could God let all of this happen?” he asked quickly.

                            Phillip’s smile faded for the briefest of moments. “…Jamie, I…don’t know. I don’t have all the answers. I don’t know why God didn’t stop all of…this. But there’s something I do know.”

                            Jamie looked away. Closed his eyes.

                            Phillip didn’t even know.

                            “Hey, Jamie, look at me.”

                            Jamie silently obeyed. Opened his eyes. More tears filled them.

                            Phillip gripped his shoulders. “God works all things for good. The pain. The heartbreak. The grief. The death. All the suffering…it’ll mean something one day. We can’t see it yet. We look around and we don’t see a single way any of this can be turned into something good one day. I didn’t see anything good when my wife died. That’s why I turned to alcohol. That’s why I ran. I saw nothing but the bad. It’s the same now.”

                            Jamie lowered his head.

                            He was so confused.

                            So lost.

                            So alone.


                            “But Jamie…don’t let the bad be the end. It’s not. We’re nowhere near the end. We’re only beginning.” Tears filled Phillip’s eyes. “I don’t have all the answers. I don’t understand why. But what I do understand, Jamie, is that God has a purpose. Even through all of…this…he has a plan to turn it into good.”

                            That was Jamie’s 😉 And here’s Leon.

                            “Leon, you have to trust.”

                            “Trust who!? Who do I have to trust anymore!? I trusted God! I trusted that he would protect us! That he would save us! I trusted that he would help us survive through the war! That he would keep us safe! And all that got me was Aadelheide death.”

                            Louisa rested her hand on his forearm.

                            Leon angrily pulled away.

                            “He could have saved her! He could have let her live! He took her away from me! He let them kill her! Give me one good reason I should trust him now!”

                            “Leon, that’s not true…you can still trust him.”

                            “How!? You, Aadelheide, Isaiah, so many…you believe in him! You say he can work miracles. You say he loves us. You say that he cares about us. You say he can do anything he sets his mind to. You always say he never abandons us! So, what…what about…” Leon clenched his fists. Fought back tears.

                            But he lost that battle.

                            “…what about me?”

                            Louisa opened her mouth. Quickly closed it. But tears sprang to her eyes.

                            “You don’t understand. You don’t know what went on inside that camp. You don’t understand that kind of pain. You don’t understand what it’s like to starve. You don’t know what it’s like to be beaten halfway to death every single day. You don’t what it’s like to be treated like dirt under their feet and know that God doesn’t care a whit!”

                            “Leon, he does. He does care. He loves-“

                            “He does, huh!? Explain to me how he cares! He let Aadelheide die! I believed what you do. I believed he would never leave me…”

                            He had.

                            Since childhood.

                            But that faith was gone.


                            And forever.

                            “He abandoned me in that camp! He left me when I needed him more than ever!”

                            “Leon, you need help.”

                            “From who!? Who am I gonna turn to for help by now!? Aadelheide’s dead! Louisa, God left me in that camp. You don’t know what it’s like to endure that. To look around and realize that the God you believed in…the God you trusted…the God you thought loved you…abandoned you there! He took my wife from me!” Leon’s vision blurred with tears.

                            “And if God is going to abandon me…if he’s going to turn his back on me…then I’m going to turn my back on him.”

                            “Leon…” Louisa whispered, soft.

                            Leon turned away.

                            He was so hopeless.

                            So doubtful.

                            So alone.

                            So angry.

                            But more than anything, he was so, so broken.

                            “He left me Louisa. He abandoned me in that camp.”

                            “Leon, that’s not true.”

                            He turned on her with force, his anger bubbling over.

                            “God left me! Show me that he was still with me in that camp! He WASN’T!” Leon roared.

                            “Leon. Stop. Enough of this. She is in Heaven with the God she loved.”

                            “And a lot of good he ever did for her!”

                            Louisa slapped him.


                            Leon took a step back.

                            Stunned into silence.

                            “You are acting like a child! Aadelheide is gone and there’s nothing anyone can do to change that. You have children to raise, so knock it off! They need you. You can’t keep dwelling on the past, and-“

                            “She was my wife!”

                            “And she was my daughter!” Louisa yelled. “I birthed her. I raised her. I watched her grow from an adorable baby into a beautiful, loving, God-fearing woman. I watched as she struggled. I watched as she triumphed. I watched as she fell in love. With you. I watched as her father walked her down the aisle. I watched as he gave her away to you. I watched as she birthed all three of my wonderful, beautiful, amazing grandchildren. I watched as she prayed. As she held onto her faith even as our world plunged into war. I watched as she refused to leave you even though it ended up costing her life. I watched as they took her and you away. My husband is dead. My daughter is dead. I have no idea where my son is. I’m hurting too. But you don’t see me giving up on everyone else in my life! I haven’t given up on you, Leon. I’ve tried to help you. I’ve tried to be here for you. I’ve tried to talk to you. But only God can reach you now.”

                            Leon’s gaze fell.

                            He wanted to shut her words out.

                            But he couldn’t.

                            He never realized.

                            Never even thought about it.

                            But Louisa had lost everything.

                            Except Isabel, Albert, and Elias.


                            But yet…she believed.

                            She trusted.

                            She still prayed.

                            She still trusted in God.

                            No matter the outcome.

                            Just like so many.

                            Just like…Aadelheide.

                            “…How did you learn she died?”

                            She had known even before Leon told her.

                            Louisa smiled faintly, tears still rolling down her cheeks. “An officer came to my home. Told me that she had died.”

                            Unbelievable. None of the Nazi’s cared. None of the SS cared. Especially not the officers.

                            Isaiah said they never told anyone what happened.

                            No officer would care.

                            Except…except…Leon’s head throbbed.

                            The officer that told him that Aadelheide had died.

                            No SS officer would go to a mother’s house to tell her that her daughter had died.

                            “He told me how you were doing. That you were ill. He even promised he’d watch out for you and give you extra food. Promised he’d make sure you got better.”

                            No officer would do that.

                            Except…except…oh God.


                            The one responsible for Aadelheide’s death. The one SS officer Leon hated more than any others.

                            But…now that Leon thought about it…why?

                            Riker had given him food.

                            Riker had helped him walk and even gave him medical attention after a vicious beating.

                            And, the last time Leon had seen him…when Leon was on the ground being beaten by a harsh guard…Riker had thrown his body on top of him. Took the punishment meant for Leon.

                            Just like…just like…Jesus.

                            Leon shook his head. No. Riker hadn’t helped Aadelheide when Leon begged him.

                            Now Aadelheide was dead.

                            Leon looked back up.

                            And Louisa was gone.

                            He closed his eyes.

                            Took in a deep breath.

                            He wanted to be angry at her.

                            But he couldn’t.

                            So, he thought about Aadelheide.


                            But when he thought about Riker, he didn’t feel so angry this time.

                            He wanted to be angry.

                            He wanted someone to hate.

                            To blame for Aadelheide’s death.

                            Someone was responsible.

                            But when Leon thought about Riker, thought about how Riker was responsible for Aadelheide’s death, all he felt was…numbness.

                            Leon opened his eyes.

                            Punched the counter, sending pain through his hand and arm.

                            He needed a drink.

                            AHHH!!!! My poor babies!!!! (Btw, I might have a scene for y’all soon that shows where Riker was when Leon was arguing with Louisa. Excited? I AM!!!!) Leon’s starting to feel all his hatred begin to fall apart. That’s God working right there. 😉

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1789

                              (First of all…yay! I got it!)


                                • Rank: Chosen One
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                                @gracie-j. AWW, THANKS!!!!

                                Honestly, I love the second scene more too. 😉 And only when writing this had I realized how much I love Louisa. XD And YES, THEIR EXCHANGE IS WONDERFUL!!!! I love how she finally made Leon think. She lost her daughter, and many people say that the hardest thing to do is lose a child. And that makes sense. You know them from birth. You raise them. You watch them grow up. But anyways, as promised, I have the scene for Riker. 😉 (it’s actually technically a little bit AFTER their argument, but still!!! I love it more now. XD)

                                Rainwater dripped off rooftiles.

                                It had rained in a downpour for hours. Not to mention the already freezing air. The rain had only made it worse.

                                Riker leaned against the intact wall; eyes closed.

                                Raindrops dripped onto his head. Rolled off his hair. Riker wrapped his arms tighter around himself.

                                Forced his teeth to not chatter.

                                He could handle this.

                                Now he knew what it felt like to be freezing cold.

                                Knew what it felt like to be so, so hungry.

                                Not that he didn’t deserve it.

                                No, he deserved worse.

                                Truthfully, he deserved nothing less than death.

                                Deserved nothing less than Hell.

                                Footsteps sounded.

                                Riker opened his eyes.

                                Not many people would be out in the rain. Besides, it was getting close to dusk. Riker forced himself to stand.

                                His stomach churned.

                                But he could take it.

                                He’d known what pain felt like his whole life.

                                He didn’t know what to expect.

                                But he didn’t want, expect, or deserve someone kind.

                                A woman came around the corner, a small toddler in her arms, two more children walking with her.

                                She stopped, startled.

                                But she didn’t scream.

                                She looked oddly familiar. But for the life of him, Riker couldn’t remember where he had seen her.

                                “Don’t be afraid. I was just…I was going to sleep here.”

                                Her brows burrowed with concern. “Do you have nowhere to stay? Nothing to eat?”

                                “No. I do not. But don’t worry yourself about me.”

                                She smiled. Waved a hand. “None of that. Would you like something to eat?”

                                “I won’t bother you. I’m sure you’re-“

                                “I was just taking my grandchildren for a walk now that the rain has stopped. It’s supper time. You can’t be out here alone. Come with us.”

                                “I can’t trouble you like that.”

                                “No trouble at all, dear. It’s the least I can do. Besides, maybe you can help me with some labor to pay me back.”

                                Riker didn’t deserve her compassion.

                                But the stomach is a powerful voice. “That would work, Ma’am.”


                                The front door slowly opened. Riker silently followed the familiar woman and her grandchildren into the kitchen.

                                She looked so…so familiar.

                                But why?


                                “Where’s Daddy, Oma?”

                                “Sleeping, I’m sure, Isabel. Leave Daddy alone, sweetheart.”

                                Isabel nodded. Removed her coat. “If you knew who I was you wouldn’t be inviting me into your home.”

                                The woman removed her coat. Set the toddler on the floor. “I know exactly who you are. You’re Riker Schind, the SS lieutenant that brought me the news that my daughter had died. I’m Louisa Schneider.”

                                Oh no.




                                That meant…that meant…these were Leon’s kids.

                                That meant this…this was Leon’s house.

                                The last place Riker deserved to even step inside.

                                Besides a church.

                                “Is something wrong Riker?”

                                “I shouldn’t…I shouldn’t be here…” Nor did it help that she reminded him of Jennie. So, so much.

                                “You’re welcome here. It wasn’t your fault my daughter died. I’ve heard of what you did to help Jews. You need food, and I’m going to offer it to you.”

                                “It just…I don’t…I shouldn’t be welcome anywhere.”

                                Louisa waved her hand. “That’s the devil talking to you, dear. God understands that we’re imperfect. He’s waiting for you, you know.”

                                Something his mother would have said.

                                Riker blinked back tears.


                                Wiped his sleeve across his nose.

                                “…Something wrong?”

                                He wanted to tell her.

                                Wanted to tell anyone and everyone that would listen.

                                “You can confide in me. I’ll listen. No one has listened to your pain in a long time, have they dear? Where’s your mother, Riker?”


                                The only person he had been able to cry on…gone forever.

                                “…In Heaven.”

                                “How long?”

                                Riker fought back more tears. “Almost…almost a year.”

                                “You poor dear. Now I absolutely have to give you some food.”

                                “I don’t deserve your compassion.”

                                “Jesus loves everyone! That’s what Oma always says. Mommy used to say it too!”

                                Riker glanced over at Isabel, Leon’s daughter, who was standing by the kitchen table, picking up drawings. But she put them down.

                                Came over to Riker’s side. He gave her a small smile.

                                Jesus didn’t have any love for him.

                                That was for certain.

                                Not after all the things he’d done.

                                “I lost my mommy too. But she’s in heaven with the angels! Maybe your mommy and my mommy are having a party with Jesus!”

                                Riker couldn’t fight a smile. “Maybe so.”

                                “Come along. I already made supper.” Louisa picked back up the toddler she had previously been carrying. “This is Elias. And that little boy right there is Albert.” She said, pointing at the little boy that was beginning to make his way towards the table.

                                Riker nodded.

                                They sat down.

                                And ate.

                                Once they were finished, Louisa took all the plates and silverware.

                                Riker’s heart knew he didn’t deserve any of this.

                                But his stomach was thankful.

                                “Isabel, why don’t you, Albert, and Elias go play? I’m going to chat with our guest.”

                                “Yay! Albert, Elias, let’s go! Nice to meet you, sir.”

                                And with that, all three of them ran away.

                                “The three brightest lights of my life.” Louisa whispered.

                                “I only wish they still had their mother. I’m so sorry for your loss.”

                                “You already apologized. It’s forgiven. Let it go, dear. Now all you need to do is forgive yourself. I already have forgiven you.”

                                Riker bit his lip. He wouldn’t.

                                He couldn’t.

                                Not after everything he’d done.

                                Louisa patted his hand. “You miss your mother. I can tell.”

                                “You shouldn’t care about me. No one should.”

                                “What are you doing in my house!?”

                                Riker stood.

                                Turned to face Leon, who stood with eyes narrowed.

                                He glanced at Louisa. “Why is he here?”

                                “Leon, he’s a guest. Be polite.”

                                “A guest!?” Leon chuckled. “He’s the one responsible for killing my wife. Your daughter. He’s not a guest. He’s a pest.”

                                “Leon!” Louisa cried, horrified.

                                “I ask you again. Why are you here!?”

                                “Daddy!” Leon glanced at Isabel, before Louisa rushed over there and led all three kids out of the room.

                                Riker didn’t dare move.

                                Leon took a step closer. “Answer me.”

                                “I came for dinner.” He wouldn’t say that Louisa had insisted.

                                Leon could be angry at him.

                                He deserved that.

                                But Louisa didn’t.

                                “Oh? Did you now?” Leon took another step closer. “You will never be welcome here, Riker. Understand?”

                                Riker didn’t trust himself to respond.

                                Nor did he want Louisa to rush in and get involved.

                                She could get hurt.

                                And she didn’t deserve that.

                                Leon took another step.

                                They stood only inches apart.


                                Riker could taste the alcohol in Leon’s breath.

                                And that brought up many things he’d rather forget. “Leon, don’t…you don’t want your mother-in-law and kids to accidentally get hurt.”

                                Leon chuckled. “Yet you never cared if me or my wife died.”

                                “I only came for dinner.”

                                “And now you’ll leave.”

                                “Louisa said she needed help with labor.”

                                Leon grabbed his arm, twisted it, and before Riker could react, Leon had him pinned down against the counter. “You dare to step inside my house, eat dinner with my kids, and then argue with me!? I can help Louisa with anything she needs help with. She doesn’t need help from a low life like you.” Leon snarled, each word getting harder and harsher. The alcohol in his breath burned, but though he fought and tried to escape, Leon was stronger than Riker had ever thought.

                                A smile spread across Leon’s face. Full of fury. Malice. Pride. “Finally know what it’s like to be stuck, with no one to help you and no one to call on? Do you finally understand what it’s like to be pinned down somewhere and feel pain?” Leon asked, his grip on Riker tightening.

                                Riker’s arm stung where he had freshly bruised it.

                                But he wouldn’t cry out.

                                He deserved this.

                                “I’ll never understand what you went through. But Leon, I’m sorry.”

                                “Sorry!? Sorry!? What good do you think sorry is going to do anymore!? My wife is dead because of you! I will never forgive you for that! What are you going to do about her, huh!? What!?”

                                Riker didn’t trust himself enough to respond.

                                Leon slapped him, hard and merciless.

                                Riker’s head hit the hard counter and a soft groan escaped his lips before he could stop it.

                                “Answer me, you murderer!” Leon screamed, eyes full of fury, malice, hatred, and so much…pain.

                                Riker merely watched him.

                                He wouldn’t respond.

                                Because there was nothing he could do.

                                She was already dead.

                                Just like so many others.

                                Riker couldn’t turn back the clock.

                                And that haunted him every single day. Every hour. Every minute. Every second.

                                A drawer opened and closed.

                                “You will never be welcome here Riker,” cold metal touched Riker’s neck, “so get out and never come back. Or Riker, I swear, I will kill you. Right here. Right now.” Leon snarled.

                                Pressed the knife harder against Riker’s neck.

                                Riker nodded. “I will. I’ll leave right now.”

                                “And never come back?”

                                Riker nodded again. “I promise.”

                                (My sister laughed at a few points in this about the stomach being a powerful voice and the stomach being thankful. XD She also got, which I was hoping she would, that Leon is VERY, VERY drunk by this point, so…not even thinking clearly. DX) I feel bad for both of them. Even Leon. Hatred is wrong, but I mean…he lost his wife. I think we can all offer him a little bit of sympathy, right. 😉 But oh, how this scene escalated quickly. XD

                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1789

                                  *sobs* It hurtssss, girl. It’s so painful!!! I can’t bear to read!!!

                                  But seriously, so good. AH. I feel SO BAD for my poor, sweet Riker! And Louisa is SO precious!!! And Leon? Yeah, I feel sympathy for him…BUT NO ONE PUTS A KNIFE TO MY BABY’S NECK!!!!!!!!

                                  And I laughed at that too! XD

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