Another SCENE!!!! Any thoughts y’all?

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  • This topic has 269 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #116459
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 612

      @freedomwriter76 DO IT!!!! PLEASE!!! BUCKY!!!! I NEED TO SEE HIM!!!!

      *in a word: yes please*


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 8156

        @queen_of_alvastia. That’s okay. You can LOVE THEM ALL! 😂😍😘

        You’re welcome! 👍 (ack, that’s a long time! 😑😂) IKR!? WE LOVE BUCKY BOI! 😍😭😘 HE SHOULD! ONLY FAIR! 😂

        EXACTLY! 😜 (ah, I get you. I get carried away over Bucky and Steve. 😍🤣)

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156

          @queen_of_alvastia. I should, shouldn’t I? 😉 Alright! You’ll get to see Bucky boy! 😘 He and Steve can meet up with…Leon and them, I guess. The other group is HUGE. 😂 (but fair warning, watch out for Viola. She’s the kind of person Soren would get along with. 😱😬)

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 612

            @freedomwriter76 YAY!!! THEY ALL NEED LOVE, HUGS, AND HAPPY ENDINGS!!!

            I know. And once we almost watched it at the beach and THE TV WOULDN’T EVEN WORK!!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️😡😒😣 YES WE DO!! #buckyforever

            Oh I can rave about my Pip all day…. *fangirl squeal* So yeah, I get it XD

            YES!!! *bouncing up and down* BUCKY!!! *swoon*

            Ooooh….*rubs hands* Two villains….even more interesting XD



































































































































































































              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @queen_of_alvastia. YESSSS!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍

              AGH, GIRL, THAT SUCKS!!!! 😡 Technology, am I right? 😂 YES!!!!! 🤩🤩🤩 #BUCKYFOREVER!

              YES, BUCKY!!!!

              And yes, two villains. 😅

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 612


                *SIGH* *eye roll* the downsides of technology…. 😫😡😠 YES *virtual high five*


                Oh man….

                (Just realized my last post had like a gazillion spaces at the bottom! *fp* No clue how that happened. Sorry! Again: TECHNOLOGY!!)


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @gracie-j. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @ava-blue. @queen_of_alvastia. @godlyfantasy12. @lydia-s. @joy-caroline. Alright y’all! I just HAD to share this snippet from my Thanksgiving story I’m writing. I laughed so much towards the end of this. XD

                  The front door opened. Voices.

                  “UNCLE LEON!”

                  Iris laughed. “Well…at least we know who’s here.”

                  Riker smirked. Washed and dried his hands.

                  Lily had taken to calling Leon “Uncle Leon” for some reason. Not that Leon seemed to mind.

                  Riker stepped out into the front hallway. Louisa walked past him. “Hello Riker.”

                  “Good afternoon, Louisa.” He replied with a smile.

                  He heard her begin to converse and ask the other women how she could help.

                  Riker walked over to where Abelard was talking to William and Leon was holding Lily, talking to her.

                  He saw Riker and waved with his one free hand. “Hey Riker.”

                  “Hey Leon. Sorry about that. She really likes to call you that.”

                  Leon chuckled. “I don’t mind. I’m an Uncle now.” He winked.

                  Lily noticed Riker. “Daddy!”

                  “Hello there, Pumpkin. Telling Leon about all your adventures?”

                  Riker took Lily into his arms.



                  Riker raised an eyebrow. “…What?”

                  William laughed. “The kids are making Thanksgiving turkeys. Writing down what they’re thankful for on paper feathers and then attaching them to a paper turkey. Esther came up with the idea a few days ago. Thought it’d be fun for the kids. Jonathan’s helping them out right now.”

                  Riker nodded. “So…making Turkeys?”

                  Lily nodded eagerly. “Uh huh! Elias, come make Turkeys with me!”

                  “Yay! I wanna make Turkeys!” Elias cried.

                  Riker set Lily down.

                  She took Elias’ hand.

                  “I wanna make Turkeys too!” Albert cried.

                  They ran off. Isabel slowly followed them. “I’m gonna make one too.”

                  “Have fun.” Leon called after them.

                  Came forward.

                  Riker clapped his friend on the back. “How are you doing Leon?”

                  “Good, actually. Better than a few months ago. It was September, you know?”

                  Riker nodded.

                  “Yeah, I understand. Can’t be easy.”

                  “Never is. But God pulls me through it. Did Angelina ever contact you back?”

                  Riker grinned. “She sure did. We’re set. We can stay at her house, or she’ll arrange a hotel. Why, excited?”

                  Leon grinned. “Perfect. And yes, of course I’m excited. Can’t believe we’re going to go back…to bring the Gospel.”

                  “I can’t either.” Riker agreed.

                  Back to Germany in a year.

                  To bring the Gospel to the hurting.

                  It…was time.

                  To face the past, share the Gospel, and return to where it all began.

                  Leon and Riker walked back towards the kitchen.

                  From where she was sitting down, Esther waved. “Hello Leon. Welcome in.”

                  Louisa was already hard at work and conversing with Elizabeth.

                  “Hey Esther. How are you feeling?”

                  Esther smiled faintly. “Fine, but tired. They told me to rest.”

                  Leon smiled. “Probably for the best.”

                  “Hey Daddy, where’s my purse?” Isabel asked, coming around the corner, Naja beside her.

                  “I think we may have left it in the car. You wanna go get it?”

                  “Can I?”

                  “Sure, Cupcake…”

                  “Daddy…” Isabel sighed, taking the keys.

                  Leon chuckled. “Sorry. Forgot you don’t like being called that all the time anymore, especially in front of your friends.” He winked. “Riker, she thinks I’m embarrassing.”

                  Riker laughed. Smiled at Isabel. “Oh, he’s embarrassing alright. I’ve been friends with him for five years now. He’s horrible.”

                  Isabel laughed.

                  Leon dug his elbow into Riker’s side.

                  Isabel rushed off, Naja beside her as they talked.

                  Riker turned to Leon. Laughed. “What?”


                  “You two are just like brothers.” Iris mused, smiling.

                  They both turned to face her.

                  Riker smirked. “What are you talking about?”

                  “Sure. He’s the annoying older one.” Leon said, pointing at Riker.

                  “And you’re the embarrassing younger one.” Riker shot back.

                  Iris laughed and began talking with Ellie again.

                  Leon turned to Riker.

                  Winked and stuck out his tongue.

                  Riker laughed and nudged his friend in the shoulder. “You’re a child.”

                  For info, September is the month that Aadelheide died. 7 years ago by this point. *sobs* Poor Leon. *sobs forever*

                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 612

                    @freedomwriter76 Oh! I am loving Riker and Leon as “brothers” XDXD And them going back to Germany together…. *sob* I LOVE IT!! And Lily…AAAAWWWW!!!

                    *joins you in sobbing forever over Leon*


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @queen_of_alvastia. Thank you!!!!!!! 😀 YES, ME TOOO!!!!! THEY ARE SO WONDERFUL!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍 And YES, SHE IS SOOO CUTE! 🥰

                      Ava Blue
                        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                        • Total Posts: 222

                        @freedomwriter76 HAHA I love that bit at the end

                        It’s so fun to read/write banter between close friends. Riker’s kids making turkeys was the most adorable thing ever. I have this mental image of a bunch of little kids around a table, covered in glue and glitter 😆 Now I wish it was fall even more 😛

                        Monsters creep
                        In the silent dark-deep
                        In the filling-eye hills
                        In the shriveled hand-keep

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @ava-blue. Aww girl, thank you! 💖💖💖

                          IT IS! 😂 And yes, so cute! I’m glad you thought it was cute! 😍 Haha, that is a very funny picture. 😆 Oh, girl, me too. 😋 I LOVE Fall. 😉

                          Elishavet Elroi
                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1057


                            It’s adorable! Thanks for sharing.

                            Now I remember I never shared any of our Thanksgiving stories… Which get interesting, considering that every other year they include 22 people in a three bedroom, single bathroom, no dining room house.

                            Yeah, the adults encourage the kids to go play outside. Which we’re happy to do, since our grandparents live on an old farm, and there are two pastures beside the backyard and the chicken yard (nobody cares to play in there).

                            But really, reading this made me think about all the times we’ve had together. And it makes me soooo excited that we get to go see them all again soon!!!

                            (Okay, Thanksgiving is in November, but that’s not soooo far away.)

                            And as was said… GLITTER TURKEYS! O.O (He he. Can you imagine what Leon’s car would look like if there was glitter on the turkeys?)

                            You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @elishavet-pidyon. Thank you! Of course! I always love sharing! (hopefully I’ll be able to share the whole thing. *wink wink*)

                              That sounds like some crazy but fun times! 😂😂😂

                              YESSS!!! GLITTER TURKEYS!!!! O.O (haha, I can well imagine. 😂😂😂 So will Riker’s car…and Erich’s car…and EVERYONE’S CARS!!!! 😂😂😂😂 Except for Esther and William’s, since Thanksgiving is at their house. 😜)

                              Oh, but they will go outside. 😉 (the guys (and some of the kids who just jump in) are gonna go out and play Football. 😜 That is going to be so much fun. Poor Riker tho. The first one to get tackled cause he has no CLUE what he’s doing. 🤣)

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @lydia-s. @queen_of_alvastia. @gracie-j. More Riker. XD MY POOR BABY! *sobs* Anywho, I was listening to the song Somewhere in Your Silent Night by Casting Crowns when writing this. (I recommend listening to it! It’s EPIC!)

                                Riker’s boots sank deeper into the snow with each step.

                                The wind wafted up, threw snow in his face.

                                Riker kept his hands deep in his trouser pockets.

                                A sound rose to his ears.



                                Some high.

                                Some low.

                                Some grown.

                                Some young.


                                Christmas Hymns.




                                Riker rubbed his sleeve against his nose and eyes.

                                He’d brought Leon and the other men food.

                                They deserved to celebrate Christmas.

                                ‘But you don’t.’

                                No. He didn’t.

                                Riker angrily swiped away the tears and snow on his face.

                                It wasn’t time to cry.

                                His family would be home…talking…singing…opening presents.

                                Iris would be helping Angelina pick up while the kids played with their new gifts.

                                But Riker wouldn’t be there.



                                Now Jennie.

                                They were dead…and all because Riker had failed.

                                ‘Heaven wants nothing to do with you, Murderer of the Innocents. You killed Leon’s wife. She’s in Heaven, Jennie is in Heaven, but you won’t see them there. You will never be welcome into God’s presence. Here or on the other side.’

                                Why was he crying!?

                                Riker swiped at the fresh tears.

                                More songs reached his ears.

                                Singing as one…even if it wasn’t perfect…it was beautiful.

                                Those innocent men he had given food to never did anything wrong.

                                The people he’d killed did nothing wrong to deserve death.

                                When Riker had done…everything to deserve death.

                                He deserved nothing less than Hell itself.

                                Memories floated before his eyes.

                                Christmas morning.

                                They didn’t have much…but Jennie did everything she could.

                                Angelina’s smiles and squeals.

                                Jennie’s smile. Her hug. Her soft, daily reminder of I love you.

                                Riker swiped at more tears.

                                “Wipe those stupid tears away. I didn’t ask for a crybaby. You’re a man. Start acting like one.”

                                His father’s reminder.

                                Riker had no reason to cry.

                                He didn’t deserve Christmas.

                                He was too far.

                                Too gone.

                                “There is no distance God won’t go to reach you…” Fin smiled. “Riker, his son died for you. He wouldn’t die for a mistake. You are not too far. You are not too lost for God to save.”

                                He was.

                                Nothing but a mistake.

                                It’s what everyone told him.

                                It’s who he was.

                                What he was destined to be.

                                “…God sees things differently. Maybe you think God should have left you by now. But God doesn’t see you the same way you do. God loves you. Even with all your mistakes.”

                                Why did he have to be reminded of the woman, the wife, the mother, he’d killed?

                                He deserved to be haunted by it.

                                But he didn’t deserve to hear, see, or get anyone’s concern.

                                Compassion wasn’t meant for murderers.

                                His family would be better off once he was gone.

                                Riker slid down the trunk of a tree.

                                Sat down in the snow.

                                He didn’t care if it was cold.

                                Maybe it could just numb the pain.

                                Maybe it could distract him from the guilt.

                                “Why did you have to take Jennie? Fin? Even Aadelheide? They were innocent. They believed in you. Trusted in you…and cared about me…even though I never deserved it. They didn’t have to die. I should have been the one to die. They didn’t have to go.” Riker looked up at the cloudy sky.

                                Snowflakes landed on his cheeks, mixing with his tears.

                                “They loved you. They were faithful followers of you. They did nothing to deserve death. When I…I have. Yet I haven’t died…” Riker’s fists clenched and unclenched.

                                “Think anyone would ever want you, boy!? You’re a mistake and that’s all you’ll ever be!”

                                “…Why not me?”

                                Silence met his plea. His question. His tears.

                                “Why didn’t you take me!? They didn’t have to die! Take me instead!” Riker screamed.

                                He deserved it.

                                He deserved to die.

                                He deserved Hell.

                                “But they didn’t! I’m nothing but a mistake! There is no way…no reason…for you to have died for someone like me. I’m a murderer! Take me instead!”

                                Riker’s body trembled.

                                ‘There’s a special place in Hell for you, Riker…right beside the Devil himself.’

                                He’d done so much.

                                Laughter reached his ears.

                                Riker pulled his knees up to his chest.

                                His long, wavy brown locks of hair fell over his eyes.






                                Every last one of them would be better off without him around.

                                He was a murderer.

                                They deserved someone that wasn’t a mistake.

                                Then…why did it hurt so much?

                                Riker laid his arms on his knees.



                                Everyone would be better off once he was in Hell.

                                Riker buried his face in his knees and arms.

                                And wept.

                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 612


                                  My heart is officially broken. 😪😪😭😭💔

                                  RIKER!!! YOU’RE NOT A MISTAKE!!! GOD STILL HAS A PLAN FOR YOUUUU *voice trails off into uncontrollable weeping*


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