About Me- a Book Reader and Writer!

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  • #110980
      • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
      • Total Posts: 23

      Greetings and salutations! My name is Miyanna and aside from writing (and reading), I love music and acting. My favorite genres to read are fantasy and historical, and occasionally a good modern or classic. My fave things to write

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 635


        Hi! Welcome to KP!

        I just gotta say first off that Miyanna is a really pretty name. Kinda sounds like the name of the lead female protagonist of a fantasy novel, haha.

        I love music and acting as well! Particularly music, as I’ve only been in one play, but both can be so exciting despite being so different.

        If you don’t mind me asking, what kind of music do you listen to? And what kind of acting do you do?

        Also, do you have any favorite books?

          • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
          • Total Posts: 23

          I’m glad you like my name! My mom was certain she made it up when I was born but later she found out that it comes from both Hebrew (Miriam) and Japanese (Miyana). Both are cool! It would be fun to come across a protagonist with my name as I’ve never met anyone else with it!

          I listen to a LOT (probably too much, haha) of musical theatre, but I also love Andrew Peterson. My go-to study beats are, weirdly enough, mostly movie scores (John Williams). I sing in my church choir and as an Orthodox Christian that means a delightful mix of extremely Eastern-sounding chanting to more Western 4-part harmonies.

          I mostly do musical theatre acting, and I’ve been in 7 going on 8 shows with a community theatre ministry so far. I’m starting high school next year, though, and the school is renowned for its drama troupe so I’m very excited to join!

          My favorite books… Harry Potter, Wingfeather Saga, Percy Jackson, Little Women, and countless others. My first books (and still comfort reads, honestly) were the American Girl books, particularly Felicity.

          Elishavet Elroi
            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1338


            Greetings and welcome to KP! I’m called Elishavet around here, and I too mostly write fantasy. I love historical though, as long as it’s reasonably accurate, being a bit of a history nerd. (If that’s a thing) I’m a Bible Quizzing homeschooler either from Texas, The Wood Between the World’s, or one of my own worlds. šŸ˜‰

            You like music and acting? Those can be so much fun! While I’ve never been in anything official, I’ve helped write and perform plays before. Once for our homeschool group end of year graduation/promotion, a band of friends, siblings, and I performed a play we wrote about the difficulties of writing stories. I’ve also acted in church plays almost every year of my life. XD

            Music is wonderful. I love it, and although I can only barely play on the piano, I like playing around on it. And I listen to a wide variety of artists, but mostly Christian Worship by both individual artists and Bible Colleges, and soundtracks of plays from Sight and Sound Theaters.

            While I haven’t read Harry Potter, I did so, SO enjoy the Wingfeather Saga, and Little Women. (Beth was my favorite character, what about you?) AND the American Girl books! Felicity’s are some of the best, although I think I’ll always have a special spot for Marie Grace’s, since she was the first doll I remember being given. (We have a wonderful grandmother who wanted her granddaughters to have dolls.)

            Come to think of it, those books are probably what first got my siblings and I interested in history.

            And for Crazy Rand Questions!!!

            Which would you rather?

            • Live in a medieval keep for a year?
            • Live in an upper middle class Victorian home for two years?
            • Live in a Submarine for three months?

            Should socks be worn under sandals?

            Who, among your own characters, is your favorite?

            Last but not least, if you were stuck in some one of your book ideas, which would it be?

            You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

              • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
              • Total Posts: 23

              Hello Elishavet! Out of curiosity, does that name derive from Elizabeth? My patron saint is Elizabeth the Russian New Martyr!

              I’ve also dabbled in play writing. Back when I was homeschooled, my friends, sister and I made up a little theatre company. We preformed a total of two shows, one of which was written by me, but since I started public school time hasn’t been on our side. I also “wrote” a version of Sleeping Beauty to perform with my cousins when I was six, and now we almost always put on shows when we’re together! (My cousins are all very gifted singers and actors.)

              Our church hasn’t done plays since before the pandemic, as all of the teens minus me left during it. I was in the annual Christmas parent, though- I was overjoyed the year I first got to play Mary!

              In Little Women, my favorite character is either Jo or Meg. I love how unique and funny Jo is, and I relate to her having a temper! I can also be a bit vain and overbearing at times like Meg, though.

              in a roundabout way I got my Felicity doll from my grandmother as well- she was my mom’s as a gift, but my mom had outgrown dolls for the most part and never played with her. So she was in almost-new condition when she was passed down to me (minus her hair. That’s a long story!)

              American Girl is definitely what roped me into history! I didn’t mention Ann Rinaldi books earlier, but I think I’ve read all of them.

              Oh, Victorian house for two years. Hands down. There are quite a few open to tour in our area, and whenever we go on family field trips I’m practically drooling over the architecture, gardens, and furnishings.

              No, socks cannot be worn under sandals! My entire family (not me) does it, which I find deplorable! If it’s warm enough to wear sandals, you shouldn’t need socks. That’s what literally all other shoes are for. Nylons don’t count, though.

              Who of my characters… that’s a tricky one. My most developed character is Casey/Crutchie from my Newsies fanfiction, but I also really love Sophia from the children’s novels I’m working on. I guess Clara from my historical novel (tentatively titled Garden Of War) has to top it for me. She’s funny and quirky, but she loves her family dearly and is distressed when her parents send her and her siblings to the countryside.

              Hmm… I don’t have all that many right now. The most ideas I’ve had lately are musical adaptations of books or films, but I guess the main one of those I’d like to get stuck in is The Emperor’s New Clothes. (I don’t write music but I wish I could say I did.) It’s going to be a mostly classic take on the story but an ambitious seamstress sees the events from the outside and tries repeatedly to warn the nƤive young emperor in vain. Now out of stories I’ve started, it’s a tie between my Percy Jackson story and my Newsies one.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2066


                Hi there! I Koshka, or at least that’s me around here (It’s actually a warped form of a nick name, but anyway…). I’m a bit of a historical clothing/random history nerd, among other things of course.

                I loved Wingfeather(!!!) and grew up with American girl.

                I’ve read such a mixture of genres I’m not sure what’s my favorite, but it’s probably christian medieval fantasy, or some classics.

                Music, ah music. I’m somewhat learning the violin, but that’s at a standstill in between instruments. My voice isn’t anything to speak of on its own, but with others to hide behind it’s not bad.

                So, you like ice cream? If so what is your favorite flavor?

                Have you ever tasted pickled kelp?

                What is the hair color of your least favorite villian?

                And last of all: Do you like jellybeans?

                First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                Fork the Gork

                  • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                  • Total Posts: 23

                  Hello Koshka! I think that’s a pretty name!

                  A while back I took a colonial sewing class and handmade an apron and kerchief! I’m a sucker for anything before like the 50’s.

                  Singing is definitely my strongest point! I’ve taken flute and piano but I’m not great at either. I’ve always been interested in violin, though- it’s such a pretty instrument!

                  I do love ice cream! It really depends on the day what my favorite flavor is, though- sometimes a nice rainbow sherbet when I’m feeling sour, or a beaver track (moose tracks but branded with our local football team) when I’m into chocolate.

                  I have not tried pickled kelp but I like most pickled things; now I’m intrigued!

                  I have so many least favorite villains; Bobifer Squoon had white hair and Dolores Umbridge has mousy brown hair; for a few.

                  Jellybeans… it’s complicated. I adore certain flavors, but grape and licorice disgust me.

                  Elishavet Elroi
                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1338


                    Oh, that’s interesting. Elishavet (אלישבט) is actually one of the original forms of Elizabeth, so you could say thatĀ ElizabethĀ is derived fromĀ Elishavet. šŸ˜‰Ā I love both names though.

                    Play writing is loads of fun, and doing it with family is even better. We used to perform skits with our out-of-state cousins every time we went to visit them, but we haven’t in a while. I think we did three together, two about the American Thanksgiving feast, and one about Shadrach Meshach and Abednego. (The golden idol happened to be a three foot elephant statue of our Great-Grandmother’s. Unfortunately the gaurd [my twin sister] forgot to die from the heat emanating from the quivering blanket furnace, because she was attempting to prompt the Queen Nebuchadnezzah on the next lines. Oh, did I mention we had a shortage of boy cousins? XD I never saw that elephant the same afterwards.)

                    My cousins are sing and play the piano, but it’s been years since we did a play together. Good actors are not always easy to get.

                    Anyway, church plays are fabulous. Although I’ve been in every Christmas patent and Resurrection/Easter skit in my memory, I don’t think I’ve ever been Mary. I’ve been a sheep, a shepherdess, an angel (several times), and once a star (that was when I was too little to do anything more than look cute and make all the grandmotherly ladies in the church get their cameras out)! Still, Mary is like the most coveted role of every little girl. (Okay, and maybe the not so little too.)

                    Because I wasn’t shy of the mic, we have a hilarious video where one can hear a certain tiny girl singing “NO CRIB FOR HIS HEAD” at the top of her voice and apparently everyone else’s too. XD At least I knew the words! XD

                    Jo is probably my favorite after Beth, and Meg can definitely be very relatable at times. By the way, should Laurie have married Amy? I think so, but what are your thoughts on the matter? (If you want to share.)

                    You have Felicity? (The old version!) That is kinda neat though, that she was your Mother’s. Minus her hair? Oh no!

                    I don’t think I’ve heard of Ann Rinaldi. I’ll have to look into those. Have you read Jennifer A. Nelson’s historical books? I’ve read her Words on Fire and Lines Of Courage, both of which I’d definitely recommend, and of what I started to read/heard from my brother, her bookĀ Resistance isĀ amazing.

                    Ah, she chose the Victorian house, how interesting. šŸ§ I probably would too. XD

                    You have Victorian houses open to tour in your area!?

                    *Runs to start packing*

                    *Realizes I have commitments here*


                    We have a Civil War reenactment within a few hour’s drive, so I guess I’ll be content. šŸ˜‰

                    And anyway, I might have chosen the keep!

                    Agreed. Socks do not belong under sandals. Nylons are different, because the sandals are probably more dressy. No socks.

                    Hmm, Casey/Crutchie, Sophia, but definitely Clara. They all sound interesting to me.

                    Oh dear, That would quite the story to be trapped in! XD

                    You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                      • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                      • Total Posts: 23


                      My cousins are mostly out-of-state too, but we love doing shows together. Actually, one time some of us did a Felicity play(based on the second book) from a little kit I got. Casting was rather awkward, because I was playing Felicity and my younger cousin was playing Father. And he had to kiss the top of my head, being a foot shorter than me. So he switched with my older cousin, who was taller than me. (My young cousin made an excellent angry Loyalist.)

                      Aww, there are videos of my sister and I doing the same thing! Also an iconic one of us dancing to Part Of Your World from The Little Mermaid on a coffee table XD at least you did know the words!

                      I’ve always thought Laurie should have ended up with Jo, but I think LMA did an excellent job of making the case for Amy/Laurie. I think there are valid points for both, but Jo and Laurie have simply been friends for so long and were already so close that I think it would have been lovely to see a sweet friends to lovers story.

                      Ann Rinaldi is amazing. There are stories from tons of different periods. I’ll have to check Jennifer A. Nelson out for sure!

                      Haha, you’re welcome to visit any time! The nearest one to us is about 25-30 minutes away and it has enormous grounds and a beautiful flower garden. There is also a playground and hiking opportunities. I’ve been countless times! There are more a bit further away, but that’s probably my favorite.

                      Have you ever listened to the musical Newsies or the musical Anastasia!

                      What genre is your favorite to write?

                      What is your favorite historical period to study?

                      What is your favorite animal?

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 635


                        I haven’t listened to much musical theater, however the scores I have heard I really enjoyed! Do you have a favorite musical?

                        Ah, John Williams is the guy. I don’t think I know a single person that doesn’t enjoy at least some of his work. Him, and John Powell are probably my favorite movie score composers. Do you have a favorite John Williams score?

                        Also, movie soundtracks are amazing to listen to while studying. It make it feel like I’m saving the world while writing an essay about lettuce lol.

                        Ā Harry Potter, Wingfeather Saga, Percy Jackson, Little Women, and countless others

                        Ooo, all great book choices! Just for fun, say you could only read one of them for the rest of your life. Which one would you choose?

                        Oh, and one last question, out of all the 8 shows you’ve been in, do you have a favorite? One that was the most fun to do?


                          • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                          • Total Posts: 23

                          My favorite musicals are definitely Newsies and Les MisĆ©rables. Funny they’re both about young people fighting against injustice… in part. My favorite John Williams score would have to be either Harry Potter one or three. They’re both so magical (no pun intended!)

                          Ack you torture me!! If i HAD to read only ONE book for the rest of my life… I’m gonna cheat and say the Bible, actually. I mean, it’s really a no-brainer, isn’t it? There’s just so much!

                          Out of all 8 shows, my favorite is probably Acts: A City Rising. It’s a musical based on the book of Acts and it was a blast if a show! I played Miriam the disciple, a Greek cheerleader, and the demon-possesed slave girl Paul heals. It was the most fun I’ve ever had in a musical.

                          Trahia the Minstrel
                            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                            • Total Posts: 193


                            Hey! I love Harry Potter too! Nice to meet you! Around here, Iā€™m known as TrĆ”hia the Minstrel. I write clean YA Fantasy and am currently writing a no-magic medieval-esque story about two princes from different families who are enemies.

                            Have you ever read Brandon Sandersonā€™s books? Iā€™m just curious.

                            Or Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger? Cause those books ā€¦ I just canā€™t wait for the next one to come out in November!

                            Glad to meet you!


                            The end of a story, a beautiful picture; a feeling of longing yet hope~
                            Thatā€™s my wish to create.

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