A Rather Belated Introduction

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  • #107562
    Daisy Torres
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 691

      @madelyn Haha! I can definitely be the same way with YouTube XD I try to set a time limit for myself so I don’t lose myself in the ‘YouTube spiral’ XD

      Dude sameee about being excited by glass/water/smoke/light/stars etc XDD You would like the book I’m working on probably, because I try to play off of ‘aesthetic’ descriptions like those a lot XD (I also centered kingdoms around them XD) About how to paint glass and water? I used to struggle with it a lot too, but I loved both so much that I wanted to perfect it XD I still struggle a bit, but I love it XD For glass, I do a pale blue color, or whatever is behind the glass and giving it ‘color’, and add subtle shadows to exaggerate length and width. For water, that really depends on the view haha. If it’s above, a lot of highlights and shadows get used to dramatise waves, but if it’s an underwater scene, there’s a lot of light rays from above that come into play XD And fish. Never forget the fish. That’s the cherry on the cake XD

      Yesss I could rant and rave about Fawkes all day long ahhhh XD It’s SOO amazing

      Your cat story sounds….. creative XD I mean, Edgar Allen Poe is famous and he was much older XD You could have really been onto something XD (Just teasing, no offense meant hahaha, I have SOOO many badddd stories from when I was little T_T)

      Yes! I want to learn ASL some day! I used to have two neighbors who had to use it, and they would teach me a few words here and there XD Since I grew up on a lake, most of the words I know are lake-themed XD

      Yesss accents are so fun!! I’m from South Texas, and I don’t have as much of a ‘southern’ accent as some I know, but I have been told that I have one. For me, (and a lot of other southerns I know) if I say words like “Lights”, I tend to stress the “Liiiiites” a bit. Hmmm *Google’s Midwest accent* Oh! I know what you mean now! Okay, so I have some thoughts on this accent XD First off, it always makes me think of Mayo XD I’m sorry, it just does. Idek why (I think it’s a stereotype if I’m not mistaken? Not sure XD) I love Mayo though so there’s that. Uhmmm y’all definitely seem to stress y’all’s “e”, “o”, and “a” (I guess basically all the vowels XD) sounds. To me, “Can you hand me a bottle of soda” sounds like “Kean youu hAnd me a bOddle oaf soadA?” XD It’s kind of a fun accent to me though. Sometimes my sibs and I will play around with different accents like that one XD

      Ooo that would be good!! I could never be a doctor I don’t think XD I get way too squeamish bahaha

      Same here!! (And I totally feel that one XD Sometimes I can get very drained and not go on any kind of social media at all for like a week or two without warning to friends. I know it’s not good to leave people hanging like that but it just happens sometimes lolll)

      "It's easy to be caught up in stardust and whispers when reality is so dark and loud."

        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1789

        @madelyn No problem, girl! I haven’t been around in here in a while either, so…

        He really is! So do I! I know – both titles fit so well!

        Ooh, those are all fantastic characters as well!

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