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- This topic has 31 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 3 months ago by
September 5, 2021 at 11:20 am #104195
Nooo it ate my message T_T Time to retype that monster message…. XD
@madelyn You know, if you ever want to learn more about the mbti types, there’s a youtuber called Frank James and he does a lot of funny skits, personality tests, and more that help better teach you about your/the types. I can send you a link to his channel if you’re interested!Yesss I’m really glad to be in this community too! I used to be on Wattpad a few years ago, but I felt like God wanted me to stop using it because the environment there was just getting increasingly worse. I was sooo sad to have to stop though because I had made some friends and gotten my book pretty big reader-wise, but I’m kinda glad I did. After that, I still wanted a writing community, but I wanted a safer one, and that’s basically how I found KP!! It’s been a game-changer for me XD
Hmm, which painting do I like best? I’m not really sure XD I did one fairly recently of a girl in an underwater glass tunnel that I loved. I’m not good with painting humans, but I thought the tunnel/ocean part turned out pretty cool!
Bahaha thanks! Aww, what was the cat story about? And lolll, did you find any interesting stories while you were digging? It can be fun *cough* or funny *cough* to go back down memory lane XD
My ALL-TIME favorites are L. M. Montgomery, Jennifer Nielsen, Nadine Brandes, and Charlotte Bronte (I’m wanting to try out Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights, but I haven’t yet), Lewis Carroll, C. S Lewis.
Others that I like are: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Alexander Dumas, and I’m wanting to read Andrew Peterson’s stuff but I haven’t yet XD I’m sure there’s a ton of others but these are what I have on the brain right now lol.
(We seriously do!! It’s amazing!) That’s sooo cool that you’re learning ASL and Latin!! (No joke, I have serious respect for Latin Learners XD Is it hard to find material to help you learn it better like movies or songs and stuff?). I’ve also been wanting to learn ASL!! I used to have a deaf neighbor that taught me a few words, but that’s my extent XD It’s so cool tho!
Yes!!! I’m so grateful to missionaries. I know a family from Texas that are missionaries to Jamaica and have lived there for 10 years now. It’s kind of funny when they come back to visit because they have this Southern Texas-Jamaican accent blend XD It’s amazing XD
You’d think they would, but if you keep your languages different enough, they can actually help you learn each other?? Chinese is way different from Spanish (Plus, where I’m from a lot of people speak Spanish so I already knew a few things to start), both languages are way different from Russian, etc. If I learn a new word in Russian that sounds slightly similar to one I know well in Spanish, that can help me memorize it better!
It is!! That would be awesome if you go into the medical field. What division do you think you might go into?
Absolutely XD I have a deep love for puns XD
Thanks for answering my long message bahaha XD (And I’m copying this one in case it deletes again 😉
"It's easy to be caught up in stardust and whispers when reality is so dark and loud."
September 5, 2021 at 1:17 pm #104198@madelyn I enjoy it when I’m not crying, heh. Which I think can be said about anything.
Lately, it's been on my brain
Would you mind letting me know
If hours don't turn into daysSeptember 5, 2021 at 2:16 pm #104199Anonymous
- Rank: Eccentric Mentor
- Total Posts: 1789
Ah, yes! I understand that! I’ve only read Persuasion and Pride and Prejudice…so far. And P&P is definitely my favorite…because, hello, MR. DARCY. Emma is next on the docket, though!
Of course! Ooh…that’s a really neat idea!! I’ll have to try that sometime!
Well, Mr. Darcy, for one. XD And Rhett Butler and Scarlet O’Hara. And Ky from Unblemished. And…augh, there are too many to count! What about yours?
Haha, I’m glad you think so! Who knows! XD Aw, thank you! 😀
September 5, 2021 at 6:13 pm #104204@madelyn sorry if you get like five emails of my response, the forum ate it again
I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title
September 5, 2021 at 9:31 pm #104206For maps I do them on paper with pencils. They’re more simple style but I try to make them somewhat detailed according to what’s important in the story I’m writing. I do the rough in regular pencil, use the pencil and eraser to fine tune it, pencil in landmarks (forests, lakes, canyons, etc), color in the whole map with different colored pencils depending on the region, and make a color code for it.
Ah yes. What have me the inspiration to write down my memories was me telling my friends and cousins about things that had happened and they’re like “What? I have no idea. You have a good memory!” So I thought why not put it to use beyond learning whatever in books and school?
Oh your WIP sounds cool. Mine is indirectly about a princess who is taken from her country but has hidden her identity when country taken over by enemies and needs she to figure out how to reclaim her country and bring peace without being forced to marry the enemy king.
Yes, I like it when a book goes down a path that you never saw coming. I like to be surprised by them.
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - Gandalf
October 15, 2021 at 12:01 am #105727Hi, Madelyn!
I love a lot of those authors too! The knights of Arrethrae series made a huge impression on me when I was younger, especially Sir Dalton’s one.
I think your WIP sounds really cool!
I love the stories about royalty.
I love writing stories about royalty😂
This is the hook for my current MS:
A Usurper’s Heir. A True Prince. Two Families, One Kingdom …
… But What If Each So-Called Prince Were the Hero?
What if Neither Were the Rightful Heir?
So yeah, that’s my story’s premise. I like your profile pic with the wave, did you paint it? I love doing art too, and I really need to get around to making my own maps😊
Nice meeting you!
—Tráhia the Minstrel
The end of a story, a beautiful picture; a feeling of longing yet hope~
That’s my wish to create.November 24, 2021 at 10:45 pm #107539It’s been a while since I’ve popped into the forum, and I’m so sorry I never replied to y’all!! Life got crazy!!
I guess now is as good a time as any since I happen to be the Queen of Belated Things (hence, the title of this thread…and the fact that I’m still working on a birthday gift for a friend who had her birthday in August… and how I’m still working on my NaNoWriMo novel from 2019… etc, etc XD)
That sounds interesting! I actually don’t use YouTube very often (I’m very easily hooked onto that kind of thing, so I try to avoid even starting XD), but thanks for the recommendation anyways!
Communities are awesome!! I’m excited to be able to ask y’all for advice and help on writer stuff (I already have several forum posts drafted in my head XD).
Aww, I’m sorry about your experience with Wattpad 🙁 I’m so glad you found KP though!!
That painting sounds AMAZING! I’m fascinated by glass and water (and fire, ice, wind, smoke, light, stars, etc etc), so your description of that painting excites me 🙂 Can I ask, how do you paint reflective/clear things like glass and water? That’s always been a challenge for me in art.
The cat story *commence wincing* was about a girl who found a cat that had been run over by a car and brought it home. That’s about as far as I got. I was probably about 6-7 years old; I wrote it in my mom’s notebook during a church service (or maybe a meeting?).
I did take a look at a story I quit only a few years ago, and (though the grammar is atrocious) it might be something I’d come back to… in the next twenty years or so… 😉
Those are all great authors! Fawkes by Nadine Brandes is by far one of the best stories I’ve ever read. The concept of it is so unique!
Ooh, yes, I love Andrew Peterson’s books 🙂 His sense of humor is incredibly witty. I hope you enjoy them too!
Yes, I’m really loving ASL and Latin!! I’m mostly just getting the basics of Latin down, but I’m hoping to dive deeper with ASL. To be honest, I haven’t been doing Latin long enough to be looking for material to read, so I really can’t say if it’s hard to find XD Yes, I would highly recommend learning ASL! It’s a super fun language, and a great skill to have.
Yes, missionaries are amazing! Now I’m curious about what a Southern Texas-Jamaican accent would sound like!! Accents are fascinating to learn about, even within the USA. Being from the Midwest, I’ve been looking into what Midwesterners sound like to other parts of the USA. Apparently, we like to stress our “oooooohs”! Out of curiousity, if you’re from a other part of the USA, what do Midwesterners sound like to you? And what is different about our vocabulary? I’m really interested by this ;P
I’m not quite sure what part of the medical field I’d like to go into; there are so many options! I think I’m going for a general health sciences degree which I could work into a more specific degree.
No problem, I love long messages!! (Even though I take months to reply sometimes… ;P)
Oofda, I hear ya! Computer science definitely sounds tough!
Ooh, yes, Mr. Darcy is a fascinating character! I love how Austen really lets his true character come out as the story goes on to show how first impressions can be misleading. Coincidently, she originally titled the book First Impressions before it was published XD
Hmmm, I really love Kalmar and Artham from The Wingfeather Saga… Fanny from Mansfield Park… Felicity from A Snicker of Magic… and the main character (I forgot her name! XD) from The Wide, Wide World… and a ton more!
That’s so cool! Color-coding a map is a great idea, I haven’t tried that yet!
That’s a great idea!! It’s awesome that you have such a good memory, I’m sure that comes in handy a lot! I, for one, wish I could remember more stories from when I was younger, so putting it in a book is a great idea!
I love the sound of your book!!
Yes! Sir Dalton was one of my favorites. I used to only read Sir Dalton, Lady Carliss, and Sir Rowan over and over again XD
Thank you! Yep, royalty is fun to write about. There are so many twists you can put on it.
Your story’s premise is gripping!! I love it! It presents such an intriguing situation, and definitely would make someone want to read it 🙂
Nope, I didn’t paint my profile picture (I found it online), though I wish I did!! I haven’t tried painting yet; I mainly work with colored pencils. Yes, you should totally try to draw a map!! It’s so fun!
Nice meeting you too!
~In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found~
November 24, 2021 at 11:35 pm #107541@madelyn, hi!
So…if your post was belated, so is this reply. Sorry.
I am literally (quite literally) going to rattle my chair apart with exitement. C. S. Lewis, S. D. Smith, Andrew Peterson, Jane Austen, AND Chuck Black?! Sir Dalton is amazing. We just finished listening to Sir Quinlan for the second time this evening. YOU LIKE FANNY PRICE? She is one of my favorites. Have you read Persuasion? And S. D. Smith…. Did you like/read Jane Eyre? Ok, I’ll quiet down, it’s getting late anyway.
As for your questions, I’ll see what I can do.
A good book is neither explicit nor edgy, but more than that, a good book edifies the reader. You know that deep ache when a book was so beautiful it’s hard to express? Or that fulfillment found in the last chapter of certain works? Or what about when a book reflects something in a new light or reveals a truth you’d never thought of? Yeah, that’s a good book.
My passions/intrests other than writing are my family, children’s ministry, reading, friendships, cooking/baking, history, historical clothing, music (mainly piano, and can play little) and foreign languages/cultures, especially Hebrew and Russian.
You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan
November 25, 2021 at 9:51 am #107543I’m glad you like the sound of my novel. I’ve actually started writing more of it in the last few weeks. I started a topic on the forum on “How to do a non-cliché escape scene” because I’m trying to figure one out. If you have any advice I’d be glad to have it on there too.
You like CHUCK BLACK! I grew up on those books! My absolute favorite of “The Kingdom’s Series” and “The Knights of Arethtrae” are Kingdom’s Edge, Kingdom’s Call, Sir Quinlin, and Lady Carless. I listened to the audiobooks over and over and over again and assisted Carless, Gavin, Quinlin, and Leinad and Tess and etcetera in many of their adventures in my games. I explored the length and breadth of “The Kingdom” on missions for the King. lol
I still love those books now. Chuck Black has a new series called the “Starlore Legacy”. It’s also an allegorical series but set in a technological outer space sort of setting. I’ve listened to the first two and the third just came out.
This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - Gandalf
November 25, 2021 at 6:07 pm #107552No problem, like I said, I am The Queen of Belated Things! That your reply to my belated post should be belated is perfect for the theme of belated-ness 🙂
They are all such AMAZING authors!! Chuck Black and C.S. Lewis wrote some of the best Christain allegories I’ve ever read. YES, Fanny Price is one of my favorite Austen characters. All of Austen’s main characters from her other novels have such distinct personalities, but I love Fanny because of her quiet humility. You don’t find that kind of character in modern fiction! Most books nowadays have spunky, fiery female characters (which, don’t get me wrong, can be really good characters), but I’d love to see more gentle characters like Fanny Price (or what’s-her-name from The Wide, Wide World… how did I forget her name?? XD)
Anyhow, that was a little rant 🙂
Yes, I’ve read Persuasion! I’ve read all of Austen’s books. They’re so well-written! Each of them seems to have different strength. Persuasion is one of the most gripping and high-staked of her novels. Which is your favorite?
I absolutely love your description of a good book!!! Reading it immediately reminded of all my favorite books 😉
Wow, you’ve got a ton of hobbies! I love it! What kind of things do you like to bake/cook? Can you speak/write in any foreign languages?
Ooh, I’m so glad you’re been writing! I’ll be sure to check out that thread! 🙂
I grew up on them too!! They were definitely one of the books that inspired me to write.
YESSS, I totally get the “adventuring with your favorite characters” kind of thing. I did that in my head all the time!!
Ooh, I think I’ve heard of that! Are they good? I’ve honestly not read any of his books besides The Kingdon Series and The Knights of Arrethrae XD
(Love your signature by the way!)
~In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found~
November 25, 2021 at 6:47 pm #107554Exactly. Fanny’s humility and quiet strength are so underrepresented in modern literature. My favorites of her books are probably Persuasion, Mansfield Park, Pride and Prejudice, and Northanger Abbey (that last one is her lightest work, in my opinion).
OooooOooOo, yes. I hope my books turn out as good as the authors’ who inspired them. 😉 Have you read George MacDonald or Howard Pyle? What’s your favorite of C .S. Lewis’ ?
This is going to sound crazy, but… I actually forgot to add a few other hobbies. XD I also like drawing, Bible Quizzing, and anything else I forget at the moment.
I like baking pastry like pie crusts and bread especially, and I like to cook soups, and brown ground beef.
I am learning Hebrew and Russain, with an emphasis on the first. I would also like to learn Old English, German, and Gælic. (Yeah, I’m crazy.)
I’m glad my description was intelligible. That’s exactly how I feel about good literature.
The King reigns!
You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan
November 25, 2021 at 7:04 pm #107556Ive really enjoyed his Starlore series. Personally think it’s really good.
I’ve not read/listened to any of his books other than the kingdom, knights, and Starlore series.I know he has another series called “the Wars of the Realm” but my Dad said those ones are really weird that he took too much artistic license in describing angels and other things in the spiritual realm. So yeah, I’ve never read those.
(Thanks. I like yours too. It’s one of my favourite songs.)
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - Gandalf
November 25, 2021 at 9:33 pm #107557“…and His Son!” Amen.
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - Gandalf
November 25, 2021 at 9:38 pm #107558John 10:30! 🙂
You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan
November 25, 2021 at 9:51 pm #107559Amen.
I love finding out the scriptures through chasing down an allegory.
You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan
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