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- This topic has 31 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 3 months ago by
August 31, 2021 at 3:46 pm #103998
I joined the Kingdom Pen forum back in December and made a few appearances, but I only just now got around to introducing myself!
Writing has been a passion of mine for a long time, but Kingdom Pen was really the place that encouraged me to get serious about it. About 4 years ago, I began reading the articles, stories, and poetry― as well as watching the videos. That was what really got me to take writing on a serious passion. Before KP, I hadn’t really known anything about writing (as my early works blatantly display). Through what I read on KP, I learned about characters, world-building, plot, cliches, and so much more!
Then I discovered the forum…
I can’t tell how many hours were spent reading through forum threads. Discovering the KP fanfiction scattered throughout it was a particular jewel 🙂
I had planned to join at some time, but before I could, KP went on its hiatus. I kept fairly up-to-date on the forum and still read older material. Life eventually got crazy, KP started back, I eventually joined the forum, made a few spontaneous appearances, put off writing an introduction post, andddd finally here I am!!
A bit about myself:
– I love absorbing information, researching anything I find interesting, and rambling about it to other people XD
– I have a passion for medical science and helping others and (as a result) aim to pursue a career in medicine.
– Art is another one of my pastimes, mainly landscapes, artistic lettering (does that count?), and map-making. I stick to pencils as a medium, but I’d love to branch out into paints (more of a dream than a goal, though 😉 )
– I love music (especially show tunes!), but mostly stick to listening to it and not playing it. I’ve found that instruments are not my forte… no musical pun intended… (ok maybe a little).
– I scored as an ENFP-T on the 16 personalities test for anyone interested (I’ve seen a lot of people mention their type around here, so I thought I might as well throw it in 😉 )
– My favorite authors include… J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Susan Warner, Jane Austen, Andrew Peterson, S. D. Smith, Nadine Brandes, Chuck Black, Natalie Lloyd, James Riley, Jessica Day George, Trenton Lee Stewart, Jennifer A. Nielsen, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Alexander Dumas, Charlotte Bronte, and those are just a few!
Now a couple of questions for you:
What do you think makes a good book?
Which of your passions (other than writing) can you see yourself making your full-time career?
Let’s throw out a few tags here…
@joy-caroline @daisy-torres @kathleenramm @mkfairygirl @nova21 @gracie-j @godlyfantasy12 @nanisnook @elfwing @faith-q @lewilliams @anyone @everyone
I look forward to meeting y’all!
~In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found~
August 31, 2021 at 4:32 pm #103999Hey there Madelyn, I’m Cathryn! I’m a big Conan Doyle and Tolkien fan as well! I love most genres of music (just don’t get me started on metal). I like to play music (I’m an avid guitar player), but I’m terrible at songwriting. Like, super terrible. So we all have our weaknesses. 😀 I’m an ESTP, I think. I’ve never taken an official test, so I’m not 100% sure.
In answer to your questions…
1) A good book is a balance of four things: well-developed characters, a credible theme, an amazing setting, and an enthralling plot.
2) I want to start my own publishing/editing company, although I’m still in the research phase for that. Editing is a hobby of mine. I would also like to be the guitarist for a band one day, but that’s a super distant dream. As is being a hairdresser.
August 31, 2021 at 5:45 pm #104000@cathrynv
Hey there, Cathryn!That’s awesome! Have you ever read The Silmarillion by Tolkien? It’s a bit of a hard read, but I really enjoyed it.
Ooh, I love the guitar! What kind of music do you like to play on it?
I love your answers 😀 That’s a good idea, the whole publishing/editing company! I love editing too; It’s really fun and even relaxing XD
~In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found~
August 31, 2021 at 7:21 pm #104004@madelyn Hi!! It’s great to finally meet you!!! (I’m an INFP-A, so we’re actually pretty close haha) I’m glad you finally decided to dive into the forums!
I’m very passionate about art! I tend to paint on random things I find interesting (which varies from my family’s kitchen cabinets to my ukulele…) but I also enjoy sketching. Fun fact about myself: I used to hate writing when I was little, until I figured out that I could make all my daydreams become a real story XD My first ‘novel’ only got to be 4 chapters long and was about an elderly couple trying to survive a dystopian New York City. I wrote that when I was like 9, without ever having read any dystopias XD It was garbage.
Dude, our favorite authors are literally the same!! I saw some you listed that I’ve never heard of before though, so I’ll definitely need to check those out!
I also looooove languages. I feel like God is calling me to China to do mission work some day, so I’m trying to learn Chinese. On the side, I’m also learning Spanish, Russian, and Korean XD
That’s so cool that you love medicine!! My grandfather is actually a Doctor, and my Aunt is a nurse! I don’t think I’ll ever pursue a medical career, but it is cool!
Okay that Forte pun was amazing. Always intend your puns XD It’s the ultimate power-move XDD
Looking forward to seeing you around!!
"It's easy to be caught up in stardust and whispers when reality is so dark and loud."
September 1, 2021 at 2:41 am #104040Hi there! I’m elfwing the Tolkien nerd!’I love info too! Especially possible communication of the Aztec, Mayan and olmecs with Asian culture!
I think a good book is written by someone who knows what they are writing, which is why Tolkien and Lewis were such amazing writers; their worlds weren’t just fantasy to them, they were real and tangible to their minds.
That’s my long-winded answer lol
As for a career based on my passion ; book illustrator
author, I’m totally not thinking author right now😆Well, it’s great to meet you! See ya around
This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by
I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title
September 1, 2021 at 2:43 am #104042@madelyn that is so wonderful you want to pursue a medical career, go for it girl! 🙂
I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title
September 1, 2021 at 10:11 am #104059@madelyn Hey there! Nice to meet you!
I think a good book is something that makes me feel something (no, not cringe or anger or absolute regret or anything like that) but one that makes you think about it long after you close the pages.
Full-time career? Well, I’m currently studying computer science, so…
Lately, it's been on my brain
Would you mind letting me know
If hours don't turn into daysSeptember 1, 2021 at 6:45 pm #104084Hey @madelyn ! I’m Ella, and I’m an ENFP-T too! XD I know, KP was like finding a diamond, it’s so amazing. <33
I LOVE art! Especially drawing flowers. I do a lot of concept art for my books too.
What’s your favorite genre of music? I like r&b and hip/hop. \
What’s your WIP about? Mine is about a spy, and that’s pretty much all I know rn XD
To answer your questions…
What makes a good book (imo), is a strong theme and motivations in characters. I feel like, even if the dialogue or romance is cheesy, you can always go away knowing some sort of truth. That may just be me though. =)
A passion that I might be able to make into a career is graphic design, piloting (which I have ZERO experience with, it just looks fun), or sports medicine/training. I love me some sports! XD
ANyways, welcome back and it’ll be great to see you ’round! =)
what we do in life echoes in eternity
-gladiator, 2000September 1, 2021 at 8:18 pm #104093Anonymous
- Rank: Eccentric Mentor
- Total Posts: 1789
@madelyn Girl, I joined the forum a year ago and I still haven’t introduced myself… *whispers* I am the ghost of Kingdom Pen…
ANYWAY!!! I am SO glad you found KP and I’m SO glad to find another Jane Austen fan! *squeals* Do you have a favorite of hers???
Also, YES! Artistic lettering DEFINITELY counts! I would looove to do that, actually, but my art + handwriting skills are, uh, sorely lacking. XD
To answers your questions…
#1 Probably characters. I mean, I prefer a well-rounded experience of quality writing, a unique plot, strong themes, etc…but when it boils down to it, I need characters I can connect with!
#2 Uuuummm…there really isn’t anything other than writing. XD But I do feel called to be a missionary, although that’s more of a ministry than a career. Back in the day, I wanted to be a ballerina…and I think if I never started writing, I might would’ve strove for that more. *shrugs* Who knows!
ANYWAY, it’s so great to meet you!! <333
September 1, 2021 at 9:57 pm #104100Hi! It’s wonderful to meet you!
I have to agree with Lin on your question about what makes a good book. If the author doesn’t set up a world or characters or story that doesn’t make you feel anything meaningful, then I don’t really see the point.
As for passions for a full time career… Honestly I have no idea, haha. I’m just always trying out new things and tying to do my best at it.
What’s a trait or thing you do that a lot of people would not expect when meeting you for the first time?
September 2, 2021 at 10:42 pm #104142Hi, @madelyn, nice to meet you! I’m Faith, and I’m kinda a mix of INTJ and INTP (both personality tests and I can never quite decide). I also see a lot of ENTJ and ENTP in me, though… just call me unique 🙂
I agree; information is the best! Especially if it’s random, interesting information. At that point, I’m hooked.
And here you got me again! J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Jane Austen, Andrew Peterson, S. D. Smith, Nadine Brandes, Trenton Lee Stewart, Jennifer A. Nielsen, Alexander Dumas, Charlotte Bronte… all absolutely terrific authors! I actually just finished a book by Trenton Lee Stewart.
Ooh…. I think it takes a vivid imagination. Plot, characters, theme, etc. are all SO important, but you need an imagination for all of that (and this is my cheater’s way of saying I have no idea which of those is the most important). 😛
Well, when I graduate I want to earn my degree as an American Sign Language Interpreter, so I guess that…. I just love languages in general, to be honest. Right now I’m *kinda* learning Spanish and German on the side, but ASL is my main language, and I’m absolutely loving it. I really feel God calling me to minister and maybe even be a missionary to the Deaf community.
Two questions for you: What is your WIP about? And what is the fire in your belly that pushes you beyond writer’s block and forces your pen to the page (or, in my case, your fingers to the keys)? In other words, why do you, Madelyn, write?
September 3, 2021 at 7:08 pm #104164A rather belated response, to a rather belated introduction. (4 days… Perhaps not belated enough. Maybe I should wait a little longer to post this post, so it has more belatedness??) Greetings! It’s nice to meet another Nielsen fan! I’m Power, but you can just call me Power! Or the Magnificent Mangy Marooned Mud Mouse if you feel the need to. I’m an avid reader who ferociously devours books, a not so great sword fighter (need a
littlelot more practice), and an Imaginator of daring deeds (in most cases with me being the star.) Well I’ll let you get back to whatever you were doing. Hope you have a great day and don’t get trampled by a slightly irritated iguana.You will love what you spend time with.
September 3, 2021 at 8:46 pm #104168Hello Madelyn it’s wonderful to make your acquaintance.
Yes, I think artistic lettering counts as art and I enjoy making maps for my novel which I’m continually adding to the history and timeline of but which never seems to get written. I’m currently working on a book or maybe more accurately a collection of short stories of my memories of myself and my family from my earliest remembrances so an autobiography of sorts and I greatly enjoy writing poetry any time it comes to mind. What is your WIP?
I’m a ISFJ-A on the 16 personalities test. I also greatly enjoy Tolkien, Lewis, Jane Austen, and Chuck Black’s books. You are one of the few people I’ve come across who knows who Chuck Black is. Have you read his newest series? The Starlore Legacy? I greatly enjoyed the first two.What makes a book good for me is believable, relatable characters and a good theme that makes you to ponder the lessons it teaches after you’ve read it. Also, a book needs a good enough plot that I can’t foretell the rest of the book from beginning to end after reading only the first chapter. What makes a book good for you?
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - Gandalf
September 5, 2021 at 9:48 am #104192You guys are awesome! I can’t believe how quickly y’all replied to my post. You certainly know how to make a newcomer (or oldcomer XD) feel welcome!! Sorry that I took so long to respond! I wanted to get all the replies done at once.
Hi!! Ooh, yeah we are pretty close! To be honest, my type has fluctuated but I mainly stay ENFP-T 😉
I’m glad I have too!! I’m really excited to be involved in a writing community and have a place to ask questions, help other writers, and just talk about book stuff in general ;P
I love your approach to art, just painting whatever you find interesting!! Which of your paintings do you like best?
Wow, for a first story that was actually a really unique idea!! My first novel was about a cat. My second was about a castle. I’d say a dystopian story about an elderly couple outranks those in creativity by far! XD (As a side note, you inspired me to go and look up my old stories. It was a hilarious (yet cringy) trip down memory lane XD)
That’s so cool that we like the same authors!!!! Which are your favorites?? Yes, a few of the ones I mentioned are less known for their names and more known for their books (like Susan Warner who wrote The Wide, Wide World, or Alexander Dumas who wrote The Count of Monte Cristo).
I love languages too! (Dude, we have so many similar interests!) It might just be because I love learning new things, but I’ve always wanted to learn a ton of languages (sadly, English and book-ranting are the only ones I am currently fluent in). Right now I’m taking ASL and Latin, so I’m excited to dive further into those!
That’s amazing that you want to be a missionary!! People all around the world need to hear the truth, and I’m so grateful to those who travel to spread the gospel and minister to others 🙂
Wow, is it hard to be learning FOUR languages at once?? I would totally get words mixed between languages XD
I really do love medicine!! It’s so fascinating. That’s awesome that you have relatives in that field!
I’m quite glad you appreciated my musical pun *flourishing bow*. I’ve had it up my sleeve for quite some time 😉
The Tolkien nerd?! We totally need to talk sometime about Tolkien, because I love his world-building!! Have you read the Silmarillion?
I can’t not ask about this Aztec/Mayan/Olmec thing because that sounds SO cool!! What do you know about it?
Great answer to the book question! Tolkien and Lewis are truly masterminds of writing and world-building.
A book illustrator sounds like such a fun job!! What’s your style of art?
Hi!! Nice to meet you too!
That’s so true! There are very few books that really made me think long after I finished them. They are rare jewels!
Ooh, that’s cool! Do you enjoy computer science?
Hi there!! Ooh, that’s cool that we’re the same type!
KP is amazing; my writing journey would have been very different (and possibly much shorter…) if I hadn’t found it years ago. I’ve learned so much from the articles and such!
Yay, another artist!! (doesn’t it feel like art and writing often go hand-in-hand?). Flowers have such deep and interesting beauty, I can see why you’d want to capture them on paper! What types of flowers are your favorite to draw?
I love show tunes, and I really like the twang-y southern sound of country music, though to be honest, I don’t really have any country songs/artists that I listen to XD. Classical is also beautiful!
I have a couple of WIPs, but one of my main ones (Escaping the Throne is its current title) is about a royal heiress fleeing her life to escape inheriting the throne.
Sounds awesome! Is your WIP still in the early stages of development then?
Yes, I totally understand that!! I’ve read wayyy too many books that had a very weak or cheesy message, and, even if the rest is good, the poor theme prevented it from being a really good book.
I love graphic design!! And, you’re right, being a pilot sounds really fun XD
Yep, looking forward to hanging out with all y’all Keepers/Kapefeers/whatever Kingdom Pen-ers are called nowadays XD
Oooh, the ghost of Kingdom Pen, you say? Sounds very mysterioussss *cue ominous music*
I’m so glad to be here!!!!!! All of Jane Austen’s books are so well-crafted, it’s hard to pick a favorite!! Mine would probably be Manfield Park, because of the main character and depth of plot, but also because it’s so long and also a little under-appreciated XD. I love them all though! Persuasion is gripping, Northanger Abbey is hilarious, Sense and Sensibility is sweet, Emma is so deep, and Pride and Prejudice has good reason to be a classic! What’s your favorite?
*looks back at that paragraph and realizes how many long rambling sentences there are*
*suppresses the frantic inner editor*
Yay, I’m glad it counts!!! XD I wasn’t sure, since it’s kind of a mix between writing and art. Like a hybrid 😉 Don’t worry, my handwriting is less than… neat… as well ;P I usually copy fonts from a book to start with, that way I can both learn from them and embellish on them.
Characters are SUPER SUPER important to a book. What are some of your favorite characters?
I’m sure you could be a superb writing ballerina missionary if the opportunity presented itself XD But in all seriousness, that’s wonderful that you’re considering mission work!!
It’s great to meet you!
That is very true, some authors make the mistake of diving right into the story and leave their readers a little discombobulated.
*I might have just used that word because it’s fun to say ;)*
That’s a great way to look at it! What new things have you tried lately?
Hmmm, good question! I suppose new acquaintances might be surprised when I later tend to experiment with different voices, accents, and vocabulary randomly in conversation. I do it often with family (almost subconsciously), and sometimes it leaks into other socialization when I feel comfortable/familiar with the people around me.
Hey there!
Yeah, it can be pretty hard to pinpoint your exact personality type. And it’s confusing when you get different results!
I know, right?? I really love looking up fun facts (though I rarely check up on their authenticity as I should…)
Ooh, what book was it?
That was a good all-encompassing answer 😉 Not only that, but a lot of books lack imagination and revert to cliche… so, you’re right, it’s very very important!!
No kidding, I love ASL!!! I’ve even considered being an interpreter myself! I’ve learned some of it a couple of years ago and now I relearning it for free through https://www.lifeprint.com.
That would be amazing if you were to be a missionary to the deaf! I’m sure you could be a blessing to many people 😀
I often have trouble explaining my WIP, but, in short, it’s about a royal heiress fleeing her life to escape inheriting the throne. What about yours?
Ooh, I love that question! Here we go!
I write to glorify God above all (1 Cor. 10:31)
I write to praise God for the beauty all around that he has gifted us with
I write to share truth with others
I write to use the wonderful gift of words to explore the wonderful world of imagination
I write to create something that will display God’s power
And, yes, I even just write for fun ;P
What about you? What drives you to write?
And here is my slightly belated response to your sort of belated reply to my very belated introduction 😉
Hi, Power, I’d be happy to call you Power!! I am curious to know the origin of the name: The Magnificent Mangy Marooned Mud Mouse or if it was perhaps given on a sudden burst of inspiration? Regardless, it is a noble title and I shall endeavor to use it whenever I can.
I’m also curious (and slightly concerned) about your tendency to ingest books. Is this a regular thing?
Yessss, I just saw that iguana and luckily managed to avoid its warpath. Thanks for the heads up!
(I also translated your signature, and now I’m wondering about your home planet…)
It’s wonderful to meet you too!
Ooh, what style of maps do you draw? (colored, simple, complicated, old-looking, realistic, 3D, etc…)
That sounds like a really fun book!! And I’m sure it’ll be handy to record your memories so that you always have it for future reference (I have the memory of a goldfish, so that’s why that particular point came to mind XD).
My WIP is about a royal heiress fleeing her life to escape inheriting the throne (though lately, I’ve been working on other projects). What about yours?
I haven’t read that; I’ve actually only read his Kingdom Series and the Knights of Arrethrae. I’ll have to look into the Starlore Legacy!
Yes, predictable books really lack quality. It can be fun, however, when you think a book is predictable and it takes a totally different path than you expected XD
I’d say a good book is one where every word, every character, every piece of information, every subplot, and everything all serve a purpose and come together to weave a masterful and intricate work of art.
It’s great to meet y’all!!!
*now I’m wondering if this post will even be accepted because it’s so long XD*
*is there a word limit for these things? I guess I’ll find out in a minute…*
~In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found~
September 5, 2021 at 10:39 am #104193@madelyn You know, if you ever want to learn more about the mbti types, there’s a youtuber called Frank James and he does a lot of funny skits, personality tests, and more that help better teach you about your/the types. Here’s a link to his channel if you’re interested! https://youtu.be/ASWXdj6QWtg
Yesss I’m really glad to be in this community too! I used to be on Wattpad a few years ago, but I felt like God wanted me to stop using it because the environment there was just getting increasingly worse. I was sooo sad to have to stop though because I had made some friends and gotten my book pretty big reader-wise, but I’m kinda glad I did. After that, I still wanted a writing community, but I wanted a safer one, and that’s basically how I found KP!! It’s been a game-changer for me XD
Hmm, which painting do I like best? I’m not really sure XD I did one fairly recently of a girl in an underwater glass tunnel that I loved. I’m not good with painting humans, but I thought the tunnel/ocean part turned out pretty cool!
Bahaha thanks! Aww, what was the cat story about? And lolll, did you find any interesting stories while you were digging? It can be fun *cough* or funny *cough* to go back down memory lane XD
My favorite authors are: Nadine Brandes, C. S. Lewis, Jennifer A. Nielsen (I could fangirl about her forever. Have you read her “Words on Fire” book? I actually just wrote a review that will be published on KingdomPen for it!), Arthur Conan Doyle (I love how he makes his own stories and yet adds so much history and just overall world-building to them!!), Alexander Dumas, Emily Bronte and Charlotte Bronte, but one of my all-time-favorites is Lucy Montgomery! I could talk about her stuff foreverrrr.
I’m trying to read Pride and Prejudice by Jaine Austin, but I haven’t really gotten into it yet. I’m not sure about her, we’ll see XD
(We seriously do! That’s so cool!!) Duudee, I’ve been wanting to learn ASL forever!! I used to have a deaf neighbor that taught me a few random words, but that’s pretty much all I know XD And people learning Latin have my respect XD It’s such a fascinating and cool language!!! Is it hard to find content to help you learn it better? (And girl, I understand. I’m also fluent in book-ranting XD)
Yes!! Same here. Missionaries are so amazing and selfless to do what they do! I know a family from Louisiana that are missionaries to Jamaica and have lived there for ten years now to do so! It’s so amazing.
Honestly, you’d think it is, but they actually help me memorize each other better! As long as I keep them different enough, they don’t get mixed up. Like Chinese is way different from Spanish, both are way different from Russian, and Korean is different enough from Chinese (although they’re kinda similar, so I’ll have to see how this one goes. It’s a newer language to me XD)
Absolutely!! That would be awesome if you decided to go into the medical field!
Oh, definitely XD I have a deep appreciation for any and all puns XD
Thanks for answering my long messages bahaha XD
"It's easy to be caught up in stardust and whispers when reality is so dark and loud."
This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by
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