A Do Your Worst Variant (Let’s share our old, and probably bad, work)

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      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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      Sadly I have discarded the really old stuff, I’m curious what it was. I shredded my diary in like 4th grade, really disapionted I wanna know what was in there 😭😭😭 Like I wanna read it again sooo bad. Just imagine the pure cringe of younger me writing about a crush like I want to read it!!!

      Haha, yeah, it’s always sad when they’re gone. I’ve destroyed many of my old things out of embarrassment but I still have plenty left.

      Lol anyways here is something I did find, these are drawings of if our toys were people 😂

      That is so fun! 😁

      Yes that character is named Henrietta (popsicale) bing bong.

      We don’t ask questions ok.

      It’s a wonderful name. 😁😁😁😄😆

      I love them!

      The thing at the bottom was a imitation of how I drew ballerina cats when I was little 😂 I don’t believe that is a original because of the time I had that coloring book, and the fact that genuine childhood cat ballerinas have larger ears.

      Ballerina cats! Yes! 😂😂😁😁 I went through a phase of drawing beret-wearing cats. I’ll have to find those, there were a lot.

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @mineralizedwritings. @felicity. @theloonyone. This is funny, because I recently started reading through some of my old writing lately, lol. Thank goodness, I’ve kept most, if not almost all, of my very old writing, and it is always SO MUCH FUN to read through. XD

        Y’all’s are great. XDXDXDXDXD

        But reading through my old writing, including old writing for my books now, shows how much me and my characters and skills have changed…xD

          • Rank: Chosen One
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          😲 Barret wearing cats? I need that in my life!!

          Sadly I have hardly any old writing left 😥 I got rid of stuff cuz I was trying to move out of a childhood phase I thought was embarrassing.

          "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

            • Rank: Chosen One
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            @mineralizedwritings. @theloonyone. @felicity.

            And I present to y’all, part of a crazy scary scene from February 2021, lol. XD Yes, only a year ago…I wrote this: (this isn’t all of it…but this is over half of it. xD)

            A door slammed, as the faintly opened curtains were tightened shut. A shadowy figure appeared, his harsh face faintly illuminated by the ever-growing fire contained in the large fireplace. “So…we’ve finally caught you.” The man turned, and Leon immediately (originally spelled immedietlly…) recognized him. General Riker. “I guess you could say that.” Riker chuckled and rubbed a gloved hand through his short, straight, silky dark brown hair, a faint grin appearing on his pointed face. (I described his hair so much…lol) “Still the same as ever it seems.” Riker said with yet another chuckle, as his dark blue eyes sparkled in amusement. “As are you.” Leon replied, jaw set tight. Riker chuckled once again, but his grin quickly faded, as he approached Leon, his dark, shined, slick boots pummeling on the hard wooden floor. He used his height as a tool, towering over Leon. “Give me one good reason I shouldn’t kill you right now.” Riker said, as he raised Leon’s chin, forcing him to look at him. “After all, we don’t want anything to go awry, do we?”

              • Rank: Chosen One
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              Not actually scary, but it’s some scary writing. XDXDXDXD

                • Rank: Chosen One
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                Ok so… was Riker always your boi… or was that a recent change? 😂

                I really don’t like him here tbh 🤣 Like the slim pointy face makes him seem like such a villian! He seems very not lovable here. Also that’s not too bad for old writing, I mean I could imagine it quite well!

                "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 446


                  I’ve written without a plot before, I just find myself better at the coming up with the story part than the actually writing it part. Like I can imagine it the words are just bad. I’ve definitely gotten a lot better, though. Practice!

                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 446


                    Here’s some, but there are far more from where it comes from

                    I realized that not all of them have a baret, but they all have a very curly mustache

                      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                      • Total Posts: 199

                      @theloonyone @everyone else

                      Hey there! I’m a little late to this but . . . I have something to share. (lol I have a lot. I saved everything from when I was little)

                      I think I was about 7 when I wrote this story. My dad lovingly typed it for me and I sent it to all my relatives for Christmas. (my grandpa still mentions it–how good it was. :D)

                      Here are some excerpts:

                      First, the introduction:

                      Once there lived a girl named Lily. She had five brothers and sisters. They were named
                      Grace, Holly, Mark, Mia, and Felicia. Grace, Mark, and Lily were nine. Holly was one. Mia and Felicia were twelve.

                      Triplets and twins. (I thought twelve was so old lol)

                      They lived on a farm. The animals that they had were horses, cows, sheep, goats, pigs, and chickens. The pets they had were three dogs, five fish, two cats, and one hamster. The cats were named Snowball and Molly. The dogs were named Fluffy, Macey, and Mickey. Lily’s horse was named Apple, Grace’s was Spotty, and Mark’s was Max. The house was not a farm house though! It had four stories!

                      Lol, that’s a big house! “Not a farm house” evidently.

                      The first story had a living room, a dining room, and a kitchen. The second story just had crawlspace. But the crawlspace was secret.

                      That still cracks me up 🙂

                      The third story had an office for everyone but Holly. The fourth story had bedrooms for everyone. Lily, Grace, and Holly had one. Mark had his own. Felicia and Mia had one. Their mom and dad had one. That was their house.
                      Outside it was very nice. The farm was the only thing that you could see. There was a
                      long gravel driveway. Off the side of the driveway was a henhouse and a pigpen, as well as
                      grass, grass, and more grass which Lily called the yard. On the other side closest to the driveway was the cow pasture. Next to the cow pasture was the grass horse corral. On the other side of the horse corral was the horse pasture. Closest to the side of the horse pasture that was farthest away from the driveway was the horse barn. On the right side of the horse barn was the hay field. On the left side of the horse barn was the goat barn. On the left side of the goat barn was the cow barn. On the left side of the cow barn was the sheep barn. On the left side of the sheep barn was the sheep pasture.
                      The left side of the sheep barn was behind the house. Closest to the side farthest away from the house was the goat pasture. A way off on the right side of the goat pasture there was the sand horse corral. A little way off from the horse corral was the garden. In the cow barn there were stalls for twenty cows. In the horse barn there were stalls for nine horses.

                      Lol, the writing is so bad! Here’s another, the second chapter.

                      Grace woke up. She wanted to get out of bed so Lily would not shake her. So, now that
                      she was up, she wanted to shake Lily! Grace did this.
                      Lily said, “Let’s go wake up the others!”
                      “Well,” said Grace. “OK, but I will say it is your idea if they, (I mean Mia and Felicia)
                      get mad.”
                      “They will not get mad, “Lily said. “And if they do, well, you did say OK.”
                      “Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, that smells YUUUUUMMMYYYY, said Grace.

                      What does?

                      They found Mark and Mia at the table. After they ate, they went to church. At 6:00 they
                      went to church. They did the chores, ate dinner and went to bed.

                      I have some other stories, too. I might post some more tomorrow if you all are interested!

                      Dark is the Shadow, and yet my heart rejoices.

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 446


                        Haha, I like it! And as @mineralizedwritings said, it’s pretty good for old writing. Just those couple of spots of over-description. 😁😂

                          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                          • Total Posts: 199


                          I also would like to share my first story that I ever wrote down on my own. It was entitled “Mr. Strawberry.” (I might have been 4 or 5 when I wrote it?) Here goes:

                          Mr. Strawberry was a strawberry. Now he is a He.

                          That’s all.

                          I couldn’t think of how to express that Mr. Strawberry had turned into a man, so I had to do with “now he is a He” with a capital letter.

                          I meant to continue the story, but never got around to it.

                          Dark is the Shadow, and yet my heart rejoices.

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 446


                             (lol I have a lot. I saved everything from when I was little)

                            Haha, same! And even though they all sat and did nothing for a while, I’m glad I can bring them out into the open now. Beware, they’re a little dusty.

                            I think I was about 7 when I wrote this story. My dad lovingly typed it for me and I sent it to all my relatives for Christmas. (my grandpa still mentions it–how good it was. :D)

                            Aw, that’s so nice 😊😊

                            On the left side of the horse barn was the goat barn. On the left side of the goat barn was the cow barn. On the left side of the cow barn was the sheep barn. On the left side of the sheep barn was the sheep pasture.

                            I was cracking up so much while reading this part 🤣😂 I love how kids have every little detail thought out in their heads. And then they list it all.

                            I have some other stories, too. I might post some more tomorrow if you all are interested!

                            Oh yeah! This one was really fun! I love seeing young kids writing (especially knowing that they grew up, kept writing, and got even better at it). And it’s funny. 😂😂

                              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                              • Total Posts: 193

                              @mineralizedwritings Great topic!

                              @freedomwriter76 @starofthenorth @theloonyone

                              This is all so great you guys! I like the cat ballerinas too. 🙂

                              So unfortunately, I do not have the first book I started to write . . . I was 7 or 8 and I was getting bored during my sister’s cello lesson so I started writing The Mystery of the Queen’s Missing Jewels. I had just read a Boxcar Children book with the same title, and what I started to write was essentially a Boxcar Children book. I didn’t know about plagiarism yet. :0 It was pretty bad. I had three suspects, all of whom had not stolen the jewels and all of whom did have bad tempers. I had no idea who had actually taken the jewels, LOL.

                              So I gave up.

                              I still have drafts of my next book (which was awful as well, but not plagiarism at least) which I might share tomorrow.

                              Be brave. Be strong. Be bold.
                              -Christopher Blakewell

                                • Rank: Chosen One
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                                @starofthenorth oh man I laughed at the Mr Strawberry oooone!! Our little kid brains are just so cute and cringy….



                                @freedomwriter76 AHHHH NO NO NO NO NO!!!! *makes a cross with fingers* NEH NEH NEH!!! NO RIKER AS A VILLAIN!! NIET!!! 😭





                                I always made stories, mostly in notebooks drawing during services, and mostly about orphans (of course) or talking animals (also of course XD)


                                which also included long lost princesses and such (again…of course XD)



                                but I didn’t actually start “writing” till I was I believe eight, and when I did there were 2 things I started with.


                                1. A detective series I wanted to be like Nancy Drew (which I went back to multiple times over the years and had many ideas for and all the writing was cringe in every single one…oh man… 🤦🏻‍♀️) called Anna Elm…(I still really luv that name tho…and if I do ever make a detective series or something…yea XD)


                                2. A fantasy (of course lol) about a princess named Light…who didn’t know she was a princess…who was also the daughter of the now evil overlord…





                                I actually wrote that book.


                                At the age of 8.


                                And my mom kept it.

                                I have it in a drawer in my closet. It is no longer on digital form (unless my mom has it or something) but it is on paper…and y’all, I didn’t even know how to do paragraphs when I wrote this lol!! The “chapters” are short one page paragraphs and…there might be 10? 12? Idk…but yea!


                                I tried to rewrite it twice I think, or rework on it, but scrapped it later XD!!


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  I can…uh…take a picture of the first chapter.


                                  Disclaimer…I was EIGHT when I wrote this (I believe) somewhere around there XD.


                                  I didn’t even know about making a new paragraph when someone spoke 🤣


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